Edited By Heymen Wreford
The heavens shall melt with fervent heat,
The earth too pass away;
But not the precious words of Him
Who turn’d my night to day.
‘Twas by His word my soul was saved,
And by His word I live;
And He, who is the living Word,
For me His life did give.
The Voice that said, “Let there be light,”
Hath spoken peace to me;
And listening still to that sweet voice,
Brings joy and liberty.
The Hand that rules the universe
Was wounded for my sin;
The Heart that bled at Calvary
Thro’ death my life did win.
The Feet once bathed with sinners’ tears
Pressed onward to the Cross;
Just as I follow in His steps,
I’ll count the world but dross.
The Eyes that wept at Bethany,
So human, so divine,
Now gaze on me in ceaseless love,
For I can call Him mine.
His Name is dearer to my heart
Than all the world beside;
My heaven’s begun e’en here on earth,
When sea ted at ·His side.
The Head that once obedient bow’d
Neath sorrows none can know,
Is crown’d with endless glory now,
And ‘tis to Him I go.
Eternal power to Him is, given,
Who sits on yonder throne;
The Nazarene is God’s, own Son,
As all must shprtly own.
Then gladly doth my willing heart
His ceaseless praise proclaim,
And when I see His face my brow
Shall bear His matchless Name.