Open Mtg.

Open—D. Imbeau, H. Brinkmann, H. Short
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As we look around at all of these faces, we think of what has gone before us the last two days.
I believe that the Lord has blessed us.
I believe the Lord has given us encouragement.
Not to honor man, but.
This afternoon our brother gave us a portion on Joseph.
What an encouragement. What an encouragement Joseph is.
What does God want from you And what does God want from me?
He wants us to walk according to his word. Let's just look at the book of Philippians and we don't have time to go through it all.
But I would recommend that at your privileged opportunity that you spend time in that book.
Not that it's above all Scripture, no, because all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for reproof that the man of God might be thoroughly furnished unto every good work.
Let's turn to the book of Philippians and in the few minutes that I'm going to spend.
Let's just read a few portions in the whole book.
And as I said earlier, I recommend that you read it to yourself. It's a marvelous book. The book of Philippians is normal, everyday Christian life.
It's the kind of life that a Christian should live.
Each and every one of us have the ability, the capability, by the power of God and his Spirit. What Peter tells us that he has given us all things for life and for godliness, all things, in the book of Philippians is a normal Christian life here in this world where God is not wanted, where the Lord Jesus was cast out.
The book of Philippians is an everyday, normal life.
Let's look at a few verses.
Libyans, the first chapter. We'll read both of the first chapter, but only portions of the other.
I don't want to use somebody else's cup, or I don't want anyone else to use mine. So let's put mine on the right and the other one on the left.
Philippians chapter one Paul and Timotheus, the servant of Jesus Christ.
To all the Saints in Christ Jesus which are in Philippi with the bishops and deacons, by the way, bishops and deacons.
We have them today, but they're not ordained.
They're the elders and those, and it doesn't necessarily, and I want to qualify that a little bit. It doesn't necessarily mean old guys with Gray hairs and bald heads.
If those that God has raised up.
But I'd like you to think about a scripture in Matthew that says that the after the seed is planted, it comes out first to shoot and then the leaf and finally the ear and fruit. So it's not.
They're very young either.
Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
Always in it, every prayer of mine for you, all making requests with joy.
For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing.
That he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Even as it is meek for me to think that of you all, because I have you in my heart.
Inasmuch as both in my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers.
Of my grace rather remarkable. The Apostle Paul was in Rome in prison.
And these Philippians prayed for him. He prayed for them.
And they helped him.
Now let's go on to a little further in the chapter.
To the 21St word.
Or for me to live is Christ.
And the dialogue, you know, the book of Philippians is Christ all the way from the beginning to the end.
The first chapter is Christ, My life. The second chapter is Christ my pattern, and you may find some other things there yourself. The third chapter, Christ my object, and the last chapter, Christ my strength. The whole book is Christ. Can you go wrong if you have Christ as your pattern, as your life, as your object, as your strength? No.
Again, I say read the book of Philippians. It's good for everybody but all you young people, you teenagers.
If you want to live a Christ like life.
Read the book. A flippin walk in it.
The second chapter.
Our pattern.
If there therefore be any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love.
If any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like minded having the same love being of 1 Chord of one mind.
Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
And this verse gives us the key to this chapter. Let this mind be in you.
Which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God.
Or being God, really.
He didn't have to grasp after something that he was.
He thought it not robbery, or did not think it replied to be equal with God.
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him in the form of a servant.
And was made in the likeness of men.
But made himself of no reputation.
Do you have a reputation?
Do I think I have a reputation? No.
We have no reputation. If there is anything, it's a disreputable reputation. But this one had a reputation. He was God. He was the creator of the universe.
He made himself of no reputation.
And took upon him the form of a servant. You know what that tells you and tells me.
And being found in fashion as a man of servants, he took upon him in the form That's all you are. That's all I am.
A servant.
He took upon him the form of a sermon, and being in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death.
Even the death of the cross.
Now, before we read the next verse, let's turn to first Peter.
Chapter 2 for a couple of verses.
Verse 21 First Peter, Chapter 2 Verse 21.
Or even thereunto were ye called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps, who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. But when he was reviled, reviled not again. When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judges righteously who his own self.
Bear our sins.
In his own body on the tree.
Now turn to the 19th chapter of John for one verse.
Verse 5.
Then came Jesus. By the way, let's start from the.
Beginning John 19 verse one. Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him, And the soldiers planted the crown of thorns, and put it on his head. And they put on him a purple robe, and said, Hail, king of the Jews, and they smote him with their hands. Pilot therefore went forth again, and said unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. Then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns.
And the purple rose and Pilate said unto them, Behold the man. Now let's read the next version, chapter 2, verse 9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess.
That Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Work for.
What a word for.
This world.
Denied the person of Christ.
They defiled him. They reviled him. They did everything that they possibly could.
Against him.
Now God says I have raised him to the highest place in heaven.
And given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.
In the fifth verse it says let this bind be in you, which was also in Christ Eve.
In Hebrews that says ye have not yet resisted on the blood.
An example. What is the example that's been given to us? The person of the Lord Jesus and he alone?
Or it's true, we have in Hebrews. It says, whose faith follow? Remember them who have the rule or the care of you whose faith follow?
But all we have one that we should follow, and that's the Lord Jesus Christ. You want to live like Christ?
Read the book of Philippians. Now let's go to the third chapter.
And he's presented there as our object. Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.
To write the same things to you. To me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, Beware of the Confession, For we are the Circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.
What a verse, what a verse. Is this true of you, true of Maine?
That we have no confidence in the flesh.
You know, the flesh is a deceitful thing.
We really don't know it. We really don't know. We really don't know ourselves.
First thing we know, we're doing things that are.
Puffing up the flesh.
Well, we are the circumcision, and this doesn't, you know, this is in contrast to the circumcision of the Old Testament.
Contrast of the act of cutting off the flesh.
But this is a spiritual thing. We are the circumcision.
Worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.
Is that what we did this morning when we were gathered here?
I trust each one of us.
Had a sense of what we were.
Doing this morning gathered around the person of the Lord Jesus with He in our midst.
No confidence in the flesh.
Let's go down to verse 10 that I may know him.
And the power of his resurrection.
And the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death.
Amazing if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Not as though I had already attained either were already perfect, but I follow after.
If that I may apprehend that, for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus, and why?
Was I apprehended of Christ Jesus because he wanted me in glory with himself?
And that's what the verse means, that I might understand why the Lord Jesus came down into this world, went to the cross to redeem me.
So that I could be with him and like him.
Great army. Now let's go to the 4th chapter.
We'll read most of it. Therefore my brethren, dearly beloved and longed for my joy and crown.
So stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved, I beseech Odius, and sent a key that they be of the same mind in the Lord. By the way, this is probably the only comment we have in the whole book of any reprimand. You know the other, the other epistles. Even in the book of Ephesians in the 4th chapter it says let him that steal spill no more.
But here in this book it's not speaking about those things. It's speaking about a Christian life that we walk down here following the Lord Jesus Christ in his pathway with him as our example. And so we don't find any reprimand here, except maybe this. And I don't know if this is and I entreat thee also true yoke fellow, help those women which.
Labored with me in the gospel with Plymouth also, and with other my fellow laborers.
Whose names are in the book of life? Who labored with me in the gospel? It doesn't mean that these women went out on the street corner.
And preach the gospel. It doesn't mean that they went with the apostle Paul to another city and got up at the front of a group of men or women and preached to God. That's not what it's saying. I know, I know that people are using this scripture for that purpose, but that's not true. They helped him. They helped him in other ways.
They encouraged him. They may have washed his clothes, they may have ironed his clothes, they may have fed in, they may have cooked his food, I don't know. But they helped him.
You know, women are of great health.
It's been said, and I'm convinced it's true, that the total of any assembly.
Is really set by the women.
Of godly women, a mother in Israel. It says it mentions that more than once.
And saw a godly woman has a great effect not on a household only.
But on an assembly.
The Apostle Paul commends the witness. Think of these.
16th chapter of Romans How many times women are mentioned there by name?
They're important. No, they don't get up and preach. They don't come up behind the pulpit.
That's not their place, but they do have a place.
They do have a place. God honors A godly woman.
Were given one at the end of the book.
Fourth verse, rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say rejoice, Let your moderation be known unto all men, and the Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing. That doesn't mean to be a careless person. But what it means is don't worry, don't get concerned. And our brother this afternoon gave us a marvelous example of that and Joseph.
To depend on the Lord, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your request.
Be made known unto God now, and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. These two verses are marvelous, important, and true.
If you're in trouble, if you're in difficulty, if you're sad and sorry, take it to the Lord.
Take it to the one who can help you. He's the only one that can.
And after you've done that, leave it with him. In the seventh verse will be true.
Positively so God says it. And the peace of God. And what is the peace of God?
God's got settled peace about everything that ever will happen or ever has happened.
He's never been disturbed. He's never been caught flat footed, as the world says. Never.
I know the critics have said well, what about in Eden? No, he was not caught flat footed. God is not disturbed about anything. As our brother mentioned this afternoon, he does have a purpose. Those purposes will be carried out.
Without question, every single purpose that God has ever had.
Will be fulfilled perfectly and on time.
When the Lord Jesus came to this world were given the scripture that at in the nick of time he came at the right specific time he came, God had it all ordered out beforehand.
The moment of his coming to call you and me to himself is set. Oh, I know there's other thoughts about that, but the time is set, and when that time comes, that shout is going to go forth and everyone in this room.
That knows the Lord Jesus as savior will be.
Caught up.
I wonder, I know this is not the gospel, but I wonder how many sheets will still have people sitting in them.
Think about it. Think about it.
And the peace of God, you know, the same peace that God has can fill our heart.
Believe it. It's true.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true and I want to touch a little bit on that, I've got. I see the clock is almost 4:00 and I don't want to go beyond 1/2 hour. I want to give someone else a chance to talk.
My, any brethren, whatsoever things are true. Whatsoever things are honest whatsoever. Things are just what sort of things are pure. Whatsoever things are lovely. Whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise. Think on these things, brother and sisters in this room.
Do we consider this worse?
When we are together, are these the things that we talk about?
Is the person of Christ the subject of our conversation?
Do we talk about the things that are uplifting and pure and honorable and to God's glory? Think of us first.
Now in closing, let's read the verse that is the key to the chapter. Verse 13. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Christ our strength. Are you weak? Are you sad? Are you forsaken?
Never. If you're a Christian, Never. You may be sad, you may be weak. But the Apostle Paul says, when I am weak, then am I strong. When we consider and know that we're weak.
Christ, then, is our strength.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
And beloved brethren, that is true.
I have something on my heart. I trust it is of the Lord.
And went up to the Bob who was speaking this afternoon about Joseph.
Yeah, it's a work that Joseph had to do in order to bring about restoration between him and his estranged brethren.
This work of restoration.
The Lord Jesus has to do often in the life of his own today.
And we have spoken much in these meetings about the grace of God.
And how wonderful the restoring grace of God is. And we see that with Joseph in dealing with his brethren.
Now it's a picture of the Lord Jesus, and the 1St and primary application of that is what he will be doing in the coming day with his earthly people who rejected him and delivered him into the hands of the Gentiles of which Joseph is such a beautiful picture and he will deal with them in order to bring them to.
The point that they will acknowledge what they have done, and we find that without them realizing that Joseph understood what they were saying.
In chapter 42 verse 21 They said one to.
Another We are very guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul when he besought us, and we would not hear. Therefore is distress, Distress come upon us. You see, that was necessary that they had to come to judge what they had done with Joseph.
They didn't realize that Joseph understood what they were saying. He was speaking to them.
By an interpreter, but there was still more needed before Joseph could really reveal himself to them and throw his arms around them.
The danger was that Benjamin, the youngest brother, would be kept behind.
Joseph arranged things in such a way that they would feel the distress that their father must feel if Benjamin would not come back. See, they too had been totally indifferent as to what the sorrow they caused when Joseph was sold and the father was made to believe that Joseph had died.
And we find in chapter 44.
This statement.
Verse 30 Now therefore, when I come to thy servant, my father and the lad be not with us, seeing that this his life is bound up in the last life. It shall come to pass when he sees that the lad is not with us, that he will die. And thy servants shall bring down the Gray hairs of thy servant our father with sorrow.
To the great the last verse of that chapter. For how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me, lest peradventure I see the evil that shall come on my father? These two things were necessary.
For the brethren to come to realize they had been totally indifferent about these two things, what they did to Joseph and what they had done to their Father, now the Lord Jesus dealing with us.
He too, at times has to bring us to the point that we come to realize what we have caused maybe our brethren, maybe our parents.
Or what we have caused the Lord grief in his heart and the dishonor done to his name. Now you and I as a fellow believer, cannot take that place that only the Lord has when it comes to dealing exactly in that way with other believers.
But we do have to remember, do we not that?
There are ways in which the Lord might use fellow believers to bring us to realize what we have done.
And that hopefully we will come to recognize what we have done wrong. And Tom, that it might come to a restoration.
According to the mind of God, there are Old and New Testament scriptures that help us when it comes to these kind of things and many times.
We might only think that when it comes to seeking to restore a person, that it is.
A simply action. But that is not what we learned in the New Testament. If a brother is overtaken in a false Galatians chapter 6 Ye that are spiritual restore such an one that is not an assembly action.
That is, spiritual. Men might have come to realize that a brother is on a course, and he might have even done something wrong, which does not necessarily require that the assembly deal in discipline with him, silencing him or putting him out, and they love him enough that they go and labor with that person to restore him.
And that is always the aim of discipline restoration.
And what is a spiritual man? A spiritual man is a person that realizes he considers himself That this thing that my brother or sister has fallen into, I might fall into. I made-up the same stuff.
And that will help the person in humility to come and try to be of help to a fellow believer. I'm sure we oftentimes fail in this and do not in the right spirit.
Approach things or approach individuals, but I hope.
That the Lord will raise up or exercise.
Brother or brothers, if there is anything in my life.
That needs to be corrected that they love me enough to help me.
Be restored. Recognize what I have done wrong and the other scriptures that show that discipline or correction is not limited to assembly discipline. Thessalonians.
Gives another example a disorderly walk, but my thought is not so much to be developed discipline, but restoration.
Godly Restoration.
We have in Numbers 19 a scripture.
That, I think, gives us principles that are very helpful.
Because the red heifer.
I'm only referring to this trusting that most of us are familiar with these scriptures and not to take too much time to allow time for another brother. But in Numbers 19 we have the red heifer which was a sacrifice that was burned and the ashes of that red Heifer was taken to a clean place.
And it was used.
For cleansing A defiled person.
And it might be something that they have come in contact with a dead body.
Or have walked over a grave or come in touch with a bone.
You know, it might be something that has a defining effect on us, something that has just happened, or something that has happened a long time ago. The grave and the bone would speak of that. But the enemy can use such things to bring us into a defiled state of soul, and then we find that they didn't need to go to a priest.
Any clean person could take of these ashes, mix it with water and sprinkle that water on this defiled person on the 3rd and under 7th day.
But if it was not sprinkled on the third day?
It could not be sprinkled on the 7th day.
Now what's the lesson?
What I'm giving you is not necessarily what I myself have dug up in the word of God. I owe this understanding to others better taught than I am.
The application of the water of separation on the third day speaks of exercises through which the soul needs to go.
Recognizing the dishonor done to the name of the Lord.
At the evil what it is in the sight of God.
Psalm 51 has been used in David's life to explain that you read Psalm 51. What do we find? David is laboring under the conviction of the evil and sin that he had done. And he said against thee, against thee only have I sinned. He didn't look for second causes. He didn't say that woman if she wouldn't have taken that bath.
So that I could observe her. Maybe I wouldn't have been tempted. He takes all the blame and he does not only blame his deed, he doesn't make any excuses, He also sees the cause.
And sin my mother conceived me. He recognized that he was a sinful human being. He had a sinful nature, and this occasion aroused it in him, and led him to dishonour the law.
It's so important, beloved Saints of God, that we learn that lesson, that when there is a person that has to be dealt with in discipline, naturally speaking, we like to see that person quickly come back into fellowship.
Now that might be a natural desire, and I don't think if anybody doesn't desire the restoration of any person.
There's something radically wrong with that person, but we cannot, and we better learn from this example in Numbers 19. Comfort a person as to the sin he has done before. There is a manifestation that that soul has gone through exercises that answers to the application of the water of separation on the third day.
We do great harm to a person if we apply the water of separation on the 7th day when it has not been applied on the third day. Where in David's life do we find the water of separation applied on the 7th day? It has been suggested that in Psalm 32.
You have the application of the water on.
The 7th day when the Prophet came to him and convicted him, he was applying the water of separation on the third day.
Thou art that man.
Now in Psalm 32.
David is in the enjoyment of knowing forgiveness. Blessed is the man who sins is forgiven. We cannot comfort somebody, cannot apply such scriptures before there is a conviction, an acknowledgement of the dishonor and the sin done by that person. We do great harm and we might cause problems for the testimony and bringing such souls.
Into the assembly.
Well, in Peter's life.
And before we go on, I should certainly read one scripture, and that is in Psalm.
As the Good Shepherd.
Verse three, he restoreth my.
So how important that scripture is and how beautiful.
Days of work needed.
When sin hath come in that only the Lord.
Can bring about. He restoreth my soul and he finds that with Peter. You know what Peter did? He denied the Lord.
Three times.
And even with curses.
Yet how sad we find that even all the disciples.
Claimed that they weren't denied the Lord, but Peter seems to be the most prominent in it and.
If they all deny thee, I will not.
He had confidence in the flesh a brother was talking about. We have no confidence in the flesh ought not to have.
The flesh profits nothing.
Isn't this oftentimes beloved Saints of God that which leads to our fall self-confidence?
I won't do a thing like that.
You know, we heard about.
The path that in the Old Testament.
You know who stood against those bails? Priests.
And the Lord gave him the victory.
Then, by a threat of a woman, he flees.
And there is a tremendous helpful statement.
Made by him when the Lord confronts him there.
He makes a statement. I'm not better than my brethren.
I'm not better than my brethren.
What a terrible thing it is when we think I'm better than my brethren.
We can do better than our older brother.
Terrible, isn't it? But that is what we are able of.
Manifest it.
Our heart is as deceitful as that of anybody else, and if we don't go on with the Lord Jesus, we can manifest the same spirit of self-confidence, having confidence in the flesh. And then the Lord will have to allow us to make humbling experiences. And Peter is an example. But in Luke chapter 24.
We read and that is why I read.
Psalm 23.
The disciples underway to Emmaus.
Had a wonderful companion, not recognizing while he was walking with them that it was the Lord, but when they do recognize it, they go back to Jerusalem.
And when they get there.
Are told this by the others verse 34 of Luke 24 saying the Lord.
Is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon.
He has appeared to Simon.
Do you have any doubt what took place there?
He was restored to the law.
In First Corinthians 15 we read.
That he appeared unto Peter. He's the first mentioned.
We don't have.
Mary mentioned she's not accepted as a witness.
There but he appeared unto Peter.
And Peter was restored at the beginning when the Lord looked at him.
I'm sure with a sad look of compassion.
Peter was touched in his heart, his conscience was reached and he went out to weep.
You might say the work of restoration was beginning right then and there. We have to come to that point. If we have dishonored the Lord Jesus that we come to sorrow over these things, feel these things.
As God feels them. Not that we ever really will be able to feel them to the same depth, but see them from His point of view and judging these things and judging us.
Unsparingly, but Peter.
Had that meeting with the Lord Jesus. Not much is said about it other than that he had that meeting with Peter. But then in John 21 we have.
What might be called Peter's public restoration?
Chapter 21.
Verse 15.
So when they hit Dine, Jesus says to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas.
Lovest thou me more than the east? He says unto him. Yeah, Lord, thou knoweth that I love thee, he says unto him. Feed my lambs, he says to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He says unto him. Yay, Lord, thou knoweth that I love thee, he says unto him, Feed my sheep, he says unto him, The third day, Simon, son of Jonah.
Lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because he said unto him the third time.
If he stumbled and fall.
You know, we should ask ourselves if there's ever a question arising as to going someplace or doing something. Can I take the Lord Jesus with me there? Would he be pleased?
If I do this or if I go there well.
Peter three times denies the Lord Here he has a meeting with the Lord and again the Lord has made a fire and has prepared food.
And but it was not until after they had eaten that the Lord takes up this matter with Peter.
You know, Peter, when John said that it is the Lord.
He couldn't get to him quick enough. He was the one that again had taken the initiative and said I'm going to go fishing and the others go fishing with him.
Well, that wasn't the last directing him, but the fact that he would.
Be so anxious to get to the Lord when he found out that's the Lord. They on the shore shows that he was restored. I'm sure you would agree with that. But he had denied the Lord three times.
And the Lord three times had to ask him, Lovest thou me?
And I understand the Lord uses a different word than the way Peter answers.
Peter uses the word I'm attached to thee. Why the Lord Jesus uses the word that would be used for divine laws?
But the third time.
He said.
Compete on using the word that Peter answered with.
And it really grieved Peter, you might say. Well, sit to Lord have to pry that deep to go three times into the question whether Peter loved him and loved him more than the rest.
While in his faithfulness he found it necessary to do that with Peter, he had publicly denied him, and he is dealing with him now publicly in the midst of his burden. And it was really necessary that this be done even in view of the place that Peter was to have in the midst of the early Church, as the apostle of the circumcision.
That has been said that.
In the restoration of any soul, there is not only a work needed in the person that needs to be restored, there is a work needed in the souls and hearts of those who have to do the restoration or to deal with him in restoration. And that is clearly, I believe, demonstrated here. You know, these brethren needed to hear from the lips of the Lord Jesus that Peter.
Was given charge over the land and over the sheep, you know.
So that they would accept him. And I believe it is beautiful to see that the Lord so completely sees Peter as a restored person, that he entrusts that which is dearest to him, to Peter.
You know, sometimes you hear thoughts expressed amongst the Saints of God.
That depending on what a person has done, he is handicapped for the rest of his life for public service amongst God's people. I don't think that that is what we learned from this incident, do we?
We would have probably said that's the last one, that we entrust the lands and the sheep to who so shamefully denied the blessed Lord, but the Lord entrust his lands and his sheep to Peter. But another thing that we learned from this too, do we now is that love for the Lord Jesus is absolutely necessary in order to.
Be a shepherd in order to shepherd the lamb or the sheep. Love is the motive for any service, but especially when it comes in dealing with that which is the dearest to the heart of God. So may we, beloved brethren, benefit from the scriptures you and I at times might be.
Able to be of help to an airing brother to an airing sister.
But may the Lord help us that we do what we do, trying to help a person by using scriptural principles and not just be governed by natural affection and times Natural affections and ties and relationships have so often.
Done great harm to the person that needed help and to.
The testimony Well, let no one thinks that we are beyond that. People say blood runs thicker than water, you know, but.
We ought to put the Lord first, his honor first before.
We think of love and affection for our own flesh and blood. You know, we saw a man in Malawi. Allow me to give that story.
We had met his brother the day before he professed to be a Christian and in fellowship with Brethren, and he was a polygamist.
The very next day we meet his brother. At least he said he was his brother. But in Africa they called somebody, Your brother was a cousin. I think it was probably more cousins rather than Annette's brother. And he was giving out gospel calendars, these little pocket calendars. And so we greeted him, introduced ourselves to him, and then he said, I'm the brother of so. And so that's the man that we met the day before. And the Brethren had told us that he was a polygamist.
I said to him, do you know that your brother is a polygamist? Oh yes, he said he had three wives and he had a fallen out with one and he's still married to two.
I said, have you fellowship with him? He's my brother, he said He's my brother, I said, Do you love him more than the Lord? You put him above the Lord.
Three times I put before him his responsibility to let the brethren that for fellowshipping with him know that that man is a polygamist, and he became a polygamist after he was a Christian. You know when somebody is a polygamist before he is saved, Titus seems to be clear that that person couldn't be in the position of oversight. He had to be the husband of one wife. He couldn't.
Divorced himself from the obligation that he had entered into before he was saved, but he couldn't be in the position of oversight. But when that happens after somebody is saved, and that's unscriptural and we ought not to put a relative.
Friends above.
And make ourselves loyal to that man who is in a simple position. And course be loyal to him rather than to be loyal to the Lord Jesus.
Now we at best are very poor.
Helper to anyone but the Lord can help us to.
Be in the right state of soul so that we can be a prop to a fellow believer. But remember, beloved brethren, we can only help be of real spiritual help to anybody that needs it by using the principles of this book, the word of God. We have to apply it first of all to ourselves. You know we cannot try to remove a splinter out of the eye.
Of a fellow believer. If we don't want to remove the beam out of our own eyes, we had to apply the word of God first of all to ourselves before we can apply it to anybody else.
I would like to follow on our beloved brother Heinz's words and.
It's such.
A wonderful subject.
Perhaps nothing higher, joy.
To a heart that desires the shepherding of God's sheep.
It seems, though 15 confirms this would be.
The joy.
The one restored.
And our beloved brother Hines has brought.
Important principles before our hearts.
They have recently in the scriptures, you know of the time in Israel's.
The time when she should have brought forth a child, she brought forth wind.
Travail of soul that was not able to give birth to a son.
And our lost brother.
Said. And that's what I want to spend a little time on now.
He spoke to us of.
The work of God.
In the soul of the one being restored and behind said it's.
Also true.
That the Lord has a work to do in our hearts.
Who are the vehicles or the assembly that is to restore?
And that's what I have on my heart to see some of the workings.
In our hearts.
That is.
Probably equally important.
To the restoration of souls.
And I would like to turn to the Little Epistle of Philemon.
To see the working of the Spirit of God and the heart of a man, I would like to apply it.
The principles found here.
To an assembly.
We don't know a lot about Philemon, but what we read about him is good and.
And we mustn't add to scripture.
They lost the servant who fled from him and got converted by Paul.
I want to take it out there.
The restoration of the soul.
You might say to all thinking of it as Paul representing the assembly.
But as Philemon being the one who.
Is going to receive back.
Unevenness and the working of the Spirit of God in Philemon's heart.
That he might be willing to receive this man.
Back and we could think of here in principle as.
You know, someone said to me the other day they were asking a question about.
So unbelieving, the part said that's an unbeliever. But I said, well, I think the principal would apply to a believer. When a believer acts like an unbeliever, that's what they're acting like. And we mustn't.
Buy our fruits, people know us, and if we act like an unbeliever, I don't know that we have God's mind and looking at such a one.
As a believer, but unless in this anyway here, there's little question here. There's a loss of man when he left Philemon. We want to see some of the things that there was about Philemon and that there needed to be about Philemon.
For the restoration of his servant Onesimus.
First, I would like to call our attention to our brother, Heinz said.
About us in verse 5.
Hearing of thy Love, Paul says to an SMS.
And faith which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus.
And toward All Saints, that's the order. And that's the order that must be maintained.
Lords and glory as ever and before, the heart of God our Father and.
And for most of us, you know, we have a great problem in restoring souls because.
In most of our cases, we realize.
Not only we could have done the same thing. We have miserably failed in our lives, our Lord Jesus. Sometimes, you know, people might say something unkind about you. And I think if they knew me like God knew me.
They could say a lot worse than they have said and say it in truth.
But here was the man who had love for the Lord Jesus.
And he had love for all the things.
That's something that's got to be in our hearts.
If it hasn't hurt us to lose a sheet.
And we can scarcely restore them. And so there is this element of love.
Toward all the things, but I'd like to go down now.
And began reading, perhaps from verse 7. For we have great joy and consolation and thy love, because the bowels of the Saints are refreshed by thee, brother, there should be in our own heart.
Prior to restoration of anyone, testimony in our lives of refreshment for the Saints of God that we ourselves shouldn't be a thorn in the flesh of our brethren, That we ourselves shouldn't be a source of difficulty to our brethren, we can't restore others if we are a problem ourselves.
And so it says here yet for verse 9.
In verse 8. Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoying the.
That which is convenient lit for Love's sake, I rather beseech thee such as one as Paul the aged, now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. That is, the apostle with the power Apostolic authority, could have given directions, and sometimes people say, what should I do with this person who has left the assembly, or this one? How should we behave? I can't answer that, because each individual.
It requires a different exercise and wisdom from God for each individual is different and the Lord and the Apostle is going to put a rule down for Philemon but he is causing an exercise in Philemon heart. He is saying I could command this.
But I'm not going to, because I want it to be done out of a willing heart. He was soliciting Conesimus for his own service, and he isn't going to force Philemon to give him up. But I'm thinking this afternoon about restoration of us all.
And he's called the age and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I'd like us to think of the assembly of God's people gathered to the Lord's name is.
We're at the close of the journey anywhere. We're like an aged person and you know, there are things I see in the words that there is something that is ideal.
But in practicality that seldom able to be attained to in days of weakness. And so Thyatira.
John knew. The spirit of God knew. I can't put any other burden on you. He had and even the apostle with the Corinthians. There were some things he had to let go. And we need to realize the day that we live in, we may not be able to accomplish deep.
The restoration of a soul in the perfect way and the vessels doing the restoring are not perfect vessels either. And so we have here a word that says.
He's all the age and he's beseeching, and I beseech thee, my son on SMS whom I have begotten.
Or my son an SMS who I've begotten in my bonds.
And Brother Heinz has brought that before us too. It's a very, very solemn thing for us in the restoration of a soul to ever keep in our mind. This is a child of God.
A brother or sister for whom Christ has died. And we must not take up the dear things of God as having authority over them, as being Lords over them.
We take them up in a shepherding, pastoral way, and realizing that it has caused the death of Christ to bring these children of God into this place of sonship. And Paul says, whom I have begotten in my bonds, verse 11, which in times past was to the unprofitable.
You know, and that's no doubt true, that when souls go away from the Lord's table, or certainly when they have to be disciplined by the assembly, it's because they become perhaps unprofitable. And but that's not.
How they're being brought back. God has brought in on estimates, life, and one time he may have been unprofitable, and it's not.
All I was thinking recently.
What is the soul? What is the state of the soul today? You know, what you think about 10,000 things that someone may have done yesterday. What is the state of the soul today? Because that's where we're working with the state of the soul today that needs to be discerned. And Paul says of Anessimus, you know, in the past we acknowledge he was unprofitable, but now I'm telling you.
He is profitable not only to thee, but to me.
Verse 12 Whom I have sinned again, that thou mayest receive him, That is my own balls. Here's another thing to discern. I'm thinking of the Apostle now as the apostle of the Lord Jesus having the Lord's mind. He said, you know, I'm Cindy Bonessimus back to you. We have to discern why souls are coming back. Is it the Lord that's bringing them back? If it is?
We need to be very, very careful that we not.
Hinder the work of the spirit of God. And so if the soul is coming back, we need to discern why they're coming back. If it's the Lord that's bringing them back, we need to be careful. And Paul goes here now and working in an estimate in Philemon's heart that this restoration can take place.
And that his brother Heinz said, when the soul is restored.
Peter was restored to service and you know it's a, it's a.
It's hard, isn't it? It is a hard thing because restoration is a slow thing. Seldom, you know, those of us who were saved. You know, in one moment I I was a lost Sinner, and in the next two minutes later, I was a saved soul. But there was a vast work of God going on, and it's still going on in my soul.
And the same with the restoration of a soul that's heard from the path of truth.
This work we I don't you want a thorough, complete word, but it's a long process sometimes and we mustn't try to rush it along, but.
Paul says to firing them.
Who might have seen again that all therefore receive him? That is my own vows. Again I say to remember in our souls we're touching them, one who has been redeemed by Christ, and it says, touching Christ himself. And so we see here that he brings him back, And whom I have would have retained with me that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bounds of.
The Gospel.
As I say, that isn't.
Not on my heart at this time, but simply Philemon's receiving Onesimus for the glory of God, verse 15, for perhaps he therefore departed for a season.
Intelligence receive them forever. Beloved is in the mercy of God as our beloved brother brought before our hearts.
Sometimes I wonder. I read recently. I read a 51 page letter of a brother who wasn't. He's never been gathered.
And may bow my head in chains to think, Lord Jesus, here I am gathered, I believe to thy precious name. And here is a here is a brother who has been walking in a in a.
I don't know what to call it, a professing company, but it's obvious his heart is a shepherd's heart, and his desire for the Saints of God is surreal. And here I am, gathered to the Lord's name, and this brother isn't.
Beloved, why are we here?
It's because the sovereign grace of God and the spirit of God has kept us in the pathway and it's no credit to us. And so the apostle says.
To him he this brother departed, this man departed for a season, that thou shouldst receive him forever.
Where there is a true work of God.
Of restoration in the soul no one restored can often be restored to a far better state of soul than they had before they left. That is in God's way of accomplishing this work. He doesn't want to have to us to learn by our mistakes, but sometimes that's how we do learn.
And the restoration is often to a deeper appreciation of the Lord Jesus than there was before they went away. And so he says here.
He departed for a season that thou shouldst receive, and forever, not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother, beloved spiritually.
To me, think of that as a word from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Especially to me.
And so loved the heaven.
It's a it's a difficult work, the work of restoration, because I I want to reinforce with all of my heart what brother, beloved brother Heinz. It's a it's a heavy thing that weighs on the heart of brethren who have some little responsibility.
In the Assembly to discern the state of the soul of someone coming back because you don't want to hinder their coming back.
Nor do you want to hinder the work of restoration and repentance.
In the soul. And so you can do it either way you can.
I don't say lacks and hinder the work of repentance and restoration. Or you can expect too much and hinder the work of repentance and restoration. We belong the sayings of God, and we could hardly be weaker than we are, and we mustn't.
Expect more than others.
Than the Lord is getting from ourselves. And so he says bring him back as one who is beloved especially to me. Then he goes down.
The first aid to me.
Verse 18.
If he.
Half wrong thee.
I suppose we haven't had wronged me in my life.
Haven't we wronged the Lord?
Look at Calvary's cross.
As though you were the only person that ever existed.
The sufferings of Christ would have just been just as intent, beloved.
But I love this heart of the apostle. He is not going to ignore the fact.
That this airing one had wronged by Lehman.
They clearly not invite his spirit if he hath wronged thee.
Put that on mine at home.
Now think of it, beloved Someone has wronged you, they wanting to be restored to the Lord's table.
Couldn't we have this spirit?
I said, oh, I'll be irreverent, but couldn't we have this spirit, Lord Jesus?
Paul identifies with the wrongdoing.
I'll go, Nestle, Listen, says I.
Will bear that cost.
Put that on my account.
I will pay it for him.
When I'm thinking of this, I'm thinking of.
Something akin to eating the sin offering. Oh beloved, it's it's a dangerous thing for you and me as believers.
To not identify.
With the airing one as though we had no heart in their departure.
As though they left the perfect company of believers.
We're not a perfect company of believers and often times I thought sometimes that expression if one be overtaken in the fall, sometimes the condition in the assembly can get so deteriorated that we can be a discouragement.
To things going on with the Lord. Holy Paul. For Paul said I'll, I'll take, I'll take the debt on, that's the missiles, and I will repair falsehood in verse 19.
And this is something to keep in our souls, beloved, albeit, albeit.
What was done to me than thine own self besides, and this has got to be in our hearts.
That the one being restored.
We're no better.
As I say, it took the death of Christ to save my soul, and so it's in a spirit of humility that restoration can be accomplished.
And it can't be done in any other way, beloved.
We've got a lot to be humble about.
Albeit thou always thine own so besides your brother, let me have joy at thee in the Lord. Refresh my bowels in the Lord.
Having confidence in thy obedience, I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say, and some other thing.
Remove these things to exercise our hearts, that our our heart be kinder, but our minds have the mind of Christ in.
To sometimes our heart lead us into air.
Cause the two.
I to him it's too long in our soul for the restoration of everyone who was once with us.
But we under wisdom of God is brought out in #19 and many other passages in God's Word and so.
Just pray, Lord Jesus.