The Spirit of Lawlessness

THE spirit of lawlessness is rampant everywhere, manifested in the world by the throwing off of all restraint, and utter disregard of both divine and human authority. This is what Scripture teaches us to expect. Among those who profess the Christian name, many have allowed themselves to become leavened with the same spirit, manifested by a claim for liberty to think and do as they like in everything, except what concerns their personal salvation. This also will increase, especially after those scriptural barriers have been demolished which God in His wisdom has ordained to keep the world and its principles from being brought into the assemblies of His people. It is ours to go on quietly but firmly in what we have learned of the word, seeking to maintain a right spiritual condition in which to give it effect in practice. No good whatever comes of discussing points, or debating theories with those who openly avow their opposition to what you believe to be the principles of the word. Time will manifest, as it has done before, with whom the Lord’s approval is.