This true story took place in the country of Wales in 1802. It’s about a young girl and how, with God’s help, her wish came true.
Once a school finally opened near her home, Mary Jones quickly learned to read at age ten. Neither of her parents could read, so there was no Bible in their home. She walked two miles to a neighbor’s house every Saturday so she could read their Bible and study her Sunday school lesson. Mary’s wish was to have a Bible of her very own in her own language. But money was scarce and so were Welsh Bibles. Mary worked for six years to earn enough money to buy her own Bible. Finally the day arrived when she had the money she needed to purchase one.
At age fifteen, Mary walked twenty-five miles across the rugged countryside to the town of Bala to buy what she wanted most—a Welsh Bible of her very own. When she arrived at the place where Mr. Charles lived, the man who sold the Bibles, he had several copies of the Welsh Bible, but he sadly told her they had been promised to others. However, when he saw how brokenhearted and tearful Mary was, he handed her one of the copies. Mary’s prayers had been answered, and she walked the twenty-five miles back home with her precious treasure.
Soon her amazing story of working and saving for six years and walking twenty-five miles to buy her Bible caused it to be translated into many languages. This opened the way for the Scriptures to be shared with people around the world.
Do you have a Bible of your very own? Do you read it every day?