Letters From My Young Friends.

THE following extracts from letters may prove of interest to the dear young readers of FAITHFUL WORDS, being written by three young people who have found out for themselves what a Saviour Jesus is:―
One says, “I can say I am saved, because I know Jesus took my sins to the cross, and bore them in my stead, and all I have to do is to rest upon the finished work.
“Please ask God to make me faithful, and to be watching for Jesus to come again.”
“I am very happy, trusting in the finished work of Christ,” says another.” I have been living and working for Jesus since last June, and am so pleased to reply to your letter.
“ ‘For I was lost and vile, indeed,
To sin a willing prey,
Till God in mercy interposed,
And turned my night to day.’”
“And what a sweet thing to know that we are safe in the Everlasting Arms, simply waiting for Him to come and take us to be with Himself above, and to be like Himself.”
“The Lord in His love called me from darkness to light, first by showing me my sinfulness, and then by revealing Himself as my Saviour,” is the testimony of a third.
“Oh, I do trust that He will keep me sitting at His feet, and following in His footsteps. This is my desire.”
“Naught, naught I count as pleasure,
Compared, O Christ, with Thee;
Thy sorrows without measure,
Earn’d peace and joy for me.”
“I can find no word better to express what I feel.”
May each dear young reader re-echo these words, and be able to say, “Jesus is mine.”
S. E. B.