The prophecy of Obadiah is another very solemn one. Not only is Obadiah’s prophecy solemn, it is very short containing only one chapter of 21 verses. Obadiah’s solemn message, though it includes references to the children of Israel, is directed to another people, the descendants of Esau, who are called Edom. Esau was a brother of Jacob (called Israel). Even though they were their brethren, Edom hated Israel.
You may remember that early in our journey through the Bible we learned how Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebecca, had despised the blessings of the firstborn that were his birthright. One time, when he was very hungry, Esau sold all these wonderful blessings to Jacob, his brother, for some of Jacob’s food.
Later on Jacob did a very naughty thing and fooled Isaac, his father, by pretending to be Esau. Isaac blessed Jacob with the very blessings which he had intended to give to his son Esau. Because of this, Esau hated Jacob and planned to kill him. Jacob had to run away from home to hide from the wrath of his brother. Even though Jacob was naughty and had to suffer the results of his sin, God had determined to bless him. Esau and his descendants did not submit to God’s ways of blessing for Israel, and thus God speaks of hating Esau.
Now, many centuries later, Obadiah prophesies about the continued hatred of the descendants of Esau for the people of God, the descendants of Jacob. Because of the wicked way in which they had treated the children of Israel (in the future they will do the same) when they were defeated by their enemies, God was going to send a very solemn judgment upon them.
Now we will rest in our journey while you look for the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus told His disciples that if they found that the world ____________ them, they should remember that that was how they felt toward the Lord Himself. John 15:___
2. James sharply rebuked rich men, not because they were wealthy, but because their wealth caused them to ____________ those who were poor.
James 2:___
3. The Lord Jesus often told His disciples that wicked men would ____________ Him. However, He also told them that He would rise again on the third day. Mark 10:___
4. We are told in the Bible of a coming day when the Lord Jesus will come back to this world to judge it for its wickedness. When that happens, wicked men will desire that the mountains and rocks ____________ them from His wrath. Revelation 6:___
5. The Apostle John mentioned in his epistle that the “young men” had, by faith, overcome the ____________ one, Satan. 1 John 2:___
Journey Through the Bible