One Question First

ONE question needs to be answered before you come to assurance, and it is this: Have you been born again”? Have you been saved? If not, it is simply impossible to know you are saved. If you have not got eternal life, it is impossible you can have the assurance that you have it. You can see this at a glance. You could not, for instance, have the assurance that you had a hundred dollars in your pocket if there was nothing in it. “No,” you say, “let me have the hundred dollars first, and then it won’t be difficult to make me sure I have it.” In the same way many cannot understand this assurance, and why? For the best of all reasons—because they have not got eternal, life.
If you have never experienced the great turning of “conversion unto God,” how can you have the assurance of salvation? It would be a delusion if you had. Then do not waste time in wondering about this assurance; but let your great concern be, “What am I going to do with this Jesus which is called Christ?”
W. S.