Luther Loucks et. al.
Oh happy morn! the Lord will come
And take His waiting people home
Beyond the reach of care;
Where guilt and sin are all unknown:
The Lord will come and claim His own,
And place them with Him on His throne,
The glory bright to share.
The resurrection morn will break,
And every sleeping saint awake,
Brought forth in light again;
Oh morn, too bright for mortal eyes!
When all the ransomed church shall rise
And wing their way to yonder skies—
Called up with Christ to reign.
O Lord! our pilgrim spirits long
To sing the everlasting song
Of glory, honor, power;
Till then when Thou all power shalt wield,
Blest Saviour, Thou wilt be our shield,
For Thou hast to our souls revealed
Thyself our strength and tower.