Some things just don't last. A beautiful sunset, a special occasion—these things pass away. Once on a beautiful autumn day I walked through the woods in North Carolina, crossed a small stream, clambered up a steep hillside and found myself in a tree-lined meadow. It was gorgeous! The meadow was opened up to the sunshine, and all around were multicolored mountains. The soft breeze topped it all off, and I wished I could hold on to the moment and keep it forever. But I knew it would not be the same; the fine edge of that vivid and wonderful afternoon would be worn away and blunted by the hustle and bustle and cares of everyday life.
Maybe you can identify with that same scene or something similar. Are you perhaps looking for things to last—something to hold on to? We all have dreams that remain dreams: friends go away, people die.
In spite of the changing scenes in this world and its tarnished beauty, how wonderful to know that there is One who "changes not." His name is Jesus Christ. In Heb. 13:88Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8), it says: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever." Unlike earthly people or things, you can rest on this Person for salvation, comfort, everlasting peace and security.
If you are seeking and not finding, trying to rest and you cannot, then give your heart to the Lord Jesus. That beautiful sunset, that memorable occasion, can still be wonderful and meaningful, but what will truly illuminate your soul for all eternity will be that moment when you first trusted in the Son of God for salvation. You will be born again into God's family, knowing your sins are forgiven because of His perfect finished work of redemption on the cross.