
Duration: 41min
Children—D. Hallowell
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Yeah, 3943.
OK, who else would like to sing?
OK, Jesus loves the little children. Well, that isn't on the hymn sheet, but we know it, I think, so we can sing it.
Jesus wants the little children.
All my children.
OK, who else has one? They like to think.
OK. Maybe one more. OK.
No, we Can't Sing that one.
Let's try another one, sorry.
41 OK, that is one of my favorite hymns.
But let's ask God for his help.
Fighting her father.
We just thank thee for each one of these children and each one that is here this morning.
We pray for help.
That thou wouldst give words from thyself.
And ears to hear.
And that the Spirit of God would take the seed of the word of God and.
'Cause it to grow in each heart.
And that the Lord Jesus would be glorified. We just commit the time to thee and give thanks in Jesus precious name.
Amen. Well, how many? Uh, how many?
Have you learned a verse and would like to say it? You know, there's a lot of children here this morning, so I'm not going to.
Make everybody say the verse, But if you'd like to, we would be very glad to hear it.
I'm gonna get a a microphone.
So who would like to say the verse?
Yes. OK, so it's not thyself, it's tomorrow. For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27 one.
OK, Kevin.
I was not myself of tomorrow for though, no.
Very good. OK, Paul.
OK, Would would you like this hat?
Let's see.
OK, what? What verse did you learn?
He don't believe it's not the sun. Believe it's not the sun.
Shall not be heard.
OK, Who else? OK.
He that believeth on the sun have everlasting life. He that believeth not the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 336.
Very good. OK.
He that breathes on the sun shall have.
Have everlasting life.
He played with my son.
But the wrath was gone. Providers on him.
June 336.
Sure. Let's say it just finished.
Nicole, you're so Y Camino la verdad Y da Vida navya muna fabric Napoleon quadrasi, says. Jesus said to him, I'm the way, the truth in life. No man cometh to the bathroom. But by me, John.
4/14/16 Very good. Thank you.
OK. Does anybody else want to say it? OK.
Please understand.
I've ever lived in life.
And he that believeth not.
Believe it not.
That shall not see it in life.
But the last of God?
Upon him.
Count 336.
OK, does anybody else wanna say it?
Where is my shepherd?
It was my shepherd I shall not want. He made his me to lie down green pastures. He stores myself. He's a walk to the valley of sheriffs. I feel no, it will fall out with me. A lot of my stuff. They can't vote me. I've reversed my table before me and my presence of my enemies. I'm not just my head with oil my cupboard. And so surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all days of my life.
Now, John and the House of Lords forever from 5:23. Thank you very much. OK, well, I'm gonna umm.
You know, I had on my heart this morning to speak about love.
And I just wondered if any of you knew what love is.
Who could tell me what love is? Would you like to tell me what love is?
OK, can you tell me what?
I don't remember.
Who? Who could tell me what love is?
What is love?
Do you love somebody?
Do you know somebody that loves you?
Who? Your money good.
Do you know what love is great?
It's kinda hard, isn't it? Kinda hard to know what love is.
Do you know what love is? What is love? Someone who cares about you. That's very good. OK, Very good. Some we We know what love is. What were you gonna say? Jesus. That's right. That is very good. That is a very good answer.
Well, I could talk a little bit about love.
And, uh, let's let's turn, uh, two kinds of love. We know about human love, don't we? Does your mommy? Your mommy loves you, doesn't she?
I think everybody here has a mommy that loves them. And you know, that is a wonderful thing. We were, uh, someone told us in the meeting in Walla Walla a little bit ago about a little boy and he was born blind.
And it was in in in India and they believe they are in reincarnation.
Which is not true. But anyway, they believe that in a past life he had been very bad.
And so he was born blind. And so they left him all alone.
They didn't want that little boy because he was born blind.
Isn't that a sad situation?
Well, anyway, let's, uh, let's read a verse in the Song of Solomon about love, and then I'm going to tell you a story.
A little bit about love.
See. It's the last chapter of.
Solomon or the second last chapter?
And umm.
It says, uh maybe. Maybe. Does somebody have a Bible that could read that verse? Let's see, there's two parts of verses in Song of Solomon. Eight. Could you read it? Kevin? Uh, let's see the middle of verse six. It says something about love there. Can you read that for me?
Just one clause for love.
Is as strong as death. What does that mean?
Does anybody know? You know? I'll tell you a story that will illustrate this. You know about. Umm.
What's the date today? The 17th?
I think it's the 17th well in UH in 1984 on July 21St.
The Lord gave us a little baby boy.
And he only lived 5 days.
And uh, so umm, when it went about, uh, he was about two or three days old. It became apparent to us that something was wrong with this little baby.
And uh, so we went to the hospital and uh they uh, they said there is something wrong with him.
We're going to have to fly him to Spokane.
And so my wife and our little boy got in the helicopter and they flew away to Spokane. That's about 150 miles from Walla Walla.
And uh, so I tried to get everything together in an order. And uh, then I went up to Spokane to be with to be with them.
And uh, we were there. I was there for a little bit and the doctor called at the end.
And the Doctor knew by this time that this baby couldn't live. His name was Danny.
And he told us that he he just wanted to visit us and see how we felt about it. Danny was hooked up to life support and they could keep him alive for for a while longer if we wanted them to, but the doctor wanted to see how we were going to take it.
And when he could see that?
We would accept it from the Lord if our little boy died.
He told them to disconnect the life support.
And we sat in there and we held this little baby boy.
For the last few hours that he lived.
And they told us later that usually when when couples find out that their little baby is going to die, they just leave it in the nursery and they go home, they go away.
But my wife and I, we took turns holding this little boy.
And then uh.
I think it was about 10:30 or 10:00 or 11:00.
We could tell that his life was gone. He did a little.
A little movement.
Now suppose we had loved this little baby a little more. Do you think we would have, could have kept him alive?
There was nothing that we could do of her.
Her little boy was gonna go home to be with the Lord Jesus.
Well, it's pretty hard. We didn't really want to leave that little baby there at the hospital and go home. My wife's arms were very empty.
And uh, so I asked the doctor.
Could we take the baby with us to go back home to Walla Walla and he uh.
He didn't know what to say, he said. No one's ever asked me that before.
But he made a few phone calls, and he said he didn't think he could arrange it. But he made a few phone calls and he arranged it.
And uh, we were able to take our little baby back to Walla Walla, he said. As long as you take him directly to the Funeral Home and call me when you get there, you can take your.
Baby's body back to Wawa.
And you know, it was a wonderful time. We drove home. It was a three hour drive and uh.
We shed some tears and uh.
And thank the Lord for his goodness.
And by the time we got home.
My wife.
Was willing to give up that little boy to the funeral director.
He only lived 5 days.
But you know everyone of us here, we have an appointment. God tells us in His word that, uh, it is appointed unto men once to die.
And after death, the judgment, and every one of us here in this room, the little ones and the older ones, we all have an appointment.
To leave this world to die, everyone of us has to die. Why do you think that we have to die?
Why do you think we have to die? Do you know who could tell me why we have to die?
Who could tell me? Could you tell me why? Because Adam and Eve sinned.
That's right. And we're part of a fallen creation, a ruined world. Because Adam and Eve sinned. You know Danny? I don't know. He was born in sin, God tells us. And shapen in iniquity. I don't know if he ever sinned.
But uh, he had to die anyway because he was part of a ruined creation. And you know, each one of us have a part in that ruined creation too.
And every one of us is going to have to die. And after death, there's the judgment. And no matter how much anybody loves you.
No matter how much your parents love you, they can't save you from that.
And, you know, God looked down and he saw our situation, and he realized it was totally hopeless. How many people in this room do you think are going to die?
Who can tell?
Every one of us is appointed to die, aren't we?
So each one of us had to die, or someone had to die for us.
And you know the eternal God, the God who can give life. He looked down and he saw our situation.
And he decided he was going to do something about it.
And So what? You know the story.
God became flesh, you know. We read in Matthew that there was a little boy, and he was born, and it says his name shall be called.
Let's see. I have to read it. See, it's a couple of times we read about it.
Umm. And she shall. This is talk. Uh, the Angel talking to Mary.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.
And then he fulfills A prophecy. The prophecy is, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel.
Which being interpreted God with us.
So when this little boy was born into the world, he was not like any other baby that had ever been born into this world.
This, this little boy.
Was God himself come into this world to take our place?
And you know he died.
So that I wouldn't have to. He died so that you wouldn't have to.
You know, isn't that a wonderful thing?
Has anyone else ever been like that?
And he died. You know, there's a verse, so I don't remember where it is right now. It says the the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.
And give his life.
A ransom for many.
He wanted to ransom you and he wanted to ransom me.
And so he came into this world, God himself, and he took the place of a man so that he could die instead of you and me.
No, that is amazing, isn't it?
You know, I told you that story about our love for our little boy.
And our love was weak, wasn't it? Could it do anything to save that little boy from dying? It couldn't do one thing.
But you know when God came into this world in flesh, in the person of Jesus, you know we sing to Him sometimes. It says mighty mighty love of Jesus. Greater love was never known love.
That left the heights of glory.
Love that left for me a throne.
So you know the Lord Jesus.
Wants to say every one of us in this room.
Well, you know, I was, uh, so I'm gonna ask you a question. Who can tell me a verse that tells about the love of God?
Can you tell you, can you say that verse?
Should not perish but have everlasting life. That's what God wants to give every one of us. But you know, I had some verses on my heart.
In the Gospel of John.
Because there's a question there that the Lord Jesus asked one of his disciples, and we're not going to have time to go into too much detail, but there's three questions in.
John, Chapter 21.
So we can know by looking at the Lord Jesus that God loves us, can't we?
And uh, you probably know the story. Kevin. Could you know one of the questions that Jesus asked a man named Peter?
Do you remember what question he asked them?
Do you love me? That's right. You know, suppose, suppose I said, uh, John. Suppose the Lord Jesus was here and he said, John, do you love me? How many people do you think are in this room named John?
Maybe. Maybe they should raise their hand. Anybody whose name is John.
Not very many jobs.
Well, anyway, when the Lord Jesus was talking to Peter, there were two men in that group and their name was Simon. And the Lord Jesus wanted to make sure that Simon Peter knew exactly who he was talking to. And so he said Simon son of Jonah.
Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Do you love me?
And you know, when? When the word of God, when God asks a question in his word, who's he asking it to? Do you think it might apply to me, too? What do you think? Do you think he's asking it to you too, Emily?
Mm-hmm. And so he asked that question to each one in this room.
Do you love me?
You know, how do you think Peter felt that day? You know, what had Peter done? Why did Jesus ask him that question? Do you know? Who can tell me?
That's right, he had. He had said he never knew the Lord, and so the Lord Jesus. He asked him a question. Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?
But he asked that question to each one of us.
He goes right down, right down the row. Every one of us. Do you love me?
Do you love me and you know? He asked. He asked Peter that one time. And uh, how do you think, uh, how would you feel?
Umm, see, I'll pick on somebody else this time.
Uh, see, who should I ask? Grace. Suppose, uh, suppose your mommy asked you a question. Grace, do you love me? How would you feel?
That make you a little feel a little funny?
But you know what the Lord Jesus did to Peter? He asked him the same question three times.
Peter answered the question. Umm.
Uh, he's umm.
Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me? And he said, yes, Lord. And the Lord said, Feed my lambs.
And Jesus said to him again, Peter or Simon.
Do you love me?
How do you think Peter felt by that time?
You know, And Peter said, yes, Lord, you know that I love you. Do you think Peter might have been getting a little nervous?
But you know, the Lord Jesus didn't give up.
You know what he did? He asked him again. He said. Do you love me? Do you really love me? Do you?
Peter said.
He said, you know, if you had looked at Peter's life the last few days or the last few days, would you think that Peter loved Jesus?
You might wonder because.
Three times, he said he didn't even know him.
And the last time he cursed and he swore.
To show that he really didn't know.
You know, do you think if someone looked at my life or your life, would they know that you love Jesus?
Is our life different than others?
Does it show that we love Jesus?
You know the Lord Jesus.
Is is faithful and he he probes into our conscience.
You know, in a few minutes, umm, we're going to sit down.
And remember the Lord Jesus in his death.
And you know, that is the greatest privilege that we can have on the Earth, I think.
And if we sing a hymn, it's hot, it's, you know, the Lord. Do you think during the breaking of bread the Lord Jesus is going to say, is he going to say to us, Nick, do you love me?
Have you ever heard him say that in the Breaking of Red?
No, he's not gonna say that is.
But we're gonna sit down there and there's gonna be a table and what's gonna be on that table?
The bread in the car. And you know what the What does the cat speak to us all?
You know when we sit there in the presence of the Lord Jesus in a few minutes?
If we consider those things, is it gonna make us think? Is it gonna probe our conscience a little bit, do you think?
He's not going to say do you love me?
We sing a hymn. It calls it a feast of life. Isn't that an amazing thing? A feast of love for me is spread.
And we're gonna sit down around the Lord Jesus.
And we're going to consider how much he loves us.
He doesn't say, Do you love me?
He's gonna tell us how much he loved us.
And why do you think the Lord Jesus had to die? Why do you think those memorials of his death have to be on that table? Who can tell me?
Why did he have to die? Who did he have to die for?
For me and for you, for each one of us.
And you know, when we sit in this presence to remember him and his death, it's an entreaty to each one of our hearts, isn't it?
He tells us how much he loved us.
And he wants us to consider.
How are we going to respond to love like that?
What do we think of someone that loved us so much? You know, if someone loved you a whole lot, would you like to give them something?
Mm-hmm. You know, I have a present that I wrapped up here.
And you know, the Lord Jesus loved us so much.
Should there be a response from each one of us?
You know the Lord Jesus redeemed our souls.
And everything that we do.
And everything that we think.
In everything we say.
Is like a present that's getting wrapped up.
For the Lord Jesus.
He loves us and we should want to give him a present, shouldn't we?
In fact, he redeemed us. He bought us with his own blood.
And there's a verse in UH Well, there's several verses. There's a verse in First John, it says that we love.
Because he first loved us. That's that's the only reason we love, isn't it? Because he loved us first.
And then there's other things that we read about. Let's see read a verse in.
Romans Uh.
14 I'm going to read it. It says whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord.
Whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lords.
You know every one of us.
That knows the Lord Jesus. As our Saviour, we belong to the Lord Jesus.
In everything that we do, it's like we put it in a box.
For the coming day when we're going to sit down with the Lord Jesus, You know, I really enjoyed it a few years ago, that Brother Mark, the View and Walla Walla, he was telling about the judgment seat of Christ.
And he and he presented it like this, he said. You know, it's gonna be a time when we sit down with the Lord Jesus and he's gonna put his arm around us.
Then we're going to open up the present that we have for him.
And he's going to take out everything that we've done, everything that we've thought, and everything that we've said, and we're going to consider it.
Are there some things in the present that you've made for the Lord Jesus that you?
Wish weren't there.
You know, there's some every, every time. Suppose we said a kind word. You think it would go into the box, go right into the press.
Suppose we got angry with our brother or sister. Do you think it would go into the box?
We belong to the Lord, everything that we do, everything that we say.
Everything that we think it goes into this box and it's like a present that we're going to open up together with the Lord Jesus.
And he's going to go through that everything that we did, everything that we thought and everything that we said.
And we're going to consider it with him.
And you know, do you think he's going to whip us if we did some bad things? What do you think? No.
It's all going to get burned up, isn't it? And you know, we're going to be just as glad as he is to see it burned up.
But you know, the Lord Jesus wants us to consider these things now.
Because now is the time.
That we have to respond to his love. You know, there's an amazing thing.
We've been considering in Ephesians about.
Good works that he has before ordained that we should walk in them. You know, God has a way. He wants each one of us to walk. And if we walk in obedience to the way that God has for us, our lives are going to be, we're going to be happy, aren't we? We're going to be blessed and we're going to be a blessing to those that are around us.
We're gonna be happy, aren't we?
The Spirit of God is gonna bring fruit.
For the glory of God out of our lives. And it's going to go into the present, isn't it?
That we're gonna present to the Lord Jesus at the judgment seat.
Well, God loves every one of us here.
And everyone of us has an appointment with death, unless somebody died for you.
And God has provided has me.
He's provided A savior for everyone of us.
And he wants us to consider our way. Certainly he wants us to live for the glory of God.
Do you think that everybody is going to go to heaven, or are some people going to reject the love of God for them?
Some people reject at all, and you know they're gonna have to face their appointment with death.
They're gonna have to stand before God in judgment, aren't they? What a solemn day that is going to be.
What a sad day for any one of these children that are here if they had to stand before God before the Lord Jesus Christ as their judge, you know?
I trust that each one of you will accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, that you'll accept that amazing love He left eternity. He came into this world to become a man so that as a man, he could die for you.
So that you could be set free, so that you could live for the glory of God and bring joy to the heart of God.
Our God.