Man's Day, Days of Christ, the Lord, God

Address—C.H. Brown
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First Grant ends the 4th chapter.
And the third verse 4/3.
But with me it's a very small thing.
But I should be judged in you or a man's day. Yeah, judge not my own self.
Now you please know this.
I read that verse according to the March.
That I should be judged of you or of man's day.
Man's judgment like man's day.
I have it before me speak this afternoon on the subject of man's day.
And on the day of Christ.
And the day of the Lord.
And the day of God.
Can you hear me back there, Brother Shelby? Would you like to come up farther front? Would you enjoy it?
Well, I'll try and speak a little louder, brother.
If you're not hearing me but I'm back there, I'll speak a little louder.
No point in speaking unless for her.
I said the blue talk Ron accompanies on man's day.
On the day of Christ, on the day of the Lord, and on the day of God.
So here's where we get that expression.
But with me as a very small thing, that I should be judged of you or a man's day.
Yeah, Judge, not my own self.
Well, brethren, can you say the same, that it's a small thing with you, that you'd be judged in man's day?
Or is that what you're striding this for?
You know, the Greeks used to have the.
The games in the great arena.
And there is there.
The main playground where they ran the races and then here was the last amphitheater.
They were conscious all the time that they were running, all during those games that they were being watched in the amphitheater years.
I gave them zeal, I gave them energy.
Because they were running before the eyes of 10s of thousands of people.
That's where their judgment was.
Well, Paul says I'm not good.
I'm not running before the amphitheater.
Of man's judgment or man's data?
My judgment, my criterion is different altogether. It's a small thing to me.
How do you rate it?
You have your name and who's who? America. You know that book, don't you? You can get it down here in the library. Who's who in America? You got your name in there. Oh, that's a great thing to get your name and who's who in America.
But all brethren, that's a small thing. It isn't worth talking about.
To having your name and the Lamb's book of life.
And to know that your life for Christ is being recorded day by day in the books above.
No, wait, just a moment. Now here's some of our audience coming in.
Nice reserved seats right here.
We're just talking a little about man's day.
And what is our attitude toward being judged by man's day?
Since man was on the earth.
There's never been a day so to characterize as.
Man's day is the one in which we're living.
Old Man is is becoming so inflated with himself.
Well, it's something I can get back here in the 11Th of Genesis. Shall we read that?
Latin Genesis.
In their verse they send one to another go to let us make brick.
And burn them through late, and they had brick or stone.
Lovely seats up here. Come on.
We acted on that scripture carry one for another, so we're not very far along.
And it just got barely started. And they said we're going to speak, God helping us on man's day, day of Christ, the day of the Lord, the day of God.
We have just now turned to the 11Th chapter of Genesis.
Well, here's a sample of man's day.
Third verse they had breakthrough stone and slime they had for martyr. And they said go to let us build it the city in the tower whose top may reach unto heaven, whose top may reach unto heaven.
And let us make us a name, make us a name and that sound up to date.
Lest we be scared cross on the face of the whole earth.
6th verse The Lord Sentinel. The people is 1 and they have all one language. And this they begin to do, they begin to do, and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do.
Go to let us go down, and there confound their language eighth verse, so the Lord scattered them abroad among them.
And they left off to build the city. Therefore the name of it is called Bagels.
Because the Lord is there and found the language of all the earth.
That's what man was from the beginning.
Man's day. That's the spirit of the blood. Us and make us a name. Let us build a tire that reaches the heavens. Right on in brother. Nice room up here.
Glad to have this.
To talk about the children baby.
Oh, how proud of it, Sir was mad. Let us build a tartar reach to heaven.
Well, we sometimes read that passage, and he smiled with that particular lot of fools.
Oh, but those Is that true? What fools? Well, that's good. The 14th of Isaiah and see if they're doing any better.
That's quite a long ways along the line from the Atlantic Genesis.
In the 14th of Isaiah.
We have prophetically a picture of the end of the present age.
And in this, in this portion here, we're still a man's day.
The 14th chapter is the judgment of the head of the Western powers.
The revived Roman Empire.
The Great Western Power of the End Time.
His judgment is prophetically announced here in this chapter.
So now we'll read it. And as we do, I believe that we will be conscious of a strange similarity.
The day in which we're living.
I wouldn't be surprised if you would find the equivalent of some of these expressions I haven't seen here today's Sunday paper. I don't not especially interested in Sunday paper, but I wouldn't be surprised if you find some of these expressions, or the equivalent of them, used in today's Sunday paper and in the magazines and in the college lecturers and common St. talk of the days between man and man. Well, let's look at 13th verse.
For thou hast said in thine heart I will.
I remember we're talking about man's day. I noticed that word I, I, big I. And then there was that other word.
I will. Now let's say we're back now, the 11Th of Genesis. They're going to build a tire and reach to heaven. Nothing less than heaven will do them well. Here we are. Now we're in the 14th of Isaiah. You get that? I will five times.
I will ascend into heaven and that sound like the 11Th of Genesis.
Doesn't it sound like 1960 in the United States and in Russia?
I'll ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
You know this man. I'm no good on names anymore. He's a band drum and some such name. This great scientist. There's a German that's the head of the aeronautical side of things.
That man has, so to speak, thrown back his shoulders and popped out his chest and said man has a right to go anywhere in this universe he wants to.
Without a speech to maintenance, what a thing to say. But that's exactly what this man here saying, isn't it?
And remember, we're just at that time, we're treading right right into it. Here we are in the thing. Full blast, full boom right here.
I will say to heaven, I will sought my throne above the stars. I will sit also upon a mountain of the congregation in the sight of the north.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
I will make I will be like the most high.
I will, I will. I will. I will. I will.
And he ends up I'll be like the Most high.
Oh yes, that's man's ambition.
He wants to be his God. Doesn't that take you right back to the temptation of Adam and Eve? Isn't that in similar language to what Satan used with them?
Well, there's where we are. We're near the end time and the man that's represented here, they call him Lucifer. It's not the devil I know. It's oftentimes regarding so.
The Devil may be the inspiration behind it, but it's not the Devil. It's the head of the revived Roman Empire.
And nothing is restrained from him, at least in his own thoughts.
Going to go right up to that, you know, it's a fact from what we read in the Book of Revelation among the Son of God.
Rhymes for how old heaven to take charge of the bears down here on this earth. Now I'm not referring to this catching the church up, but I'm referring to his riding forth that takes charge of this scene.
This is my aunt and his cohorts.
Actually have the boats the to go out and launch a full staged attack at the returning Son of God.
Well, that's what you have here. That's the spirit of the man. It's the spirit of the day. It's the spirit of the age.
Our Lord Jesus, when he was here on earth, said.
The Prince of this world, that Satan.
Cover lots of seats. Come right on up. We don't wait for you. Come on up.
We're thinking about.
Man's day The stay in which we're living when there's.
So much of the display of the human will.
Man saying I will do this and I will do that.
So our Lord Jesus when He was here on earth.
He said, the Prince of this word uncommon.
And has nothing in me, while the Prince of this world is thick and the Prince of this world.
Now that goes up beyond all the counts and all the kings that goes right up to the top, way out of the top.
Prince of this world, who's that Satan?
And then Paul in the 4th chapter of Second Corinthians, he says, in whom the God of this world blinded the minds of them, that believe not, lest the gospel of the glory should shine unto them.
The God of this world. Who is the God of this world? Satan.
All beloved, I don't think we realize how bad the world is.
We go to school and.
We are taught from the time we get in the kindergarten class, right on, right on up, through the grapes and through high school and through college and through the university.
Oh, how wonderfully we are progressing. What a wonderful creature man is. It's onward and upward forever. That's the philosophy we have.
And you know, if you're some of you here may be teaching in the public schools, I don't know.
So if you were to get up before your classes.
And tell them day after day, you know Satan is the head of this world. The devil is the God of this world. You wouldn't keep your job very long. You'd find yourself looking for another position.
Say we don't tolerate any such attitude to talk.
But beloved Saints of God, you and I aren't in the mind of Christ if we have any other attitude.
This world is religiously, religiously controlled by Satan.
Politically, this world is controlled by Satan.
Is there any advice used to tell us that the higher up you get in the world, the nearer you get to the principle?
The higher up together, the nearer you get the principle, whether politically or religious.
Well, we learned what's going to happen to this man here.
The 15th verse We're in Isaiah 14. We're reading the 15th verse.
Yeah, thou shalt be brought down to see all.
To the size of the pit.
That man.
Is going to be taking red handed.
And cast and cast in the lake of fire.
That's where man's pride is going to end.
So let's be forewarned.
Let's discern from the word of God the Spirit of the day in which we live, and let's not be deceived by it if we are.
It will lead us astray.
We'll be making schemes and plans and preparations that do not have the sanctions of the spirit of God. God wants us.
To view this thing from his standpoint and is telling us about man's thing. The apostle Paul says it's not a very small thing to me to be judged by, man said. That's an insignificant factor in my life, what a man's day thinks of me.
On the left, around us, it's everything. How do you rate it? How do you rate? That's the great thing around us today, a man's day.
Well, perhaps next we might look a little bit.
Day of Christ. Little more pleasant Sunday.
They had a Christ.
The day of Christ, that is the expression, or the equivalent of it, occurs, I believe six times. Just 6 * 3 times in Corinthians and three times in Philippines. So we'll sketch them hastily. First chapter, First Corinthians.
First thread again is one verse 27.
See that she come behind and no gift.
So that she come behind no gain waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who shall also confirm you under the end that you may be blameless.
In the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Perhaps you would like me to state what I believe the day of Christ is.
We have to expressions.
That are in a certain way related.
We have the day of Christ, and we have the day of the Lord.
Well, those two days are coextensive.
But they're not the same.
The day of Christ covers the heavenly side of things in connection with our Lord's return to set up His Kingdom.
The day of the Lord covers the earthly side of things.
Has to do with gentlemen on the earth, whether it's sessional, punitive or administrative judge. Now let us repeat it, that the day of Christ has to do with the heavenly side, the glory side of Christ's coming and ringing over the earth. The day of the Lord has to do with the judgment side or the administrative side.
Of Christ reign over the earth.
Now I think we'll see that distinction, that distinction, as we read these passages so here, see if so that you come behind, and no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also.
Confirm you under the hand that you may be bullying us in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You might say to me.
As I've had it sent to me more than once, rather don't think you're the only one.
Brother Brown, you're the blame.
How many? So maybe so.
But there's coming a day, dear saying God.
When you're going to be blameless, blameless, God says so. You know, at the end of this poor, staggering, haunting, uncertain walk of yours is down here in the buildings.
All they end up is that you're going to be presented blameless with the Lord Jesus Christ, and that day blinks.
That's the verdict of heaven.
This is the verdict that's going to stand blameless.
Isn't that something to cheer the heart?
Tell me if you ever lived a day in your life.
That you could kneel down and say to the larger coast here.
Thank you Lord for today.
Not once all day did I think for say or do anything that wasn't just what you'd have to do. Have you ever lived a day like that?
I never had.
No, when you get into his presence.
All the little things so-called are pretty big, don't they?
The unwise Word, the haste of the speech.
The wrong remark that you dropped. Oh how many things there are. When you get into His presence, you're made conscious of it. The light of His presence revealed him.
But beloved, the day's coming when we're going to ride out of heaven.
In company of the Lord Jesus.
And here's a wonderful thing.
He is going to be admired or wondered at.
In the sails, in the Saints, not by the Saints, not by them, but in them.
I've used this illustration, maybe you have a better one, but.
You take a diamond to the lapidary.
Or to the jeweler.
You say I want that mounted so it'll show up to the best advantage.
I'll leave it up to you.
And we'll say you'll go back to depth of rain.
And it's Martin, and you see that the jeweler or the lapidary has placed her diamond. It's a beautiful diamond, but he's placed it in a cluster of real pearls.
And he shows it to you, you say? I never knew before that that diamond was so beautiful. I never realized it before.
Now, you're not talking about the pearls, you're talking about the duck. But you're admiring the diamond in the purse, aren't you? The pearls lend to the beauty and the glory of the diamond. So that's the meaning, I take it, of that person in the first chapter, Second Thessalonians.
For the Lord Jesus rise out of heaven.
Take possession of this scene here below.
And he's admired.
In the pearls.
In the redeemed in the Saints, Oh yes, we're going to be blameless. We're going to reflect these doors and you won't be able to find a spot in not a spot.
Well, it isn't that way now.
No, there's a person, James.
I think it does any good every time I read it.
James says, Be not many teachers knowing we shall receive the greater condemnation.
For in many things.
We all think.
Now that's a wholesome verse.
Are you so? Are you so irritated with your brother or your sister in the meeting?
Are you all worked up over something they've said or done?
Well, where do you stand now? The word of God says.
In many things, we all are you an exception.
I noticed that verse doesn't say well once in a while on some little thing, right?
I might give some little offense was in a while. It was a little matter. But is that what that verse said? No, it doesn't. It sounds in many things we all think.
Beloved, if we realize it, don't you think it'll give us a little more grace, a little more patience with our brethren?
Wouldn't it be wise to look at it this way?
I'm not talking. Don't misunderstand. I'm not talking about covering up sin. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about these little irritating things.
We all experience, we try our breathing. I put it this way, if my brethren are gracious enough.
If they've got enough grace in their hearts to put up with me, I'll certainly seek grace from God to go along.
With them. Isn't that fair? I believe it's wholesome.
Because oftentimes when we get this cantankerous attitude.
This offended attitude.
We're utterly oblivious to the fact.
That perhaps we ourselves are very trying to our brethren.
Well, that's a little off the subject, but it seems to come before us here. And I said there were three places in Corinthians, so turn to the fifth chapter.
And the fifth verse.
To get the connection, we already the fourth verse in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together in my spirit.
With the power of our Lord Jesus and the glitter, Section 1 Unsafe for the destruction of the flesh.
That the Spirit may say in the day of the Lord Jesus.
It's a case of discipline and.
They had their troubles in that day, the same as we do now.
Sometimes we.
We get a little more rose and we stay well.
Are at such a low end, you know, it seems like there's some kind of trouble in all these animals.
Well, can you find any of the epistles?
If you read them where they didn't have their troubles and the assemblies at that time.
Oh yes, they have plenty of them.
I've received and I've received syndicate, and they have the same mind in the Lord. Why does Paul right that that's in that lovely epistle?
Those dear, dear Philippians, when they were just about perfect.
And yet there are two sisters that.
Work going on together.
And Paul it switches them, but they be of the same mind in the Lord.
And there's John and oh, Dear John.
What a man of God he was.
And yet he has to write there, in that third epistle of his about a man called the atrophies. And he certainly doesn't say anything nice about a man that loves to have the preamble casting out of the church and refusing to receive those that came along. Oh, what a character he was that was in John's right under the surveillance of oversight.
A dear Apostle John. Oh, they had their troubles in those days.
Jules letter. Whoa, what a letter.
Huge left, one apostates, those that have prepped in slid into the profession, what characters they were. And when you go to James.
Why James sent it from battle? He does not call them sinners. Well, I suppose they weren't All Saints, but they had their troubles. Then we mustn't think that all our troubles are in the assembly.
So it can't say they had a bad case here.
And the apostle told them how to deal with it. He didn't say to white worship.
He said deal with it. The door is a large mistake. Put him out. But is that the end of the story?
And they put him out, just like to bury somebody and put up a tombstone and forget.
He's gone now. He's dead. We're through again. Is that it? Oh, no, no. We've delivered such a wonderful statement by Apostolic authority.
Delivered such an amount on sale for the destruction of the flesh that the Spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. That discipline was looking forward to the time when that dear man.
Poor feeling brother than he was.
Was going to be one of those that will ride out of heaven to the glory of Christ.
His spirit saved and united to his glorified body, and he rides up to the glory of Christ.
In that coming day.
Discipline looks forward to restoration. It wasn't that they just put him out and forgot about. It got him.
Says the purpose of it is that that old ugly flesh.
Got him into the trouble? May be just. And then he may be restored and his spirit may be saved. In the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the Lord comes back to set up His Kingdom. You'll have this poor failing man in the number that accompany Christ. You and I will keep company with him then.
He'll be in that same prong with the rest of us, and we'll all be there to the glory of Christ.
Well then we go to 2nd Corinthians.
Your first chapter.
And the 14th verse.
As also he have acknowledged us in part.
That we are your rejoicing.
Even as he also are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus.
There's our day again in the day of the Lord Jesus.
Paul is riding in the same assembly.
In this letter.
We read that that mallet he told him to put out in the first epistle.
And his family recovered in his soul.
He's cleared himself of his compromising situation if.
Apostle here is riding for them to receive him back.
So he says to the Corinthians, as ye have acknowledged us in part. That is, there were some stubborn ones there.
We're yet willing to come out and only fall right, but the great majority?
Acknowledge us in part that we are your rejoicing, even as you also are ours in the day of our Lord Jesus.
The sister was asking me.
Today I thought that we'd know each other in heaven. Well, here's a verse that answers her question. This isn't the only verse that answers her question.
The apostle says to these Corinthians Saints.
Now when that day comes, and be right out of heaven.
In the glory and we're going to reign with Christ.
Says you Corinthians are going to be my joy.
I'm going to be your joy.
Why? Oh, Paul sees them as the fruit of his words. He sees them as those that have accepted the gospel when he went there with it. And he'll be so happy to see them in that glorified prom.
Right out of heaven with the sailor.
And when they see their beloved Paul, I can mind you, they'll know it.
Mr. Potter, you know, was a very practical, plain spoken, dear old brother, he said. Brother, don't think we're going to be a lot of like a lot of 10 pins in heaven, so we can't tell one from another no, he said. Water Potter will be Water Potter in heaven.
So they see the Apostle Paul.
And they see them there all. That's the brother that told us about the Lord Jesus. That's the brother that brought us to Christ. And we're so happy to be here in heaven with you.
Well, when is that going to be made good? Well, I think, if not now.
I don't believe that Paul is rejoicing in the Corinthians now. I don't believe the Corinthians are rejoicing in Paul now.
This looks forward to the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We're sometimes asked the question as to the department.
What is their state at the present time? Well, here is an expression that has helped me, maybe it will help you.
The department are with Christ.
And they're happy. They're far better to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.
But their enjoyment at the present time is a passive enjoy. It's a passive enjoy.
It's a waiting enjoyment.
Bye and bye.
When the moment comes for the raising of the dead, the those that sleep in Christ, the changing of the living, are being caught up to meet him.
And then we have passed through the various things that have to do with the gentleman's secret Christ.
And the bride takes her place along with the pride room. Then we have the active.
Full blown enjoyment of the Lord and the glory above. It's a passage enjoyment now defined by It'll be an active enjoy. Well, at least that distinction has helped me, for we can't think of anyone being in the fullness of joy.
Until they have passed through the judgment seat of Christ. Until they receive their new bodies.
And until they are taken into that wonderful relationship at the merits of the land.
Well, now we can go over to Philippians. I've said there were three references in Philippians.
So we go to the first chapter.
And the sixth verse.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it, or finish it, until the day of Jesus Christ.
There will never be any such thing.
Has half saved people?
No, that that's an anomaly. There's no such thing he that has begun a good work and you will finish it.
God never gives anything up in that way.
When he starts the work of the soul, he's going to finish it.
We'll finish it until the day of Jesus Christ.
So in the day of Jesus Christ.
When the Lord comes forth on full display, he's going to say Now look.
Every soul in whom I ever began to work is here with. They're all here. There'll be no no empty chairs in heaven.
Sometimes we have a family reunion, you know, and somebody wasn't able to get it.
Couldn't get off, spoiled a class reunion. Whatever it is, they weren't all I don't read that, but there'd be no empty chairs on that day.
Every one of his elect will be there.
All those in whom he began to work, they'll be there in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Isn't that what he says here?
Yes, in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Well then same chapter and on down to the Euridian 9th and 10th verse.
And this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment.
That you may approve the things that are excellent, or perhaps I can read it this way that you may distinguish the things that differ.
Word that's going to have spiritual discernment.
That you may be sincere and without offence, till the day of Christ.
Yes, the day of Christ will show what's worthwhile. Well then, why not use divine discernment ahead of time so that we'll not have to have a big bonfire? Rubbish as the Judgment city of Christ. Wood, hay and stubble makes a big pile of them. What happens to it all goes up in smoke.
What abides the test of the fire? Gold, silver and precious stones. That's all.
So brother.
Quite a new waste, our energy and keeping.
Up a lot of rubbish.
It's all going to be burned up into just the seed of Christ.
Oh, no, that that isn't what he's talking about here, he said. Distinguish the things that differ.
That you may be sincere and without offence.
Till the day of Christ. Let's keep that day before us and it will save us a lot of lost motion.
Oh, how many a child have gone?
I spent splendid energies and heaping up a lot of rubbish, whereas if he had been living in the light of the coming days, if he had distinguished the things that differed, he would see that it was just trash.
Like Nehemiah, when he came back he went out by night on his on his mouth and looked the thing over and you know the conclusion he came to.
There was much rubbish.
Much rubbish that's all around us today and much rubbish.
Why not live in the light of the day of Christ?
And not heap up a lot of rubbish for that thing which it may be sincere and without offense, till the day of Christ. And now the next chapter.
In the 16th verse.
Holding for the word of life.
That I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I am not run in vain yet, or labored in vain.
All false, says to those dear Philippians. I want you to go on well.
Oh, I pray and go on. Well, I want to see in the day of Christ. I want the proof there. It's gone on to the Lord.
Have you ever let anybody in Christ? I only have you let somebody else be Christ.
Well, I'll tell you this.
You'll find that as long as that person lives, you'll never seeks to have a personal interest in it.
There is a tie there between some longitude, Christ and your own soul.
That lasts as long as time lasts.
And so were these Philippians. They were very dear to, the article always says. I'm so glad.
Let in the day of Christ you're going to be there, and I'm going to rejoice in you.
The day of his victory, his triumph.
When he should see him that travel, he sold him to be satisfied.
But now he sent me about to say a word or two about the Day of the Lord. Well, now, now we're on a different theme, The Day of the Lord.
So let's look at second Peter.
Second theater, the third chapter.
At the 10th verse.
But the day of the Lord.
Welcome as I've eaten the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt the fur and heat.
The earth and all the works therein shall be burned up.
Seeing them that all these things shall be dissolved.
Today is the Lord's song time, isn't it?
Nothing very careful about that. Is that the day of the Lord? Now look in Second Thessalonians.
No last chapter, first Thessalonians.
And the second verse.
For yourself no perfectly, that the day of the Lord.
Soul comic as a faith in the night, for our natural sake, peace and safety and sudden destruction comes upon them travelling upon a woman child, but they shall not escape.
But ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake viewers of thee. Ah, that's a different day, isn't it? Day of the Lord? Day of Judgment. Now we've heard the 14th of Isaiah a while ago. Let's read a few verses in the 13th of Isaiah.
The 13 devised they are reading from the sixth verse.
How for the day of the Lord is at hand, it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt.
And they shall be afraid. Pangs and sorrows shall take hold of they shall be in pain as a woman that travelled. They shall be amazed one and another. Faces shall be as plain. Behold, the day of the Lord cometh cruel. Both was ripe. And you're saying she lay the land destiny, and he shall destroy the sinners. There are not of it the stars of heaven, and the constellations thereof shall not give their life.
The sun shall be darkened, and he's going forth in the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity, and I will cause the arrogancy of the proudness.
And will lay low the haughtiness of the terrorists, and they have judgment.
Well, it's a big subject.
Goes right on through.
1000 years administrative judgment. The wicked judged every morning those that transgressed the law and those that proved to be disobedient.
They're judged morning by morning.
It's a rain right now in the glory and eternity righteousness dwell dwell no restrain what in the 1000 years righteousness reigns.
Strong arm there, forcing it right righteousness.
Eternity in ways.
Now the brightest picture of all, and we're closing our meeting and always stop. We started very late, so I'm not transgressing when I go over the hour. I'm keeping my own Xbox as well as you are.
So let's look in that second Peter.
11 First Again Second Peter.
11 Second Peter Three 11311.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved.
What manner persons ought to be in all holy conversations?
Looking for and hastening unto, or better still, hastening. Not hastening under, but hastening.
The coming of the day of God, on account of which I am giving thee better translation, on account of which the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved in the elements, shall melt with verbally.
Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for a new heaven.
And a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness, Wherefore beloved?
Seeing that you look for such things, be diligent that you may be found of him in peace and without spot and blinks.
The day of God is that changeless eternity.
Lies ahead after the Millennium, after the awful judgment of the Great White Throne.
God ushers us into the full and joints of Christ forever. They have gone and we get just a little picture. And I'm going to close with these persons.
In the 20th of Revelation 21 Revelation.
Now remember, as we read these verses, we're in the day of God.
Eternal Day, The Changeless Day.
And I saw a new heaven, Revelation 21.
I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the 1St heaven and the first earth were passed away. There's no more sea. Thai John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned her.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with man.
And he will dwell with them dwell God dwelling with men, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be living. Isn't that wonderful? God himself shall be with them. Oh think of that God being with men.
And be their God, and God will wipe it with all tears from their eyes.
All you that have shed so many tears.
You that are still shedding tears.
Can you look forward to a time when God think of God himself is going to tenderly wipe those tears away?
God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
And that will be no more death. No more death.
Nor sorrow, nor cry.
Neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.
And you see that sat up on the throne and said.
Behold, are they all things new? Going to start all over again?
He said unto me. Right.
For these words are true and faithful.
And you said to me it is gone through alpha domain beginning in the end.
I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain, of the water, of life, Creek heated, overcome the villain, Harris, all things I believe, is wrong. He should be.
Wonderful climax, isn't it? Day of God Shall we pray?