They told me of a way
That I must go,
Whether ‘tweer long or short,
They did not know.
I did not listen then,
Nor understand,
Until my Father came
And took my hand.
“I am the guide,” He said,
“Leave all with Me;”
And so I went with Him
All trustingly.
And now I journey on
Day after day,
I have no need of care;
He knows the way.
My sandals are His strength,
And His great love
The staff that helps me toward
The home above.
He holds my hand in His:
How can I fear?
It is not hard to trust
While He is near.
I do not know how long
The way will be,
I only know it is
The best for me.
And when no longer here
He bids me roam,
I shall behold with joy,
My Father’s home.