Articles on

Matthew 26

Matt. 26:9 KJV (With Strong’s)

gar (Greek #1063)
properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles)
KJV usage: and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet.
Pronounce: gar
Origin: a primary particle
touto (Greek #5124)
that thing
KJV usage: here (-unto), it, partly, self(-same), so, that (intent), the same, there(-fore, -unto), this, thus, where(-fore).
Pronounce: too'-to
Origin: neuter singular nominative or accusative case of 3778
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
muron (Greek #3464)
"myrrh", i.e. (by implication) perfumed oil
KJV usage: ointment.
Pronounce: moo'-ron
Origin: probably of foreign origin (compare 04753, 4666)
dunamai (Greek #1410)
to be able or possible
KJV usage: be able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power.
Pronounce: doo'-nam-ahee
Origin: of uncertain affinity
have been sold
piprasko (Greek #4097)
(which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses) contracted from περάω (to traverse; from the base of 4008); to traffic (by travelling), i.e. dispose of as merchandise or into slavery (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: sell.
Pronounce: pip-ras'-ko
Origin: πράω (prah'-o)
for much
polus (Greek #4183)
(singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely
KJV usage: abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en (-times)), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119.
Pronounce: pol-oos'
Origin: including the forms from the alternate πολλός
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
didomi (Greek #1325)
to give (used in a very wide application, properly, or by implication, literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection)
KJV usage: adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive, set, shew, smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.
Pronounce: did'-o-mee
Origin: a prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternative in most of the tenses)
to the poor
ptochos (Greek #4434)
akin to 4422 and the alternate of 4098); a beggar (as cringing), i.e. pauper (strictly denoting absolute or public mendicancy, although also used in a qualified or relative sense; whereas 3993 properly means only straitened circumstances in private), literally (often as noun) or figuratively (distressed)
KJV usage: beggar(-ly), poor.
Pronounce: pto-khos'
Origin: from πτώσσω (to crouch)

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Cross References

Josh. 7:20‑21• 20And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done:
21When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.
(Josh. 7:20‑21)
1 Sam. 15:9,21• 9But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly.
21But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in Gilgal.
(1 Sam. 15:9,21)
2 Kings 5:20• 20But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, Behold, my master hath spared Naaman this Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought: but, as the Lord liveth, I will run after him, and take somewhat of him. (2 Kings 5:20)
Mark 14:5• 5For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her. (Mark 14:5)
John 12:5‑6• 5Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?
6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.
(John 12:5‑6)
2 Peter 2:15• 15Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; (2 Peter 2:15)

J. N. Darby Translation

for this might have been sold for much and been given to the poor.

W. Kelly Translation

for this might have been sold for much and been given to the poor.

WK Verse Note

(Note: Words in italics have been inserted from the J. N. Darby translation where the W. Kelly translation doesn’t exist.)