Learn a Little About Him

I am sure many of us love to hear missionary news: how God convinces the Hindoos, the Chinese or Japanese, or other heathen, of the truth revealed in the Bible that Christ, and Christ Jesus alone, can save sinners. Mr. Moor-house, one of our missionaries, tells us of a bigoted Hindoo who utterly opposed Christian preaching in his village. He was the landowner. He opposed them violently. A dear old catechist, full of wisdom which comes from above, led the excited young man on one side, saying, “My friend, before you abuse Jesus Christ, learn a little about Him, and if you will read our holy Book, I will give you my own New Testament.” The young man promised he would, and took the Book home. He read it, prayed, and believed, and for about two years he was a secret believer; then he came to some special services and was convinced that he should openly confess Christ, and he received baptism publicly, in the presence of all his friends.
So I would say to all my readers, “Learn a little about Him,” the Lord Jesus, who so greatly loves us, and yearns that we should, heart and soul, all be His, out and out, for half and half He has nothing to do with, but as He writes in Revelation, “Because thou art lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth.” So let us be out and out, hot for Him, and work for Him whilst we have time.
Emily P. Leakey.