For some time past we have had a desire still further to forward the study of God’s word, and to increase the interest of the Bible Student by means of a bona fide Bible Reading of a conversational character. The idea at first was to form a Bible Class for the combined study of some chapters, but it has been given up in favor of a wider plan. There exists already the Bible Students’ Class engaged in the monthly study of Biblical subjects, and open to all who can contribute regularly every month. But there are a large majority of our readers who though unable to undertake a monthly task, would yet we believe readily send occasional contributions. We therefore thought of commencing a series of “ Bible conversations” on the following basis. 1. A Chapter to be selected each month for study. 2. Questions, remarks, jottings, original or selected bearing on the Chapter to be sent by any subscriber addressed, B. C., Editor B. S., 27, Paternoster Square, E.C., by the 25th of each month. 3. The papers sent in will be arranged in the form of a conversation on the Chapter, each contributor being distinguished by his or her initials, or “nom de plume.” 4. The Editor will take part under the initial “S.,” and will only hold himself responsible for opinions expressed under this initial.
We trust that some such simple plan will lead to most interesting conversations on the Word of God. It will be seen that this proposal in no way clashes with the already established and hard-working Bible Student’s Class.
To these we would just give one little word of encouragement. Their labors are not alone for their own advantage. The results of their researches published monthly in this magazine have already proved of great blessing. We have testimonies as to this from many parts of the world. One most touching letter as to the help afforded in many long lonely hours has lately come to band from a Missionary in the heart of Africa. To our dear fellow workers we would say, Go on steadily working in the mines of Divine wisdom, and bringing to the surface month by month fresh treasures for your fellow christians.
If we are permitted to continue this little magazine another year, we should like the first” Bible Conversation” to appear in January. To ensure this, the subject must be announced on Nov. 1St, and papers sent by Nov. 25th. Our present object in mentioning the plan thus early is to ask our friends to write to us under the above heading on three points:—1St, as to whether they approve of the general plan, and whether they can suggest any improvements in it; and 2nd, as to whether it would be better to study detached chapters, or a book, and 3rd, what book or Chapter they would propose to begin with.
We trust that all who have an interest in Bible Study will send us their thoughts on these points, as we earnestly desire to make this as well as every other part of the magazine of real practical value to our readers.
We may mention that a somewhat similar plan, only on subjects connected with practical Christian life has been already started in the pages of “The Young Believer.”