“OUT of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise," the Saviour said when on earth. And how many are the dear little ones in whom God is thus glorified! They may know but little by experience of the sin which dwells within them, or of the deceitfulness of their hearts, or of the world and its vanities, but they have been taught by the Holy Spirit to believe what God says as to their being lost sinners, and to believe the love of Jesus in dying to save them. Blessed are they who thus believe with the simplicity and confidence of "little children." Needful, too, in order to be saved, for the oldest sinner as for the youngest child.
A little one of but four years old said with triumphant joy a few hours before she died, "I am going to sing His praises forever in heaven." ("Je vain chanter Ses louanges pour l'eternite dans le ciel.") This babe had been brought up by parents who desired most of all for their children that they should know the Lord Jesus for their Saviour. Two boys of eight and ten were their little family, till the arrival of a baby-girl, long desired, rejoiced their hearts. Four years later, another baby-boy. A few months after, all the four children were down at the same time with scarlet fever. In one night the two youngest were taken. First the infant died; then the little girl, the joy of the parents' hearts. For her they little thought of danger, till, after a few words about her "precious Jesus," she exclaimed, "I am going to sing His praises forever in heaven." Then they knew they were to lose her. Very soon after she fell asleep. How she had loved to hear about Him, and what comfort to the stricken parents that their little one had known Him as her own Saviour! When listening to the story of His death on the cross she was often moved to tears, and would say, "He suffered for me—for me, Melanie." ("Il a souffert pour moi—pour moi, Melanie.")
How blest are parents, even in their deepest grief, to have their children sheltered from sin and sorrow here, and safe in the Saviour's bosom forever. Happy, too, for their hearts' earnest desire to be, as expressed by one thus bereaved for earth—
“Let the empty place of that darling face
Be filled with Thy presence, Lord
And the void well-known of the voice that's gone,
With Thy sweet and holy word."
S. C.