Letters to Young Converts.

No. 8.
MY DEAR ―, As God has given us the Scriptures, which are able to furnish us unto all good works, and the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, ought we not to be as assured of His mind concerning every step of our way, as we are of our eternal salvation? The essential thing, perhaps, needed besides, is a single eye, so that we may look straight up to the Lord Jesus, seeking only to please Him, who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”
Our heavenly Father might take us at once into glory, if He thought best; but He keeps us here for a little while, to bring forth fruit to His praise―to “show forth the virtues of Him, who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
As long as we are here, we have a position to occupy as sons of God, members of Christ, and members one of another. The state of soul we are in―our condition, should also be a matter of the first importance to us, and calls for continual exercise of conscience before God. We have also a testimony to give. It may be well that we should briefly consider each of these three points.
As to our position, it is clear that we are not world, but chosen out of the world; and yet, as a matter of fact, we are in the world. But while here we are to maintain a path of separation from unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:1717Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (2 Corinthians 6:17)) and never to forget that we belong to the Church of God, that we are members of the body of Christ, and are to hold the Head, from whom the whole body is nourished. (Col. 2:1919And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. (Colossians 2:19).) This is all plain enough; but to act on the fact practically, as belonging to one body on earth, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, of which Christ in heaven is the Head, this is what calls for especial exercise of heart and conscience in the present day.
Time was when the members of the body of Christ had little need of exercise of mind as to their position. The Church was then practically in the unity of the Spirit. All that believed were together. In certain towns all the saints were known as gathered together in love and in truth, and those who were not with them were outside the Church of God. But carnality, strife, doctrines of men, and divisions came in, and have increased; yet God still sees all the members of the one body of Christ as indwelt by one Spirit, however scattered the individuals may be, or associated with the systems and traditions of men.
Man’s sin and failure, however, have not altered God’s truth, or lessened our obligation to carry out His mind. The command of the Holy Ghost, “Endeavour the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:33Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3)) is as binding on saints as ever. He still gathers the faithful around the Lord Jesus as the center (Matt. 18:2020For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)), who is Head of the body, and Son over His own house; and, notwithstanding all the present confusion and scattering, the path for those who desire to be true to Christ is clearly marked out in the word of God. It is well to remember that God is faithful, He cannot deny Himself; and He is able to do more than we ask or think. We shall find, too, that His grace is sufficient for every circumstance, and that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. The Lord Jesus well knows every part of the pilgrim’s path; for He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin, and has gone into heaven, where He now appears in the presence of God for us as our faithful and sympathizing High Priest, and has sent down the Holy Ghost to comfort and encourage our hearts, and to abide with us forever. We may therefore hold fast the confession of our hope, and stand fast on the Scripture ground of holiness and love; and looking away unto Jesus, we shall be able to maintain a position that honors Him in faithful separation from all that is displeasing in His sight. When we find that the position we have taken is according to His mind, we shall be able to survey everything else from that standpoint with a discernment and an intelligence that we could not otherwise have. As in a former dispensation, those who were at all in the mind of God, as to His ways and purposes toward Israel, would be able to estimate aright the character and prospects of the nations around; so now, the soul that is really in principle and practice on the ground of the Church of God, according to His revealed counsels in Christ, is able to survey the false glare of Christendom, the abominations of Babylon, the people of Israel, and Gentile nations, and all too as to their future as well as their present condition.
But supposing the position we have taken to be according to Scripture, what a poor thing for that to be connected with a heart indifferent to the honor of Christ, a mind given to earthly things, and a morbid conscience. Be assured that a miserable condition may co-exist with a scriptural position. How melancholy the thought! But you remember the account we have of the assembly of Laodicea. There was no question with them about position, but their condition of lukewarmness and indifferentism was such, that the Lord was ready to spue them out of His mouth. Surely this is very solemn, and shows us the vast importance of keeping in the love of God, and keeping our hearts with all diligence, lest, while we have a name to live, we are dead; and, while contending for a scriptural position, we practically deny it by a carnal, earthly minded, unspiritual condition of soul. Let us watch and pray, Lest we enter into temptation. Let us feed continually, by prayerful meditation on the Word of God, on the flesh and blood of the Son of God―that meat which endureth, that bread which strengthens, and vine that cheers the heart. Thus abiding in Him, cultivating a life of communion with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ, we shall have a broken will, a subject mind, a loving heart, and our delight will be to honor Christ in all things, and wait for His coming.
But I must pass on to the third point―testimony. We are to confess Christ before men, who has purchased us at such a cost. We are to exhibit Christ continually in life and walk, in word and in deed. Our light should shine while we are in this dark world. And will not this be the necessary consequence, if we are abiding in Christ, and our hearts overflowing with His love?
While all the saints should be objects of interest and affection, because they are Christ’s, we are also to carry the gospel into all the world, and preach it to every creature. Mark the two words, “all” and “every.” You may say that you are not gifted for such work. Very likely you are not; but is your heart, and are the means in your power, so at the Lord’s service, that you are helping forward, according as you are able, the testimony of the Lord, both as regards the truth of the Church of God, and in carrying the glad tidings to a guilty world?
Consider, then, I would say in conclusion, whether your position and condition are pleasing to God, and as to how far you are giving a clear, unworldly, faithful testimony, both to saints and sinners around. May God work mightily in these last days in every way for the glory of our adorable Lord Jesus!
Yours very affectionately,