On My Own Conversion

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
I was a barren fig tree,
No fruit upon me grew,
But the green leaves of profession,
In number, not a few,
Until the Spirit said to me,
“You fruit must henceforth bring;
I will no longer bear with you, I’ll cut you off in sin.”
These were the words that pierced my heart,
They brought conviction home;
My sins, they lay upon my soul,
Too heavy to be borne.
“You now do see yourself as lost,”
The Saviour said to me;
“I’ll take your sins that many are,
From them I’ll set you free.”
Self-righteousness was then condemned,
I peace and pardon found;
The streams that flowed on Calvary
Have cured me of my wound.
And when both doubts and fears arise,
My Saviour says to me,
“Why do you fear the shadow,
The substance lay on me.”
The heart is a deceitful thing,
I must not look within;
I’ll look to Jesus; and by Him
I’m freed from all my sin.
To God I’ll give the glory.
For what He’s done for me,
In the giving of His only Son,
To bleed and die for me.