Numberless incidents of life in the trenches during the terrible war have come to me, The life there has made men think of God. An utterly worldly man, who had been wounded, said to a comrade, “I’ve prayed night and morning since I’ve been in the trenches; if I get through this I have made up my mind to lead a better life.” An officer said to one who had spoken to him about death, “I’m not good enough to die yet.” just after he had said this he was shot dead.
A dear Christian worker writes: ― “On passing one of the ‘Message from God’ to someone to send to a soldier at the Front, they told me that he had written saying that he was in the trenches, and when a relief man came for him he was shot in front of him. While he was waiting for another to relieve him he said to himself, ‘Why was I spared?’ May your ‘Message’ sent to him be a message from God to him.”