A clergyman was commanded to preach before Fredrick William of Prussia, and he was promised a text. All week the clergyman waited anxiously. No text came; but go he must!
Arriving at the Royal Chapel, he inquired if a message had been sent from the king for him. He was informed that he would find it in the pulpit. And there it was-a sheet of blank paper!
Holding out the wordless text, he said: "Sire, you have indeed given me the truest subject that a preacher ever had. You bid me make a sermon out of nothing. Out of nothing God made the world, and He hangeth it upon nothing. Out of you, O Sire, when you come to the knowledge that you are nothing, Jesus can make a saint of God. Out of me, who am nothing, the Holy Ghost can make a messenger to you from the King of kings.”
There is a way which
seemeth right unto a man;
but the end thereof are the
ways of death.”
"Jesus saith,. I am the way,
the truth, and the life: no
man cometh unto the
Father, but by Me.”