The connection of the Levitical service with priesthood leads to some blessed instruction; because priesthood in its full sense is the connection of man with all that is revealed of God in redemption. Only there is another element to be taken into consideration now—the Father revealed in the Son.
The Levites were first wholly given to God, according to the efficacy and cleansing power of Christ's sacrifice (in type). Then, for their service, they were given to Aaron, and accomplished their appointed tasks. Now it is only under the hand and at the disposition of the priest, they can act, though their service be appointed.
So we: the priesthood is for man, but to God, and is based on all that in which Christ, in connection with man's lost estate, has glorified God, and in which all that God is in love, grace, righteousness, majesty, truth, and holiness, is glorified, and that, in bringing man to Him in knowledge of all He is, and formed into blessing, into God's blessing for God's glory, according to it, of which Christ is the fullness. For the veil is now rent, and the way into the holiest open: we enter then, He appearing in the presence of God for us.
So it is, when Christ is ascended up on high, having gone down to the lower parts of the earth, and then gone up on high so as to fill all things according to His redeeming work, that He gives gifts of ministry, so as to bring saints to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. And it is only as coming from this excellent fullness and nearness to God, that we can exercise true ministry: the spring, quality, subject, and resulting effect in conforming souls to it, are all there. There is, besides this, the revelation of God Himself, of the Father in the Son. But this follows the same rule. He comes forth from the Father and manifests Him; but it is ever as in His bosom.