Lord's Coming

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Address—R. Rule
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Address to young people.
Are we the bridegroom Dallas here and call his bride away?
Her blessing then shall be complete when with her Lord, she takes her seat, and everlasting day #244.
I'm good. How are you?
Let me turn together.
The 25th chapter of Matthews Gospel.
Matthew Chapter 25.
Then to a Kingdom of heaven, Elizabeth.
Of the 10 versions which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were wise. Five were foolish. They were foolish, took their land and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their land.
While the bridegroom carried, they all slumbered and fled.
Midnight there was a cry made. Behold the bridegroom, Thomas, go ye out to meet him.
Then all those versions arose, trimmed their lamps. The foolish cut out of the wise. Give us of your oil for our laughs. They're going out.
The wise answers saying not so, that there let there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to themselves.
Buy for yourselves.
While they went to buy, the bridegroom came.
They that were ready went in with him through the marriage and the door was shut.
Afterward came all to the other versions, saying Lord, Lord, open to us.
He answered and said.
Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know needs of the day, nor the hour, wherein the son of man cometh.
I'd like to read part of one verse again.
Connected with another verse to Revelation, the sixth verse, the middle of the verse.
Behold the bridegroom, Thomas.
Go ye out to meet him now the third chapter of Revelation.
Revelation 3 verse 11.
Behold, I come quickly.
Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
I'm going back to the 25th of Matthew again.
The right in the rear of the Desire. There are a lot of 67 up here in front.
Matthew 25 I realize this is the young people's need. Perhaps in my reading this portion, Mom, and you wondered whether we more or less had the gospel before us. I realized this course is often taken up in the gospel.
The luck was on one part, especially in connection with this horse, Matthew 25.
There's a few thoughts.
Speaking of the Lord's coming, most that are here that have attended the meetings of the gathered Saints, very much are familiar, and the and the measure with the truth of the Lord coming for his own to take them in the air to be with himself.
But sometimes it's good for us to be reminded of things that we know, and to have the Word brought the bear on our hearts.
As with that thought in mind and I was thinking about this subject that we were driving to Toronto.
Feeling in golden soul at the coming of the Lord is very near, And so we were thinking of it back. Mentioned a few verses in this chapter to some in the car, and as we walked in the door we were late for the morning meeting. Yesterday in the middle of the meeting we walked in, and the very subject that dear brethren were talking about was the coming of the Lord.
Dear young Christian friends, you and I are living in a very unusual day.
If you had had your choice.
As to when you might be born.
In the last 2000 years.
You couldn't have chosen.
And one goal, Jacob. You couldn't have chosen a better time to be here than today.
Because there is a very unusual event that we feel is very near at hand.
The coming of the Lord, we feel his near hand.
Now the blackest truth of his coming is the truth, but he's been enjoyed.
By many for many years.
Here in this eventilitude there are 10 similitudes of the Kingdom of heaven. We read together the one in Matthew 25.
Has to do with nothing. You'll notice in the first verse it says that the Kingdom of heaven should be likened under 10 virgins which took their land and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
Out here in this tanks of military, we have a picture of a professional church.
It includes those that are real, those that belong to Christ, and those that are mere professors. Probably in this room today there, I know there are those that are real. Perhaps there's some here, those that are mere professors, and in these 10 versions you have both included.
Well, in the early days of the Church's history, they had brought before them the blessed truth of the fact that the Lord Jesus was coming back.
And the 14th of John told his own He said, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. Where I am. There ye may be also.
Now it says here in this first verse that they went forth to meet the bridegroom. They were anticipating him. We have Christ brought before us here as a bridegroom.
And they weren't born to meet him. I like to connect back with the 1St that we had in Thessalonians yesterday, the first chapter.
Bose of Thessalonica so happily converted those that had such a a living testimony among those about them, and it clears out them that they turned to God from idol to serve a living into God.
And to wait for his Son from heaven.
What a blessed occupation was theirs. First they turned their back on something. They turned their back on idols. They turned to God. They had him before the soul now And it says.
To serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven. And that's your privilege and mine to be found here in some little measure. If we're Christ, we belong to Christ.
We found here in some little measure serving him and waiting for his Son from heaven. Now one is sure that those words in the end of that earth to wait for his Son from heaven. It wasn't just a mental assent to the fact that he was coming, but they were looking for him. It says here in our first verse in Matthew 25 that they went forth. It says.
To meet the bridegroom, they were looking for him. There was bridal affections there.
They went for, you know, those two words. They went for a piece of separation. And God had so worked in their hearts that there was separation from the things about They left their dumb idols behind them, that is the Gentiles, and they turned to God. They had the living God before them and they were serving him and waiting for his son. Well, now that his normal Christianity.
It's your privilege and mine to be waiting, first of all, waiting for the sun from heaven, and then in the little wild who were left here to be serving him. In what little measure the Lord gives us ability and the opportunity to do so. And for them that occupation waiting for his Son from heaven, I believe we can connect up with another verse that we have in the epistles.
It says they were waiting. I'm going to turn and read it and make sure that we get it right.
In the second chapter.
We might go back to verse 2 from where I had in mind I was thinking of the 13th 1St, but might start with the 11Th 1St.
And the 11Th, 1St it says the grace of God is bringing salvation to all men has appeared teaching us. Now I was thinking yesterday we were Speaking of the grace of God in the Bible. Reading how it's disgraceful, saves us and it's this gracious, he said. And we're waiting for the grace to be revealed at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
But here's another thing that was grace. The grace of God teaches us that denying a verse 12 ungodliness and worldly luck, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world looking. This is what I especially had in my looking for that blessed hope.
Well, that's what those at the night were doing. They were waiting for his Son from heaven to their hearts. It was a blessed hope.
You know we have hope brought in, in connection with the believer in two ways. In in Romans 5 it says of the Christians that we rejoice in hope of the glory of God, and so the hope there is connected with coming glory.
Similar here, but here it's the person waiting for that blessed hope. Oh, that's the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus coming to take us to be with himself, and we have his coming brought in, in two aspects, I believe. The blessed hope.
Is the hope that is coming back now that will call us into His presence to be forever with himself?
What then? He's going to bring it back with him. He's going coming back to this earth to take his rightful place and raise, and all his enemies will be put down under him. And he shall have his rightful place here. Those with cast them out, those that despise him. God has given him an aim. Now it's above every name that is the name of Jesus. Every knee shall mount, every tongue. Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Well in that day comes whenever the eyes will see him, and they also experience him.
It's going to be an appearing of glory, and that's the end of the verse, waiting for that blessed hope and the and the glorious appearing of our great God and our Savior Jesus, right? But in the meantime, while looking for him, you have brought out here in this verse how God would have a living in this scene. It says in his grace teaches us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously.
And godly in this present evil world.
That's a certain word, isn't it? You know, especially when we're young, I believe there are certain areas in which Satan tempts us in a special way. But the word here is His grace teaches us of denying ungodliness and worldly luck. There has to be on the one side that denial of self seeking out healed ourselves to the Lord and to His way in our life.
And then you have a positive and there are three things in connection with living here soberly, righteously, and godly. One is bad, and perhaps the thought is here soberly would be more the state of our own soul, an inward thing. Righteously would be our relationship with others, those about it our dealings with those that we come in contact with, whether our brethren or the world at large, and then godly.
Has to do more that relationship upwardly with God himself. Well, dear young Christians, this should be a little picture. If you want me, we should be looking for that black at home, looking for the Lord, waiting for him in a moment when he'll come and take his home. And then our lives here should be characterized by sobriety, righteousness and godliness. Well, we believe that back in turning back now to Matthew 25.
We believe when it says that they went for to meet the bridegroom, and they went forth. There was that separation from the things down here and the things of earth, And their eyes and their affections were centered on that blessed one of us whom they learned to love, whom they knew was coming for them, and they were waiting for that moment when he would come and call his own to be forever with Himselves.
Well, now I don't want to go into great detail on this similitude. It wasn't my thought, but just a few pertinent thoughts as we pass on, it says in verse five while the price. First of all, verse four, we have the foolish the 1St, 3:00 and 4:00.
Did we have the foolish referred to and the wise? That's what constituted them. Foolish was if they had no oil in their land and the wise were those that had oil in their pebbles. Oil in the scriptures so often speak to the Spirit of God, and everyone that comes in Christ wears real Christ gives that soul the spirit of Indwell, and then he's characterized by one that has oil in the land because oil.
The indwelling Spirit is the power in the believer for life of testimony.
They had lamps. They were to be alive in this world. We were speaking. The brother that spoke to the young people yesterday referred to the fact that we're to have our loins. Curtis, I believe where it's loins, Gerdes speak specially in connection with service in the in the 12Th chapter of Luke, in connection with those that went to meet the bridegroom and spoke of them. Let your loin be girded and your life burning. That is in addition not merely serving the Lord, but being a true testimony to Him.
In this dark sea while we await the time when he takes us to be with himself, your life burning. Well to have a life burning and continue to burn there had to be oil. And so one has to 1St receive crisis and failure. Let me receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which is the power of being a light in this dark sea.
Well, I trust that they're in here to be characterized by the foolish person never having trusted in Christ, who would say the old friends, receive Christ right now as your precious Savior, and and he'll give you back what the oil will speak now, the Spirit of God, to be a power in your life. So if you can live for him and seek to please Him, Well. It says here, though, that while bridegroom carried, they all slumbered and blessed, they all slumbered and blessed.
All you say. What does that mean?
Well, you know, we fight birds. From the early days, the church's history, the coming of the Lord was taught and joined, and it was a real, it was a real thing in the souls of his own. They were raised, their affections were upward, and they were waiting for that blessed one to come and take them home. But we find as time went on, the truth was first lost in its reality and was all.
To where they got, to where they were. There wasn't that living looking for his return.
And then the next thing you know, apparently even the knowledge of the truth was long per second for several centuries, a number of centuries in the time of the rise and Rome, when Rome was under heights. We speak of it sometimes as the Dark Ages. And one of the truths that was lost was the blessed hope of the coming of the Lord. And so even the wise versions, it says they all slumbered and slept. They lost the sense of this blessed truth that we're speaking about.
And you can read the ministry of those writers of the 800th century, or the 10th century, or the 12Th century. You'll find nothing about the blessed hope that some of us are enjoying, of that blessed moment when the Lord is going to call us home to be with himself.
They all slumbered and slept. But it says here in the sixth verse, at midnight there was a crime made. Behold, the bridegroom come up and what does it say?
Go ye out to meet him. Well, you know, dear young Christian friends, I believe that cry went out in the last century. God raised up servants, the restored to us.
Certain of these practice truths, one of them the truth of the Rapture. The Lord's coming to take his own to meet him in the clouds, and other truths were restored too. But I said one would gather but what's referred to here in this six First, behold the bridegroom, comma, going out to meet him was God giving back to the church to his own the blessed enjoyment of the fact that the Lord is coming.
To take it home.
And it had a very real effect. From what we read, the ministry that's been left to us, we can see the real effect it had in the hearts of many of his old in the last century. And in spirit they went for him to meet the bridegroom.
Well, now it says here that we find the subversions arose and trim their lamps.
I wonder if there's some here that aren't characterized by those words. The word was in the verse before. Go me out to meet him. They're old, they've been sleeping. But you know, it's possible in spirit, even for those of us that know the Lord could be sleeping today. Yes, it is. If you were to turn to the fifth chapter of Ephesians, you would find these words.
Always fall asleep and rise from among the dead and Christ so shrine upon me.
What does that mean? Away from, oh, how many of the POR people there are today? Just drifting along, going along, that's all. The Lord wasn't coming soon, as though they were going to spend their days here, the rest of their natural life. And in some measure they settled down to the world's level because it says arise from among the dead. That is, Speaking of those that are physically dead, rise along with death.
It's those that are dead in trespasses and sins.
Those about us forget that they're without Christ. They're going on in their sins.
No eyes toward God. What a sad thing it is when one of the Lord goes.
This bound as among the dead, and what God's word await awake, always sound asleep as their eyes From among the dead a Christ shall shine upon me. Have you been going on with the world? We heard very solemnly this morning.
Our brothers spoke rather solemnly to us about those that can enjoy.
An evening? What's the other thing?
Those are the ones referred to in Ephesians 523. I think it is those are the ones at home, it said. Awake now asleep with the right from among the dead, and Christ shall give thee light of Christ shall shine upon them. Oh what the Apostle says, he wanted them to be the in the enjoyment of the sense of the love of Christ. Dear young friend, the Lord died for you. He died to save your soul.
But not merely to save your soul. He wanted you for his own. We were reading last Lord, saying, a brother read in Luke's Gospel, where the two that are on the way to Emmaus, the Lord Jesus, drew near and went with them. Why did he go on here and go with them? Because they were dear to his heart. And we thought of that person in Genesis, where Joseph having been rejected of his brethren, you know, and when he was exalted.
To the key place in Egypt under Pharaoh, His words to his brethren. They didn't know who he was, but his words them were Come near under me. You're young, Christian. The Lord Jesus wants the affections of your heart. He dies to win be if you and me to himself. But nothing can satisfy him.
Response of your heart and mind to His love. And if you've been dressing along in this poor world and in some measure going on with it and its pleasures, oh, I save you away.
Now the sleepers that arise from among the dead. Well, it says here in connection with the.
It says in connection with the Virgin but.
The cry went out, they awoke and they went out to meet him.
How may it be your desire and mind, in an increased measure from these meetings that we might be found as we're going out to meet him? We might be characterized by having those bridal affections that could draw our hearts upwards and more Mexican occupation with the one that loved us and gave himself for us.
Now it isn't my thought to make our little beating one of prophecy today and back the time is flipping by, but I would like.
I would like to just mention a few things that makes one feel that the moment that we're now waiting for is so near at hand. You see, it says here in the in the 10th verse after there was a word of encouragement to the foolish to buy oil for their lands. And by the way, if you're one of those foolish virgins that is insane, that doesn't have Christ the Savior, that doesn't have the Spirit of God indwelling you. We can say to you, friends, according to a book of Isaiah, that you can buy without money and without price. Salvation is offered to you.
And if you're one of those bully virgins that are left behind when the door is shut, it is because you haven't had the opportunity Christ has offered to you this afternoon as your savior. Well, in connection with this test, first it says while they went to buy, the bridegroom came and they that were ready within.
That's the moment we're waiting for. They went in.
What does that mean?
Oh, that's referring to that blessed moment of all moments.
When we hear that shout, the Lord Himself still the hands descend from heaven with a shout for the voice of the Archangel, the trump of God and the dead in Christ to rise 1St. And then we withdraw our lives and remain to be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. That's dear friend that says they went in.
Yes, because the Lord comes and calls us home and we feel that moment. I feel, dear friend, I say this sincerely. I feel that moment is very near at hand. Oh, you say, how can you talk that way when from 18119 hundred years have gone by?
Well dear friends, there are many things if we had the time to look into it that would well that might help in commenting on this and bringing home the fact of why we feel it's near. But for lack of time I'll just mention very hurriedly I was speaking this morning with a dear brother as to some of the things that make us feel our days near hand and we these are some that were we mentioned together first.
We're living in the last days. We have the character of the last days and 2nd.
Timothy 3 In the last days difficult times shall come. Men should be lovers of their own selves.
Proud, coveted posters and disobedience apparent later on in the catalogue of things that says Heady High Minded.
High minded lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God and so forth.
You know, Speaking of being heavy and high minded made me think of something. We stopped at a cat coffee shop for breakfast the other morning and there was a paper lying right down, right down where I sat down to eat. I just couldn't help but see the headlines there. I think it said something about 179 students down in some city in Florida put in jail over a period of three days because they wouldn't be subject to the authorities there. First of all, if they had been taught to be obedient to parents, they never would have had any thought of acting like that.
And now this heady and high mindedness came out under the occasion.
Well, to me, it was just another little evidence of the character of the day we're living in. I mentioned it to somebody and he said, oh, well, down in Bowling Green. I think it was why they they had a similar thing just a few days ago. I hadn't heard about that. Yes, there's that spirit that characterized the last day on every side, lovers of pleasure. It was the love of pleasure that brought this.
Heavy, high minded attitude towards the authorities down in in this city in Florida, they thought so far the authorities thought they were getting out of bounds, wanted to bring in a measure of control. Well, there's one point. These were last days.
Difficult days, and the character of them is seen on every hand. Point #2.
The service, those that live at the beginning of this century, they never expected to see a land of Israel. While while the Saints were here, I don't think most of them did. But today, for some years now, we've had to do going back to Palestine. We have a country, Israeli.
And we know in this book, but it speaks very definitely about Israel, I mean, about Palestine being Israeli, being the land of the people of God, of his chosen people. And and so in the terms of Matthew 24, in fact, our book is open.
We've already even looked at it. I think it's in the 24th of Matthew. Yes, it says in the 32nd verse learn a parable of fig trees. One is branches yet tender and put it forth leaves. You know the summer is nice. So likewise when you see all these things nose of this mirror, even if the doors Israel, the fig tree speaks of Israel as a nation. And now we see the leaves beginning to be put forth. And but more than that if we were to turn to the 21St of Luke's gospel, we find the third thing in Luke in Luke 21.
It speaks of why we see the phase three and all the trees, all the trees.
Well, might we not say this, that those nations that have been pressing for independence in recent years is a picture speaks to the other trees. The trees speak of various nations and it's common thing in the newspaper, and you hear it mentioned frequently the tendency towards a nationalist approach. Every nation wants to be on its own, throwing off all the feelings of colonialism to be on their own as an aces.
Years ago Egypt and then India and now the smaller nations in in Africa, I heard somebody say, I believe that within the last two or three years at least ten African nations, Asian Africans admitted to the United Nations. There it's it's a movement at the foot. Well, when you see the fig tree and all the trees, there's the third thing.
Now, on other things, we find that the Roman Catholic Church is on the move.
I just read through statistic recently about the in the last decade of of the big increase in membership in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, and I believe the increase was about 7 or 8 times as much as the Protestant churches. Rome is advancing. And in this book if we turn to the 17th chapter of Revelation, we find what Rome's end is. But first we find Rome coming into increasing power.
So there's, shall we say, the 4th evidence and then the last one, the 5th.
Has to do not with religious Rome, but something that will be related in a measure we might say political role.
Thanks Theresa Dole. The Roman Empire after different forms of government came to an end.
And everyone, if you'd ask somebody in the 9th century, the 10th century, the 12Th century, oh, they say Rome, the Roman Empire, that's the thing of the past. But in the third piece of Revelation, we read about a beast that rises up out of the sea and one of its heads was wounded, as it were, to death. But then that cancer was wounded to death.
It comes to life again, and all the world wonders at the power of the beast. What does that be? Why its imperial Rome brought to life again the Roman Empire brought back into existence as an empire and that things are shaping up for that so rapidly right now. And I want to emphasize one point, There isn't one single thing you have to be fulfilled before the Lord can come. Thank God he may come before this meeting is over.
But there are lots of things that this book tells us happened shortly after he comes. And the things I'm speaking about are development that has to do with the prophetic unfolding after the church is taken home. But we can see them shaping up. Everything is getting ready for the show. Brandy, are you waiting for it? Have you heard the bridegrooms call? Have you gone out to meet him?
Speaking of the rise of the Roman Empire.
Being brought back into existence again, I had a rather thrilling thing happened just day before yesterday. The day I left for the meeting, my employer called me into his office. He says, Ralph, I want you to meet this gentleman from Chicago. He's with a management consulting firm and he's on his way to Europe. He said he goes about 5 or 6 * a year looking for possibilities for diversification for U.S. companies.
And this man was telling us what's happening in Europe.
Why? He said Europe is on the move.
It isn't occasion like it was a few centuries ago. It's on the move, he said by 1970.
If Europe continues its rate of growth, by 1970 it gross national product will equal America. United States and Canada was way behind 20 years ago after the war, and he went on to say it's on the move. It's making progress.
They went on to say how it's becoming more unified.
Why I couldn't have fulfilled as he quote more unified. What do we read about Imperial Rd. supposedly dead, but as he talked, I just could see there's roles. I think you're all the Catholic Church now, but the Roman Empire in effect just about ready to be brought back as one. Some years ago I remember someone speaking on We was rather killed speaking on the interesting development of NATO.
That associations of nations in a military way.
Looking forward to protecting themselves by working together, protect themselves against Russia and the communist forces of the East? Well, it was an interesting development. But something just as interesting happened in the last three years. We had formed not a military alignment, but an economic one. And now seven nations in Europe, the Six Nations forget which are working together in an economic way.
And they formed what's called the European Common Market. And that's what getting the flow of goods out of a freer basis and opening up markets so that they can grow and expand. Well, when this man told me about the Rose National product by 1970 up to the Hall of America, I couldn't help but think, Oh well, just another evidence. The Lord's coming is near because in connection with the beast, he connects with imperial Rome that we read of in Revelation 13.
There's power there. Well, you can't have power out of a poor, broken decision. The question is, who can make more with the beach? Well, they're trying these things. When this man talks. He didn't know what I was thinking. I wasn't worried about the business aspect, but I was thinking of the aspect we're talking about. It just was one more evidence of the fact that the coming of the Lord draws near.
Well our verse here says our verse here said in the 10th verse. It says while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they were ready went in.
With him to the marriage and the door was shut. All I say to you, my friend, if you're not paid this afternoon.
What we just read about could happen while you're sitting in your speech there. And if that were to happen, this whole that, we're ready.
Those who have their things washed away in the precious blood of Christ.
At that moment were to come when they were taken home, you know what would happen.
Most of these seats would be empty and there would be a few seats who would have people sitting in them and friends. It would be too late. If you were left putting in your seat, it would be.
To fall prey to that strong delusion that we were speaking out this morning.
It says when God shall send him a strong deluge, that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who received not. The love of the truth has pleasure and righteousness, and it's a serious thing to put off receiving Christ for one moment, because I we're sincere in trying to feel the coming of the Lord His right hand.
In Revelation 3, that person we read, I'd like to look at it just just a thought or two.
Before we close the third chapter of Revelation.
In closing, I had hoped to comment a little on the earlier part of the.
At the Philadelphia the time is gone, but it says here the Lord says in verse 10.
Verse 11 Behold, I come quickly. Pull that passage. Thou hast with no man. Take thy crown. Oh, dear young Christians, whatever the Lord is made good to your soul, hold. In fact, don't give it up. Don't be discouraged. Here in Philadelphia he says three things. Of them thou hast a little strength.
Anderson, and has kept my word, and has not denied my name. As the Lord given you, have you asked for your place among those gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
You won't find me the company that composed of great things or big accomplishments. The Lord is looking for that today, he says. I have two little strikes. That's one strength. Little strength. But he goes on to say, accept my word and not denies my name.
If you've asked, to your place and his table with those that would honor the Lord's name alone, gathered in simplicity to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Others may take a name, others may take this name, that name, and the next name. But he speaks of those here that does not deny his name. You'll find as identified with those garbage with practice names, but by His grace he has preserved the truth to them, he says. I've kept my word. You wouldn't find most companies of Christians enjoying the word of God and His simplicity.
Like we've been enjoying it the last day And 1/2 No, this truth's given up. And that truth's given up. But here's a little time We all kept my word. Oh, dear friend, don't be discouraged by numbers or the lack of them. Don't be discouraged by lack of big things. Remember, the Lord just wants us in our measure to seek to go on with that that she's given and to hold it back, he says, Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast. Why did you speak of coming quickly? I think it's an encouragement to them.
To press on to hang on to hold fast hold that pass without hands with no man take thy crown. But they have crowning is coming crown speak of award. And you know we find a number of crowns spoken of in this book and.
It could be the Lord could have it your joy and privilege to be among those, but it's not a little measure. He speaks out here as well as no man takes thy crown. So I would encourage you to crack on, maybe in weakness, maybe with things to discourage, you know.
It's our privilege here, the apostle Paul could say.
He said, first speaking for himself. And then we have his words to Timothy. He says, I applaud a good fight. I have kept the faith. I have finished my course first, I have kept the base, and 4th is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. There's the crown again with the Lord, the righteous judge to give me in that day not for the only but walls also all those of love is appearing while in writing to Timothy, a younger man. He encourages him now in a similar course, he says.
Then, writing to Timothy, he says fight the good fight of faith.
Lay hold on that which is really life. Here the Lord says, hold that fast which thou had to Timothy, he says, fight the good spite of faith. Yes, in Judea read of earnestly contained for the faith once delivered to the Saints. We're Speaking of faith yesterday. And the Lord says to earnestly contend for that faith once delivered to the Saints, not to give it up.
Pull that fast that thou has but no man. Take my crown Well, as vice to Timothy was fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on that which is really light. Well, dear friends, our time is up. May the Lord encourage you and me. May the Lord encourage us. I'd like to make this one comment. The apostle Paul could pray I applaud a good fight. The one that standing here seeking you this afternoon isn't using those words as anything that one can look back on in his own life. But I'll tell you this.
I trust by the grace of God, it's my desire for a little while. It's left here to be found in some little measure, fighting the good fight of faith. Is that your desire? May God grant that it may be so.
You realize the privilege in view of the fact that the cry has gone forth, the bridegroom, comma go ye forth to meet him. May you realize that it's a privilege to be found here.
Waiting and watching for him and seeking in some little measure to be here to his praise. While you're here, wait for that shout that's going to call us all home, shall we pray?
To utilize the balance of the tape part of a meeting.
On the 14th of John has been added.
Verily I say unto you, except people converted and become as little children.
We shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven.
What did the little child do? Leave you about it? Don't believe it.
That's a different version of the comma's little children. And I see you now, brother, I said to a professor in the pocket, Walla Walla.
I said you put the truth on such a high self, the only educated reason God is wiser than you are. We took it on such a long shelf that desire information.
That's good.
Excuse me?
I thought that the love before the first one is first place is a special place. Now you will have like a man here is that lover for you.
In one sense, the Lord loves all His children just for life.
That's a lot of relationship.
But there's also the lack of complaints.
Now there is a the love spoken out of this 21St 1St is the love of concern and that is very pleasant to be to the full of the things that when you're going on and waiting again walking in a beam, that's where the.
And he's enjoying your company, and your father is the lighting in you until they include the Lord. Give something back to him after he has done so much for us, and he can give something back to the Lord as we go on. And then my first as it is between and enjoy the expense in one soul.
That's where the Lord is looking down and special life and the light, because we're taking the walk according to His word and all things that are according to His mind. That could be just enough. That was chapter 1627, right? Connected with John 1627.
For the father himself love you because.
You have loved me.
Believe that I cannot from God.
And our chapter, Who loveth me shall be loved of my father, and many years ago, when we were in surname, we were in John 16 and our regular party.
And a dear brother who was.
And then in his early age.
I'm glad Alert was enjoying its master and with the rest of it.
Only said I've been waiting my Bible all my life and I never saw that before.
That the father loved me because I love his son.
What does that mean?
Well, the leader has 11 and 2%. Who doesn't love it?
My father and I will love him and will not affect myself to him. What it do Something like this.
And if I have a child.
Makes it his business to clean himself with who wants to do what they think of me.
I feel very happy to.
Inside of that child, one was organized to take it in.
Some of my purposes once in my own heart, I have complacency in child and I.
The father and mother.
All we're going to do throw and throw and we think you'll be happy to know about it. I take him as a wine and my confidence well, if we love the Lord Jesus and and we want to please him as there is on his part.
They ready us to manifest himself to us as they make himself more intimate to us is in law.
Of my life from Abraham got things that I'm about to do. For I know him. Yes, yes, yes. I'm the 23rd verse who's a little stepfather.
Open my word.
Is going a little farther into the commandment. It is walking in communion so that we have his mind.
And the special difficulty that comes into life.
He speaks His word and we will come on to him and make our opportunity not where the code is the same word.
Hello. There's no substitute for the Kingdom.
And it's only a walk with Darlington women, but we really enjoy the truth and have the mind of faith and difficulties. When I come to a point where I'm in doubt about the mind of the Lord, I should be exercised.
If they were walking with the Lord, there would be more intelligence of his mind. You find that in scripture.
Where he leaned on the Lord for them.
Who it was, it should be.
And the Lord believe it.
I'm sick even with the decision John believed on the Lords wisdom.
Are the special intelligence of the Lords mind?
I've got into a lot of things, even amongst ourselves. If you have a difficulty with decision to our system, who is walking jealously for council?
No. Who would you really go to? One Mr. South of Washington?
Five, because in The Lion King the mind of the Lord in the difficulties of presenting girls is incredibly learned that we walk in communion.
The difference between what Donald says Liberal children keep yourself from idols he was wrongly moving from. The Lord put them wasn't. There's no room for an idol in between. But it says that she doesn't. He followed the fire off and the idle came in.
Wake me up at 5:00 30.
No, I wouldn't rather somebody else has some thoughts about it, but notice in the 11Th of John that Martha instinctively feels merely without his mind in the difficulties at the moment.
That's the principle that runs all through this gospel of jobs.
One would like to add this turn to the 15th chapter, the message on the 9th, 10th or the 10th and 11Th version.
If you keep My commandments, we shall abide in My love. Even as I have kept My Father's commandments from abiding His love, these things have I spoken unto you that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be.
Opinion and some young women go together, and the truth of it is flowers in the soul.
Before Enoch has translated the adverse testimony that will please God.
And I believe Young Good, because you speak of himself as that disciple whom Jesus of love.
The old ladies play a part of 11.
And I told her once that I had the mind of the Lord right.
With the circumstances.
Bring peace to your soul, to your heart.
And if you have no food, what about that?
When you are, you are.
Included in this after the David by the book.
Doctor, you use the word of God to guide our footsteps, live in this world, turn through the earth for the moral principle to be 86 psalms.
Well, I don't think of mistake of business.
In the justice world.
But what?
Recover troubles.
A good thing to begin.
It's not his words without the problem. Yeah, that's right.
One of the forests of that person, games of any man, life of God, is given, Liberal that they have not.
Well, it just means what it says.
Application is it's blind life.
William is the application of design knowledge to all the pathway of money.
Some have intelligence but have a person.
Wisdom is the applicant in the Divine Knowledge and we can only walk in Wisdom as we walk in Communion, but eventually apply the word to our daily walk and wave.
And the food of the Lord is the beginning of it.
Contractors unite my heart to serve our name.
We have a large momentum of state of these people by the mouth of one of these prophets who said their heart is divided.
And the 11Th chapter I have almost found to be helpful.
Miss 11 verse 34.
The life of the body is the eye. Therefore when thine eye is single by full body also is full of life.
But when my eyes heal my body all day, full of darkness.
The symbol is.
That the desires the glory of God and what we're about to move.