The shoulder pieces of the ephod were attached by golden chains to the breastplate which was in turn fastened to the ephod itself by a lace of blue in such a way that it could not be loosed. How beautifully all this reminds us of the perfect security of the believer. The Lord Jesus Himself has pledged that those who have put their trust in Him “shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of [His] hand” (John 10:28).
How is it with you? Can you say you are secure for all eternity because you are resting upon Christ’s finished work? Is your confidence in His love and His power and not in any of your efforts to save yourself, or even to hold on? Remember the shoulder plates and the breastplate were held on by chains of gold and a lace of blue. In righteousness (the gold) we are put in this place of perfect security. We can also look up above the “blue” sky and know that we are already seated “in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” (Eph. 2:6). It was grace alone that gave Israel their place of favor and acceptance, and so grace alone has given us our place as “accepted in the beloved,” (Eph. 1:6)
The Breastplate
We have seen that the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel were borne upon the shoulders of the high priest, and now we find that the same names were also engraved upon twelve stones in the breastplate which was carried over the high priest’s heart. Shoulders remind us of strength as a heart reminds us of love. Not only does divine strength hold every believer safe and secure, but perfect love is always toward each one in an individual way. Although these twelve names were only the names of the children of Israel, God would show us by planning the breastplate to be foursquare that He had, in His purposes, blessing for those who believe from every nation, in that the breastplate was foursquare. Remember that the number four reminds us of the four corners of the earth. Then, too, it was doubled, a span each way, for ours is a double security, held by the Father’s hand and the Son’s hand ({vi 26510-26511}John 10:28-29).
Every one of these twelve stones was different and all were beautiful. How this reminds us of our individual place in the heart of Christ. We are never lost in the crowd to Him. He knows our individual needs and each one of His children has a special beauty in His eyes because of His beauty which He has placed upon us (Ezekiel 16:14). Each stone was set in gold, and so each believer has the same perfect standing — made the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Divine Wisdom
Inside of the breastplate was placed the Urim and Thummim, which means Lights and Perfection. God has not told us exactly what this was, but we know that it was there in the breastplate, and we often read of its being used in seeking guidance from the Lord at certain times in Israel’s history. It would speak of divine wisdom.
There were three important parts to the ephod: the shoulder plates which speak of strength; the breastplate which speaks of love; and the Urim and Thummim which speak of wisdom. Surely we can see these three things in their perfection in Christ our Great High Priest. He is perfect in strength, which He delights to use on our behalf, and His love passes knowledge. He also always sends what is best for us because His wisdom is infinite.
Further Meditation
1. What are we taught by the fact that each stone in the breastplate was unique?
2. The Urim and Thummim have a lot to teach about Christ. What can you learn from the way they are mentioned in other portions of Scripture?
3. Each individual gemstone teaches an important lesson that isn’t covered in this chapter. Gems Tell Their Secret by J. Rouw would be a great place to start studying this fascinating topic.