“No Cross. No Crown”

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
I have been looking at the conquerors in the Apocalypse. All are conquerors there, and their victories tied to the kingdom. As on the journey they were overcoming, so at the end they sit on thrones. In all the churches you see the saints as conquerors (chapters 2 and 3). Another company is looked at in the same character in chapter 12:11, and again another company in chapter 15:2. Jesus Himself recognizes His own conqueror character in chapter 3:21. The inheritors of all things forever, show the same in chapter 21:7. "No cross, no crown," is the word. No victory, no throne, is the impression left on the soul by the apprehension of the Book of the Apocalypse.
But then the path we travel to the Father's house is not the same. We believe and (as trusting in Jesus, as receiving the Son, as believing the message which He has brought from the Father's bosom to us) we reach the Father's house. John's Gospel shows us this. As believers, we reach the house; as conquerors, we reach the throne. All is beautiful in its place and in its season, and the Spirit of God in Scripture distinguishes these things for us, that we may be both comforted and yet kept watchful and vigorous.
Look at Psa. 23 and then at Psa. 24. The one conducts the soul by a sweet, gracious path, to "the house of the Lord," the other, by a stronger, more vigorous journey, as it were, to "the hill of the Lord." or place of government. How it should humble us to own that we know little of the vigor of conflict or the blessedness of conquest!
Still a Man, though now in glory.
Saints who love Him seek His face—
See Him shine in radiant beauty,
Bright with glory and with grace.
Know the Father's thoughts toward Him—
Gaze in rapture and adore
Christ, in His resplendent shining—
Brought to heaven's opened door.
In the face of Jesus, beaming
On God's glory, we can gaze,
Humbled once and now exalted
High in heaven's highest place.
Then in heartfelt adoration,
Owning thus the glory's claim,
Bow in silent admiration
Of His blessed, matchless name.
Words of Truth