EN 22:8{SA 16:1{So the source of the kingship of Christ is God Himself, in the eternal counsels of His love. It is one of the grand thoughts of God. Christ said to His Father, "Thou lovedst Me before the foundation of the world." At that mysterious date, not of time, but of everlasting love, God "chose us in Him." Before the world began, God, that cannot lie, gave the promise of eternal life to Him for us, and made with Him for us "a covenant ordered in all things, and sure." The leading provisions of that covenant were, a Lamb for our atonement, and a King for our government—a dying and a living Savior. Having provided, He appointed and anointed His King: "Yet have I set [margin, anointed] My King upon My holy hill of Zion." What a marvelous meeting-place is thus found in the Kingship of Jesus for God's heart and ours! He says in His majestic sovereignty, "I have set my King"; and we say in lowly and loving loyalty, "Thou art my King.”
True the report that reached my far-off land
Of all His wisdom and transcendent fame;
Yet I believed not until I came—
Bowed to the dust till raised by royal hand.
The half was never told by mortal word;
My King exceeded all the fame that I had heard!