Leviticus 10

Duration: 47min
Leviticus 10
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Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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Identical Chapter 10. I'm native and a bar here the sons of Aaron took either of them his senses, and put fire away in, and put incense there on, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not, and we went up out fire from the Lord and devoured them.
Died before the Lord, when Moses sat on the air. And this is it that the Lord states, saying, I will be sanctified in them, that come 90 and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. And Moses called Michelle and Al Jason, the sons of uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your dragon from before the sanctuary out of the camp.
Father went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp, as Moses had said. And Moses said unto em, and on the air razor, and unto Isamar his sons. And coming out your heads neither render coals, lest you die, and lest last come upon all the people, and let your grave in the whole House of Israel. Beware of the burning which the Lord had symbols. You shall not fall from the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation, lest he died for.
The Lord is upon you. And they did according to the word of Moses. And the Lord spake on the end, saying, Do not drink wine, or strong drink thine of thy Son, to agree when you go into the Tabernacle of the congregation, lest he die.
Saudi Arabia throughout their generations, and that you may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean, and they and that they may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord has spoken unto them by the hand of Moses.
Moses spoke unto Aaron, and unto Eliza, and unto Isamar. His sons that were lost. Take the offering that remaineth of the offerings of the Lord made by fire.
Leave it without letting beside the algorithm, for it is most holy, and you shall eat it in the holy place, because it is thy view and thy son do of the sacrifices of the Lord made by fire. For so. For so I am commanded, and the wave blast into his shoulder. Shall we eat in a clean place thou and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee, For they be thy view and thy son do which are given.
Prices of peace offerings of the children of Israel, and the way blessed shall they bring with the offerings made by far at the top to ways that for a wave offering before the Lord, and it shall be gone, and thy son with thee by a statute forever, as the Lord had commanded. And Moses diligently sought the God of the sin offering, and behold, it was burnt. And he was angry with Eliezer and Ethamar, the sons of Aaron, that were which were.
Saying, Wherefore have you not eaten the Sinner offering in the holy place, seeing it is most holy? And God has given us you the ability iniquity of the congregation to make attendance for them before the Lord. Behold, the blood of it was not brought in within the holy place. You should indeed have eaten it in the holy place as I commanded. And the one said unto Moses, before this day, have they offered their sin offering and their bond offering before the Lord?
And such things have before made. And if I had eaten the sin offering today, should it have been accepted in the sight of the Lord? And when Moses heard that he was content, wasn't there something very instructive for us in this chapter? And we see the failure of native and a Bihar.
Later on the failure areas or an HMR, but he found that there were two things that abide in spite of this and that is we find that there was given a portion for them to eat, wave grass and the huge shelters. And we also find in the end of the chapter the intercession of Adam.
Not very precious for us to have them to know, in spite of all the breaks down and failure of everything committed to man that we have, that it sustains us so that we can go on. We have that which we can feed upon for ourselves and know how precious this is. I trust in some major we've been enjoying this and we also have an intercession of Christ. They would never be able to get through if it went out for that constant intercession that He was tearing on on our behalf.
That's why it says in Peter that the righteous with difficulty be saying well for the ungodly in the Sinner appear that as if it went out for a priestly work that is turning on and one of us would get through so informed here the furious, but we also found a result in the time of failure.
Then you're asking too to see a connection in which this chapter comes in because previous to this we have all the different offerings that God ordered for the children of Israel we find overseas turned off and the meat often the peace offering, the sin offering and the trespass offering, all the land before us, the various aspects of the work of Christ and how good it is that that blessed work accomplished by the Lord Jesus.
So fully fulfills all these types of shadows. You see in the bond offerings what the work of Christ is to the heart of God.
With you in the meat offerings, the perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus, the one who could say a body, hast thou prepared me. He found in the peace offerings not by which we can have communion now with God, because the peace often could be called the communion offering. The question of sin having been settled, God having been glorified, now there can be fellowship with God. God has given us a life that we can have fellowship with Him.
We see life eternal that they might know these the only true God and Jesus Christ and our sins.
Offering to see the whole question of books settled and questioned the actions, the trespass, offering the question of all that we were in our nature will have blessed brethren, all has been holy men through the work of Christ upon the cross. And so we have these all dropped before us. Then we see to in the chapter before a little future picture that brings before us the blessing that will come to Israel.
Founded upon all that has been accomplished through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The 9th chapter dreams up before us, and the last verse of the 9th chapter. Notice. And they went out of fire, Tina and their team of fire out from before the Lord, and consumed upon the altar the bond offerings.
And the fact which when all the people saw they Shelton found their faces in the 23rd groups. We found mogul scenario and blessing the congregation. And then we see in the last verse that it was all because of what Price has accomplished, which knows I said that God shows us his purpose. His purpose was to blast through her place of God and nothing can hinder that blessing.
All there's going to be a new creation scene of glory where nothing is seeing all its results will enter. So glorious is that your that all is going to be accomplished according to the mind and purposes of God.
But as soon as something is committed to man, it immediately begins to breakdown. And it's good for us to be conscious of this, but also to be conscious of the provision that God has made in spite of all that we are, the senators realized, the provision of God is made, but he must also realize that he has nothing to offer in himself. And more than our science is the same.
Are you and I enjoying all the provision that has been made and yet they receive?
When I saw individually and also collectively a breakdown of everything committed to man for ensure that if we are legal before God, we do hang our heads and acknowledge how everything committed collectively, individually while man is a failure.
And so here we found as soon as the police begin the service, now they go, and they offer strange fire before the Lord. What was this strange fire? What God had said? That the fires of the year for the incense to make that cloud of incense a sun. And that incense is a picture to us of what the work of Christ is to the heart of God.
Well vanilla were to get the fire for this incense. It was to come from off the audio of good offerings offering and so that when that incense was.
Live with the fire when the cloud ascended and perhaps going along the line of reason as my brother was saying they might have said well him sensible smell exactly the same. It doesn't really matter where the fire comes from and so they took strange fire once finals and off the altar of burned offering that fire of their own manufacturer or whatever they did get it. It wasn't from the blaze mortgage and.
They went in, but it wasn't the same to God. And then isn't there something for us? And all this too. You might be able to sing the hymns. You might even be signed and got them that you know.
To God is that which speaks of Christ and his finished work. It isn't. It isn't how well we can sing, it isn't how carrying on the Oakland sounds of Christianity, but what is true worship.
Recipes worship the Father in spirit and in truth. And what is it that produces truly worship in our hearts? Is it because we learn the set of doctrines? Or I say, because we can sing well? Oh no, that's the hard touch. By His grace, knowing what was accomplished for epic applause of the class, I had to respond.
I had taken up with a person. And then there's true worship ascends to God.
And well, how he delights to have us present to him. And that which speaks of the person and the work of Christ, that's what true worship is. I say that in doing before God, that person and the work of Christ is that which glorified him, is that which met our need. It's all founded upon what Christ has done. And every true believer here, he has the Lord Jesus that gives a whole Savior.
Has been, so to speak, to the blazing Arthur. You have seen that work accomplished. Believe maybe the stranger can't come down. You listen to what's being said. You jamming the singing. You say I was part of it on the altered lady. Unless you have clearly received trust. And so a great deal of what is going on in Christendom is carrying on something awkwardly, without the heart being touched.
And as the Lord had to say of the Jewish worship, he said this people drive minds. And he was there no, and I'm with me with their lips caught their hearts.
Is far from me truly In vain do they worship me, teaching productions the commandments of men.
While God made his mind home. And nothing outed is ever going to satisfy the heart of God unless it comes from a heart that has been touched by his grace. And that's why I'm not grace. In the fourth of John, it doesn't say that Dad is looking for worship, but he's looking for worshippers. Between worshippers worship the Father and Spirit. And in truth have often said if he wanted worship, he could make all of them empty chairs. Sing for the greater.
Of all voices you can have the storm fly out if it was just to hear something sad. But what does he want? Or he wants the worship of redeeming hearts helps. Would have been touched by His love and by his grace, and just on the floor and prayed in Thanksgiving to him and saw the true worshippers worship the Father in spirit and in truth. That's the whole difference between.
Jewish worship and Christian worship in the Jewish order of things, and satisfied only in mates and drunks and divers watching and praying on them. Until the time of Reformation, it was something that was carried on externally.
The Lord taught that, dear women, in the 4th chapter of John, We've been glad to know Him as the Messiah, the Christ. He taught her what true worship is. He taught her. She was the one that learned that. And there it is. I say again, you know, come in and say, well, I'm calling. It lasted in this different kind of arrangement than I have seen in many other places. But I ask you, has your heart been touched by His grace?
Have you found yourself a Sinner and seen the work of Calvary glorifying God and meeting your need and then your heart responds then and not kill them? Is there any truth worship from your heart to God?
One tells us that because they offered this strange fire, it says fire that opened the Lord. How is it that we're going to escape the fire? Only because the fire judgment that we deserve fell upon our substitutes, the fire that should have found upon us because we were guilty, but it fell upon our substitutes and the Lord Jesus for us. But here were those who didn't acknowledge that.
And so even though they came and approached God to hear people say sometimes, oh, we all believe in the same God, we just approaching in different ways.
Oh, quite a difference, isn't it? Who is here believed in the same God? They came to the same place of worship too. But what a difference. A fire telephone and they were consumed and all its asylum warning. It's not a house just to believe in the true gods. The devils also believe in tremble, the fire that should have been there from the sacrifice.
That concerned them, and they died before the Lord. How Simon this was?
And it says here that the Lord said, I will be sanctified in them and come down with and before all the people. I will be glorified. God is going to be glorified. He has been glorified in the work of his Son, but he's going to be glorified in judgment too, because his honor, His rights, His Majesty must be upheld. And He is just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.
God can never, never overlook his holy characters.
Sin must be punished, either upon the substitute or upon ourselves. And so here these men are new and dead, and carry outside, and it's cold here that.
The fourth of the sixth verse ladder. And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Elias's, unto eager, and unto Isamar his sons. And covenant your heads neither one he plays lest you die. And then in the seventh verse, and you shall not go out from the door of the congregation, the Tabernacle of the congregation, lest you die. Who is this brought him?
If we just looked around and see how.
Everything is broken down in the hands of man. We might get very discouraged and we might say, well, I just give up. I see everything going to pieces and I see the breakdown of everything. I'm just going to give up. Oh no, the Lord says an SMR, you must not give up. And you know, in spite of everything that we see going to pieces, everything committed to man.
Willing how important it is that and it's not a time for us to give up.
As we have in our chapter this morning, let us run with endurance the race that is set before. Is there someone here and you say, well, I just see so much failure everywhere and break down to myself and around while I just think I might as well give up. Oh no, I say here's a little word for them and Isamar who were left. Don't give up uniting all is upon you and brought him the Lord would have us to occupy.
You would have to remember him to economist. You would have it to be whole fast until he comes. He would have us to be patient until he comes. You need these exhortations and that will encourage to continue even though failure had come into the camp and so soon.
And then when we come to the nine, first we found the Lord said, Do not drink one, or strong drink one, or thy son with thee, when we go into the Tabernacle of the congregation, lest you die. It shall be accepted for every later generation. And that He makes the difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean.
I believe here when it's mentioned wine and strong drink, it means that they were not to introduce that which would excite nature.
Because you know, sometimes when we see the weakness, while we can decide the other thing, we say we've got to do things to keep everything going and we need introduce a lot of things that would sort of keep us together by all kinds of entertainment and things like that. I believe that's what we have seen and present them all kinds of memes and drawing cards are used to keep things together as they see them going down.
No, that isn't the answer at all. That wasn't God's answer. He had something else not wearing this and that kind of thing that keeps us together. Dependency, let me listen them is to stay together at the expense of truth. At the expense of truth, I say and He said that if you make that the prime thing.
That the warm and strong drink, that which really appears here and excites nature. And then they would cease to put the difference between holy and unholy, and between queen and unclean. But I believe that's a very solemn word for us, because there is a great departure from truth in these various and people say all that we can all get together, we can all work together.
Never at the expense of truth, Never at the expense of holiness.
God no would help us to ground the path that he has marketed for us that it says cease to be evil, learn to do well tell this horns become thy testimonies are very sure calling us become a fine house all altogether. So the reason was about the important thing was teaching that which was the truth of God and oh brethren may be value the truth of God never.
Not for any reason, only say that they're nice Christians. That's not the point. The point is it tells us that we are to hold fast the faithful word. We have to renew right to make any compromise in the truth of God. It's not ours. We're just holding something for another. God has given, as it was said to Timothy, all Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust and God has committed.
To the church and that is to hold any positive truth and we have no right to make compromises. You can make a compromise with your neighbor about some piece of property or something. That's only a material thing, but when a stand of God you have no right to make any compromises. It's not always to compromise. It's the truth of God and so they were always to put difference between.
Between clean, unclean, clean, and more than what they were to teach the children of Israel. One of the brothers mentioned in his prayer how it was important that there should be something for the young. And here we find that because they did these things, then they could teach the children of Israel God, statues and judgments. How many of them? All of them? All of them.
And I say to the dear young people here, what a privilege it is to sit under the sound of God's Word, to give out what part of the truth, but all the truth, all the truth of God.
So this was the responsibility of the ones who were left, and I find the provision that God made for their own souls in a time of failure to tell us here in the 12Th verse, Moses take unto em, and unto allegation unto Ichamar his sons that were lost, hastening often that the remaineth of the offerings of the Lord made by made by power, and eat it without loving beside the altars.
For it is most holy, and you shall eat it in the earth. It's in a very place, because it is widely and by some views of the sacrifices of the Lord made by fire. For so I am commanded.
We offering them before I say perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus and we've been talking a bit about that in the meeting this morning. The Lord Jesus in his blessed pathway. An example for us. Has God got any lower standard than the pathway of the Lord Jesus tells us that what precious Savior did his Father's will even unto death.
He wouldn't turn aside. He was a true knee offering and you and I are to have him as our example. Always so better soon. So get it. He's a godly person.
All that we have one perfect example and that's the Lord Jesus. And so he is to ever be the pattern. My father used to say to us, don't make any other brother your pattern, make the Lord Jesus your pattern. And so we have the Lord Jesus as the one who is the pattern for us. And they would eat it without leaven, without loving. What is there to be no mixture. Evil lovin is a picture of evil, Bible says.
11 of mass and wickedness. Is that to be allowed now? So we have a perfect pattern. We can imitate the faith of ours, and we should, but there's just one pattern for us, and that is the Lord Jesus. The matter is something there too. And notice this 14th verse and the lay blast, and he shoulders shall eat in a clean place.
Thou and thy son to my daughters will be, for they do thy drew and thy sons, you, which are given out of the sacrifices of peace, offerings of the children of Israel.
Isn't this lovely? Or they could easily get discouraged and give up their service because of the value that had come in. They could easily turn into other things. As the world says, he's got to have excitement they could have turned aside to excitement. They could have allowed a little lower standard in their lives, like 11, which is a picture of the scripture size of mouse and wickedness. But what did they have for their souls?
What has God-given us problem. All I say is see failure and breakdown. I give up. I need to say oh we have to turn aside to other things. All to just lower the standard a little bit. Now we have a portion and what is it? Why isn't it beautiful?
Away breath. Oh, I think this is lovely. Are you and I, Bremen enjoying the love of trust? What's the way of death? John leaned on Jesus freedom at a time he did it. The nation had rejected the law supporting cycles that failed their lives. What did John do? Healing on Jesus Christ. And he called himself to disciple whom Jesus loved. He learned to appreciate that unchanging heart of love.
And algorithm, it's all ideally in this lovely. It's not just something that we can do, it's it's by view. It's something that's given to us. Given to us by who?
Precious Savior, have we lost the enjoyment of the love of Christ? We've lost the concerning force in the whole life that he has. He's lost that which alone can really feel a heart. And so it's so the way grass and what is that he shoulders? I believe this shoulder speaks of strength. The world carries his own upon his soul and his strength and upon his heart of love.
The sheep that was picked up was placed upon the shoulders of the shepherd. And how is it that sustains the believers in a day like this? All I say again.
Well, I just feel sorry. We could tell you. Sometimes I just wonder if I can keep going as I see everything. I see the breakdown and I find so much weakness goes wrong. Or is this beautiful? The little breast and the huge shoulder. And then it has beautiful. It brings in the Suns and the daughters, the sons and the daughters. It's true that the public place of service will give them to William and his sons.
That the brothers could enjoy.
Away dressed and the heavy shoulders have already spoke about dentists and whoever said us and I want to say to your sisters here, you know, Sir, you don't have a very public place, but I say you have a tremendous influence, a tremendous influence and her sister awaits a friend enjoying Christ had an influence in the Church of God. What a blessing it is. So here is what was given.
All the same thing everywhere, most early in Hinduism. He's the same enough to do him today and forever. You get the screws, you say it's too difficult.
Aren't it's lovely the word blasting that he's shoulders shall he eat in a clean face? God preserving as he realized believe in his faithfulness, not ours. The whole four sons all broke down as we received that God prepares a God preserves in his faithfulness and it says baby die dearly and thy son dear. The sacrifices of the peace offering I mentioned before the peace offering is the communion offering we don't need.
Allow weakness and failure that we see to hinder communion in our own soul. We are privileged to walk in communion. The precious Savior felt all the things that were around him far more than any of us ever do, but He walked in perfect communion with His Father always. His whole pathway was one of communion with His Father, just in those hours of darkness when He was forsaken to our sins, but His pathway was characterized by.
And perfect communion with his father. And then it says, and he shoulder. And the way blessed shall they bring with the offerings made by fire of the fact to wave the flow wave offering before the Lord. And it shall be thine, and thy sons will be but I by accepted forever as the Lord had commanded. That is a weight offering.
This is somebody who questions your right to something in your way that something that says look here, look here.
You've got something that you've got to present, and so isn't this lovely? This is a question. Where is that something to raise? What is it? We waive it before the Lord. Not something in ourselves that we have a place of acceptance and favor to. That price is accomplished. He bears our names upon His shoulders and upon his heart, and you and I enjoy Him. Are we enjoying Him?
I'm saying things are going to get worse instead of better. Are you enjoying it? I'm saying I'm saying things are going to get worse instead of better.
Even covers the future, doesn't it? A portion Forever. Forever. Is he going to turn because things get weaker and because everything finally breaks down in the hands of man? No, he's not going to change. He loves him going to the end. He's a passion of our salvation, bringing many sons to glory. Is he going to bring them home? And good He is everyone, and He's going to present us there.
With exceeding joy. Oh what an encouragement to us as we press on in these last days of the churches history.
A statute forever, as the Lord commanded. Is it what the Brandon command? No, the Lord commanded this. So there the Lord commanded the blessing even right forevermore. How beautiful it is to see from this very chapter, where everything seems to speak of failure, to see that there is that which sustains our hearts in a time of failure.
When we come to the failure of the other two sons itself, and there's diligently sought to go to the sin offering and behold, it was burnt.
And he was only with Eliezer and his Amar, the sons of Aaron, which were left alive then don't let you not eaten us in often in the holy place, seeing it is most holy. And God has given His view to bear the iniquity of its congregation, to make attunement for them before the Lord. Now we noticed that.
That made having a body were smitten dead, because that was a reflection upon the work of Christ.
And you know, we have to be faithful when attacks are made on the person or work of Christ. There's nothing else but to be faithful. And God cannot go on with that which attacks the very foundations of the faith. But I believe there's another kind of failure, a failure, not an attack upon the foundations of the faith, but a failure to enter into and associate ourselves, if I can use that expression with the weakness and failure.
Days of the Church of God clearly find what was the failure of our Asianism are they didn't eat the sin offering in the holy place and we found that same thing happened in Israel God and his wonders, good and faithfulness goodness and faithfulness in Jerusalem and what happened they got party they said where are the people they got party of these holy mountains. They looked down upon others and.
The Lord was not pleased. He said there was a smoke in his eyes.
And so are we going to say, well, we're the faithful one far in spite of all a breakdown fairly. What should you and I be doing if God in his goodness, brethren, has restored the truth to us and given us the privilege of seeking to gather according to his Word, seeking to maintain his truth?
What should we be doing? We should be on our faces. We should be like these two. They have to have been feeding the sin offering in the holy place. But that is when they were among the people, they identified themselves with it and served this new part of it, real part of it. And so I believe you and I need to bear this in mind in these days. There's nothing for us to lift up our heads. You think there's somebody that we can count on God's faith and.
Rejoice in His faithfulness. He can't seek to walk in the path that He is not there for us. But let us do it with all you know. If He doesn't, let us do it with all humility. I say because these two, Eleazar and Intamar, ought to have eaten the sin offering in the holy place. The only reason for the next verse coming in is because on the day of attainment, when?
The this interacting was slain and the blood was brought into the Holy of Holies by the high priest once a year. Then it wasn't a question of eating the sin offering.
That pictures to us what Christ did, and they're not worth. He's alone. I think again in that work.
The day of the permanent figures, the Lord Jesus was alone. As we often sing along. He bared a cross, alone is free, sustained. His was a shame and loss, and He the victory game did not work. I repeat, He was all along.
But when it's a question of underwriting to the failure of the Church of God, of recognizing the person which we live, I believe it's most important for us to hang our heads and just count upon the faithfulness of God to keep us and preserve us to watch. Or if we don't get discouraged, what we don't do enough, if we don't make compromises, but instead we should seek to stand for the precious truth of God and seek the ground beating upon Christ.
Not our strength as a company, but His strength that he shoulders, his strength to carry us through because it all depends upon his faithfulness upon the little point that I wanted to mention in this and that is who answered for our allegation smiles and SMRC cup and soared at this time who answered what is the.
19th verse and Aaron said in the Moses. Now it tells us in the 16th verse that he was only with Eleazar Nissima.
And answered beautiful, brazen. This is our hard piece. This is our high priest who does the iniquity of our holy things. Hey, the other gets through if it wasn't for his continual work for us there at the right hand of God and in spite of all failures we have, I say the closest portion of freedom upon the wave glass and the heaved shoulders and bearing and her husband failure to look up and say all his precious.
You have one there at the right hand of God to supply grace to help in time of need, to become our advocate when we have failed. And so Aaron answered for 48 of his tomorrow. So behold this day that they offered their sin offering and their burnt offering before the Lord, and such things would be found made. And if I had eaten the sin acting today, should it have been accepted in the sight of the Lord? I believe this show this problem.
God doesn't want us to just carry out things as a form. The heart ought to be in it.
When he performed spirituality that doesn't exist, God is not pleased. I believe it's quite a possibility of us pretending a spirituality that isn't there. God wants reality. He wants us to be real and as far better for us to acknowledge how we concern we are and pretend we're something we're not. It's very easy. The world has an expression and keep up appearances to keep down suspicion and it's very easy to keep.
The God of my appearances. God wants reality, He wants us to be real and when we followed after, pretend we're something we're not but to acknowledge it before him and where he had a high pleas to help us and advocate when he fails and the novice heard that he was consent.
And so how can God be content with such a poor failing thing is made for through the work of Christ. That settled the whole question of my sins of Calvary and that supplies what I need for the pathway. When I failed, I can say it upon us to restore nice all you restore my soul. I had a gracious God we have Amen. May the Lord keep us in his last and closing days. Everything fails in the hands of man individually.
When they attack, the foundations had to be knitting dead, and that tomorrow. And we, we like them, we, we fell too. And we all must, just by our heads. But all let's not forget our portion.
Let us rejoice in the One who loves us. He's going to carry us through with no provision to His continual work for affairs to carry us through, and then in the assail to restore us. He's coming soon, and you give us grace to occupy till He comes.