make oil (Hebrew #6671)

24:11  Which make oil
tsahar (Hebrew #6671)
to glisten; used only as denominative from 3323, to press out oil
KJV usage: make oil.
Pronounce: tsaw-har'
Origin: a primitive root
beyn (Hebrew #996)
properly, the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 995; a distinction; but used only as a prep, between (repeated before each noun, often with other particles); also as a conjunction, either...or
KJV usage: among, asunder, at, between (-twixt...and), + from (the widest), X in, out of, whether (it be...or), within.
Pronounce: bane
Origin: (sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine)
their walls
shuwr (Hebrew #7791)
a wall (as going about)
KJV usage: wall.
Pronounce: shoor
Origin: from 7788
, and tread
darak (Hebrew #1869)
to tread; by implication, to walk; also to string a bow (by treading on it in bending)
KJV usage: archer, bend, come, draw, go (over), guide, lead (forth), thresh, tread (down), walk.
Pronounce: daw-rak'
Origin: a primitive root
their winepresses
yeqeb (Hebrew #3342)
a trough (as dug out); specifically, a wine-vat (whether the lower one, into which the juice drains; or the upper, in which the grapes are crushed)
KJV usage: fats, presses, press-fat, wine(-press).
Pronounce: yeh'-keb
Origin: from an unused root meaning to excavate
, and suffer thirst
tsame' (Hebrew #6770)
to thirst (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: (be a-, suffer) thirst(-y).
Pronounce: tsaw-may'
Origin: a primitive root