Questions from the Word of God

Duration: 35min
Gospel—A. Coleman
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Think it's just the first time. Now you later read it again.
For the word of God is rich and powerful and sharper than any new engines or.
Providing the sender of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrows, and is a Zerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
I want to start with this first.
Because for the last month or so I have been jotting down questions from the word of God that I I would like to put forward here tonight these questions.
Straight from the word of God, not from this person. Here it is the word of God that saves.
And uh, these questions, if there's one here tonight that is still lost, don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal savior.
I just asked that you could seriously consider these verses that I'm going to read tonight. There are ten of them. They're very important. They're very well known verses. And so I wish that tonight that you would listen intently to what the spirit of God is bringing before you tonight.
It is a serious thing, you know, to reject the gospel. It is a serious thing to go out of a gospel meeting.
Still lost.
It is an insult to God to reject his wonderful offer of mercy. God has, through his beloved Son, offered the very best that his heart of love could give his very beloved Son.
And his precious work on Calvary's cross.
So let's start tonight by singing hymn #13, Man of Sorrows. What her name for? The Son of God who came?
Ruined sinners who proclaim.
Hallelujah. What a savior.
Someone started please?
The first question, Genesis Chapter 3, the first question that was ever asked in this precious Bible that we have opened before us, the Word of God.
Genesis Chapter 3.
Verse 9.
And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him.
Where art thou?
That's a question I would ask you tonight. Where?
Art thou where are you? Before God, where are you? You know what happened here. Adam had sinned.
Indirect disobedience to God and the word of God plainly says, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Adam was shut out of the Garden of Eden forever because he had sinned.
Against God. God cannot have sin in His presence, but He's provided a way through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross.
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life. What a God we have. How great is our God? Wonderful. What an awesome God we have.
Do you really know this wonderful God? Do you really know him personally? Thank God. I can say that tonight. I know him and I've known him for over 50 years and he has been a wonderful God to me, a wonderful Savior and all the way home. Savior.
And God here, because Adam has sinned. He came in the cool of the day, walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and he called out. Adam, where are you?
What did Adam do?
He had sinned and he was hiding from God. You know there are many that tonight are hiding from God. Yes, they are.
Two young ones here tonight. Little ones, Are you hiding from God?
Do you know this wonderful God?
He's seeking you. You know what I like about this? This. This was the first Gospel meeting that ever went up.
Soon as the reign of sin began, the light of mercy dawned on man.
When God announced the blessed news.
God seeking the Sinner.
You know he's been seeking the Sinner ever since.
He wants you to be found, he says. Seek to the Lord while he may be found. Call ye upon him while he is near. You know, it's often been said that a seeking Sinner and a seeking Savior will always meet.
If you really desire us to seek the Savior, you'll find him.
He's looking for you. He wants to save you. He wants to save you right now, tonight.
MMM. You know what I like about this? Again? I'm gonna say this was the first gospel meeting. You know what I like about tonight? This is the final meeting of this conference, and it's and it's A and it's a gospel meeting and it's the last meeting. And I like that. You know how fitting it is that the last meeting of this lovely conference could be a gospel because God is his long-suffering Mercy is not willing that any should perish but that all.
Should come to repentance.
And he's LA. He, he's, he's provided this gospel meeting tonight so that you could be saved. He wants to give you one more chance to be saved.
And I've seen that over and over and over again in these last few years of how an individual was given one more chance to be saved. He's not willing that you should perish. He says I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turned from his evil way and live. And he says, turn ye, turn ye for a while, will ye die? Does God want to send a man to hell? No, he doesn't. The last thing that God wants to do.
But God is holy.
God is holy.
Adam had sinned. You can't get to heaven with all your sins.
No, you can't. You can't get to heaven without the work of Christ.
The Lord Jesus has gone to Calvary's cross and suffered the untold agonies of Calvary's cross.
And I can say that tonight, as it says in First Peter chapter 2, who himself bore our sins in his own body, and the tree, he bore all my sins. My sins are all gone and I can save tonight.
By the authority of the precious word of God that my sins are all gone, that says the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin, I'm going to repeat it again, the blood of Jesus Christ.
God's Son cleanseth us from all sin. Are your sins all gone? Mine are gone. Thank God. It's all what the Lord Jesus has done for me. He loved me. He gave himself for me.
He washed all my sins away. And I'll tell you, there were a lot of them.
The very worst Sinner.
Its sovereign grace that reaches down and picks up an individual like me and says what a God we have, what a wonderful God, a seeking saviour.
And so this was the first gospel meeting. But then there is another gospel meeting. It's in John 737. And it says that then that last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried saying, if any man thirst, let him come to me and drink.
That was the last Gospel meeting.
And you know, dear one, tonight, this might be the last Gospel meeting. You might not hear this wonderful message again from the heart of God. No, you might not hear it.
If the Lord Jesus would come tonight, it would be too late for you.
Does he that you would be left behind for the judgment of God?
And what a world this will be after the church is taken home. I don't want to be here. And thank God I'm not going to be here.
And that last day, that great day, the feast, Jesus stood and cried saying, if any man thirst, think of how what the the heart of the Lord Jesus there when he spoke those words, if any man thirst.
Is there a thirsty person here?
I see light of them when I'm when I'm at home in in Vancouver and I'm down in the Skid Row, I see a lot of them.
And they've been thirsting, trying to find something that would satisfy their craving, and they don't find it.
And they go on and on and on and sometimes you'll see.
Well, you won't. You won't see an old person down there. Mostly they're young.
He seeking you tonight, won't you come to him?
Next question.
Matthew chapter.
Matthew Chapter 27.
Verse 22.
Of all the verses, of all the questions that I'm going to bring before you tonight.
This is the most important question of them all.
Verse 22 Pilate said unto him.
What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? To think that God used an ungodly man by the name of Pilate, who stood before the Lord of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son.
How do you ask this question? What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? And I'm asking you this question here tonight. What are you going to do about the Lord Jesus Christ?
What are you going to do about it? Are you going to accept them as your savior?
Or are you going to reject him?
What did Pilate do?
We know this story right here.
He took a basin and he took water and he washed his hands. Symbolic to say that it won't have anything to do with it, and I'm gonna take a neutral ground.
And that's what he did.
And I'm gonna tell you tonight that you cannot. It is impossible. Take a neutral ground. You must.
Tonight, either accept or reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called to Christ? I want to tell you tonight, dear friend, tonight.
Sitting in your seat, Little one, big one, whatever.
That the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son, loves you very much.
Loves you very much. He saw your need as a guilty, lost Sinner, just as he saw mine.
And that blessed one God's beloved Son, went willingly to the cross of Calvary.
And there suffered on Calvary's cross for your sins.
In those long dark hours in Calvary's cross when he could cry out. My God, my God.
Why hast thou forsaken thee? The Lord Jesus was there, the sin bearer on caliphers cross. He bore my sins that blessed one.
That love that held him there on that cross.
On that cross alone forsaken.
Of a holy, righteous, sinning God.
What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? Will you answer that question tonight?
John's Gospel, chapter 14.
John's Gospel, chapter 14.
Verse 5.
Thomas said unto him, Lord, we know not. Whither thou goest? And how can we know the Way? There's a question, How can we know the way?
You know, there's a lot of little ones here tonight and I'm sure that many little ones here tonight. If I if I was to come up and down the roads and say how can you know the way to heaven? You know the way to heaven.
No, it's written right here in John 14 and 6.
The Lord Jesus immediately answered Thomas's question. He says.
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
There's only one way you know.
Man tries different ways, but there's only one way to come to the Lord Is is through the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.
Only one way.
Uh, go back to Matthew chapter.
Umm 22.
Verse 42.
Thank you of Christ. What a question.
What a question.
You asked me that question. What do I think about the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, I'll tell you right away. He's my savior. He's my savior. He's the one that saved me. He's the one that saved me 50 years ago.
I was a guilty, lost Sinner.
What do you think about this wonderful person?
He's he's wonderful.
Do you know him? Do you know him personally? What do you think about the Lord Jesus?
Or do you even think about him at all?
You know, as a young man, I never thought about him.
But thank God he touched my heart and saved my soul. What do you think about the Lord Jesus?
As I go about, I love to give out tracks.
And it's just kind of a little work that the Lord has given me.
And he showed me a little place in downtown Atlanta.
And I go down there every Wednesday to a place called Five Points.
And I'll probably give out about 200 tracks in about an hour.
Mostly blacks, a lot of business people.
And I get them from all walks of life.
And I'm so thankful that the Lord has given me this little opportunity to spread His precious word.
It's the word of God that saves and dead and on those tracks is the word of God.
And I see many and I talk to many down there.
Many have a different way of of approach to God, a different way to heaven. There's only one way.
You ask him What do you think about the Lord Jesus?
And they say they shrug their shoulders. I don't know.
Sometimes I'll give out, uh, I'll offer a track to a guy and he'll say, uh, I'm OK, I'm OK, And it's a very common expression. I'm OK, I'm OK, And you'll walk on and don't take the track.
What? What? What does that mean? What does that mean? Is that does it mean? He said. I'm OK, I'm. I'm on my way to heaven is does it mean I'm OK? I'm saved?
Or does it mean I just don't want what you got and I think that's the letter? I'm OK, It's just their way of saying I don't want your tracked.
I approached a uh uh a group of people and there was about four or five of them and offered to track to this person.
And uh.
He he he just went down like that.
On my hand and the track fell to the ground. Smack.
That is trash.
You know God is going to hold that man responsible for how?
He dealt with his word.
I said he stomped on it on that truck. I said, Sir, can I pick up that truck? No.
The others that were in the group were kind of aghast at what had happened.
They all took a tract.
This wonderful.
The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
This is not trash.
This is not trash.
It's special. It's the word of God. It's sweet. It's wonderful. Everything about this precious book. It's wonderful. It tells us all about our precious Savior.
And that's what we've been enjoying this week.
All about Jesus. All about Jesus. And for all eternity, it's going to be all about Jesus.
That wonderful knee, that knee which is above every knee.
John's Gospel Chapter 9.
John's Gospel Chapter 9.
And uh.
Verse 35.
The blind man.
Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and when he found him, he said unto him.
Dost thou believe on the Son of God?
Another question.
Do you tonight believe in the Son of God? That's a question. Would you answer it? Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you?
Think seriously. Think about it. Seriously.
Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?
Acts 16.
Acts 16 Well known verse.
And they said, verse 31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
God didn't ask you to do something complicated to get saved.
No, he didn't. He didn't ask you to do something complicated to get saved.
This is so simple.
Man stumbles over it.
The simplicity of the gospel.
It's so simple.
Just believe you know the children. So many times you'll ask him in Sunday school how to be saved, and right away they'll quote this verse.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. But wait a minute, children, have you done it?
Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ?
You've memorized the verse. You know the verse.
Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ?
It's so important.
You know, it says in Romans 10 and 9 it says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord.
And believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that simple?
I like that and and the songwriter says it only says a simple thing. Believe and laugh.
It only says a simple thing. Believe and live. God offers you salvation tonight.
The Lord Jesus is coming. Tomorrow may be too late. I am going to read a verse.
It's Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 3.
Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 3.
How shall we escape if we need so great salvation?
So great salvation. Think of that.
So great salvation.
That great salvation that caused God to give his Son on Calvary's cross.
So that you might be saved.
Soul great salvation.
What does it mean to neglect it? It means maybe to put it up.
I tell you a little story right now is happening.
Cathy and I have been driving from Atlanta here about a week ago. The back tires started going down.
And every day we put $0.75 in the meter to pump it up.
And it still keeps going down. And we've put it off and we put it off and we put it off. So tomorrow we gotta get the tire fixed. And that's the way man does it. He puts off this way of salvation. I might wait till I'm a little older or whatever the case may be, or I'm enjoying things that I just cannot give up. That's neglect.
Of God's wonderful salvation.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation now? UH James Chapter 4.
James, Chapter 4.
Yeah, just, you know, I mean, first, John, sorry.
Verse 4 Verse 13 Go to Now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue their gear, and buy and sell and get den, whereas ye know not what shall be on the Morrow. Do you know where you'll be tomorrow?
Do you?
I don't know.
Then this question for What is your life?
What is your life?
It is even a vapor that appears for a little time, then it's gone.
What is your name?
I'll ask you tonight so very seriously dear friend here tonight.
What is your life? What are you gonna do about your life? Are you gonna surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ? That's what he wants you to do.
Oh friend, tonight surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Come tonight as a guilty, lost Sinner before a holy God.
Father, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son.
That's what the prodigal son said.
Long time ago I was a prodigal and the Lord saved me. And He can save you, dear friend, tonight.
What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and it's gone.
It's a solemn thing to walk out of a gospel meeting still lost. A very solemn thing.
God is not marked.
First Peter, Chapter 4.
Verse 7.
First Peter.
I got it wrong here. What shall the end be of those that obey not the gospel of God?
Where did I lose that?
What was that?
1St 17 Thank you.
OK, thank you, for the time has come that judgment must begin at the House of God. And if at first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? For if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly in the Sinner appear?
What shall the end be? What a question of those that obey not the gospel of God. I'll tell you what your end will be, dear friend. Tonight it will be in the lake of fire.
It will be at the great white throne of Judgment that you will stand in outer space before a holy, righteous sinning, hating God, and to be judged of all your sin and to be cast into the lake of fire forever. Does God want you to that way? No, he doesn't.
He wants you to be safe, and that's why there is this gospel meeting tonight, this last gospel. He wants you to be saved, and he's giving you one more chance to be saved, One more chance.
Are you gonna take this chance tonight?
Are you going to say Lord Jesus, I'm coming, I'm coming.
This gospel meeting is just about over.
Hmm. I wanna tell you a story.
You ever been invited out to dinner?
Oh, we've had a wonderful dinners here this weekend.
You, uh, go to person's House for for supper, and uh, you have a lovely supper. Meat, potatoes, gravy, the like of that.
And then the host comes and takes your plate.
But she says, save your fork.
What does she mean by that? Save your pork.
Well, you know right well.
Dessert is coming.
What's that? Pies. Whatever, you know.
Dessert. Save your pork.
There was this girl. She was dying.
She was dying of cancer.
And she went to her pastor. And she said, pastor, I want you to bury me with a fork in my hand in the casket.
And, and, and, and that's what happened. And everybody that went by that casket saw her with a fork in her hand and they said.
Why? Why she got that fork in her hand?
I'll tell you, Oh dear friend, here tonight, the dessert is coming. The best is yet to be.
The Lord Jesus is coming. We've had this wonderful conference this weekend, this wonderful conference.
But you know the dessert is coming. The best is yet to be.
Soon we're gonna hear the shout.
So it's gonna take us out of this scene and into his very presence forever.
And I say this to you tonight, dear young people, dear friend, here tonight, sitting in this audience.
Are you ready?
Are you ready? How can I be ready?
To have my sins washed away in the precious blood of Christ. To know the Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior. To be able to say I am saved, I am on my way to heaven. To be able to say that the Lord Jesus is my way. He's my Savior.
And I'm gonna see him face to face.
Dear ones, tonight dessert is coming.
The Lord Jesus is coming. The best is yet to be. This conference has been sweet, but there is something wonderful coming.
Are you ready? I am. Shall we thank the Lord?
Loving father we're so thank.