ROME time ago, in Belfast, there lived a widow, with her two dearly-loved children, Thomas and Freddie, aged six and four years. She had passed through the deep waters of affliction. A Christian lady came to visit their lonely home, and told the little boys how that the Lord Jesus came down to this world to give up His life for us. Shortly after, Them as was taken ill, and suffered very much. As his bodily weakness increased he longed to go to Jesus. At the end of the second month intense suffering set in. One Lord's day evening, at four o'clock, we knew that his hours on earth were drawing to a close. At ten he awoke out of a deep sleep, and, seeing his mother weeping bitterly, with a happy smile on his face, he said, "Dear mamma, don't cry for me; I'm going to Jesus. Tell Mrs. G." (the lady who had first told him of the Lord) "I'm gone to Jesus." Then, turning on his back, with his little suffering face beaming with joy, he looked up earnestly towards heaven for several minutes, and, with a happy smile, passed away—
“Safe on His gentle breast!”
Now, dear children, it is the mother of little Thomas who is writing to you. If God should lay you upon a bed of sickness could you say to your mother, "Don't cry for me; I'm going to Jesus"? God grant you may all know and trust the blessed Jesus as your Saviour? E. M. K.