Maidens: November 2003

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The Lord often uses young people in His service. Throughout the Bible we see how boys and girls were used to accomplish His purpose. This month we will consider some girls, often called “maidens” in Scripture. Even the youngest child can be used of the Lord. How old do you think Miriam was when she looked after her baby brother Moses in the ark of bulrushes? She must have been quite young, yet she was in the right place at the right time. Afterwards, she led the women in rejoicing over the defeat of Pharaoh and his armies. Those who serve the Lord when young are also often used by Him when they grow older. Remember the little captive maid of 2 Kings 5? We don’t even know her name, but we do know that she had faith that the prophet of God would heal Naaman. How did this little girl know it could be done? Proverbs 20:1111Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. (Proverbs 20:11) says that “even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be right.” She must have done her work right or they would never have believed her. On the other hand, a girl can use her abilities for a wrong purpose. The daughter of Herodias could dance very well, but it was the cause of John the Baptist’s death.
May the Lord help us to use our talents and energies for Him while we are still young.
1. What was the name of the damsel (maid) who heard Peter knocking on the door? Acts 12:___
2. How old was the maiden who died and whom the Lord brought back to life? Luke 8:___
3. As Peter sat by the fire, who said, “This man was also with Him”?
Luke 22:___
4. When Esther’s mother and father died, she was orphaned. What is said about this maid? Esther 2:___
5. What were the young maidens going out to do when Saul and his servant found them? 1 Samuel 9:___