Open Mtg. 2

Duration: 1hr 9min
Listen from:
Open—C. Hendricks, R. Mackewich
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Oh Lord, we know it matters not how sweet the song may be. No hard, but of a spirit thought make melodies 206.
John 4 again.
John, Chapter 4.
Verse 23.
But the hour cometh.
And now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father.
In spirit and in truth.
For the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a spirit and they that worship Him.
Must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
In order for there to be true worship.
It must be in spirit.
That is according to what he is in himself.
And it must be in truth, and that is according to the revelation that he has been pleased to make of himself.
I was thinking of worship.
Our brother this morning had that upon his heart in suggesting this chapter.
I just wanted to point us to some scriptures that.
Are necessary for us to realize in order for there to be true worship. Turn to Isaiah 6 please.
Isaiah 6.
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Above it stood the Seraphims. Each one had six wings. With Twain he covered his feet, his face, and with Twain he covered his feet, and with Twain he did fly.
And one cried unto the other, and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.
There is a wonderful testimony in the Old Testament to the Trinity. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried in the house was filled with smoke.
Then said I, Now this is the effect that it had upon the prophet Isaiah. Woe is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, for mine eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts.
Then flew one of the Seraphim's unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar. And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for me, for us? Then said I, Here am I.
Send me.
And he was sent to a people that.
Did not hear, did not understand, and did not perceive.
But he had to come to.
The presence of the Lord, and in that presence he feels.
His own insufficiency and his own sinfulness.
Turn back to the Book of Job.
The 42nd chapter.
But I'll read a verse from the 40th chapter first.
Moreover, the Lord answered Job verse one of chapter 40 and said, Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him?
He that reproveth God, let him answer it. Then Job answered the Lord, and said, Behold.
I am file.
I am not. I am nothing. What shall I answer thee? I will lay about mine, hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken, but I will not answer. Yeah, twice, but I will proceed no further.
The effect on the soul of Job and of Isaiah.
Getting into the Lord's presence was to make them both feel their utter.
One more passage in Luke chapter 5.
Luke's Gospel, Chapter 5.
Verse one. It came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret.
And saw two ships standing by the lake, but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their Nets.
And he entered into one of the ships which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people out of the ship. Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon.
Launch out into the deep, and let down your Nets for a draft. And Simon answering, said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net break. And they beckoned under their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help him help them. And they came and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus knees saying, depart from me, for I am a sinful man. Oh Lord, For he was astonished and all that were with him at the draft of the fishes which they had taken.
He came to the realization that this draft of fishes.
Of who the Lord was.
Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man. I can picture Peter clinging to him and yet saying, depart from me, knowing that there was no one else to go to, no one else to cling to, and yet feeling in his own soul his utter sinfulness.
His inability to stand in His holy presence. One more passage in John 21.
John 20. Excuse me.
John 20.
And verse 26.
And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
Then said he to Thomas, Reach, hit her thy finger, and behold my hands, and reach, hit her thy hand, and thrust it into my side, and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen.
And yet have believed. I know this has a dispensational application to Israel and our blessing is that to describe at the end of that verse, we haven't seen him yet. We have believed, but that's not what's before me. In these four instances, we have souls, individuals that have gotten into the very presence of divine holiness.
Divine majesty, Divine greatness.
And they have realized something in their souls of the glory of the person.
Of the Lord Jesus.
The glory of the Person of the Lord Jesus.
Who he is?
He who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he only has immortality.
He is the I am.
The name of his essential existence dwelling in an eternal present.
The I am Jehovah.
The Holy One, Holy, Holy, Holy Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each person, Holy one God indivisible, and yet 3 distinct persons.
Those that would ridicule the Trinity say that it's a mathematical impossibility.
1 + 1 + 1 = 3, not one.
But 1 * 1 * 1 = 1 and that expresses the truth.
Of the Trinity, not a triad of gods, but one God.
Three persons, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
And going back to John 4.
Where we began.
Have no intention of taking all the time.
Going back to John 4, we've seen in these other passages of Scripture.
His Majesty, His Glory, His Holiness, and if he's going to be worshipped, it must be, according to who He is, worship in spirit.
And according to the revelation he's been pleased to make of himself, worship in truth.
And so we get that in John four and all through the New Testament that God was manifesting the flesh.
This infinitely holy God.
Devised a way by which He could reach sinners like you and me and bring us into blessing.
And the only way he could do that, the Old Testament, there were animal sacrifices.
But he didn't come to save animals.
He came to save men, so he came and became a man.
An animal could not have done it. It had to be a man. It had to be one who became one of us in a part.
In order for him to be our Redeemer, the holy God? Yes, but.
True, dependent and obedient man, Yes.
The sacrifice.
So He came in grace. We had that before us in our reading meeting this morning. He came in grace. And what produces worship in the heart is a sense in our hearts of who He is.
And then of the infinite.
Immeasurable, unspeakable grace.
That one of those three persons became a man.
It came to where we were.
He laid his hand upon US1 Mediator between God and men. In order to be that, he had to be both God and he had to be man.
Only one person in the universe could have fulfilled those conditions.
And that's the one we sometimes refer to as the second person of the Trinity, not second in rank, for they're all equal.
But the one that was sent of the father.
In order to take our place.
And that that produces in my soul, in your soul, a welling forth of praise and adoration and worship.
To the one that is this infinitely great one.
That he came so low.
As to reach the likes of me and you.
If thou knewest the gift of God. Oh, if you only knew that God loves man.
In the third chapter, God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son. Who did he give? His only begotten Son? His one, and only, the one that was of the same essence and substance as Himself begotten. An eternal begetting doesn't refer to a thing in time at all, It refers to the nature that He had one with the Father.
And the Spirit 3 persons, one God.
Since God is love, there had to be more than one.
A single person in the deity.
Back before anything was ever created. That would be no one to love.
But the Father loveth the Son that was always true, and the Son the Father, and the Spirit too.
All three persons, one God.
One Unity.
In will purpose, aim, action.
God, and yet 3.
Being what? And one in three?
Remember the story of an idiot boy in Scotland who was dying? He had never spoken a rational word in his life.
And on his deathbed, he was heard to say these words.
I see, I see. What do I see?
The three in one and one in three and all the three are all for me.
All for me.
That produces worship.
This infinitely holy God. This this God of such greatness that we cannot comprehend it.
Came down to where we were. But glory of his grace, I am convinced, the highest of all his glories.
That he, so great, so majestic a being, became a man.
Came to where I was, where you were in order to wrap his arms around us.
And bring us into blessing, if thou knewest that giving of God. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
The grace of God. That word grace means giving. It's God giving all that he could give.
In order to win your poor, wretched, sinful heart and mine.
This a sense of it in our souls, produces.
And a sense of the glory of the person that is in our midst.
Would cause us to come into his presence with reverence.
Not dressed like the world.
Not with a slipshod attitude of.
Casualness that is ill becoming to the presence of this person.
And yet a deep sense in our souls that, as Job said, I am nothing.
And as Isaiah said, woe is me. I am undone. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, and I'm a man of unclean lips.
And as Peter could say, depart from me, O Lord, I am a sinful man.
Though he didn't want him to depart, but he was expressing in his expression what was going on in his soul. I'm not worthy of him.
None of us.
But he wants us.
In his presence.
And he's going to have us there.
And a sense of that in our souls and of the majesty of him. Sometimes we use grace to excuse an an attitude of indifference, kind of casual slipshodness that is not pleasing to the glory of the one that we're called to be in the presence of.
Glory of His person. Do we realize who He is?
We were reading the other day in Esther when Mordecai sent to Esther that you must go in, you must, you must take the position that you've been given. She was the queen.
And go into a hassary ascend.
Plead for the Jews who were going to all be killed.
And she said there's one law.
And that is that if anyone dares to enter the presence of the king, even she that has not been bidden.
It will be death to such unless he holds out to them the golden scepter.
God in sending his Son.
Has held out to everyone of us the golden sector.
And he says welcome.
Come into my presence. I won't reject you.
I won't cast you out. I won't refuse to listen to your your least request.
I want you to know that I love you so much that everything that you deal with in life, I'm interested in. Bring it to me.
How often we don't do that.
I speak to myself how often we go to others, get on the telephone, go to other brothers or sisters, but not to the Lord with our problems.
Has he not made his yearning heart for us?
Enough. Has he not told it out fully enough?
What more could he do?
To tell it out than he has already done.
Do we go to him with all of our problems? We were talking recently.
I was talking recently with a brother and he was telling about problems that exist. He says I don't know what to do and I said I don't know what to do except to take it to the Lord.
Very difficult problems. Take it to him who is head over all things.
To the church.
To the only one that can resolve those problems, the only one that can change hearts.
The only one that can really meet all our needs.
And come into his presence with Thanksgiving.
He was corpse with praise.
Because that He loves us. Because He's made us His. His grace has overcome all the obstacles that would hinder His blessing us.
Brought us into His presence with exceeding joy. But when we come, let us never forget who He is, The glory, the majesty, the greatness, the holiness of His person that's not coming to His presence in a slipshod way.
I want to repeat this story a brother told me and then I'll sit down. The brother was visiting a young sister.
And a young woman, she was not a sister. She was not saved.
And he was visiting in the house and really not to visit her, but she was there and she heard.
What was going on between this brother and her husband?
And she came under conviction and she said to him, I want to be saved.
Would you pray with me?
And he said yes, but.
Would you please go and put some clothes on?
She was very scantily dressed. We're going to come into the presence of the king.
And there is an appropriate attire that becomes his presence.
She went into her room, closed herself. They got on their knees together.
And she received the Lord Jesus as her Savior.
Have we?
Drifted so far in the other direction where creatures of extreme you know, I certainly am. The pendulum can go way over this way, and then it swings way over this way, and the appropriate place is right there in the middle.
A sense of grace? Yes, such a sense of grace that makes nothing of Maine. Why man doesn't like grace is because it makes nothing of man and everything of God.
It's all of God.
And such a sense of His Holiness.
That would cause us to say, who am I? How dare I come into the presence of the King?
Because of his grace, not because if there is anything of any worth in me.
No, I'm nothing as Joe could say, vile, a man of unclean lips.
A sinful man, as Peter declared, and Thomas, unless I see.
The print of the nails and put my hands into the print of the nails. I will not believe. And then the Lord invited him to do that. He fell down and said, My Lord.
And my God.
The grace of God has brought us so that we can call God our Father.
Let us never forget that our Father.
Is God.
Like to.
Look at a verse as introduction.
2nd Corinthians.
2nd Corinthians 5.
Was brought out. Let him and speak. Let him speak as the oracles of God.
One is up here speaking as the oracles of God.
Should not you and myself, as we're sitting in the chair, listen?
Should we not listen to what he is presenting to us?
Perhaps we sit as a young person and say.
I really enjoyed what our brother had just brought before us, but I don't get it. I'm not as far advanced spiritually as he is. I just don't seem to have the the depth of truth to walk in it.
But I want to look at it from another perspective then.
Two Corinthians 5.
Verse 14 The love of Christ.
The love of Christ.
Constraining us?
It's not what I say up here that's going to.
Touch your heart.
It's the word of God that's going to touch your heart, because it's the word of God that's quick and powerful.
But I trust it's from the heart of God. Let these few comments.
Will reach your heart.
We come into the presence of the Lord to worship.
Worship Him.
He did something for each one of us.
I may not grasp entirety as person.
But I know it's in the Word of God. I know I can turn to the Word of God and read it.
I'd like to speak to the young people, if you would, for the next few minutes.
Do you really read the Bible?
Do you really take time to read the word of God?
Turn over to the Psalms.
Psalm 36.
Just a verse.
Verse 9.
For with the person.
Is the fountain of life.
My brother told us how the fountain is created.
This morning. But the thought here in thy like, in thy like, shall we see light?
They don't understand. If they don't see it, how am I going to see it?
In the light.
We have to be practically in the light of God's Word to understand what He has for us.
But you know.
I'm still jumping one step.
Turn over to second Peter.
Second Peter, chapter 3.
Verse 9.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promises. Some men count slackness.
That is long-suffering to us word not willing that any.
Should perish, but all should come to repentance.
In order for you and I, dear brethren, to understand, I use the word brethren in its universal sense, speaking to the young people and the children you need to be saved.
The brother was talking about basic. You need to be saved. Are you really truly saved this afternoon?
Tonight there's supposed to be a gospel meeting. By that time, you probably already.
Tired out from the day? Satan doesn't want you to hear the gospel. Satan doesn't want you to get saved. Why? Because he doesn't want you to come into the presence of God and worship in spirit and in truth.
So the burden of my heart was more. Afternoon was two things.
You as an individual.
Your soul.
Are you saved?
I'm going to take the liberty to use the names of my children because sometimes we get in the attitude of thinking that we're not talking about anybody in this room, we're talking about some poor lost soul out in the street.
But John, you've been sitting under the sound of the word for 14 years now.
Is there a change in your life?
In thy light.
Shall we see light 14 years?
There is a funeral in Chicago, I understand. Recently a 14 year old boy was riding on a school bus.
Didn't quite get across the railroad tracks and that bus was hit and one of the boys that was buried was 14.
How many gospel meetings are you going to sit in and hear?
And listen.
And yet not have your heart touched by the love of Christ constraining you.
All could say the Son of God who loved me.
And I'm sure there's not one in this room who doesn't want to be loved, but there is one indeed who loves you.
Whether you're John or Carol or Steve or Phillip, there is one who indeed loves you.
And he's proven that love for you at the cross.
Are you saved?
You're not going to grow because you don't have life.
I remember when I first came to a conference.
I was about 14 years old. I wasn't brought up in the meetings as such.
And there are a lot of little children like there are today, and they've all grown up.
And now they're sitting here married. Some have children.
And I see the same thing again. I see girls with light.
Head coverings.
I see boys with sweaters.
And I asked myself, where are they going to be? Do they really know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior?
The brother turned the chronicles and pointed out that was with the children.
And I want to speak to the children too, because by and large, at general meetings, the only children's meeting they have is a gospel presentation on Lord's Day morning. Most times they're coloring. They're not even listening or paying attention to what's even being presented. And yet God wants the children, the young people, the older ones, too, around himself.
So we need to get back to the reality of it. Are you saved, Carol?
We don't have the name of this woman mentioned.
But she had a name. You have a name, you have goals, you have desires, but you have a soul. Paul. Peter says here the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness with his long-suffering to us word, not willing that any should perish.
I often feel that that us were just Christian parents.
Because I've heard it prayed many times in prayer meetings that there are fathers on their knees.
Praying for their sons and daughters because they don't know if you're saved or not.
To me that's a marvelous thing to know that my brother and are praying for me must be praying for my children because they don't know if they're saved or not. It's a very solemn thing, brought up in a Christian home, reading the Bibles at breakfast and supper time.
And not really saved. How can it be?
The love of Christ.
Constraining us? How does he do that? Oh, I believe it's at the cross. Let's turn back to the Psalms though, for a verse.
Psalm 56.
Psalm 56.
Verse 9.
When I cried unto thee.
Then shall mine enemies turn back.
This I know.
For God is for me.
You indeed may be sitting there with deep problems and heartaches that I don't know.
Emotional difficulty, Physical difficulty. But what a marvelous verse to turn to in the Word of God and to realize.
God is for me.
He's for you. He's for you. He wants the best for you.
God is for me, verse 13.
Thou hast delivered my soul from death, wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?
He's delivered you, my friends, tonight if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Can he not keep you?
Yes, he can.
Can he not keep you? Yes, he can.
Will not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?
One thing to be in the light, it's another thing to walk in the light.
Rather was bringing before us the holiness of Christ.
Solemn thing to realize.
During that solemn time when the man Christ Jesus.
On the cross.
There was three hours.
Where that holiness was indeed manifested to our hearts, not to the world, the world was shut out, but for three hours, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Was made thin.
The holiness of God.
Made sin.
For you.
For you the love of Christ.
Thou hast delivered my soul from death.
The Lord Jesus was not delivered. He went into death for us that he might deliver us from him that had power of death.
Turn over to the 89th Psalm.
Psalm 8915.
Verse 15 Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound.
They shall walk, oh Lord, and the light of thy countenance.
The light of the holiness of God does not change.
From center to Saint God is holy Jesus Christ. The same yesterday, today, and forever. There was one account that the brother didn't read. It was always solemn to me when you read it. It's the account of the Apostle John himself when he is in the presence of this one in the first chapter of the Revelation.
You know, brother, and I feel if we had a sense of who this one is, who holds the seven stars in his right hand, and who indeed walked in the midst of the candlesticks.
We wouldn't be so apartment to be biting and devouring one another.
Brother brought out to us in Detroit, but it's.
His church, my church. I will build my church.
Thank God for each one who is a member of that body. But here we have.
Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. Are you really saved, John?
It's a personal thing, isn't it?
We can sit and after the meeting is over we can go around and ask 15 people, what did you think of the meeting?
It was all right, I enjoyed it. But what did he say? I don't know.
This is the word of God.
We've asked in the prayers that we would be fed by the Spirit of God, that we would grow up into Christ, that he would be reflected in our lives, that others would see that we've been with Jesus.
But there needs to be the beginning. There needs to be the reality.
Are you born again?
Is long-suffering not willing that any should perish?
Any should perish.
Matthew, Chapter one.
Matthew one, verse one.
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David.
The son of Abraham.
Two more glories of our precious savior, the son of David, the rightful heir, the king.
Son of Abraham.
Son of the Promised, all of the privileges and blessings that you and I have in Christ are promises, dear young people.
Their promise is given to you and I by a God that cannot lie.
Hope of eternal life, the gift of life, Faith, promise. The books of the generation of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53.
Isaiah 53.
Verse 8.
He was taken from prison and from judgment.
Who shall declare his generation?
He read in Matthew the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Isaiah says, Who shall declare his generation? Are you going to be one who is going to have the courage by the grace of God to stand up publicly and present Christ?
Are you going to be one who has the courage, by the grace of God, to open your mouth?
And I will feed it, so that you can feed the people of God.
One of the desires of the brethren here have been that the Spirit of God would have liberty to take whomsoever the Spirit of God.
Pleased to feed us.
It's not a discussion between laboring brethren.
No, we're here to be fed. We're here to be fed by the Spirit of God. And this is in context of exercising your hearts, brethren, exercising your hearts. We need each other. We need each other's food. We need each other's experiences. How the Lord has helped us through how he was guided and directed our pathway. Are you going to be one who can declare his generation? He turned to the Proverbs against the number of verses where it speaks about.
Generation that generation.
But thank God there's a verse that says, and this is the generation of them that seek the Lord.
Set your generation.
Are you one who's seeking the Lord?
The Lord looks into the heart. All we can see is the pathway. We can see the life before us, how you're living for Christ.
Let's be honest with our own souls when the brother made the comment about how we dress when we come into the presence of the Lord.
What was our gut feeling when we heard that?
That shows what our state of soul is right now, I believe.
Any man speak to let him speak as the oracles of God. Sometimes it's a warning, sometimes it's that which would exercise our hearts to live to please the one who died for us.
Who shall declare his generation?
Mark chapter one.
Part one, verse one, the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Son of God.
I love this verse. I love the expression of it. God manifest in flesh.
Realize that this man, Jesus Christ, is the Son of God.
That's the Apostle John's ministry, isn't it? Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
And Paul could say, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God.
Have you ever stopped to realize who died on that cross for you?
We were stopped to think who it was that cried out in agony. Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, did you ever stop to think who it is that could cry out those marvelous words? It is finished.
The Son of God.
To think that he loved me and gave himself.
For me.
Thing about that precious name is all we show.
Where do we get light? Where do we get understanding reading this book in the presence of God?
Take the liberty. Your brother was telling me about a man that he knows in the systems, and I believe he said he was.
73 years old and he only read the Bible one time in his entire life.
How much light do you think that that brother hath, or if he's even saved or not?
If you only read your Bible once in 20 years, dear young people, how much light do you think you're really going to have and problems and difficulties come in in your life? It's this book that we turn to. It's the word of God that we turn to.
Drew, as his brother says, we called up brother so and so on the phone and.
Doesn't give us perhaps what we're looking for, but it's the Word of God.
And so, children, as you sit in these meetings.
Read the Word of God, Follow along. Revelation says there's a blessing to those that even hear.
The Word of God. Listen to the Word of God. It's quick, it's powerful, sharpening to edged sword. But you know, there's not one in this room who can stand up and say nobody loves me, nobody cares, nobody's interested. There's one in the glory who has nail prints in his hands, spear marking his side.
I'm sure you've all seen the pictures and commercial Use the word lightly. Commercial bookstores. Christian bookstores.
Of the cross and it says.
Somebody asked Jesus, how much do I love you?
And sticks out his hands and dies.
You ever stopped to realize it in a solemn sense, that you and I have been responsible for the death of the Son of God?
And then to think that he would take you and I.
And hold out that scepter.
Let me hear thy voice, let me see thy countenance.
The love of Christ constraining us. But know the rest of the verse has to do with self judgment.
I didn't want to go into that.
If the person of Christ and the love of Christ.
Doesn't constrain our hearts to bow with praise and worship of Thanksgiving.
In one way, a sense, it's kind of sad to think that we have to come under the government of God before it's allowed to work in our own lives.
But it's the love of Christ warming our hearts, touching our hearts. It's for you that I died, Steve. It's for you that I shed my precious blood, that you might have life, you might have it more abundantly. It's for you that I gave my life so that you can come into My presence. Clean every whip that you can come into my very presence.
Kings and priests.
You know, I've been to these meetings myself over the years and we sit under the sound of them and yet when you go back home, the problems are still there, the difficulties are still there. The situation hasn't changed back home.
When God is in control, you belong to Christ. He's not going to allow anything in your life.
Or he can't handle it. A blessing, but there needs to be an exercise in our hearts.
The brother has presented to us the holiness of God and how we come into His presence, the way we dress. The simple thing is that.
Blue jeans and tennis shoes and MSU sweatshirt and breaking the bread. Is that fitting for the presence of the Lord?
But that's not going to change you. The love of Christ has to touch your heart.
The love of Christ has to open your eyes to see that I'm coming into the very present of the One who loved me.
For the one who was, I can say it, reverently stripped naked there at the cross.
Hardly anything on giving you and I the best robe that we can come into this very presence to worship and praise and adore that matchless one. Peter could say unto you, therefore, which believe he is precious.
Is the person of Christ precious to your heart?
Is he precious to mind? The Scripture says, Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.
Why are there empty chairs?
Where they're not ten cleansed, where are the 9?
Luke, chapter one.
I believe if you take the first verse of each of the books in the New Testament and meditate on them, dear young people, you will find an abundance of truth, an abundance of wealth and joy to your soul.
Or as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, even as they deliver them unto us. From the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word. It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to right under the inorder most excellently awfulest. But I might know this certainty.
Of those things wherein thou has been instructed.
Are you in the good of the certainty of those things?
That your dear Father has been instructing you over the years, taking the Word of God, expounding at the table the truth of God's Word.
Those things that are most surely believed among us, eyewitnesses through the apostles and no doubt down through the early brethren recovery of the truth.
It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things.
Very solemn statement, isn't it? There's only one by the Spirit of God who can make such a statement.
Where do we get the understanding? In thy light Shall we see light?
You know Solomon, when he was young he had a dream. You ought to ask him what he wanted. What can I do for you?
Solomon said.
I don't have the wisdom, the discernment to judge between these people. They ask for wisdom, discernment.
And I trust each one of you will do that.
Ask the Lord Jesus Christ who is made unto us wisdom. Ask him for wisdom and discernment as you read this book, guidance for the pathway and to realize that no matter what the trial, what the difficulty, God is for me God.
It's for you, John. Chapter one.
Matthew. He was son of David, son of Abraham, Mark, son of God.
Now we find in John the eternal Word.
John, Chapter one.
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Same was in the beginning with God. In him was life. Life was the light of men.
Verse 14. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
We beheld His glory, the glories of the only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
There's only one place that I know on the face of this earth where you and I can see the same thing.
We beheld His glory.
The glory is of the only begotten of the Father. Where is that?
Where is I, Robert?
Frank, those of you who've been brought up in the meetings, 17/18/20 year old Caleb, where is this place?
We can gaze upon the glory of the Person of Christ.
John 17.
John, 1724.
Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, Marvelous isn't not to realize that you've been given to God or given to the Son as a gift from God, a gift. But this is the thought in closing.
Father, I will the author whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am. Why?
That they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me.
Not simply rather than that we're looking off onto Jesus, and that they saw no man save Jesus only, but it's the desire of the Lord Jesus Christ himself that when we're gathered around Him, Matthew 1820 where I am, they may behold.
My glory.
My glory.
Well might we sing praise the Savior, ye who know him, who can tell how much we owe him. How much do you owe him everything but here, when we're gathered around him according to the truth of Matthew 1820 says be with me where I am.
They may behold.
My glory.
Unto you therefore, which believe He is precious.