FROM a child I was under strict ritualistic teaching, and for years I was in agony of mind about my soul’s eternal welfare, and sought to find rest of heart and ease of conscience in my own endeavors after good works. But the more I strove, the further I seemed from that rest of soul for which I so much longed, and my anxiety and misery increased.
While in this great agony of soul, the Lord led me one Sunday evening to a service in the small town of B―, in which I at present reside. During the service, I felt that the minister had that rest of soul, which I was so earnestly seeking, and I resolved, by God’s grace, that I would continue to attend his ministry until I also possessed it.
Though I seemed to be nearing the light, yet I was still greatly in the dark as to how I was to be saved, and my distress only increased. The following Sunday evening, when the minister gave out his text― “By grace are ye saved through faith.... not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 8:9), I realized that that was just the word I needed. The Lord brought me to great contrition, and when I left the meeting I went home and cried to Him to save me.
For nearly three weeks I prayed in agony of soul, but would not accept the pardon a loving Saviour was so freely offering me, until, one afternoon, kneeling at His feet, the burden of my heart rolled away; I believed God’s own word, and I knew I was saved. And now I rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, being fully persuaded that God will keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.