Luke 12:31

Duration: 1hr 11min
Luke 12:31
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King and communion.
But rather seek ye the Kingdom.
Of God.
Now what is the Kingdom of God?
It's a general term that's used.
Many expressions in regard to the Kingdom, The Kingdom of Heaven.
The Kingdom of his dear son.
But the Kingdom of God is an overall expression, I believe. But I believe what we have in Luke's gospel is rather the side of the Kingdom of God, shall we say, that is moral, the permanent aspect of it, when everything else ceases?
And that is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Is what characterizes the Kingdom of God. It is not made and drink.
But righteousness?
Peace, joy in the Holy Ghost.
Now, brethren, this will be our portion for all eternity, and this is the character of heaven.
Joy in the Holy Ghost. Then we have these three things now.
Or shall we say, don't we have them now?
Yes, because of the work of Christ we have righteousness.
He is made unto us righteousness. That's one Corinthians one, the end of the chapter.
Do we have peace? Oh yes, we have peace, but He is our peace.
That's Ephesians 2.
Do we have joy in the Holy Ghost? Indeed we have. That's Romans 15. I believe we have joy and the Holy Ghost now, because having believed, you are sealed without Holy Spirit of promise.
But the Spirit of God is seen in different ways and.
In connection with the believer and so we have also mentioned the earnest of the Spirit.
Now, I believe that expression, earnest of the Spirit not only includes the promise that we'll have the whole thing later, but it includes the thought that He has already given us that joy that belongs to it. We have. The joy of the Holy Ghost is connected with the earnest, I believe.
And so we have the Kingdom of God mentioned here.
Seek ye the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.
Now remember, this is the gospel we're reading and those who have.
Come to the place of knowing the Lord Jesus, their Savior has been gathered to His name.
Perhaps have a little more advanced line of things introduced to them, to the epistles of Paul, but it doesn't take away from what we have here in one bit and so.
Fear not, little flop, are we not, little flock?
Little Flock God has always had a little flock just once.
At different times they were under certain conditions. Today we find there's a little flock, as there has been, and everyone who belongs to the Lord Jesus is in that little flock.
Everyone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior belongs to that little flock. Good pleasure.
Now we have something else. When we get home to glory, we're going to find that everything that happens to us is the result of the Father's good pleasure. Not simply God's good pleasure, but the Father's good pleasure. And that's Christianity, really.
It's the Father's delight.
To bless you and me.
The Father's delight.
One of the last things.
Mr. Darby mentioned in his writings that he had learned in scripture was that the 4th chapter of.
First, John.
Who loves you? It isn't just Jesus, that's true, but it's the whole Godhead, Father, Son and Spirit.
And he said that all the years he had only thought of it as being the Lord Jesus. But in his later years it came home to them, him in that 4th chapter of the first epistle of John, that is God. And just think, brethren, that we're going to be in a place where the one who created all things, the one who had purposed all things.
He's the one who finds his good pleasure, as it says here.
To give you.
The Kingdom.
Now I don't want to bring in the subject of the Kingdom except in this way.
That there is a heavenly department to the Kingdom, and an earthly department.
The heavenly department is being formed now and is called the Kingdom of the heavens. It belongs to the heavens, and it will be known then as the Kingdom of the Father, as we read in the in the.
Gospel of Matthew.
In the 13th chapter, 44th verse I believe.
Kingdom of the Father and so there is a heavenly department of the Kingdom and there will be rewards in that day in connection with that Kingdom.
And have in connection with the believer and his life down here.
There will be rewards given in that day of the Kingdom. And so it says it's your father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Well, now if he's going to give us the Kingdom.
Then why not sell all that we have down here?
Why not sell it all? That's what he's telling us here. And what does this mean? Well, I believe it means this, brethren.
It means for you and me to evaluate everything in our lives.
When you go to buy something, especially in other countries where.
There's a trading principle used in buying and selling. You have to evaluate what you're going to buy. You won't necessarily pay the price that you've asked. You evaluate what it is. I believe that's the thought here.
Evaluate everything that surrounds you down here. What does it work?
In comparison with what the Father is going to give you and what you have laid up in store in heaven.
Cell that you have and give alms, provide yourselves bags which wax not old. Now in the Old Testament the prophet warns about the bags that have holes in them.
And oh, how many bags that have holes in them are going to lose everything, but these bags have no holes in them. A treasure.
In the heavens.
And so he's speaking now of something that we're looking forward to.
Providing bags that wax not old.
And then he speaks of a treasure in the heavens, and he note and notice what it says. That faileth not where no thief approaches, neither moth corrupted. For where your treasure is, there will your hearts be also, and that's Jesus.
Whatever you can learn of that precious savior, that's what we have here in this treasure.
As we could say, it's the moral value of things as compared with the physical value. As we look on them down here, we think of natural things and how much the price is. And that's what he's been talking about before. What we eat, the clothes that we wear, all these things are material, but what is a real value is that which is going to abide. And so he says here.
Sell what you have and give alms. I often think of it in this way that.
Before we were saved, we considered everything we had as our own. Was my car, it was my house. But after we are saved, there's a new ownership and it all belongs to the Lord. We give it to Him, and then He makes us His steward, and we use everything that we have, not with a sense of the money value, but of the moral value. What value in comparison with what you were Speaking of? The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink. It's not the food.
We eat. It's not the clothes that we wear. It's as it says, it's righteousness and peace and joy and the Holy Ghost. What value does our car have in relation to these things? Is it being used in connection with the things that really count and that really value? And Speaking of giving them the Kingdom, I was thinking of that in Revelation Chapter 11.
First of all, in Revelation chapter 10.
And verse 7.
But in the days of the voice of the 7th Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Then the 11Th chapter and the 15th verse and the 7th Angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.
And the four and 20 elders which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces and worshiped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and was an art to come, because thou has taken to thee thy great power and has reigned well. These things have been spoken to the prophets, that is, these things have been declared to us. We have already formed the proper sense, or should have.
Of values. And we're looking forward to the time when the Lord Jesus takes all that is.
Rightfully his and when he does then he's going to take possession of the whole scene. It'll be the earthly that's referred to here. The kingdoms of this world about the ones who were talked about, the four and 20 elders are in the heavenly side of things and now they're looking down and here all these things they live for and valued. The Lord is now openly taking his rights. He's taking possession of the whole thing. Kingdoms of this world have become his and all those things that we.
Thought were ours. Now he's taken. But the four and 20 elders, they rejoice, they say at last the Lord is given his rightful place. Well, this is going to be so publicly. And here is a little flock. Believers, as you say, not just ourselves, but those who have recognized the rights of Christ, who see him as it says in Hebrews 2. We see not yet all things put under him, but we see Jesus.
Who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor. So we see him in that place. We own Him, Lord and Sovereign now. And what a glorious day that will be, when the whole redeemed company fall on their faces, and say at last, the Lord has taken what is rightfully his, and they rejoice. But the point I believe in what our brothers brought before us.
In Luke chapter 12 is.
Do we realize this now? Are we living in view of that time? Are we saying this is mine?
Are we saying, well, the Lord has shown that it all belongs to Christ and I'm only a steward to use it. So in the Lord Jesus was here while he used the transportation that was here. He used the boat to get across the sea. He ate the food that was provided. But his whole desire and purpose down here was to do His Father's will and teach men a true sense of values.
And so the whole of the 12Th of Luke is really opening that up.
A man who wanted the Lord to speak to his brother that he divided the inheritance. A man who had great possessions and was thinking only of enjoying them down here. Now he says, you believers shouldn't be like that. You should have a proper sense of values and live as those who recognize the rights of Christ.
Even now and wait for the time when there will be the open display of it. Interesting in that 11Th chapter of Revelation where after the declaration has been made, the kings of kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and the Saints have rejoiced. Then it says the nations were angry. Man doesn't like this interference. He doesn't like to. He likes to say it's my life, it's my time. I.
Have a right to do as I please and it's called man in his world. The nations are angry. They would like to see a lot of errors and evils corrected in the world, but they don't want the rights of Christ. But you and I who are believers, may the Lord grant that we will acknowledge his rights in connection with our whole life, our possessions and everything, and our true values will be.
Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Loins are the place of strength and often used that way in Scripture.
But I believe also that we could include the thought of.
Where it says let your loins be girded about.
That is one who?
Is is running a race, one who has definite objects before him. He won't allow his garments to be thrown loosely about, he'll gird them up.
But also I believe it takes in the thought of the affections.
This may not seem this way with some, but I think you'll find that in the some of the writings like Mr. Billets and so on, he included this thought with the affections.
It's so easy for one's affections to go after the things around us now. If we have one treasure before us, we will have our affections girded up.
We won't allow ourselves to be taken up with other things about us and so.
Let your loins be girded about.
That's the first thing that's mentioned.
Because if this isn't true, the lights won't be burning.
The light suggests.
The testimony of the believer.
In his way down here.
Not simply one who goes out and preaches the gospel, but the whole life of the believer.
Is a life among whom ye appear as light.
In this world, it says in Philippians. Philippians 2.
He appears lights in this world, but if our hearts have gone out after other things, if we have settled down in this world, we haven't girded our loins.
Then there won't be a light burning. Now all this is in view of the Lord's coming. It's in view of that moment when we'll see His face. And seeing that moment is so near, brethren, it's at our very door.
Outfitting This passage is for us this morning as we leave these meetings.
Let your loins be guarded about.
1001 Things can occupy us the minute we leave this room.
Everything down here, we're living in a world that is.
Multiplying in its interests in such a fashion that.
The mind is just in a world as to what's going on about us and the believer, especially some who are in business, have gotten so entangled in their business that they just sigh at the pressure that's on their spirits because of it.
And would like to get out of it because it hinders their spiritual life. Well, we can even in this have our loins girded and.
Girded about.
And then our lights will be burning.
And something on Christian giving in connection with giving alms. I am afraid that many times.
We are well aware that we are not on the ground of the law. We do not have to give the 10th, you know, we do not have to look at it in this legal way and perhaps.
We are flagged in realizing our responsibility and years back.
A brother presented this thought in connection with.
Joseph in the land of Egypt.
I thought it was so helpful at that time to me, and it might be to you now.
When Joseph.
Had gathered up all the plenty of the land and the seven years of famine came.
Bought everything for peril, for food that people had to sell, everything they had. I think that's a beautiful picture of what is taught here in Luke, that all that we have belongs to him. When he saved our soul, he didn't only save us from hell. That we personally belong to him. All that we have belongs to him.
We also see that in connection with.
Leaving Egypt One of the compromises that Perot offered the 4th one was to leave their possession in Egypt. And the answer was not a hook shall be left behind. But a brother's comment was in that connection. He said if the law demanded the tent, we find that Grace would give more because as a proof that all belongs to Pharaoh or they had to give the 5th.
I think this is very helpful. We should never get the idea, beloved, that just because we are not under the law, we don't have to give 10%.
Now there might be those who do not have.
The means to even give 10%. The Lord certainly would not want us to go into debt or not live up to our obligation in order to support the Lord's work, but those who are able to.
Would certainly do more than what the law demands. I thought it might be helpful not to get off on that, but to exercise our souls to have the right attitude.
We see that beautifully demonstrated there. Everything was bought for Pharaoh and everything belonged to him, and the fifth of all would have to be given to Pharaoh. Grace would do much more than what the law ever demanded. There's a verse in Malachi I'd like to have you turn to.
Malachi 3 and starting with.
Verse 8.
8-9 and 10:00 and if someone will please read it in Mr. Darby's translation.
Verse 8-9 and 10.
Will a man rob God? But ye robbed me, and ye say we're in, Do we rob thee?
In tithes and eve offerings.
He are cursed for the 1St and be ye robbed even this whole nation.
Bring the whole tithe into the treasure house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now herewith that Jehovah hosts, if I open not to you the windows of the heavens, and bore you out a blessing till there be no place for it.
The point I want to emphasize this the whole time, the whole tide, not simply bringing all the tides.
You'll find it possibly seven times that the the rider here.
Speaks to God's people about things in which they have failed.
And this is toward the last.
And he says, Will a man rob God?
Now when it says the whole tithe, it doesn't give you at all the thought of 10%.
It gives you the thought of what's in your heart.
And I believe that's what our brother was calling our attention to.
Word for the conscience of the Jew to bring the whole tide.
Into the storehouse, in other words, to bring that which not he feels the responsibility about merely, but that which he knows will please the Lord. That's the point the whole time.
I was thinking about the Apostle Paul said that a man saw account of us as stewards of the mysteries of God and that verse that was read that you suggested in Malachi.
That there may be meat in my house. Isn't it very possible for us to be so busy gathering money and perhaps giving very faithfully to the Lord, but neglecting the things that really are important and how often? There's plenty of money to build a nice meeting room and everything, but a lack of that freshness in ministry. And so the Lord said that there may be meat in my house. What a blessing to come.
And sit down in the meeting and there's food for the soul. I believe that our meetings ought to be such that when we come together that each one would go away feeling well. I've really been refreshed. There was something there that met my present need. And I believe, brethren, if we were as much exercised about that, one has found that there's generally plenty to meet the needs even this these meetings. How marvelously the Lord meets the.
Need and the Saints are very generous.
But is there not a lack of meat in my house? And I was thinking too of how Paul, when he spoke to the elders at Ephesus, he said to feed the flock of God. Peter again, and his epistle and speaking, he says to feed the flock of God, taking the oversight thereof. And there's even a great need of that spiritual food among us. And there can be a neglect of that time that ought to be spent in reading.
Meditating upon it. So when Paul exhorts Timothy, he says, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Meditate upon these things, give thyself holy to them. Such a person might have less to give to the Lord in a material way, but a great deal that would be a blessing to the glory of God and to the blessing of his people. And if I could just say this little word of encouragement to those who are young in the pressure of life and trying.
To meet the present needs of trying to pay for a home and set up our responsibilities in a home, there's a tendency, and it's very easy to get it, to neglect that which is really important. And so the Kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy and the Holy Ghost. So may the Lord encourage us in that way so that in giving to Him there will not only be stewards of the material things, but stewards, as Paul said, of the mysteries of God.
And of that spiritual food for the Saints.
This 34th verse where your treasure is there will your heart be also is very important. The Lord is reaching into hearts in this gospel back in the second chapter.
When this child is spoken of, we might just read it in the 34th verse of Luke 2. Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary's mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall, and rising again of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be spoken against, yes, or shall Pierce through thy own soul also.
Not the thoughts that many hearts may be revealed.
I believe we see as we trace the Lord Jesus in His ministry, in this gospel, that He's always.
Bringing out the thoughts of the heart and he has done that in this gospel. I mean in this chapter concerning that man. Notice in the in our chapter 12, there was one of the company verse 13.
Said unto him, Master, speak to my brother that he divided the inheritance with me. The Lord didn't go and speak to his brother that we know about. He went right on and speaking to that man and reaching into his heart. Now I believe the Lord is trying to reach into our hearts this morning through this ministry. Where is our treasure? Where our treasure is?
There our heart will be also. It's not just really.
The material things, although that is important too. We might go to 2nd Corinthians 2 and get a little ministry as to the heart, and I believe the way that Paul applies it in the 6th chapter of Second Corinthians.
Paul says to them in the 11Th verse, O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you.
Our heart is enlarged though the heart of the apostle for that company of believers.
How he longed for them.
But then he says in the next verse.
We are not straightening us, but ye are straightening your own bowels.
Verse 13 Now for a recompense in the same I speak as unto my children be also enlarged. He wanted their hearts to be enlarged, so that they would take up the same way of looking at things that the apostle did. Now if we go to the last.
The 14th chapter, no. The 12Th chapter, Second Corinthians 12 and the.
14th and 15th versus.
We have an application here.
Or an example in Paul speaking about his children.
2nd Corinthians 1214 Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be burdensome to you. That's those Corinthians, for I think, not yours. He was looking for their material goods at all, but you, who he wanted their persons for. I seek not yours, but you. For the children ought not to lay up for the parents.
But the parents were the children. Well, he looked at himself as their parent, and he was longing that they be enlarged in their hearts, even as his heart was enlarged for them, not just in physical, material things, but in the wonderful truths that he developed in these two epistles. So then he can say in verse 15, I will.
Very gladly spend and be spent. For you though, the more abundantly I love you.
The less I be loved. Well, that was his heart. He was willing to sell all that he had spent, everything that he had for those dear Saints of God.
Just like to add, while we're in Second Corinthians, the 8th chapter connection with this subject and this follows nicely on what our brother Clem was just saying that the apostle didn't seek theirs but them in 2nd Corinthians 8 verse 7.
Where he takes up in these two chapters, 8:00 and 9:00, the subject of Christian giving. What is the motive that ought to motivate us in giving all He says in verse seven of chapter 8? Therefore, as ye abound in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that He abound in this grace also.
And then he gives us the powerful motive.
That ninth verse which we often read at the breaking of bread. For, you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor. That he through his poverty might be rich. That's really the motive. That's what motivates us as Christians. It's not because we're under the law, not because we have to give a 10th, but he gave his all.
You know the grace of our Lord Jesus. He was the rich one. He became poor. He sold all that he had that He might bring us into blessing, and that he He ends this whole section, chapter 8:00 and 9:00 with the last verse of Chapter 9. Thanks be unto God.
Unspeakable gift. Could there be anything more God like than giving? The Lord Jesus said to the woman at the well, If thou knewest the gift of God, the free giving of God, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. Anything more Christ like than to give to to those who are in need?
Not with the thought of how much, but there's a need, and we meet that need. It's the outflowing of the renewed heart.
As we see needs around, it's just the opposite of ministering to ourselves.
It's ministering to others. The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many. What a privilege to give. It is more blessed to give than to receive. God has given all that he could give. He couldn't have given more, and he wouldn't have given less.
What a privilege to be a part of that. Let this grace Paul says abound in you also. Now there are three things here that we can notice which will help us to recall the thoughts of this chapter.
There's the waiting.
And there's the watching and the doing.
In the 36th verse you have waiting and in the 37th watching.
And the 43rd doing.
Now those three things are important for us to notice.
And also, may I suggest that there is a special reward?
In connection with each of these.
The special reward that the Lord is offering.
In connection with each of these things that have been mentioned.
So that.
It's a wonderful thing to have.
The one treasure before us, and to be waiting.
For the Lord.
That would suppose that we would be at the door ready to open the door when he comes.
Is that not what it says?
They may open unto him.
Now I don't need to think. We need to hurry over these thoughts. I just bring them all three together at once. But it's something we don't need to hurry over. It's something we need to meditate on.
Just think of what it would be.
Those who are waiting for him suddenly to be able to open the door for him when he comes.
Its figurative language, of course.
Because when he comes, it's going to be in the twinkling of an eye. All will be changed, but a glorious moment.
But the thought on our part, are we going to be in such expectancy that we're going to be ready to to open that door when he comes?
Now there are some who are going to have the door closed upon them. We get that in the 7th chapter of Matthew, I believe, and they're going to have to knock and still it'll never open again.
I speak of that by contrast, and there may be someone here this morning who are going to be standing outside the door. I trust not. But if you haven't put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you'll be standing outside of the door.
And the door will never open to you. You may have all of your relatives inside. You may have those that are the nearest and dearest to you.
Inside of the door, but the door will never open for you unless.
You know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, but all how precious the thought that you're waiting for the Lord Jesus and you're going to have the privilege turning that door, opting the door.
For him it says here.
Ye yourselves like unto men.
That wait for their Lord. This is characteristic of Luke the expression men.
The subject is the Son of Man and his companions. Lovely to think of it, but he's going to be a man forever.
And we're going to be with him in communion, having the same nature.
Divine nature, of course, but he.
Is human as well.
And so.
It says when he will return from the wedding.
The Spirit of God does not open to us the differences between.
Israel and their portion and our portion.
In the Gospels, we go to the New Testament, that is, to Paul's writings.
To get these differences. And so this is just a general expression when he will return from the wedding, but that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open onto him immediately. Now just think for a moment.
If, if I was so engaged in the things of this world that I'd forgotten all about his coming.
And I really believe, brethren, that the reason the Lord has given us.
The remembrance of his death each Lord's Day is so we won't forget his coming because it says until I come and we need this.
In fact, in the earlier days, I believe that the disciples gathered oftener than every Lord's day and.
We need this to be sure that we're there to remember him, but also.
To remember that he's coming, coming back and to be so near, to be able to turn that door.
When he knocked him. That's why the verses that go before have to do with our own.
State of soul, first of all, in the 34th verse the heart, and then in the 35th the loins and the lights burning. So there needs to be a moral readiness. It's the same as in the armor before it speaks about the sword of the spirit, it talks about, it says the loins gird about with truth, the blessed breastplate of righteousness, the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
How often there's a hindrance. We'd like to be in that attitude, but maybe there are things that need to be set right in our lives. Do we have the proper sense of values? Where your treasure is, there would your heart be also? We'd like to be saying why? I'm waiting for the Lord to come, but here it's the matter of the heart wanting to see Him not just taking us out of a difficulty.
So we first have the heart and then the loins. I believe the loins bring in also the thoughts of desires.
It says, and Peters epistle, it says, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. And there are a lot of things in this present world presented to us. They allure us. They appeal to our natural desires. But we have to have our desires under control, don't we? And if our hearts are right with the Lord, then we don't want something that wouldn't be pleasing to him.
And so the loins are gird about with truth, and His word is the truth. It's that which sets before us His mind and His will.
And surely we wouldn't want to have something that we know is not pleasing to him. And then there's a testimony to the world. Do the world see that we are really living in view of eternity? Or do they see us just like themselves taken up with these things? So I believe the 34th and 5th verse are first applied to ourselves. And then there's the waiting, then there's the watching, then there's the serving. And so if the results of these.
Things are to search our hearts, to give us a proper sense of values, to seek us to judge anything that we're desiring. It's not according to his mind and will. And that our testimony before the world would be such that it would be shining for him. Then I'm sure that there will be this desire produced in us. He's coming back. He's coming for us and opening to him immediately. We all know that feeling.
Someone comes to the door and there are things that aren't just right. We'd like to straighten them up before we open the door, but if everything is right in the house, the door can swing open right away. We're glad to see them that everything is in readiness. So that should be with us, that at any moment we could lift up our hearts and say Even so come Lord Jesus, not just as a doctrine, but something that is a personal thing in our souls, that we'd like to see Him.
I heard of a man who was a businessman and every night when he left his desk, he always said, Lord Jesus, come. Well, he thought to set his house, his business in such a way and didn't want to leave something that he would feel grieved if it was left behind, Maybe intend to set it right tomorrow. But I believe our lives ought to be like that.
That at any moment and at the close of any day, we could say.
Lord Jesus, come. Well, these things speak to our conscience, as I'm sure they speak to mind. But this is what is brought before us here. And it's all in contrast with the world that is seeking after the things that pass away. But our treasure is in heaven, and we're just waiting for the moment when we're going to possess it all in company with our precious Savior. Thinking of that.
Word at the start of our meeting little block great thing to belittle in the sight of the Lord and of all the.
The address here is to little flock. We find that within that little block there are those men who are found waiting, there are those servants who are found watching, and there are those servants who are found doing. The size of the flock isn't important, it's the quality of the flock, is it not? And that is important. If we were to learn, look back in Deuteronomy. We'll see that the Lord chose Israel not because they were large in number.
They were the fewest of all people on the face of the earth. But because He loved them isn't that precious? The Lord isn't interested in size. He's interested in that which his heart can go out to.
And I was thinking too of in I believe it's Haggy I too where there were those we've been speaking about giving and our brother brought a an exercising word to our hearts in connection with that. They were dwelling in the houses that were sealed houses. They had their houses finished and they were exercising the days of that captivity there under Darius about the House of the Lord.
Well, they built the House of the Lord there in that second chapter.
And it wasn't very great, it was little, and there were those who could remember what it used to be like. But the Lord says that I will give you peace in this place. It's the quality. It's that which responds to the heart of the Lord, that which the Lord can find His delight in. The count, dear brethren, will soon be going to our respective assembly. Some of them are, perhaps.
Numerically speaking, very little, perhaps even as far as spiritual gift is concerned.
We might look upon them as being very little, but it is the place where the Lord finds his delight amongst his Saints. May we value that it's it's a warning. Solomon, you know when he was chosen to be king, following his father David, he prayed to the Lord in the in these in this expression, I am but as a little child and the Lord honored Solomon in his humbleness.
Just the opposite before him, Saul was once small in his own eyes, but he he became pumped up and he became proud. Made since the fact we've been at a large conference.
Still our hearts with humility and a sense of the goodness of the Lord and blessing us as we've been together here, and perhaps, shall we say, largeness of numbers. But may we not go back to our own assemblies with any sense of discouragement because we are little, because the Lord is still in our midst. He's still present there.
And we remember Him, each one of us in our own respective assemblies, and He is everything, no matter what the size of the assembly is, the Lord is there in our midst history. So I was thinking how lovely it was brought out. It started out to an address to the little flock, not to fear little flock, joy to be little. You know, the parents always are delighted with a little baby that's born into their home and all they look upon that little.
And they see all their, shall we say, natural hopes and.
Their natural love goes out to that little one, but they also see.
That which typifies their own weaknesses. They see the care that that little one needs. And so I believe the Lord gives us little ones in our families rather than large ones, that He might humble us and give us a sense of our own nothingness. And He is everything, makes everything of Christ. And may we always be little in our own eyes, but not discouraged by the littleness.
But rather encouraged to think that the Lord sets his love upon us even though we're not large enough.
Thinking of children.
My brother Hale was calling attention to having everything up to date.
I'm going to use a little illustration for the children, I'm sure the older ones will bear with me.
There was a little.
Two little boys.
And they always knelt with their mother or father before they retired at night.
They each one prayed to the Lord.
I'm speaking now for the children here as well as the older ones.
The first little child prayed.
And then it was turned time for the second one.
And he said, Could you wait just a minute, Lord Jesus?
And he got up and he ran downstairs and he was down there for several minutes and pretty soon he came back.
And then he prayed.
And after it was all over, his mother said to him, now Johnny, why was it that you made the Lord Jesus wait? Well, he said he wouldn't have listened to me. I had turned my little brother's toy soldiers upside down and I had to straighten them up before.
I could pray. Now, that may seem a very simple thing, but there are children here, little children who are saved.
And they will understand this account.
It has to do with waiting for the Lord Jesus.
To have everything settled, everything in order.
And even in our prayers, to be sure that we have judged things before we go into the presence of the Lord Jesus. Now let me tell you one more.
There was a little boy on his way to school.
And he said, I'll see you this noon, mom. And his mother said, I'm not too sure you will. He said, are you going shopping? And she said no.
Why won't you see me? Well, she said, Maybe the Lord Jesus will be here, and then I'll be gone.
Oh, he said.
Well, goodbye Mom. I'll see you at noon.
But I told you that I may not.
Now I've been thinking about that mother.
And he went into his little room, and he got down and confessed Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Now that was a faithful mother.
Who kept with a child and impressed upon the child the fact that Jesus was coming.
And that led the little child to make the confession right now. You know, dear brethren, as we get older, our hearts get harder and harder and harder.
And it's harder for one to make the confession of Christ. And you little children here remember.
That behold, now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation.
Put your trust in the Lord Jesus now, and if you are a Christian, let's just bring everything up to date. If there's something wrong, let's remember the Lord will be here at any moment and we want to be waiting for Him without anything to interfere with.
In the next part, we have a blessing.
Oh, how precious the next verse is.
Not to belittle anything that's said, but all how precious that blessed moment when those who are watching for Him, it says, Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find what you.
Verily I say unto you.
And he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meet.
And will come forth and serve them.
Now this begins with Blessed are those servants.
How? What a blessing it'll be at that moment. We are blessed already with every blessing in Christ Jesus, but the reality of this, the reality of that moment, the full expression of it, when actually our blessed Savior who has served us when he went to the cross and is now serving us up there.
Is going to take and guard himself he's going to set us down to me and beloved he's going to serve us what a day that will be that's heaven what an encouragement it is for us to do any little thing because the time is so short the Lord says occupy till I come and when we think that the little time of service here is so very very short the privilege of living for him and.
Serving him and his people are telling out the gospel how short it is and how long will he serve us. Well, in Exodus 21, we see that that Hebrew servant, he served forever, didn't he? And so our little time of service is so short, but it's so worthwhile when we think that the Lord would come forth and gird himself and serve us, not just for a time because we sometimes get weary, but.
He's going to do it for all eternity, and that is, I believe, rather than for all eternity, is going to continue to minister to our happiness. That verse in Ephesians chapter 2 Says that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus through all eternity. He is simply going to be forever reminding us that we are the objects of His love.
And all of his He has prepared as the result of his finished work is there for us to enjoy.
In company with him and he himself, the one ministering to our happiness forever.
How worthwhile I'm to do anything for him here, to meet in two seasons, that is especially wouldn't it be a word for those who.
Are exercised and gifted to minister to the needs of the Saints. I'm afraid that many times, perhaps what is said in the Assembly meetings is not necessarily wrong, and it might be.
Accurately presenting truth. But is it really that which is needed? That seems to be the point here. The meat in due season are good for us to be exercised to bring before God's people that which is really timely, and the Lord will give grace for that.
This seems to be the burden here of the Lord, isn't it?
Meet in two seasons. It's not just enough to accurately present truth, but is it really that which is needed at the present time, at that particular moment?
Peter had to speak to John who lay on Jesus bosom to get the answer. That is the principle there is the one who lays on Jesus bosom will be more than likely.
To be prepared with meat in due season.
And to have the right answer and what is necessary. We get this a little later in our chapter in connection with doing, and I believe that.
It's a question of communion with the Lord to have made in due season. There are many things we can enjoy. May I just say this that one may get up to speak.
To address his brethren with something that he has really enjoyed himself, but it may not need to be.
Season at all. In fact, it may be something that would discourage the Saints or even cause difficulties.
And so we should be sure that what we give.
Is something that is seasonable and profitable, even though it may appear at first.
Like something that's harsh and difficult.
And not readily accepted at the start, but I believe that if it's meat and season, the Spirit of God will make it.
Known at the time, usually that it is meat and season before the speaker is finished.
This has promised here in this 37th verse, this promise in this 37th verse. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching.
Is given to these people who are watching that the Lord will come forth and serve them. Then I think the way that.
Lord answers Peter. Peter comes with a question in verse 41.
And says, Lord, speaketh thou this parable unto us, or even to all that?
That's the way the Lord answers Peter's question is with another question. This again is the Lord reaching into the heart, bringing the thoughts of hearts out, not just Peter. The Lord takes the occasion of Peter's question to exercise Peter's heart. And what is it? Verse 42? Who then is thy faithful and wise stupid?
Already remarked about this, that what has been given to us when it's when we're saved, it's really belongs to the Lord. And then he makes us a steward of what really belongs to him. So the Lord takes it up that way and says, who that is? Well, that ought to exercise our hearts, who that is am IA steward.
Am IA faithful and wise steward of what the Lord has given so.
Going back then to our verse, blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when He cometh, shall find watching. Verily I send you that He shall gird himself and make them to sit down to meet, will come forth and serve them. So then he tells about doing something. Now it's our opportunity for service, as we've had in all these meetings, and then as we've had also.
The Lord's service will never stop, will it? It'll just go right on and on.
Here it seems to me that Peter's question here shows a danger with us all that we're very ready to say, like him speak of style, is parable unto us, or even unto all. We're quite often ready to apply the truth to others, but not to ourselves. And so, as our brother who remarked already, we don't have a real revelation of the rapture here. There isn't a clear indication about the Lord coming and giving the shout and calling us, but the moral that is brought.
Before us is important for us in regard to the Rapture. It will also apply in connection with his return for the.
Deliverance of Israel. But we could get so taken up with, well, does this apply to Israelis or to us as to miss the point altogether? And sometimes we can get so occupied with a detail that we don't apply the truth to ourselves. And I believe there's a moral application of the word to ourselves that is often very important, which we miss sometimes by trying to apply it to somebody else.
I was thinking of Acts, the 13th chapter.
Acts chapter 13 and verse 47. For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light unto the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. Well now this scripture that is referred to here is from the 49th chapter of Isaiah, and directly it applies to the Lord Jesus himself.
And we might have said, Paul, you shouldn't apply that. That way it doesn't apply to you, it applies to the Lord.
But Peter about Paul, I should say, took this as a command to himself and brother. And I, I believe sometimes the Lord might give us a verse, not in its direct context, but something that He may give to apply to our own hearts that will speak to us. And we can lose a great deal by saying, well, that applies to Israel and not to us, but we can apply the moral of it to ourselves. And that's what the Lord is doing here.
And so whenever we read the Scripture, whether it's the Old Testament or the New, whether God is addressing Israel.
Or whether he's speaking to us in the church period. Let us remember that the moral ways of God don't change and that we can learn from all these things. They were written for our learning. And Peter learns this when he said, Speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all?
Always valued faithful and wise servants, whether it was in Israel's time or in this time. And how are we going to be faithful and wise? Only as we walk in communion with the Lord, because only as we're near Him, we'll be able to speak the right word at the right time. The Lord always spoke the right word at the right time and in the proper tone of voice and everything. And it's in communion with Him that we learn.
So may the Lord help us. We can get books that tell us how to answer people and so on.
But brethren, I feel the important thing is to be close to the Lord, and he'll give you a word.
May not be a thing in its direct connection, but it will be perhaps a word from the Lord that He may use in blessing to assault. And so this applied to Peter and it applies to us. I believe that this is very helpful and should be pursued individually with anyone who has exercised as to serving the Lord in any way for this reason.
I believe that it was here that Peter discovered his kind of work.
To do.
Now I hope you understand me. Peter was called as a disciple before.
But Peter had a special work to do in connection with a little flop.
And so it's here that Peter learns what he's to do, that is.
Now the Lord doesn't come directly to you and say, now listen John or Mary, I have a certain work I want you to do.
But you can.
You can overhear in an assembly a scripture that the Spirit of God brings right home to your conscience.
And that scripture is what the Lord is using to tell you.
The path that you are to take. That is why you and I should always be listening for his voice.
And it's so, it's so necessary, the truth that we have here with Peter, because Peter was the one who fed the flock of Jerusalem. He fed the Jewish flock. He learned that in the end of John, feed my sheep, feed my lamb. And the other disciples, of course, each had their work to do. But this is an example given us of how Peter learned.
Because immediately Peter answers, he's exercised, He proves it. You're speaking to all, speaking to us. Peter, this fits you. The Lord doesn't say so. Peter's heart said so. He saw it immediately. And that's what the work that he took up. I want to mention one more thing in connection with this.
We won't turn to it, but the same subject is taken up in Matthew.
On the.
24th chapter and 25th in the first of all, it's taken up serving the household, and there it's a question of a faithful and wise servant. The two things required in the household, faithfulness and wisdom.
But in the 30 in the 25th chapter.
It's a question of giving out the gospel. It's a question of telling out the goodness of the Master.
So it's a question of a good and faithful servant. He must.
Not only tell out the goodness of his master, but he must manifest the same characteristics as his master.
Goodness. And also it's necessary that He warned souls of the coming judgment. He must be faithful, not only telling out the love of God, but he must also telling out the solemn consequences of rejecting that Savior. So you have those two things in connection with the servant that are so necessary. If I say one word about the little flop, just as encouragement.
It will not always.
Be a little flop. Notice in the 14th chapter In the 23rd verse.
The Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them it to come in, that my house may be filled. Then in Revelation 9, Revelation 7, and verse 9.
Our brother has been reminding us of heaven, giving us little glimpses of heaven. Here is another revelation. 79 After this I behave. And lo, a great multitude. That's not a little clock, a great multitude which no man could number of all nations.
And kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne.
And before the Lamb, clothed with white robes and palms in their hands.
And tried with a loud voice saying salvation to our God, which sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb. Based on that, I God wants quantity. He's going to have it. He's going to have quality too. He's going to be a large company there. Well, he's been addressed as Lord. But brethren, we've really had Jesus before us this morning.
And it's proper to address Jesus as Lord.
So he's addressed as Lord here, but it's Jesus and we'll know him in heaven just like the disciples do him down here as Jesus.
The one who went in and out among men and mixed with them.
Sitting down and eating with Republicans and sinners.
So that he might do them good and coming in and entering into the afflictions and trials, all of them says he healed all that were sick.
All the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and as it has been mentioned before, this book of Lutheran heavenly grace.