My Soul Waitheth for the Lord

 •  1 min. read
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
Thou art the Bridegroom dear,
Who all my wayward heart hast won,
Whose step I long to hear.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
Thy glorious face to see,
That holy face that once was marr’d-—
Was marr’d, Ο Lord, for me.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
Before Thy feet to fall!
Lowly to worship and adore Thee
Lord, my All in All.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
Thy wondrous voice to hear,
Louder than many waters’ noise,
As silver trumpet clear.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
Thy tender touch to feel,
That tender touch which even here
The broken heart can heal.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
Thy glory to behold—
The Father’s gift, because of love
He had for Thee of old.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
And Thou dost wait for me:
Thy faithful heart longs for the hour
When I with Thee shall be.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
The rapture deep to know,
Of living evermore with Thee,
Love cannot more bestow.
I wait for Thee, Ο Lord!
But for a little while:
This night, Ο Lord, mine eyes may meet
Thy joyful tender smile.
Ε. B.