mantle (Hebrew #4595)

3:22  The changeable suits of apparel
machalatsah (Hebrew #4254)
a mantle (as easily drawn off)
KJV usage: changeable suit of apparel, change of raiment.
Pronounce: makh-al-aw-tsaw'
Origin: from 2502
, and the mantles
ma`ataphah (Hebrew #4595)
a cloak
KJV usage: mantle.
Pronounce: mah-at-aw-faw'
Origin: from 5848
, and the wimples
mitpachath (Hebrew #4304)
a wide cloak (for a woman)
KJV usage: vail, wimple.
Pronounce: mit-pakh'-ath
Origin: from 2946
, and the crisping pins
chariyt (Hebrew #2754)
from the same as 2747; properly, cut out (or hollow), i.e. (by implication) a pocket
KJV usage: bag, crisping pin.
Pronounce: khaw-reet'
Origin: or charit {khaw-reet'}