Luther Loucks et. al.
O God, whose wondrous name is Love,
Whose grace has fashioned us anew,
Before Thy face now stands the Lamb,
Whom sinful man once pierced and slew;
For us Thy Son Thou didst not spare,
For us how canst Thou cease to care?
O heavenly Father, grant us all
The newborn babe's simplicity!
From us the doubtful mind remove;
We boast a God that cannot lie!
Taught to repose, through love divine,
On truth itself, on truth divine.
Thou art the Potter, we the clay,
Thy will be ours, Thy truth our light,
Thy love the fountain of our joy,
Thine arm a safeguard day and night,
Till Thou shalt wipe all tears away,
And bring forth everlasting day.