Revelation 1:13-16Rev 1:13-16

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The seven candlesticks made of gold represent the seven churches mentioned in verse 11.
“Girt about the paps [breast] with a golden girdle"—His affections can only flow out in Divine righteousness: the breast, the place of affection; the gold, Divine righteousness.
“His eyes were as a flame of fire," from which nothing can be hid, searching out and uncovering all sin and iniquity.
“His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace"—His ability to judge everything according to Divine righteousness.
“His voice as the sound of many waters"—irresistible power and majesty.
“He had in His right hand seven stars" the authority belongs to Him. The stars are subordinate authority.
“Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword"—He judges by the Word of God.
“His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength"—supreme power and authority.
Young Christian
Divisions in the Book of Revelation
The book of The Revelation is divided into three parts: (a) "The things which thou halt seen," chapter 1. (b) "The things that are," or the true condition of the Church, the history of its responsibility on the earth from first to last, chapters 2 and 3, and (c) "The things which must be hereafter," chapters 4 through 22.
Chapters 4 and S are transitional, showing the place which the Church and the Old Testament saints will occupy, from the moment of the rapture until the coming of Christ in judgment with al! His saints (chap. 19).
The book of Revelation, being mainly judicial or governmental, does not record the rapture of the saints or the corning of Christ for His people. The Church is seen on earth in chapters 2 and 3. It is seen in heaven in chapters 4 and 5, but we are not told of its going how or when. Such is not the object of the book. There is not a word about the Church on earth from chapter 4 to chapter 18. Other saints will appear on the earth during the stirring scenes in chapters 6 to 18, but the Church will not be there.
In chapter 19, Christ comes in judgment on the Roman beast and the false prophet, the antichrist or the man of sin. Satan is bound and Christ reigns for a thousand years. Then comes the, judgment of the wicked dead, the consignment of Satan to the lake of fire, and finally the everlasting state. We may just add that during the present period, righteousness suffers. During the millennium, righteousness will reign. In the new heavens and new earth, or the eternal state, righteousness will dwell.
Things New and Old 1878