Open Mtg. 3

Duration: 1hr 28min
Listen from:
Open—B. Brimlow, J. Hyland
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Come, O Lord, I waiting people cheering 325.
Of the rings.
The Lord Jesus, when he was here, he told stories that gave pictures. We need the pictures to get ahold of the truth we're not. And how simple a picture when we tell a story to the little ones, you know, to the children. And many of us had that happy privilege to bring up a family and tell stories for our children. You know, they don't forget the stories and they don't forget the point of the story. But this story is about judgment.
You know, speak about the love of God and the grace of God, and how wonderful it is for God so loved the world that he gave us only begotten Son. And this reaches to my heart, and I hope it's reached to every heart here in this room that God so loved you that he gave his own to God the Son.
That you believe in him should not perish. What have everlasting life? Oh, what a thing that everlasting life is about. It's about the life that's eternal and the glory with the and the Father's house and the Lord. Jesus could say, let not your heart be troubled in the 14th of John. You know why your heart is trolled. If you're still outside of Christ, your conscience says that you're a Sinner.
Your conscience, you have to live with it every day. And you know the way the world says. Don't let your conscience bother you. It says don't think.
Ah, muse, you know what that word means. Don't muse, amuse, Don't think. The world says have amusement and we hear them going down the road where I live with the boom box going in the car and goes boom, booty, boom, boom. And it feels the ears and the mind to grind ground out. What?
The guilt of twice 10,000 sins, he said. Brother Mike is thinking about the gospel. Thank God we can praise the Lord for the gospel. Let's always have the gospel close. But you know the gospel warns of judgment. Should not.
Perish once done something about. That's what I'm going to read you a little bit. I'm going to make not the teaching this afternoon because I'm not a teacher, but I'm going to make an application in the 24th chapter of Matthew. Look at it with me, please.
This chapter opens a very, very dark future. You want to know about the future? Let's read about it. But remember, I'm going to make an application for the present from this future picture. That is sure, and it's coming to pass very shortly.
Matthew 24.
And let's see, we want to dip in about verse.
Let's go to verse.
Six verse 6 And he shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors, rumors of war. See that you've been out of trouble.
You know, there's a lot of rumors about more you say that's right. Now that's true. It's going to be getting worse after the church is gone to the floor. They're going to be terrified by the news. Now they're scared by the news and they're upset. And the 2nd Psalm says why did they hit the rage. Yes, they rage the Morales.
And you and I are living in the days that are just preceding the 2nd Psalm on what are they going to do? They're going to rebel openly against the God of heaven. And what about your heart and mind? Have you and I submitted to the God of heaven who came down and lonely grace the Lord Jesus could say he that have seen me, have seen the Father. Remember the disciples that followed the Lord Jesus? They said, show us the quality that suffice of us. And you know what the gospel tells you and me. It brings us right into association with God as our Father. And you know what we say in response when we get saved?
One of the sure signs is our Father. Have you said our Father yet? But this one that said his beloved Son down from the glory, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He evolved to him, he said. Come, you know that's the first call of the gospel. The 11Th of Matthews is called common to me. Only the labor and a heavy laden I'll give you something. Rest. No more abuse mules on the cross. That's the Christians opportunity and privilege now is to be used in the college.
Of the Lord and glory, while our hearts can worship all there. We read through the wondrous story of 1 Ross.
You have to be reminded all the time. Well, I pray, that God has given you to enjoy the fact in your soul that the cross has separated you not only from the world, but that precious blood that separated you from your sins and your guilt. And so the hit writer, he puts it so eloquent.
10,000 since 1:00 moment takes away, but let's go on and look into the future here.
This future I'm not teaching, I'm applying a principle.
Verse seven, nations shall arise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom. And there should be families and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places. You see, that's already coming to pass. They're having a family. You know, they might even have a family very shortly in the United States of America. With some of the things that we're we're wondering about. The weather, the weather, the weather. You know, the weather is going to turn into some pretty big hailstones when this comes to pass. I didn't read about it in this particular chapter. That's not what I'm interested in this afternoon.
But, you know, somebody says to me, what unusual weather, what unusual weather, the clouds, they cover everything, You know, I know the weather man. And if you know prices, you say to you know, the weather man and you know he's got something in mind. He's conditioning. He's conditioning this world and adjustment.
But you know, it's as there is therefore now no judgment in Christ. Dear young person, I hope that you get a grip on where we are in this world is just before the time of the judgment and the coming events. They tell their shadows. They forecast the shadows by the present. And where do we see the shadows? Right in the Holy Place. That's what this chapter is about. It's something about the holy place. Let's read on.
Man shall be offended first time.
And verse 11. Many false prophets should rise and shall deceive many. This is happening all around us in the Christian world. What used to be orthodox, how they crawl out from the word of God. They think that the censor, they clip out the first portion of the 1St 10 chapters of Genesis. They said that it's not by we live in a new time and that's old fashioned. I even had a brother that was in the Lord's table Tell me First Corinthians 5 doesn't apply in any way, shape or form.
Men rising up among yourselves, what all the problems?
And I on the bottom, I'm going to see after one of the men who's the chairman of the Reading meeting.
I thought the Holy Spirit was the chairman of the Reading meeting this man.
Didn't believe in sugar. We followed. I had a ton of brother and he was a brother that I loved.
But what happened? He got squirming away from the truth. Don't swerve away from the truth. You know what he didn't know about. I thought he knew about the old landmarks. Don't prove the old landmarks which thy fathers have said. And then he says that verse is by 2000 years ago, doesn't occur now because he was trying to cover up sin in the midst of the people of God. Sin that were near the holy place where the Lord Jesus had gathered together his people to instruct them to bless them.
Gather to the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And you know what? They couldn't show up anymore. I wouldn't have known what the Third missile job is about if I hadn't seen this. And I looked and it was just like the Third Epistle, John. He wouldn't allow this. He wouldn't allow that. And my brother came to minister, and he would tell him to be quiet.
You know, we have to Do we still have the diaphragm fees once in a while. Anyway, We learn, We learn. Do we learn? What do we do about it? Well, let's read on here because this is a little picture here.
It says that verse 13 No 12 Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall get cold.
Is your love for Christ getting cold? Is my heart getting cold? Lord, help me.
The hymn writers is saying you're keeping it across. They're the precious fountain, free to all the healing stream flows from where Calvary's mountain. There's only one Calvary mountain and that's where my savior was lifted up between heaven and earth. And they sent away with them, crucifying with my heart. Since Lord Jesus, thou hast died for me.
Can you say that every morning, Lord Jesus, thou hast died? You know that's going to keep your heart warm.
The sense of his love is nothing like love to warm the heart. You might tell me about all the prophecies in the world, you might tell me about all of the knowledge and the truth, but you know the 13th chapter first readings and said. Though I speak with the talk of many nations, you know some men can speak with the people like angels, and you sit there in their charms.
I've been there too, you know.
With what's underneath it all, with your love for Christ. And so we've got a picture here that's very solemn and I hope that I can just make a few remarks and I'll pick them up.
But he that shall endure.
You know, our brother brought before us so lovely and it's such a lovely word before this last.
He was telling us about those who had a purpose. What is my purpose? You know the big questions we tell in the gospel, where you came from, What you here for? Where you going?
And I tell people I say no. They never told me in the high school about where I came from, what I'm here for, where I'm going.
And I told some of the fellows in the high school, you know.
Sometimes I go into the high school and do stuff and initially the woodshop, one of my favorite little ways to get in there, show them how to carve a little wooden boat. Some of you know about the wooden boat business, you know, Uncle Bob Boat Shop will leave that. But I asked him the question, where did you help him? Oh, what are you here for? You know, the typical teenage in high school? I don't know. I asked one thought, what are you doing?
Look, that's what he's supposed to do.
I said, would you like to carve a wooden boat? And I showed him the wooden boat. And right away he was the one on the team, you know, and he was a big shot on the football team. But in the classroom he had a problem. He said, well, I didn't do the paperwork, so the teacher said I couldn't do a project. And so the teacher said, Bob, do anything you can with these guys and get them going. So I said, hey, everything was Francisco. I said, OK, Francisco, come on, I'll show you how. So we go over to the band. So we cut out the pattern for the boat.
And pretty soon a couple of other fellows come up with what you doing? And good to make a little boat like this. Hey, me too. Well, pretty soon I have to be at work. You know, we had a great time when I got close to them. You know, sometimes we need to get down to where we're close to people on the natural. And then we start telling them. We ask the question, you know, where do you come from? Oh, I came from. I didn't mean that. Where originally did you? Are you connected?
You and I were brought into this world by our first parents that sinned. Adam and Eve, we get to be original. We get to the basis, you know, they say well, well, what's the basis in the beginning going, that's where the basics.
And then he put man on the earth, and so far as they go through the little outline of the fact that our first parents, they sinned, they sinned against God, you and I are a member of the family of sins.
Another question is one of my airport.
You know, I like to put it simply. I'm here to learn about God. And God has given you only His word. He's given us this book to learn about Him and what's in his heart. You know, He can show me how how his skill and the handiwork. He can show me the heavens and the stars and the universe that I can only see a little bit. And then I look at the creation all around me back. I remember chosen heavyweight.
But then we get down to the real question where we're going. One of my hair for I'm here to learn about John. I'm here to glorify God. That's his desire. The Lord Jesus came down and he says I don't didn't come to do my own will. The will of people simply. And the Lord Jesus wants you and me to follow him. So we get the three calls there and you left the Matthew come, take, learn.
Come into the audience in labor and I heard you later I'll I'll give you rest the conscience. He puts the conscience at rest conscience. Now I'm a more condensed for what?
Is almost precious blood, once for all, has washed and cleanses cleanses in the eye of God. Do you know something? He said. I want you to be with me, to see my door. And so Christ loved the Church and gave himself for, He gave himself for, and he might sanctify it and cleanse it from the washing of water of water.
He might present it to himself.
A glorious first, not having squat or wrinkle. That's where we're going to love it. Are you in the in the good of it? There's a lot of people aren't in the good of it. Wouldn't it be nice to tell them about it?
I want to tell about the glory. God wants you to be his companion now and forever in the Father's house. And he says in the 17th of charge that they made me hold one my glory.
Is beyond our minds beloved. But what a thrill to think that he's going to have us there. Let's go back now. We're going to talk about this other matter.
Talks about the gospel of the Kingdom. That's after the church. He's gone. The king is coming, but in the meantime, the Lord is coming for his bride. We need to make the difference. We were singing about the Lord's appearing in our little hymn and it thrilled my heart that they said we would sing that that song because that's really where we're going.
Then it speaks from the end of the 14th verse and this gospel. The Kingdom should be preached in all nations for a witness unto the nation. And shall the end from there's an end coming in this world. Are you ready? For where is your end? And you know, I love to always bring in that thought. What about your heart? Is it right through God?
Common to be onions of Labor and are heavy laden. I'll give you rest, then the next thing the Lord Jesus, he says. These loving words take my oath, take my yoke upon you and learn.
You know when you're in New York with like, you know, the ox and the donkey, they're walking together and the donkey, he's slow, he's barking, but the ox just keeps on standing steady hex. You know, they will not use that in this country anymore. We've got these nice, big, strong practice. But you know that that that's follows the picture because you don't get into yoga with a tractor. You know, you sit in the seat and you steer the thing and you know they're all about you. Just think of being, if you like, with the ox.
And you applaud the Lord Jesus is the office, and you and I are the poor.
Unclean, unclean donkey.
And the Lord says, come on, come on, I want you to flow with me, said Lord. I'm not worthy. I know you're not worth it, but I'm worthy because I love you and I give everything I have for you. You know, the Lord Jesus wants your heart. He wants it wound up tight with a sense of his love. And then you will have to come and do this, do that. And the other thing my heart will say yes, Lord, You know what he says In that 32nd psalms I will guide thee with mine eyes.
You know how mother dies you with the eye sometimes the dad too, you know, Mom says and she looks over the sink with the dishes are and you know what you're looking at. You know I'll guide you with mine. I but sometimes we're looking at the the the back door of the kitchen. How I can get out quick, you know I don't want to.
Do I have to? I always. You know, I don't know if you ever played that tune, but I sang it lots of times myself.
I will guide you with my life at work and sleep afterwards. Receive the interval. That's what I want about the guide during me through the Swarth of the glory, the father's house. Let's go on.
And shall the end come as an income? But now he's going to tell us about some of the end. I'm making an application of the principles of the logic the teaching hears about the future though the future. Justice is coming in this world, and you and I have seen the beginnings.
Of it in the assembly where there's things that happen, that 5040, thirty, 20 years ago, we never saw those things happen. I could point to some of my own program. You can see them nodding their head. They said we never expected them to see while we're here in this world, departure from God, departure from the sense of the responsibility, departure from the holiness of the presence of the Lord and truly come down.
Verse 15.
When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by none of the Prophet, the name of the holy Place.
What about the Lord's faith?
I started to tell it, but the brother told us just a few minutes ago.
Mickey Mouse at the Lord's table.
That's what I saw on the shirt.
That's an abomination, beloved. That's the abomination that I saw. You'll pardon me if I'm being so explicit. You say, brother, you're being legal.
Thank God I have a Savior that was legal about my sins. He went to the cross and he bore every one of them away. And I'm going to be very, very legal and explicit about that because Jesus paid it all.
Then he invites me to come to his favor.
Says there are my goodness with them.
They're mine, the midst of them I don't want to be. Lord, help us that we have a conscience when we come into the presence from the Lord Jesus.
That it would be appropriate the way we appeared. Solomon had that which could be admired by the Queen of Sheba.
She said. Thy servants, they're dressed departments, they're arrayed their apparel, the way they came up into the presence of the king. What about our king? More than a king, The Lord of the Lord, the Lord of glory crucified. And he invites you and me to come down to where he is in the midst, never mind the midst of them.
You have respect for that or not? I ask you. I ask myself, do I have respect for the presence of the Lord? There it is. There's a future time coming. It's going to be a holy place there. It's going to be in Jerusalem.
And Daniel spoke about it. It was something that was going to come in to corrupt, to do violence, to dishonor that holy place. But then it said something at the end of this 15th verse. Whoso Readeth, let him understand. You know, we read it. I've been making the application, remember?
Let him understand. You know what that means. The obedient heart. Do I have an obedient heart this afternoon to hear his voice?
The sweetness of that voice that says I love you. You know, I think my brother reported that verse over there in one of the province. He showed joy over there with singing. He shall rest in his love. What a day are you looking forward to that time and the glory. What are we going to be around the Lord Jesus?
The obedient heart, says Lord Jesus. We worship and bow at thy feet.
Is that true in my heart? Do I have that kind of a heart that wants to respond to his love? Let's go down, then Let them, which are in the Judeo, flee to the mountains. You know you and I have a mountain.
It's a mountain of God's holy presence, and we go there at every moment of every time of our need, and especially when we come to worship him, the mountain.
Verse 17 led him, which is in the house, stop not come down to take anything out of his house.
Judgments and view. Is there anything in this house that I have that's going to keep me from what I do on top of the house? You know what Peter did on the top of the house in the 10th chapter of Acts? It's a nice I think Mr. Bellock refers to it.
He said he was praying.
He was praying. What should you and I be doing on top of the house when we're crying? Oh, how precious that we would have the sense of the Lord's presence and we would pray. You know what the Apostle Paul says elsewhere? Pray without ceasing. Pray without ceasing. Pray without ceasing. How can you do that? You don't have to go to some kind of a building, or even on the housetop. You can do it anywhere, at any time.
Nehemiah, you know he was on the spot where the king, the king said. Why is your face unhappy?
His wife shouldn't have been that. The city of my father's is in Ruth.
You know what would happen with another king? He would cut his head off right away. Nobody comes into the King's presence unhappy and so nearby. And all he did the case is what the summit request and the Nehemiah says. I prayed to the God of heaven and I answered the king. You and I can do the same thing. We can pray to the God of heaven, and we can meet the circumstances in the office, in the shop, in the school.
The question was asked the little girl recently at the school.
How come you don't, you don't go on with this idea that the the woman should be equal with the man And she said because God made it that way.
And the whole classroom, they were having this discussion, you know, and the teacher, I want to get your opinion in all things, everybody's opinion nowadays. But she just said God made it that day and he said that the man, the woman should be, that helped me to command the the counterparts.
That the mammals, their heads and God made them and you know, it shocked the classroom. They all came to her one by one later and said what do you believe?
Subtly that God is true and that his word is true. She was a girl, I think 13 years old. I wonder how many girls we got here. 13 years old. They would have the right answer. When the test comes, you know it's so hard. If the hearts were right, the Lord is going to make it work.
Let him which is in the house cop to come down and not take anything out of his house. You and I have nothing to take when we leave this world except Christ in the heart. And the Lord says I'm going to sanctify her. My church with a washing of water by the word of God. Are you and I washed by the word of God each day, may it be so, may be more so in the speaker's heart as well. I know better. I'm just one of the sheep. God doesn't have any sheep, sheep, But that's what the subject is down a little further this chapter would touch on.
Either let him watch his in the field, return back to take his clothes.
What do you think about when you're in the field? You know, I want to tell you about a man that was thinking about something in the field. You know what his name was? It was Isaac. It says he was meditating in the field that he beloved brother who were in the even tide. This is just before the night comes on this world and just before the even tide. What comes to bride? Are you and I in that attitude of soul that you're waiting?
And the bright and anticipation of this man, Who is this man, this meditating in the field, she says to the servant, You know, that's what the Eliezer said. You know, we don't get his name in the story there about the holy aces going after because he's a picture of the spirit of God and he wants to occupy you and me with our Isaac. Our Isaac. You know what Isaac means. It means laugh. You know what you get connected with laughter is joy.
No. We've been sitting in this lovely book of Philippians, praises, praises, praises every chapter. And the apostle Paul, Why is he so much in the praise? And because he's got to die on the man and the glory. And he wants to tell you on me about his humiliation. He wants to tell you with me about his life, the life that we receive from Christ. And he wants to tell you and me about this friend and about the pattern that we should live in this world, we should follow him. But let's get on with this little portion that I had before me.
We come to verse 19.
Don't let anything interfere with your community, with the Lord. That's the message of verse 18 and verse 16.
The house comes, verse 17, meditation with the Lord Jesus. That's what's going to carry you safely with. The enemy comes in like a flood because we get a picture of the enemy coming in like a flood and devastating the land industry. Neither land, which is at the field, returned back to take his clothes. You know, wear clothes with the righteousness of God in Christ. We don't need the clothes that are back in the House of this world. We're ready to leave any moment.
But the one's hard clothing the righteousness of God. Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has that new garment.
That God should be a God. And with it comes not only our claim, unconscious, devoid of offense, but it's also a government praise and worse than Thanksgiving. We should be giving songs whether it's night or day. Ask one brother. I said no. What happened in the middle of the night. And the song survived all the time. He said brother means when I wake up and watch the song, you know, when you get up in the morning, ask the Lord for a song. You know, we got that little part here book. It's got a bunch of songs in it that are so wonderful.
And I say to the Lord, you know, I wake up in the morning sometimes, the songs when you're there, I start singing. And you know, sometimes in my life, my dear wife, when she was alive, she used to say, you woke me up. I said, yeah, she says, well, I want to sleep a little more. While I said, you know, I had such a happy song that I wanted to sing it, but that's all right before I do it, back to sleep.
But songs now that I don't have my dear wife. Maybe the Lord wanted me to be marked with my. And maybe how I could be out. Believe that with the Lord. The Lord knows what he's doing better tonight. But he gives songs in the night. You know, when you lose a loved one. The Lord said to look. I'll be right next to you. I'll never leave you for safety and all. What comfort this gives to my soul, to my heart. And then I think all the Lord come today. Maybe you'll come today.
He sits in this occupied light up and you know, it's wonderful. Some of the jobs, I guess some people, I don't know how you can do that job. I can. That's all right.
Gives everyone of us, you and me, there's a like the little song. Can we sing The sunny school Jesus business What?
You and your school wanted. You have a small corner. You have a big corner. It don't make any difference. You know, my grandfather used to preach in the street quarters in New York City and one of the fellows that he worked with, he said, yeah, I saw you out there on the street corner. What are you trying to do, convert the world? He said. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Thinking is a fool of yourself. And my grandfather is just saying, you know. You know what? I know what? I shot her through the housetops in every corner.
He said I have a man that likes to impossible. I want to tell everybody about. And I'm not ashamed of him. I'm ashamed of me, but not him. Oh, wonderful things the believer has, you know, shine for him. You and your smoke 109 mine. I tell that you know you gotta go corner to shine into the Lord. Those little girls at school As a girl at school. She had a corner to shine for the Lord. You have a corner to shine for the Lord. Of course you do Ask the Lord. Say, Lord work I shine for you a little more bright.
Well, let's get on and see what's going to happen.
Verse 19 and woke to them that are with child. Don't be childish. That's the message that I'm drawing the application. Don't be childish about your faith in Christ.
A little child of seven.
Or even 3 or 4 get attention. You don't have to. You can be a child when it comes to believing the Lord Jesus, but when you get a knowledge and make sure don't be childish, the next one is don't be obeyed.
Some people did one and they claimed it all and you know, they don't basically trial at the time, you don't know what's the matter. And some brothers and sisters, they wanted the crowd upon you and automatically.
Well, I just thinking an application, you know, you and I have everything to be ashamed of. Of ourselves, but not him.
He is worthy that heaven's theme song and all art worthy that was created all things Revelation 4 around the throne there at that glorious man the Lamb. Preciously the 5th chapter it says that was redeemed this by their blood out of every kindred and tongue and implantation of tongue. That's what our colored sister of the airplane. She smiles. You know this guy is OK. He's not the discriminating because of other people.
I'm not that with a large comment, I said If the Lord is a contact this afternoon, would you love? She said. I sure would.
And then I said, how do you know? She said because of what you did for me in the cross words. We had a lovely time visiting. You know it's wonderful to meet people and able to talk to him about going up. These could be a little song that we sang. I don't know if you know it. I shouldn't take time to sing it anyway. I'm going up, up, up, up. I'm going up. When she's as it comes I'm going up. Praise the Lord, I'm going up that it's his word. I'm going up, up, up, up. I'm going up. When Jesus comes I'm going up.
See, that's a deposit of song. We need positive songs. And if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, you don't have any doubts and say, oh, so I mean a lot of people that say, oh, so I said, you're talking to a man that knows, would you like to know? So and so we have that word. It appears my word and believes on him. That sent me half. You've had everlasting life getting down to the end of the chapter I wanted to finish.
Pray that your flights be not in the winter.
How can you control the winter?
I know the other hand, he says. It's Four Seasons. Where's the winter here. How do you apply? I'm making an application here. I'm giving you a principle. You know what the winter is right here? It's a cold heart. It's a cold heart. Has God made provision for you to get your heart warmed?
Every first day of the week I come there. The Lord had to tell the impatient Saints that was left by first love. How are we going to give it back?
False. And more Jesus could say as often as Jesus. Reverend, we discussed you. Be sure the Lord's death will become.
That's where we get my heart from warm. Or I can go into the presence of the Lord wherever I am and say Lord Jesus warm my heart. Let me think of thy love. You know one of my favorites is John the 15th and verse nine that says as the Father hath and love to me.
All I love you continue. Ye and my love. That's the warm heart. What's the next one? Neither of the Sabbath day. You know what the Sabbath day reminds us of? The law. The law. Are you going to back go back to the law? You know, we got a lot of people that want to tell you the law. They want to give you a religious heart. And I have a religious heart naturally. And that's the danger. God says don't have a religious part. I want you there because you love me, not because it's somebody else told me to do it.
Let's go on.
It says but then shall be great trouble, tribulation. You know, you and I live in a time of trouble, the 16th chapter of John. I think the Lord Jesus said with the disciples in the world you will have tribulation.
Some people think they should have a bed of soft flowers. You notice I didn't mention earlier soft flowers that don't have any flowers. That's what some people think that Christian life is about. If you turn to Christ, one man, Tony, you know, since I've been saved, I've had more trouble than all of the years before.
Praise the Lord brother. What do you mean? Or it says if you get follow him. He says in the world you love tribulation, you like Trump. But then he said the company more to be a butcher over from the world.
Those days be short. There should be no such thing, you know. You and I are living in the last days, brother. They're going to be shortened very shortly. You know how.
The Lord himself shall descend from from heavenly Child, and we should be changed. But let's go on verse 22. If any man say it to you, all hears Christ or.
There it is reflection, religious pleasure, and it can be right in the median room.
And some of us have to bar ahead and say maybe I've acted, that I'm Christ, that I'm going to tell you how to do it.
And if you don't know it's my way, I'm going to strike. I'm not going to be in fellowship with you and all that sort of stuff. Intimidation, we call it. And you know what it comes from. I'll be Christ. I'm Christ. There's nothing in this world like envy. And the man might have envy in his heart, and he wants to tell you how it really is. Watch out.
And I'm capable of that myself. You and I are here to be followers.
Of Christ not to act like we're Christ. Look what it says literally then. If any man sends you a Lord, here is Christ or there. Oh, have you heard this, brother? He has got the answer. And this over here, he's got the answer. You know, we get our answers direct from the Lord Jesus. We don't get from. We don't follow men. A man might have a gift that is wonderful gift, you know, but gift is not godliness. And gift is not saying I'm Christ. Do what I'm making an application, brother.
Because we have meant the 20th of Acts. The Apostle Paul's. I didn't stop warning you for three years, night and day, with tears.
Man shall rise up from among yourselves to throw away disciples after them.
And then little coming in to scout his sheep. And you know what he said. The loving words.
Committed to go out of the word of His Grace, which is able to build you up and give you one an inheritance among all them that are sanctified. You and I have been set aside for His Loring, and He wants you to be in the enjoyment of what we are in Christ and not what we are following against. Don't follow man.
Our Christmas. I can remember Brother Beck of Brooklyn years ago, just three months before he passed away, he said. Well, I got a little word on that.
One little word, brother. Be faithful to Christ. Be faithful to Christ.
Here's the answer and the Apostle Paul and the ministry that our money gave us to receive meaningless Hussein along that line that you and I should take courage and take strength from the Lord to follow as Caleb and Joshua of old boy exception.
Then we come to this other one. There shall arise verse 24 of Christ false prophets, and they shall show signs and wonders, and so forth, permission to see the very.
This is the whole episode before, wherefore they said to behold it to the desk before that.
Well, those are the words of the only one that is worthy of so far.
Last expression that our brother Bob mentioned. Perhaps we could turn to Daniel chapter one.
Daniel chapter one and verse one. In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, came Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, unto Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehovah king, king of Judah into his hand with part of the vessels of the House of God, which he carried into the land of Shinar to the House of his God. And he brought the vessels into the treasure House of his God.
Just passed down to verse 8. But then you purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King's meat, nor with the wine which he drank. Therefore he requested of the Prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
And then just notice an expression in the last verse of this chapter. And Daniel continued.
Well, I was thinking of this portion in connection with Daniel this afternoon. It's been brought before us already in these meetings the importance of going on in the strength of the Lord and brother. And I don't believe they'll ever be a day so dark and so difficult that we have to say we can't go on in the day in which we live. It's true. These are dark, difficult days.
It's true. The enemy is busy, perhaps busy like never before to undermine.
Everything that God has set up and established but brethren, we can in the strength of the Lord, go on for his glory if there ever comes a day so dark that we can't live for God's glory in this world.
All things that pertain unto life and godliness. And I was encouraged this afternoon with the life of Caleb, because I've been impressed to notice how God, particularly in the Old Testament, gives us examples of men and women and young people who lived for God's glory even in difficult times. Even when everything seemed against them, they went on in the strength of the Lord. Because I suppose it's never been easy to live for the lawyer.
I say the enemy has always been busy to discourage and weary and confuse the people of God. He's always been opposed to everything that God has set up and established. It's been often pointed out that God set up and established 2 great institutions. The first one was the family, the second was the assembly. And I say again, has there ever been a day when the enemy has been as busy as the day in which we live to tear down and destroy?
Those two great institutions. But God gives us these examples. Rather to encourage our hearts, I would just encourage those who are a little younger here to read these Old Testament stories to see how these men and women and young people sought to live for God's glory, how they sought to be obedient to the word of God, to not compromise, even when perhaps it would have been the path of least resistance.
You know, the world uses that expression take the path of least resistance. But we find the blessing of those who sought to stand for the Lord even when everything was against them. And how the Lord took care of them, how he undertook for them. Because it says them that honor me, I will honor. Well, one of these beautiful examples is the life of Daniel. We don't have time to go into his life, but I like to look at just a few portions in the book of Daniel.
To encourage us, brethren, to go on availing ourselves of the resource that we have.
We find here that it was a difficult day. The enemy had come in. God, in his governmental ways with his people, had allowed them to be carried captive into Babylon. And Daniel might have said, well, you know, it's a different day now. It's different from when we were home in Judea. It's everybody's giving up, everybody's compromising and going along with the crowd. He could have said that, but all Daniel, he had a real desire.
A real purpose of heart to follow and honor the Lord. It's interesting that not only were they carried into the land of Babylon.
But it's referred to here as the land of Shinar, because Shinar means wholly cast off. Isn't that the day in which we live? I don't have to enumerate this, because you see this on every hand. When the young people and children go to school, they're encouraged to fulfill the lusts of the flesh and of the mind. They're told that nobody's to tell you that you can't do these things. And man features this world as a playground in which to indulge himself.
He says there's only one life and live it to the full. Isn't that what you hear at school? Isn't that what you hear at work? Isn't that what you hear in the world today? This was the day in which Daniel found himself, a day when every man was doing that which was right in his own eyes. But it's so beautiful to see here that Daniel purposed in his heart. You know, it's wonderful to be under the sound of the word of God in the assembly. It's wonderful to read the truth of God for for ourselves.
But we have to get these things down into our hearts, because I don't believe there'll be a practical moral effect in our lives until the truth of God reaches our hearts again. With Caleb. When he came to Joshua at the end of the wilderness journey and reminded him of God's promise so long ago that he would get into the take his inheritance, get into the good of the land, what did he say? He said that he had brought word again, as it was in his heart. In other words, the inheritance had got down into Caleb's heart.
That's what preserved Caleb during the wilderness journey. He had that before his soul. He'd seen the grapes of Eshkol. He'd seen that good land, and he had so affected his heart that he went on quietly and faithfully for the Lord all through the wilderness. And then he came and reminded Joshua of that promise. Oh, brother, we need to let the inheritance get down into our hearts. We need to let the truth of God affect our souls. And I believe when it does, then there's a practical moral effect in your life and mind.
He purposed in his heart. You know, sometimes I heard folks say about a person.
You know, that person has a nice desire, and I'm glad when I hear people speak of so and so having a nice desire. But, you know, I think of what David said in the 27th Psalm. He said one thing have I desired of the Lord that was good, That was a good beginning. But he didn't stop there. He said that will I seek after, but then it's more than just having a good desire. It says in the proverbs I believe that the slugger desireth and hath nothing.
But brother, we need purpose of heart to stand. In days like this Barnabas went down and exhorted the early brethren, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. Now I realize it's only the grace of God that keeps any one of us. If there's any desire in your heart and mind this afternoon to follow the Lord in any measure, it's God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. But nevertheless, rather than there needs to be that exercise and energy of faith.
We're told in Revelation chapter 3, Behold, I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. It takes energy to hold fast. You think of somebody holding fast, somebody gripping something. It takes energy. And so there needs to be that exercise and energy of faith like Daniel. You know it was a real day of compromise with the Daniel found himself in. I don't know how many of these men were brought in before the king and to be tested and then to be presented to the king.
But I suspect there were more than just four. And of all those men that were brought in, all but four compromised, shall I say, what they knew to be the truth in their day. They all compromised. It was a day of giving up. You know, I've sometimes said that compromise is letting the barrier down slowly. If you have a brick wall and you take a row of bricks off the top of that wall, maybe it's only 8 or 10 inches gone from that wall.
And nobody misses that row of bricks as it's taken off. And so every once in a while you come along and you take off another row of bricks. Pretty soon the barrier is removed. And maybe when the barrier is removed, it was removed so slowly that no one notices that the barrier is gone. Brethren, let's not compromise. Let's be careful to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints. I believe we need these exhortations like never before.
The enemy is busy to introduce those little things, to just give up here and there, to say, well, everybody's going along with it. It's a different day from our fathers and grandfathers. Brethren, it's true. It is a different day from our fathers and grandfathers. But the Lord hasn't changed. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. His word hasn't changed forever. Oh, Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. And I say again, we have everything that we need so that we can go on.
In the enjoyment of the truth, both as individuals and as families, to.
And collectively, as gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. Well then I read this expression at the end of the chapter.
And I trust I speak carefully because here was a commendation given to Daniel, and Daniel continued. Now I realized, brethren, that none of us here have finished our course. And I realized, as I said earlier, that only the grace of God keeps us. But let's covet this commendation given to Daniel. We're going to look at some scriptures in connection with his life later on, and we're going to see that in the strength of the Lord and availing himself of the resource that he had in his God in his day, he was preserved.
For the Lord's glory may we covet this. How often we have examples in Scripture of those who made a good start, but they made shipwreck at the end? I often think of poor Demas. Dimas was listed with the fellow laborers of the apostle Paul. He was a real help in the work, But Paul had to say at the end. Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present age. Well, let's go over then, first of all to the second chapter.
Daniel chapter 2 and verse 17.
Well, we'll read verse 16 then Daniel went and desired of the king that he would give him time, that he would show the king the interpretation. Then Daniel went to his house and made the thing known unto Hananiah Michel and Azariah, his companions, that they would desire mercies of the God of Heaven concerning this secret, that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.
Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.
Well, you know, as we trace through the word of God, we find, I believe, that those who had power in their lives, those who had fruit and testimony for God, were men and women who were characterized by prayer. I know it's been often said, but I believe that prayer is the powerhouse of our lives individually. It's the powerhouse of our lives as families, and it's the powerhouse of our lives collectively as gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I believe this was the great secret of Daniel's life. He was indeed a man of prayer. But I'd like to apply this little portion in connection with collective prayer. There was a real difficulty here, and it was a difficulty that not only faced Daniel, but it faced his three friends as well. Those men who had stood faithful with Daniel in the first chapter, those who had been encouraged by Daniel's purpose of heart and Daniel's faithfulness.
And now we find as they're faced with this difficulty, they knew where to turn and the difficulty. And Daniel gathers his three friends together and they have a prayer meeting. And if we were to go to the 12Th chapter of Acts, we would find a similar scene where a difficulty again faced the people of God. Collectively it was in connection with Peter, seemed that Peter was even going to lose his life. But the Brethren came together. It says prayer was made of the church for him.
Without ceasing, I just picture the assembly there, coming together night after night after night, to bring this matter before the Lord. Here Daniel and his three friends, they meet and they bring this matter before the Lord. It was really a tremendous request to think that not only with the interpretation of the dream be given, but the dream revealed to Daniel as well. But you know, God honored the exercise of these men.
And brethren, why is it that sometimes, and I'm going to speak very plainly for a few moments, if you'll allow me. Why is it that sometimes, brethren, when we come to the assembly prayer meeting, it's the most poorly attended? Why is it that when Wednesday night prayer meeting rolls around, sometimes there's just a handful of brethren at the prayer meeting? Well, brother, and I suggest perhaps two things. One, perhaps we really don't understand that the Lord is there on Wednesday night.
Just as he is on Lord's Day Morning, Because if I really understood that the Lord was there collectively in the midst of his own, I'm permitting night, wouldn't I want to be where the Lord is in the midst of his own brethren? Do we have hearts so attracted to the person of Christ?
That we desire to be in His presence in that way. And I suppose the other reason is we don't really understand the power there is in assembly prayer. If we really understood the power of collective prayer, would we not want to avail ourselves of that resource, especially brethren, in a day when again, the enemy is so busy there's an assembly going through real trials and difficulties?
Things that perhaps we have to say, we've not passed this way heretofore. And why is it that sometimes when those situations arise in the Assembly, there isn't light to deal with those situations? Or why is it that sometimes, even if there's light, there seems to be no power to act?
Lord's glory in the assembly. I suggest again that perhaps it's because we're not availing ourselves of collective prayer in the way that God has instituted. And I believe it's significant here that when Daniel came in before the king, he asked that time would be given. Why did he want time given? So that they could join in the exercise of collective prayer. You know, sometimes when situations arise in the assembly, perhaps the initial reaction is, well, we've got to do something to straighten out this problem.
Well, true brethren, we need to act for God's glory when He gives us light from His word. But, brethren, we need to, to take time to bring this matter to the assembly prayer meeting, to be on our faces as the people of God, to seek mercies of the God of heaven like Daniel and his three friends. And I believe when we do that then the Lord can come in in a wonderful way and give light and power to act for his glory in the assembly. Did God honor the exercise of these four men? Indeed he did.
Did God honor the exercise of the brethren in Acts 12? Indeed he did. But I just want to, before we pass on, say a little encouragement for the sisters that I've often mentioned in connection with the prayer meeting in Acts 12. Because there was Rhode Island at the assembly prayer meeting. And I've often thought, you know, Rhoda might have said, well, why do I need to be at the assembly prayer meeting? I can't pray out loud, and I'll pray for Peter's deliverance at home. Well, you know, she could have prayed for Peter's deliverance at home.
But she would have missed seeing the power of God to answer prayer in the assembly. You want to see the power of God to answer prayer in the assembly. You must be at the assembly prayer meeting. And I believe the Lord gave Rhoda a special blessing that night. And even allowing that she was the one who went to the door and saw first hand the power of God to answer assembly prayer. I wonder if Rhoda missed very many prayer meetings after that. She knew the value of the prayer meeting and when we come together, brother.
Bring before the Lord those specific needs and requests that affect the people of God as a whole. That's what they did here, that's what they did in Acts 12. And I really believe if we were more specific in our collective prayers, we would see more answers to those prayers. Well, let's go on then to reverse in the third chapter.
Chapter 3 and verse 25.
And he answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt. And the form of the force is like the Son of God.
Well, we didn't read the context here. We know the story well. It's in connection with those three men that have stood faithful with Daniel in the first chapter, Shagrat, Meshach and Abednego. And it's interesting in this chapter that we don't read of Daniel. Daniel for a time was removed from the scene because, you know, brethren, it's wonderful to have those who have been an encouragement to us. I thank God that as I look around this room, there's many in this room who have been a tremendous blessing and encouragement.
Soul who have encouraged me in the path of faith. But you know, brethren, that's not enough. The time comes when we're tested as individuals. And here was a time when these three men were tested and they couldn't stand in the shadow of Daniel like they did in the first chapter. They had to answer for themselves. Because, brethren, while the gospel is free, and we're thankful it is, we must buy the truth, it says by the truth and sell it not.
I'm thankful, as I say, for brethren who have encouraged me through the years. I'm thankful for a godly father who brought us the word of God before us in the home and brought us to the assembly. I'm glad for a mother who had that exercise as well. But the time came when I had to be was tested as to whether I was just following along in something that my parents had brought before me, or whether I had made these things good to my own soul. The tests come for each one of us, I believe not only are we tested as individuals.
But I believe every generation brought up in the truth is tested as to whether we have made these things good to our own souls.
Well, here we find these three men, and it was a difficult test for them. As I say, they couldn't stand in the shadow of Daniel and have him speak for them, but their faith had been strengthened and they had been encouraged by being in the company of Daniel. I just want to say this to the children and young people here this afternoon. Your friends are either having a positive effect on your life or they're they're hindering you from following the Lord.
In fact, if I can just say this to each one of us, my own heart particularly, I believe it's a searching thing to realize that every one of us are having an effect on someone else. At this moment, it says no man liveth to himself, no man dies to himself. Our lives of this very moment are either a help and blessing to the people of God or a discouragement and a hindrance. We had brought before us those 12 spies who went in to spy the land.
And two of those spies encouraged their brethren, Caleb sought to steal the people.
But you know, there's a solemn comment made about those other 10 spies in Deuteronomy Chapter one.
It says they discouraged the hearts of their brethren. Isn't that a solemn comment? As they came back and as they brought up that evil report, and as they stirred up the people of God, little did they realize that God was going to record in his eternal record, that they discourage the hearts of their brethren. I believe Daniel was a real encouragement to his friends, and I believe that they were able to stand here.
Because their faith had been encouraged through the their association with Daniel. Let's be careful those that we associate with. I know we have to go to school. I know you have to work alongside unbelievers, but let's be like those in the acts it says. And being let go they went to their own company. David said I am a companion of all them that fear thee and that keep thy precess. I sometimes wondered with Peter as he sat down.
At that fire, if he had, if it was really that association that caused him to deny his Lord three times with Olsen curses. There he sat down with those who had no love for his blessed Lord, and that association defiled. As I was going off to school as a child, often my mother would quote me that verse as I was going out the door. Remember Jim? Evil communications. Corrupt. Good manners.
Well, we need to be exercised about these things. And here the test came for these men and they were able to stand firm. It's true that they couldn't lean on Daniel, but they had been encouraged to lean on the Lord. They'd seen Daniels purpose of fire. They've seen how the Lord had honored Daniels faith, and now they had that same confidence and that same trust in their Lord. And what was the result? Well, do we find their cast into the burning, fiery furnace?
It was one of the very nice things that because they were faithful in this way, they were going to suffer and perhaps even lose their lives. Well, we find that God took care of them. Now, brother, I realized that God doesn't act in this dispensation or at the end of this dispensation, in perhaps the same way He did back in the Old Testament or even at the beginning of this dispensation. But rather, the Lord still has His eye on his own if you seek to be faithful.
The Lord is going to undertake for you. We find in the 11Th chapter of Hebrews there were those who lived by faith, and they experienced the power of the Lord and deliverance in all kinds of wonderful ways. But then at the end of the chapter it says and others, And what about them? Why they didn't accept deliverance? They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. They were strong asunder, they suffered trial of cruel mockings, they were killed and so on.
Was it because they had less faith? Oh no. God honored that the faith of those men, although he didn't deliver them in the same way. And so these men, they knew that it would, if they were faithful, that it meant they would be cast into the fiery furnace. But they trusted in their God.
And God came in in a very wonderful way. And just think of the joy of their hearts as they walked in the midst of the fiery furnace with a sense of the Lord's presence with them. They look wonderful when we go through trials and difficulties to have a sense of the Lord's presence with us. It was mentioned this morning in connection with Paul and Silas in prison. It was a difficulty. In fact, I sometimes wondered how I would have reacted. No, I have had the privilege and opportunity of visiting prisons in the Third World.
Prisons that I suppose, were very much like the prison in which Paul and Silas found themselves. Not prisons like they have in North America, but the lowest circumstances possible. And there they were. But you know, they had a joy of which it says, no man take it from you. Why did they? Could they rejoice at midnight? Why could they sing, praises and pray? All because their joy was in the Lord. It didn't depend on being in a prison or a palace.
It didn't depend on having liberty and freedom. It depended on what was in their hearts. And they were so in the enjoyment of the person of Christ that they could pray those circumstances. They felt them, I'm sure, and we feel the things that we pass through, that they found their joy in the Lord. And so, you know, here we find these three men and they had a real sense of the Lord's presence. Would they have missed the experience? How many times? Perhaps you've gone through some real trial and at the time you felt cast down, you said, I don't know why the Lord allowed this. I don't know if I can go on.
But then he got into the presence of the Lord and when you looked back he said I wouldn't have missed that trial for anything. How often we've enjoyed this special sense of the Lord's presence with us in a trial and a difficulty. And so we find here they enjoyed a sense of the Lords presence with them. Rather we don't have to ask the Lord to be with us. Sometimes we pray and ask the Lord to be with us, but I don't believe we need to pray that prayer as much as we need to pray.
And ask that we would be walking.
In a way that we would have a conscious sense of his presence with us. He'll never leave us nor forsake us. But brethren, we need to be exercised that we would walk so that we can enjoy his company. And I believe when we walk in his company, it can make the roughest Rd. seem sweet. No, I've had the privilege of having my family with me as I've traveled a little bit this winter and I've traveled over many roads that I've traveled over previously alone.
And some of those roads that I've traveled over alone, even though they may be the best Interstate in the United States, they've seen like long roads. But they didn't seem so long when I had my family with me because I wasn't the enjoyment of the company of those that I love. And we can go through life in the enjoyment of the company of the Lord Jesus. Well then, let's notice the Mercedes in the 5th chapter.
Chapter 5 and verse 17. Then Daniel said before the king answered them, and said before the king, let thy gifts be to thyself and give thy reverse to another. Yet I will read the writing out of the king and make known to him the interpretation. Well here we find Daniel standing before Belshazzar.
I suppose the greatest king of the day and those chaser says to Daniel, if you can read the writing on the wall, I'll give you 3 things. I'll give you a gold chain, I'll give you a scarlet robe, and I'll make your third ruler in the Kingdom. But we've read Daniel's answer from the word of God, and I've often wondered, why did Daniel answer in this way? Those were tremendous gifts that were offered to Daniel to think that he would be honored in that way.
Even to be made third ruler in the greatest Kingdom of the day. But you know those gifts meant nothing to Daniel. Why did those gifts mean nothing to Daniel? Well, Daniel knew from the writing on the wall that the Kingdom was already under judgment. He knew that that Kingdom was about to pass away.
Secular history tells us that while Daniel stood before this king, the enemy was already besieging the city. And the word of God tells us at the end of this chapter that that very night was the king slain and his Kingdom given to another. And why would Daniel want to be third ruler in the Kingdom that was already under judgment? Why would he want to be honored for the for the moment he knew that the Kingdom was about to pass away, and brethren thought we don't despise the mercies that God has given us.
And in the land of Canada and the United States, he's given us many mercies, and we enjoy those mercies. But, brethren, we need to realize that they're only for a time. They're just like the Kingdom of Babylon. They're about to pass away. It says in Peter seeing them, that all these things shall be dissolved. What manner of persons are ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness? I believe in the measure in which we are in the enjoyment of the imminent return of the Lord Jesus.
In that measure, it will place a proper value on the temporal mercies that God has given us.
For this life to realize that these things are not our own, that they're about to pass away.
The poet put it this way. He said only one life will soon be passed. Only what's done for Christ will last. May we have that proper sense of those things that God has given us in a temporal way here in this world again you find in the 25th of Leviticus.
Connection with the Year of Jubilee. What was it that replaced the proper value on the things that the children of Israel bought and sold? What placed the proper value on their temporal possessions? Why, it was the nearness of the Year of Jubilee Because when the Jubilee came, everything had to be returned to its original owner. In other words, if a man bought a piece of property, say, in the 49th year, well, they obviously didn't pay very much for it because in one year it had to be returned.
Brethren, our jubilee is about to take place. All those things that we built for down here, all those things that perhaps, and I say it to my own heart, we've set our affections on down here. Those things are going to pass away. The things that are seen are temporal. The things that are not seen are eternal. But may we take a lesson from this in connection with Daniel. He refused those gifts, even though he told the king that he would read the writing and saw.
I believe that we're just moments away.
From that time when the Lord Jesus is going to come, we're going to leave these things behind. And what are they going to matter in that day, Brother? What are the things that we had down here going to matter when we see His blessed face? Why, They're going to mean nothing. They're going to mean nothing because we're going to be occupied with himself. And there we're going to go over the unsearchable riches of Christ for all eternity. Our hearts will be occupied with himself and those things concerning himself.
Well, I say again, we're thankful for that which God provides for us. And as fathers, we need to labor and work with our hands and provide things honest in the sight of all men and so on. We need to get through this world, but let's.
Respective brethren, these things are just for time, and so I encourage our hearts to look up and to set our minds on things above, not on things of this world. We'll then look at a verse in the 6th chapter.
Chapter 6 and verse 10.
Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house and his windows being opened, and in his chamber toward Jerusalem. He kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did a four time.
Well, we spoke a prayer earlier on in connection with collective prayer, as Daniel and his three friends gathered together and had a prayer meeting concerning the situation that faced them. But here I'd like to apply this in connection with private prayer, that which the Lord Jesus spoke of in Matthew 6, when he said, But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, traded thy Father, which is in secret, and my Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
Let me repeat a statement I made earlier because I think it's vital, rather than if we're going to have power and fruit and testimony in our Christian lives down here, we must be men and women and young people characterized by prayer. There's no other way, I say again. It's the powerhouse of our lives. Individually, it was the secret of Daniel's life. Here we find Daniel now, an old man, not a young person like he was in the first chapter. But here we find he was. He's an old man.
And he's still going on faithfully with that purpose of heart for the Lord. But I believe it was because he was a man characterized by prayer. But, you know, I'd like to say this in connection with prayer, because if I can put it very simply, prayer is coming and speaking to the Lord. And we all can think of prayer in connection with making requests, in connection with coming when there's some difficulty or trial in our lives. And that's true. Rather, we can come with every trial and difficulty.
Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me. But I believe prayer, Prayer is more than just making requests. We find that in First Timothy chapter 4. I believe it's the fifth verse. If you notice Mr. Darbys translation, he translates the word prayer as freely addressing God. Isn't it a wonderful thing that we can comment freely, address God? That we can speak to him as a man speaketh to his friend?
Significant statement in this verse that we read because Daniel came and it's true there was a real difficulty at this time, but he prayed three times a day as he did a four time. Because I believe it was not just the habit of Daniels life to pray when he got into trouble, it was the habit of his life even when things went well. The reason I say that is because if you notice at the beginning of the chapter, David Daniel was promoted under the new king.
He was doing very well, I can put it this way. In his business, things were going along very smoothly for Daniel for some time, but it was still the habit of Daniels life to commune with his God three times a day and sometimes picture him there on his knees. Maybe he had no special request that times.
But he went at those times, set aside for prayer, and he just talked to the Lord.
Because you know, if you have a friend and you only go to that friend when you're in trouble, pretty soon that friend gets tired. They say, Why do you only come when you have a problem? Why can't we just enjoy happy times of fellowship? But by the same token, if you have a friend and you go that friend in difficulty in those happy times, and you enjoy those happy times of fellowship, then when the trouble comes, you know where to turn. You say, I can go to that friend because they understand me.
We've entered into one another's thoughts on one another's heart and you don't mind going to a friend that you've enjoyed happy times of fellowship with. That was the experience of Daniels life. He enjoyed happy fellowship with his God on a daily basis. And then he when the trial came, he knew where to turn. He wasn't. He wasn't overwhelmed by the difficulty because he had found a friend and a resource in his God. Well, very quickly. I just want to read one more expression. It's in the 9th chapter.
Chapter 9 and verse two. In the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by books. Well, we've spoken of how we can speak to the Lord in prayer, and that's a wonderful resource. But here's something else now. And I'd like to just make this little application because we speak to the Lord in prayer, but then he speaks to us through His Word and brother. And I trust we value this book that we have in our hands, young people, I trust you read it each day.
There was a time in my life, sad to say, when I didn't read the word of God on a daily basis. And as I look back, I realized there was a loss, something that will never be recovered in my life. Oh, I I challenge you and encourage you to read God's Word. Open it each day, and familiarize yourself with these stories in the Old Testament and with the truth of God and the truth of Christianity in the in the New Testament.
But then I want to just encourage you too, because it says I Daniel understood by books. Now, brethren, there's no substitute for reading the word of God. That's true. That's foremost and most important. But I believe too that God has raised up men who have been calls to write things that encourage us in our Christian pathway. They've written good Christ, exalting ministry. And I just challenge you again to go to the bookshelf.
Maybe you have a father at home and he's got some of those good books on his shelf, that good press Christ exalting ministry that men of a past, a past generations have written although and avail yourself of that ministry there helps to you. They'll help you in your reading and understanding of the word of God. It's true, the spirit of God is the is the perfect teacher. But I said again, I believe there are those things written that will be an encouragement to you and when you open and read a book.
Look at the preface. Often it will tell you if that book is good Christ exalting ministry, or whether it's just going to occupy you with yourself. I'll read those good things. There's no shortage rather than a foot Christ exalting ministry available to us. Perhaps when I say to my own soul, perhaps there's a lack of diligence and energy to read those writings, but they're available to us. Well, may the life of Daniel, like the life of many others in the Scripture, encourage our hearts to go on rather than things are not going to get better in this world.
In fact, Scripture tells us they're going to get worse and worse before the Lord Jesus comes. But you and I can go on, not in our own strength, but in the strength of the Lord. We can go on for his glory as individuals, as families, and collectively as gathered to the Lords. Name. May the sincere and earnest prayer and desire of your heart and mind being Preserve me, O God, for in thee do I put my trust. Amen.