"Lovest Thou Me?"

I LOVE Thee, precious Jesus!
For Thou hast loved me;
And deep in my remembrance
Thy name shall ever be.
More tender than a mother,
My Saviour, Friend, art Thou;
Yea, closer than a brother
Thou cleavest to me now.
I love Thee, precious Jesus!
And closely at Thy side,
Whence living streams are welling,
Would I henceforth abide.
So meek art Thou and lowly,
Of Thee I fain would learn;
And by Thy mind most holy,
The Father’s will discern.
I love Thee, precious Jesus!
I love Thee more and more;
Though scanty still the measure,
My cup so soon runs o’er.
Oh! perfect my perception
Of this, the “wealthy place,”
To faith’s complete reception
Of Thine exceeding grave.
I love Thee, precious Jesus!
And through the cloudy day
I mind me Thou art coming
To call us soon away;
To end our time-condition
In resurrection light;
To give, for hope, fruition;
For faith, the promised light!
I love Thee, precious Jesus!
Thy changeless love I know,
Too mighty in its fullness
To fathom here below.
Naught Thine from Thee may sever,
Then load me in Thy ways;
My mission, now and ever,
To sing aloud Thy praise!
THOUGH almost everything else has changed, the heart of man is as bad now as it was thousands of years ago― “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil continually.” (Gen. 6:66And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. (Genesis 6:6).)