Looking for Jesus

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Going into a book store one day, I met there a young man who "sought to see Jesus." He was sitting alone, and looked distressed and restless. I learned that he had been awakened at a gospel preaching sometime previously to a true sense of his lost condition. Now he was in deep anxiety about his soul, and earnestly desiring to find peace with God.
Going to him, I spoke of the Savior and His finished work, for other remedy there is none for a soul in such a state. "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."
His quivering lip told the depth of his feeling, as he answered, "I am looking for Jesus, and I cannot find Him."
Here was reality, and a soul in earnest. He was looking for Jesus. The sinner was seeking the Savior, and expressing, like one of old, "Oh, that I knew where I might find Him!"
"But where are you looking?" I asked.
The question seemed new to him. After some moments' thought, he said vaguely, "I don't know."
"Where is the One you are seeking? Where is Jesus?"
It was some time before he spoke. With an inquiring look, he slowly said, "In heaven?"
"Yes! Jesus is in heaven. He is the living Savior in heaven. He has gained the victory over sin, and borne its judgment. Raise your thoughts to Him where He is. He is speaking peace to you, and telling you that your sins were all put away when He bore the judgment of them on the cross and died in your stead.
"Now He is in heaven without them, and they can never rise against you again. They are gone in His atoning death, and God sees them no more. Christ bore them in His own body on the tree. He died there for our sins, and rose from the dead without them. They are gone—put away from before God forever."
He was listening eagerly. These few words seemed to lift the load from off him, and, with a look of relief, he exclaimed: "I never thought of that before! Jesus is in heaven—and the sins He bore on the cross are gone—and God sees them no more!"
"Yes! God sees them no more. Fix your eyes on Jesus in heaven, for no one could look up into the face of Jesus Christ upon the throne of God, and have a doubt. Could you? Impossible! No sins could be on Him there."
We spoke further as to the finished work of Christ; and though I never saw him again, I believe these words brought light to him. By faith his eye now rested on Jesus in the glory—Jesus, whom he wished to find, and had been earnestly seeking. By God's Word he knew his sins were forever discharged by Christ's work on the cross.
When a soul is in earnest, and need is felt, faith appropriates the message from God—takes God at His word, and goes on its way rejoicing.
"There is no other name than Thine,
Jehovah Jesus! name divine!
On which to rest for sins forgiven,
For peace with God, for hope of heaven.

Name above every name, Thy praise
Shall fill you courts through endless days!
Jehovah Jesus! name divine!
Rock of salvation, Thou art mine!"