Open Mtg.

Duration: 1hr 6min
Listen from:
Open—G. Rennie, E. Covell, E. Tonn
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The head on my heart.
A few verses in the 17th chapter. First Samuel.
About David.
And David is a real example.
Uh, he failed so many times. Maybe not as much as Peter did, but when he came back to the Lord, how gracious he was and how the Lord had accepted. We've heard.
The so many times today how that?
With certain things that we do, we grow and we grow and we grow in the Word of God and in the knowledge of God and in the love of God. But I'm going the other way a little bit.
So if we read.
How? Just a few verses, I'm not going to take too long.
And the 30.
Eighth Verse of Samuel seven. First Samuel 17. And saw iron David with his armor, and he put the helmet of brass upon his head. Also he armed him with a coat of mail. And David gird his sword upon his armor to assay and to go, for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these, for I have not proved them. And David put them off him.
And he took his staff in his hand and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag, which he had even a script for.
His sling was in his hand and he drew near the Philistine.
Now I would like to speak a little bit on these five smooth stones.
We know.
If we go farther, that these five smooth stones represent the five books of Moses.
But he only needed one of these five smooth stones to to slay.
As young people, it's very important to learn all the word of God.
But to giving someone to know the Lord Jesus as a savior, we only need one verse out of this precious book. We don't need to show our great knowledge of the word of God. I've always mainly speaking to young people, but the older ones can listen if they want to.
But we don't need the whole Word of God to give the gospel to someone that isn't saved. We only need one. And David only needed one small smooth stone to kill Goliath.
Now I'd like to take a little more time on those smooth stones. We know that most stones, in practice, all stones come from mountains or the cliffs or some place they broke off a big Cliff or a big rock. And when they broke off that big rock, what did they look like? Were they smooth? No, they were not.
They were rough. They had corners on them, they had little crags out here and they got a little crag out there and.
They were very rough. You when you go up into the mountains, you'll see this when they break off first. Now, what happened to those stones all down through the time maybe took many years for those stones to come from the mountains down to where David had picked it out of the brook.
And as they rolled together.
Each little corner got knocked off.
You know, that's something that we need, something that we need very much is to have our corners knocked off.
And to give it down to a nice smooth stone for what, David?
Could use to slay Goliath or what the Lord can use of us.
To give the gospel forward, to give truth forward, and all these different things.
Now I'd like to take these little corners and see if I could knock just a couple of them off. Maybe you would understand these things, especially the young people that the first thing that we.
Get knocked off when we're very young is our own self will.
We have to do as our parents tell us to do, and that is one of the first little corners that get knocked off of that stone that's not very round.
Then maybe a little few years later, we have pride gets.
Taken off maybe?
A wee while later, we'll get stubbornness knocked off.
And before very long, we might have.
Temper knocked off.
Our when we get a little older, maybe it's some of our bad habits will get knocked off.
To bring those five smooth stones down, to bring you down to be like one of those five smooth stones, the Lord has to knock all these little corners off. And you can add many more of these little corners that will be knocked off during your time.
As one that is following the Lord and especially if you read this precious book.
We maybe think we know quite a bit when we, especially when we get to high school and when we get to vote, we'll say.
About 1415.
We begin to think that we know quite a lot of knowledge.
Of the different things, we've read the Bible maybe, and we've got a big knowledge of the word of God. Well, you know, sometimes that has to be knocked down a piece too. And I often think of how much daddy and mommy has learnt, mother and father has learned from the time they're about 18 till they're about 24. I mean, the children are that age, but we have to learn the humbleness. And I think that's the last part of the stones that's getting it right down.
To a nice smooth stone where the Lord can use you and I, when we get humbled before the Lord and take His word and read it and meditate on it and work on it and see how small we are, that little small smooth stone. Now David took that stone and he put it in a slingshot. Now when I was younger, I used to be pretty good with the catapult.
And then I got a slingshot and why I couldn't hit anything at all. Finally it got fairly good that I could hit something. But you know, I don't think that David has was quite that good that he could hit a very small little place on the forehead that was not covered of of that big giant. I think the Lord took that stone and put it right where it was supposed to go.
David, through it you give forward the gospel, and that's wonderful that you give forward the gospel.
But the Lord has to use it.
Quite often it won't hit in the right place if there's anything of self in there. The gospel will not go in the right place, but the Lord can use it if it's given for him in his way of.
Putting it forward, well then when the David slung that stone and it hit Goliath in the right, exactly the right place, God had used that stone that David brought forward and that's why.
And I have one thing I'll have to admit I cannot. I can quote scriptures, but I cannot remember exactly where they are. All young people remember where you quote the scriptures, read the scriptures and quote them in such a way that you know where to say where they are. Because it's an awful drawback in giving the gospel if you can't tell where that scripture is from. And I'm only trying to encourage the young people to.
Memorize and memorize the place.
Where you find those things and then God, when you use the stone, you sling it, as you might say, or you give up the gospel, then the Lord can use it, that nice smooth stone. And that is you now become another, a little different angle on those smooth stones. We're all living stones.
Knitted together and build it into a into a House of God.
And God, it has to knock off all the little corners and things to fit us into exactly the where we.
Would be where we're placed.
To give forth his word and to encourage others to go along. And another stones that we read of is how that the temple was rented, was built, and each stone.
They never heard a hammer.
Those stones were all ready to be put into the place.
When they brought it up to the temple to build the temple, there was number hammers heard. Now on this scene here we will get the hammer and knock those chips off of each one of us. And there's another nice little example that I would like to read it put in on us on those stones present day we find.
Them selling special stones and different things.
And the way they Polish them, they put the mall into a big bar and they'll roll them and roll them and roll them over in that barrel.
For up to four and five months, this takes all the corners off and makes them fit to be used as a precious stone or an ornament. Well, God wants to knock all our corners off and get us down to the place where we're humbly before Him and He is able to use us in His work.
Ones this afternoon.
I have a word, desire has been upon my heart, and Romans 10 returned to Romans 10.
Romans 10 and verse one.
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.
In these meetings we have already had a clear gospel message last night and the night before.
I'm sure with the desire, the speaker, it was desire and those dear brethren who gathered in the prayer room for the salvation of precious souls.
And here this afternoon. Perhaps there's someone here who is still unsaved.
As our desire for you this afternoon, dear boy or girl or older one, that you might come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your precious Savior.
Well, we read here.
Now the apostle, his heart's desire.
He always mentioned him this morning and the.
That we've heard the comment that there's no love. There's no love.
But all friends, the apostle here, there was love in his heart.
Desire for blessing for precious souls and all. I'd like to assure you, dear young ones, here this afternoon.
There are many dear Gray haired brothers here this afternoon and I know that those dear ones love you.
And the one who speaks, I love you too.
And desire not only that you might be saved, that you might grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You know.
Some years ago there was a dear brother in our meeting who had moved up there from Montreal. He was only with us about two years and the Lord took him home.
And his hearing was practically nil. His eyesight was dim. He had to be picked up and brought to the meeting on Wednesday morning.
And I remember one large day morning after meeting, speaking to that dear brother.
Bringing to his attention. But that day was soon coming when we would have no problems in hearing or saying.
And he turned to me and he said, brother, I saw him this morning, I saw him this morning. His eyesight was dim. That brother was there. And as the meeting progressed, scriptures were read. He heard very little.
Why was he there?
Oh, it was there because the Lord Jesus was there.
I know maybe that may that be which will draw our hearts.
To that center where he has placed his name is because he is there.
And so has her desire this afternoon.
Not only that you might come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, but you might have that desire to know more and more of Him, to return to Him. First Peter, chapter 2.
First Peter, chapter 2.
Verse 2.
As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that she may grow thereby.
If so, be that ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
A little child may have something and they're playing with it and you realize that that thing that they have, that object might do them harm.
And to take it away from them quickly, you might injure them.
So what is the secret you give them? Something else that would take their attention.
And then they forget that other object.
Well, our desire this afternoon is that you dear ones, who perhaps may be babes in Christ.
That you might desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
It so be that you have tasted.
Well, you know.
I'm sure perhaps all don't like oranges, but I enjoy a nice sweet orange.
But you can't enjoy that lovely fruit until you have taken away the peeling and then you enjoy the sweetness of that.
Beautiful orange.
And so, dear ones.
It's only as we drink of the sincere milk of the word that we can grow thereby.
Your age, brother Gill. Many years ago he made a little statement. Some of the many of these dear older brothers had middle.
Statements they made that have stuck with some of us.
But I remember him saying that appetite is acquired by eating.
Appetite is acquired by eating.
And I know for myself there are times when I've sat down and perhaps picked up the word of God really didn't have an appetite.
But always you open its pages.
And you begin to read. You find that your appetite grows.
And so we say here in this verse, as newborn babes desire the sincere milk for the word desire.
Well, as newborn babes.
As fathers and mothers.
Our children as they have born into this world, we watch them closely and we see them develop and grow.
And if you do not develop and grow, we are concerned.
I have a dear little grandson.
It hasn't.
Developed as other little children.
But I know.
That his parents loved him just the same.
But older ones, this afternoon, God loves you.
And his desire for you, which would be that you would grow.
That you would desire that sincere.
That unadulterated no the world word that she may grow thereby.
The return back to Luke's Gospel.
Chapter 22.
I think of this verse, it makes me think of our dear brother who was taking speaking to the children on largely morning here.
And the look of expression on that little boy's face as he opened that box.
And he asked him what was in it. It was.
Nothing. It was empty. It was empty.
And he likened it to Satan, who wants to have you. He's got nothing to offer you that's real. There's nothing to offer you, nothing to have offered to you that is lasting and will give you joy and peace.
Well, in this verse here.
In Luke 22 and verse 31.
And the Lord said, And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.
Oh dear young believer this afternoon.
Perhaps you have tasted of this sincere milk of the Word and you're growing. Thank God for that.
But Satan who desires to have you that he may sift you as weak.
Here, Peter, he was wheat.
He belonged to the Lord Jesus Christ.
But there was that in Simon Peter's life that the Lord seen that needed attention.
And he says Satan has desired to have you.
That he may sift you as sweet. But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not.
And when thou art converted, strengthened thy brethren.
Oh how wonderful the Lord Jesus could pray for Peter that his faith hail not.
You know, we're going to turn over to Hebrews. We find there we're exhorted.
To let's turn to that lovely version, Hebrews chapter 13.
Hebrews 13 and verse eight or verse seven rather remember them which have the rule over you.
Who has spoken unto you the word of God?
Whose faith?
Follow, considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever.
While whose faith follow, I look back some years.
And I think of some American, your brethren, and the Lord called whom?
Who were in those productive years of life?
And I thought of this verse with both of those dear brothers.
That I'm thinking of.
When we received the word that the Lord had taken them.
I thought of this verse whose faith followed. Remember them which have.
Spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow not through failures.
No, we don't have to be with anyone very long until we find out their shortcomings.
And my brother know me perhaps better than I know myself.
My failures, but always has whose faith followed?
And it's nice to see our brethren through the eyes of Christ.
To see Christ in them and to follow their faith.
Well, the Lord prayed for Peter then that his faith failed not.
And when they were converted, strengthened thy brethren.
Well, we heard brought before us.
In the elastic.
Open meeting, our brother reminded us.
About the.
Compass the humus.
And how that it had to be?
Left there that was completely deteriorated before it was of any use.
And so how often we have to be reminded.
As those who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
That we have to realize our own nothingness before the Lord can use us in any way.
When thou art converted.
Peter truly belonged to the Lord what he needed to be converted. Oh yes, there needed to be a change. There needed to be that. Not in his life that needed to be dealt with, dealt with. And then he says strengthen thy brethren.
I'd like to turn to another verse in Assam chapter.
Luke 22 and verse 14.
And when the hour was come, he sat down and the 12 apostles with him.
And he said unto them with desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Well, here we have the desire of the Lord Jesus.
We have been saved.
We have fed on the sincere milk of the Word, and the Spirit of God has LED us.
To be exercised.
Concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.
To remember him.
And here the Lord with his disciples.
What was before him? Father Cross stood before him. He was about to be put on that center cross.
That Holy One who knew no sin was about to be made sin for us.
And yet here he is with his disciples.
And he could say, I desire to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. He thought of them.
And you know.
How precious it is when the Spirit of God works in your heart and mind against plants in our hearts that desire to respond to His dying request to remember Him in His death for us.
Now could we turn back to Isaiah chapter 26?
Isaiah chapter 26.
Verse 8. Verse 8. Middle part of the verse.
The desire of our soul is to thy name.
And to the remembrance.
Of thee.
My soul have I desired thee With my soul have I desired thee in the night? Yeah, with my spirit within me, I will seek the early.
The desire of our soul.
As when the Spirit of God has worked in your soul.
And the preciousness of Christ is brought home to your soul. There's that response.
The desire of our soul is to Thy name and to the remembrance of Thee.
Well, if we were to turn to 1St Corinthians 10, we'd find their.
Concerning the Lord's Table.
To remember the Lord Jesus in his death for us at Calvary.
That is where we.
Sent to that wonderful.
Privilege that we enjoy.
To remember him.
Remember some years ago your young sister coming to me? She's not in our meeting. She's in another gathering now married with a little family.
But what she expressed was this.
I would like desire to remember to be at the Lord's Table. She expressed her desire to be at the Lords Table. I think that's beautiful because in that expression she was expressing her desire to be at the Lord's Table, but I believe it was owning His lordship over her life.
Oh, it's true. We belong to the Lord. You're not your own. You're bought with a price. And she said I'd like to take my place at the Lord's table. Well, how blessed it is to be found at his table.
And to partake of those emblems.
As he could say this, do in remembrance of me.
And again we read it for as often as you eat this bread and drink this coffee, to show the Lord's death till he come.
Well, yesterday morning.
We had that precious privilege once again of once more remembering Him in his death for us till He comes.
I like to turn back.
To another verse in the Song of Solomon.
I believe our brother gone read this the other day.
Son of Solomon, Chapter 7 and verse 10.
I am my beloved.
And his desire is toward me.
A reminder to the.
Little Sing, a dear brother, said many years ago too.
He said the Lord is doing the very best He can for us every day of our lives according to our state of soul.
His desire is to blush, you dear one, this afternoon.
He loves you and His desires to bless you.
Are you willing to let him?
Of a dear older brother in our assembly. He's in his 80s.
I'm not, dear brother.
In his meditations.
There will be some verse that He has especially and enjoy and He often passes it on to us. And one evening I know He got up and He spoke on those two words. Let him, let him.
Well, you know the person John's Gospel that tells us if any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine.
Perhaps we are concerned we're.
We're not sure about things, but oh, it's all in his word. And if we're willing.
To let Him heal, Shorts He'll lead us in that path will be for our blessing and for His glory.
And so I think it's so nice. Here I am, my beloved. Oh, it's true. We know that we're his, we're told in John's 10.
He could say that He concerning his sheep, that He gave unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
No man can pluck them out of my hand.
All friends tonight, this afternoon.
Lord Jesus is that one.
Who loves you and His desire is toward you and for your blessing each step of our pathway here.
Until he leads us home.
To the glory, and may it be our desire just to let Him.
Lead us for that little while, till he that shall come will come, and he will not tariff.
I found it.
Most interesting.
That our brother.
Would speak to us a little.
About David.
The introduction of David.
Into the history of the people of God.
Is the beginning of God's intervention in their history and His grace.
As the captain of our salvation.
Our blessed Savior came.
And with his coming, we read in John's first chapter of his Gospel.
Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
If we should turn back to the 8th chapter of Proverbs.
We would see something of what our brother has been bringing before us, of the desire of the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.
His delights.
Were with the sons of men.
And our brother read to us.
That desire of our Lord Jesus Christ to eat that Passover with his own.
That was the last Passover.
Before I suffer.
He was that Paschal lamb. He was that of which that Passover lamb of so many, many years ago was speaking.
I'm going to read.
The first verse of #10 in our hymn book.
Grace is the sweetest sound that ever reached our ears.
When conscience, charge and justice frowned, was grace.
Removed our fears.
I have in mind, beloved, to close up this.
Open meeting near the end of these happy times, together with the precious Word of God before our souls.
To speak of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How happy.
Is each one in this room?
Who has experienced the intervention of God in grace in his life?
What a mercy.
That God would come into our circumstances and the person of His beloved Son.
Take upon himself our nature and a body prepared before.
In the eternal counsels of God that would enable him to take your place and mine in grace, suffer, bleed and die, and pay in His own precious blood.
That the righteous claims of a holy God against sin could make.
Against the likes of you and me.
And so when we.
1St come to know.
The grace of God it is in the forgiveness of our sins.
But all beloved.
How much do we need?
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In that same first chapter of John's Gospel.
It says of his fullness.
We have all received grace upon grace.
Grace from God's heart of love.
That worked in the midst of evil.
To provide a means whereby he could reclaim poor, lost, sinful man according to the desires of his own heart. That's his grace.
But that's the first grace.
But we received of His fullest grace upon grace.
The second grace is what has been presented to us.
In these meetings as the need.
For us to go on with one another.
In these difficult times of the end.
We referred to the Last Supper.
We are in the last days. Let's turn to Second Timothy.
Chapter 3.
Of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Into this scene.
When he himself appeared on the scene.
If we would take the time.
To read the last words recorded in this book.
By the Apostle Paul.
We would hear the grace.
Be with you, Amen. That's in this last line, Grace. Be with you, Amen.
If we were to turn to the third chapter of Two Peter and read his last words.
We would see the grace, but grow in grace.
And in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And if we were to turn to the last book of the of the Bible, the Revelation, and here the apostle John speak to our hearts, what would he say?
Of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I probably misquoted that. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
So we are in days, beloved.
When we need the grace of God.
So in Two Timothy chapter 2, please.
Thou therefore, my Son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
I have said.
Some of my brethren on occasions.
That this book did not have to say to me.
Be strong in being hard against your brethren.
All that comes out so naturally, doesn't it? For me to be hard on my brethren and easy on me.
No, Be strong in the grace.
That is in Christ Jesus.
Where are we to be here, brethren?
When we are in conflict with the enemy.
Endure hardness we have in our chapter here as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
When we are in the fray, standing for the truth, we must be hard. Having done all to stand, we are to stand having on the armor of God enabling us to withstand all the fiery darts of the enemy. There's a place for hardness.
Beloved, not with one another.
How it thrilled my soul how our brethren point up to us in the reading.
Of being kind hearted. 1 to another.
Forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. This is the grace that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace that would come in to the world his hands had made that man by sin had corrupted, and would go all the way to Calgary.
Shed his precious blood.
That you and I might know him as Savior.
No, God is our Father. No, the joy of having that divine.
Nature has been brought correctly before our souls in these readings.
And to know the power of the indwelling spirit that gives us that moral courage or virtue that we heard about, that enables us to refuse the evil and to choose the good.
What man received?
When he took the fruit and did eat.
Was a consciousness.
Of good and evil.
With no power to choose the good and with an.
Inside power that craved the bad.
Just as a matter of definition of give it to you now, the word, the flesh that the apostle uses in his epistles is.
That evil principle of rebellion against God that will have its own way.
Well, grace comes in and gives us a new life in nature that enables us.
To have that virtue or moral courage to refuse that and to say yes to everything, that's good. As we sometimes sing with the children, so here, beloved, we have an exhortation. Therefore be strong in the grace that is.
In Christ Jesus when we see this expression Christ Jesus in this terminology.
It sets the Lord Jesus Christ before us as a glorified man who has been here, but who now is risen from the dead and gone back on high.
We had the expression mentioned in the reading this morning.
As the truth is in Jesus that brings our Lord Jesus Christ before us as He was a man here below, There was never one more accessible than He. There was never one more compassionate. There was never one with greater desire for your good and for your blessing than He.
And there was never one turned away who appealed to the Lord Jesus Christ.
For mercy South, we are to pattern our life, beloved after Him and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Let's turn to the last word, as it were, that the apostle speaks to the Hebrews in chapter 13.
When we come to the Epistle to the Hebrews.
We get.
The communication of God's mind to his believing.
To move their thinking away from.
That religion that he had given them.
Onto the new beginning that he began at Pentecost.
I suspect most in this room, if not all, know that at Pentecost.
That godly remnant that gathered out unto the Lord Jesus Christ as a result of the call of John the Baptist gathering to the Lord Jesus Christ became the Christian assembly that eventual day when the Spirit of God came from a risen Christ and baptized all into one body.
And so now God has a word to that little Jewish company.
And it's the last word is the Epistle to the Hebrews.
In this epistle he has proven the Lord Jesus Christ superior to every.
Facet of Judaism.
Taken up the various elements of their religion, angels, Moses.
Aaron the priest and all of the elements, the sacrifices and shown the Lord Jesus Christ to be superior to every aspect.
And so we read in this book.
At the very end.
And somebody is going to have to find it for me.
Good to have the heart established in Greece and not meet.
Verse 9. Thank you.
It is a good thing that the heart.
Be established with grace, not with meats.
Meets, in this context, is a word that describes everything that was embodied in that religion, that appealed to sight and to sense.
And so it's good to be established in Greece.
And not meets which?
Have not profited them that have been occupied therein just a little earlier in this 13th chapter. A little later. Excuse me.
Since he has moved.
The mind of his beloved people.
Off of that earthly mindset that included an earthly Tabernacle. Onto the ground of Christian doctrine teaching, if you please.
It is solely on the principle of His grace, and He would desire that you and I have a sense of that grace in our souls, and not meats which have profited, not profited, those who are occupied in them.
In Second Corinthians chapter 8 and verse nine, you are familiar with that.
Wonderful verse that we often read in connection with the breaking of bread, and rightly so, was mentioned in one of the other addresses that we sometimes read things out of their context.
When it's right that we should have the Lord Jesus Christ before our souls and the nature.
In which He is presented there to us, though it is given in the context of how unselfish we should be in the distribution of that which God so wonderfully provides us to pass through our hands in the way of material things. It's sad for you know, the grace.
Of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That though he were rich, yet for our sakes he became poor.
That ye, through his poverty, might be rich.
The grace.
That is in Christ Jesus.
He was rich in that he was within the Godhead. He was rich in God had glory.
All that can be said of God is attributed to the Son because He is God.
And when the Lord Jesus Christ in grace.
Came into this scene we read of him in the book of Colossians chapter 2 and verse nine that in him.
Dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And so there are many things throughout the Gospels that are said.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ as he passed through this scene as a man that could never be said of anyone but God.
As the disciples beheld him walking on the water.
And heard him speak to the winds and the sea became calm. They said truly this is the Son of God. So there are things.
Also throughout the gospels that are said of him.
Of God, that could never be said of any but a man.
So when we read of the richness of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are talking about.
The fullness of the Godhead abiding in him.
Great is the mystery of godliness.
God was manifest in the flesh.
When he came into his own, what did they say according to the prophetic word?
Emmanuel, which is being interpreted. God with us. It was God coming into their circumstances, beloved, to do them good and to bless them.
And so we read that he became poor.
We have had read to us twice.
That wonderful portion in Philippians 2 where he became poor.
In this 22nd Psalm where you read that he was laid in the dust of death, that's the poverty of our Lord Jesus Christ. He died.
I delivered unto you first of all that which I received, how that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures tell, though he went beloved, he died and was buried fully giving evidence.
That he was dead.
And oh, how glad we are he was raised again according to the scriptures.
Coming forth out of death in him was life. Death had no claim upon the Son of God.
And it was light.
And that life was a lighter man, and so, death having no claim upon him, he could say that he takes his life again, because he received the authority to do so along with my Father. That is to say, beloved, that when he along with God in the eternal councils of godhood.
Received the authority by.
Agreement with God.
Within the Godhead that it should be, so that he should take his life again.
And it is that life, beloved, that he has taken back from the dead in resurrection, that he has communicated to you and me by being laid in the poverty of death.
He became poor that we, through his poverty, might be rich.
Only in death could the Lord Jesus Christ meet you and me, because we were dead in trespasses and sins. Except the corner, we fall into the ground and die the buys alone. Had he not gone to that cross and perished in the terms of giving up his life?
You and I would have never been in eternity except the pit.
He would have remained a man alone in glory, but oh, he would not go back to glory without us. I was so glad that our brother read that verse and his desire is toward me.
Except the corn, if we can fall on the ground and die to bite alone. But if it die, it brings forth much fruit. And the much fruit, beloved, is the riches that you and I possess in resurrection life in connection with the man in the glory.
So we are admonished in these last days when difficult times are there. There is no doubt they love it.
That these are hard times. These are times that are the fruit of man's will being introduced into God's assembly. And they are tough times. Hard times, hard decisions have to be made. But it's my joy to tell you this afternoon that there is sufficient grace in God to meet every exigency or need of your heart and mind and every need of His gathered cue in this day of confusion and ruin that sin has brought into the assembly.
My grace is sufficient for thee, and so it is delightful, beloved.
To speak of grace.
That is in our Lord Jesus Christ gone on high.
Poured out the spirit to give us power to live for him in this scene where we are left as his representative.
And given power to navigate upstream, as we had pointed out to us.
Against the current and arrived through the matchless grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To that blessed place in the glory where He has gone for us. There was no place in heaven for man until the Lord Jesus Christ reached heaven as a man. But I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may also be.
The desire of the Lord Jesus Christ expressed in His prayer to the Father.
That they might be with me where I am and see the glory.
That thou hast given me. So in these last days, beloved, my encouragement is.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for any need of my heart and yours, and any need.
Of the gathered Saints, in this day of confusion, may it be that we exhibit that grace and employ that grace and deal with one another according to the Greece that is in our Lord Jesus Christ.
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