Notes on Isaiah Chapter 1

Isaiah 1  •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
THIS chapter ends a division. It is a distinct condemnation of the moral state, then redemption by judgment.
Some find that the direction in Isaiah was to sit still, and the Lord would deliver-in Jeremiah, that whoever went out to the Chaldeans would save his life. We need spiritual discernment to apply (for there is our part-not to reveal) or understand the testimony, and revelation of the Lord.
27. What is the meaning of this? How we pass over Scriptures! Is the b' ("through"; A.V. "with") the means or the character? I have no doubt that Christ's death alone redeems (that is not the question) there alone mishpat (judgment) and tz'adakah (righteousness) are fulfilled for God, but are these general here, as the character of what must be where there is deliverance or redemption, or, as they are produced practically wherever redemption, are they merely characteristic of a supposed redemption wrought of God independently of them, as in the people? This last is only true redemption, but in the former case (for it was only the death of Christ which proved that nothing else would do, and that death must come in, not righteousness in life) it would be while stating the characteristic fact, still leaving it open to man's responsibility to meet the exigency of God's claims on him, only adding mercy which could forgive on repentance. We know it could not be so, and that, from the beginning, God knew Christ's death alone could meet it, and glorified Himself thus; but there would be the dealing with man in government, adding mercy for his full probation supposed. This was formally given to Israel in Ex. 34:6, 76And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6‑7). John the Baptist, and Christ on the earth, brought this to a crisis, and the full truth of what man is was brought out on the Cross. Man would often take the ground of Ex. 34 now, but it is ground tried and could come to nothing-not to speak of the absolute truth of the Cross.
This verse then would remain true, as characteristic at all events, but is it put as still probationary here, i.e., that left open here as probation? In chapter 49 et seq., we get the result clearly and definitely stated. But this probationary process it will be well to watch through Isaiah. It is, after the Cross, the denial of man's real state, from infidelity to Wesleyanism, though the latter may be guarded individually by individually owning its need.
31. What is the force of poalo (the maker of it)? Is it poalo or po-°lo (his work)? In sense, "his work"; or, in general, the active man who works? "Maker of it" is difficult—maker of what?