Gospel—R. Reeves
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I will get your fast.
Hard. You're sending us a.
Word What's gone?
Come over.
Hot Turk Oh, he's very tall. It's calm.
Father's half and full house.
Whip heads up and I can't talk.
I prefer people of all.
To the fingernail finger pill apart.
Your health curviness, your plan.
Have a couple of announcements to make.
One is that our brother, George Hoskins of Jordan, Iowa, has lost a Bible.
And two hymn books, so if anybody.
Find a Bible with his name on it.
Would like to ask that you turn with me please to the third chapter of the book of Romans.
Romans chapter 3.
Verse 23.
All have sinned.
And come short.
Of the glory of God.
All have sinned.
And come short.
Come short.
Come short.
Come short.
Of the glory of God.
During these meetings, I have been looking.
Toward the speaker.
For three days.
And I have noticed this curtain which is a backdrop to the podium.
Where I stand tonight.
And I was wondering how high it was.
I was wondering how high that curtain is.
I'm going to ask our brother, Mr. Ewell Tan, are you 6 feet tall? How tall are you?
5-10 OK two inches short of 6.
Well, I noticed that he came short of the top of this curtain, that 5 foot 10.
Well, you can imagine where that puts me.
I have measured up to 5-6.
In my tallest moments.
And the last time I went to the doctor and got measured, I.
I think he called out. Five, five.
So I seemed to be going down.
And instead of getting taller, I seem to be getting shorter.
So there is no hope that I will ever attain such a height as this.
If Mr. Tan can't get there, I surely couldn't.
I have come short of this height and.
I really think that there is no one in this group.
That would be that tall as to be as tall as the top of the curtain.
And so in this respect.
We have all come short.
We're in this together.
And there is no way that anyone of us can attain to this height.
We have come short.
Several years ago.
I attended meetings in this place.
I can't remember just exactly how long ago it was.
But a very, very bad storm came up.
And we were advised by the management of this very fine university.
That we should go down into the tunnel.
Now I did not know that there was a tunnel connected to this building.
But I learned it very quickly.
There is a tunnel.
Beneath the surface of the ground.
Connected to this building and we were asked to go into the tunnel because we all.
We're afraid of the storm clouds.
We were impressed with the sirens that were blowing.
And we heeded the warning to go down into the tunnel for our safety.
And I remember that it was a quiet group.
It seemed like we had very little to say to one another.
As we were in that tunnel, there was light there.
But it was a quiet group.
We were all scared.
But we were in that together.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And dear friends, we are in this together.
There is not one person in this room that has not sinned.
Against God.
Now the greatest sin of all is the sin.
Of not believing God the greatest sin that a man or a woman or a child can commit.
Is the sin of unbelief.
I say that we are in this together.
We are all guilty in our lives of unbelief.
Unbelief of the word of God.
And that's sin.
Well, there are other sins too. There is the sin of lying.
Which we?
It seems did not have to learn.
I'll never forget when our brother Noble Gamble, who used to live in Des Moines, was talking to the children and he asked a very interesting question of the children in the Sunday School, he said.
Do you have a class in your school?
That teaches you how to be naughty.
And he waited for the answers to that question. Do you have a class in your school that teaches you how to be naughty?
And I was getting interested. I wonder what the kids would say.
And finally, one little child put up.
Its hand and said.
No, we don't have any classes like that because we don't need them.
We don't need any classes to teach us how to be naughty.
And I did not need any education to teach me to lie.
I did not need to go to school to teach me to steal.
I am a thief.
I haven't told all the things that I've done in my life, even to my own wife.
Maybe I'll have to tonight.
I'm a thief.
I am a liar.
I am an unbeliever.
By my history.
My report card is not very good.
There are the sins of filthy thoughts.
And there are a host of other sins. There's that sin of wanting what somebody else has.
That you don't have.
That's called covetousness.
I'm one of those two.
And I say, beloved friend.
We're in this together.
I don't know how to compare myself with you.
But I do know this that.
We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, just as I am short of the top of this curtain, and you are too, so you are short.
Of pleasing God in your life.
Now this is serious, especially when we realize that we have been created by God to glorify him.
And so it becomes very serious when we realize.
That we have sinned against the very one who made us.
It's a very serious thing to be a Sinner before God.
And God's word, the Bible tells us the results of sin. It says the wages of sin is death.
It says that be sure your sin will find you out.
It's an awful thing to be a Sinner.
And as you read the pages of the precious word of the living God, you'll find out what happens to sinners.
You'll find out what happened to the first one.
And his wife.
They were excluded from the Garden of Eden and.
Because of their disobedience in taking what did not belong to them.
They had to die.
The word of God says the soul that sinneth it shall die. It is a pronouncement of God.
And that's why it's serious to be a Sinner. Death is waiting for you. Rightly so.
It's what you and I deserve as sinners.
And we're in this together.
And I want to tell you this, my friend.
There will not be any sinners.
In heaven.
There will not be 1 Sinner in heaven.
Because sin cannot enter that court.
Of light and holiness Nothing that defiles shall enter there.
And there will be no sinners there.
There will be people there.
But they won't be there with their sins.
There will be people there who have had their sins taken away.
By the mighty sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ and the cleansing power of His precious blood. But there'll be no sin in heaven.
And so for you, or for me who have come short to get to heaven.
Something has got to happen.
In our lives.
About the sin question.
Have your sins been forgiven?
The Lord Jesus Christ said, If you believe not that I am He, you shall die in your sins. You see, there are two ways to die, to die in Christ, or to die in your sins.
And those who die in their sins can never go to be with Jesus.
He said, If you believe not that I am, he shall die in your sins, and where I go, you can.
Not come.
And so if you want to be with Jesus in heaven.
You'll have to have your sins taken away before you can go there.
Well, I've got good news for you.
I've got real good news for you and that is God has provided a way whereby sinners like.
You and I may have our sins forgiven and be taken to heaven when we leave this world, and not only that, have a right to go there because of the value of the mighty sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross.
That's good news, isn't it?
And the more we realize how short we've come.
And the more we realize what sin really means.
The better the news is going to sound.
The supper call sounds best to those that are hungry.
And the gospel call sounds best to those who are lost. You see, if you're not saved, you're lost. There's no middle ground.
Are you saved?
If you're not saved, you're lost.
But I got good news for you and that's why I came tonight.
I tried the best I could to get out of having this meeting. I was hoping that this one and that one and all my suggestions got turned out.
And so here am I, and I'm going to do the best I can to present to you.
The good news of how you and I who have come short.
Can be saved and not only be saved.
How we who have come short of the glory of God can actually.
Giving glory, Can you imagine that that we who have come so far short?
Of the glory of God.
Because of the gospel message. Why? It's just like turning the whole thing over.
And even better, we can glorify God.
I got good news. Let's turn to Philippians Chapter 2.
It's been referred to during these meetings, to my great joy and we're going to look at some wonderful.
Verses in the Word of God tonight.
In chapter 2 of Philippians.
Verse 5.
Says the end of the verse.
Says Christ Jesus.
The good news begins with Jesus.
It begins with Christ Jesus.
Why does it says Christ?
In the word of God in the Old Testament, a wonderful person was.
Spoken of who would someday come into this world?
And he was called the Anointed, which means Christ.
A man that would do wonderful things.
It was prophesied that he would be born of a virgin.
That was prophesied that he would.
Be called Wonderful Counselor the Mighty God.
The Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace.
And it was prophesied of that wonderful anointed Christ that he would suffer.
And bear the sins of other people.
Though he had none of his own.
Christ Jesus. Oh, I'm glad to tell you tonight, dear friends, that the Messiah has come.
The Anointed One has come, and his name is Jesus.
As we read the New Testament, we find out there were many Jewish people who were looking for the Messiah or the Christ.
And many of them did not believe that Jesus was the Christ.
But we read the story of some who finally caught on that Jesus.
Was the Christ and it changed their whole lives. Why we've got Jewish people today that are looking for Christ.
But they don't believe that Jesus is the Christ. But all that's the good news.
That the Messiah has come, he anointed. One of God has come, the Christ has come.
And his name is Jesus, born of a virgin.
Lived in Nazareth, born in Bethlehem. Lived as a man on earth, and demonstrated by everything that you can imagine, that he was the Son of God. With power he healed the sick. He gave sight to the blind. He raised the dead. He walked upon the water.
Jesus Christ.
In verse six it says who being in the form of God.
Thought it not be robbery to be equal with God.
Beloved friends, let me tell you about Jesus Christ.
He is the eternal Son of God.
He is a member of the Divine Trinity composed of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and He's the Son. He's the Eternal Son.
Is God uncreated? In fact, he is the creator of the whole world.
By him were all things made.
He's the creator.
Who being in the form of God.
Oh, what a wonderful being he was.
A member of the Divine Trinity, the Godhead.
And he thought it not robbery to be equal with God. You know, when you rob something, it means you take something that does not belong to you.
Oh, when it came to taking the place of God.
That was not so with the Lord Jesus. He did not take something that did not belong to him.
No, he took the place of God, and it was his.
By right.
Now Satan tried to get that position by robbery.
And it didn't belong to him. But when the Lord Jesus Christ took that position on earth as.
It was his by right. In fact, he always was God the Son. Always.
He's the eternal son of God.
It says, but in verse seven he made himself of no reputation.
And took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.
The incarnation is a wonderful truth of God.
And when that little baby was born in Bethlehem, in the city of David.
That was God in human form.
He took upon himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man.
And all, dear friends, of all the precious things I read in the Bible, I know of nothing greater than this.
That God has become a man in the person of Christ.
He was made in the likeness of man without sin he did not have.
A sinful nature. He was that holy thing.
Sent apart.
Absolutely sinless. He did not sin. He had no sin. He could not sin. This is God.
Become man.
Oh, this is wonderful.
And verse 8 says in being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself.
And became obedient unto death.
That does not mean that Death had any claim upon him, but the thought is he became obedient.
Even to the point of dying.
Even to the point of dying, Death had no claim upon him, as it has upon you.
Someone has said we enter this world with a cry and we leave it with a groan.
Stroke Death has a claim upon you. You are mortal.
Death has a claim upon you because of sin, but it had no claim upon Jesus.
Because he was sent apart.
But it says, he became obedient unto death, That is, he obeyed his father's will.
By going into death.
That he might pay the price.
To save your soul and mind from sin.
Even the death of the cross. And dear friends, I want to tell you the good news.
Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.
That at Calvary's Christ, this Christ, this Jesus, this Lord Jesus Christ.
Died on that cross as a sacrifice to God.
For you and for me. Christ died for us.
Ah, he did not die for his own sins, for he had none, but he died as a sacrifice for sin, that you and I might be saved.
Even the death of the cross and during those three hours of darkness on Calvary's cross.
The sins of every believer of all ages were heaped upon him 1 by 1.
And the stroke of God's judgment came down in the dark and every sin.
Laid upon his holy person was fully taken into account, and Christ suffered for those sins.
O the mighty transaction of Calvary's cross.
Christ died for our sins. He took the penalty of God against the mall.
And there's not a person in this room but what I can say to you.
With all joy, Christ died for you.
He died for you.
He sure did. I must have loved you, and God must have loved you and me too, to provide such a sacrifice.
Now in view of this mighty work at Calvary's cross, when he was obedient unto death.
It says in verse 9 Wherefore God has highly exalted him. He deserves it.
And given him a name which is above every name. Now this is the second time Jesus got a name. You seldom find that anywhere in the scriptures about somebody getting a name twice.
But here is this wonderful person getting a name the second time, giving him a name. And what is it that at the name of Jesus? Ah, it's like God searched the whole universe for a name that would be suitable for this man.
Who had accomplished this mighty sacrifice? And he could come up with no greater the name than the very same name he got in the first place.
Ah, why is that? Because there is no greater name. The name Jesus means Jehovah God, our Savior. There's no greater name, and so he gets it the second time. Why? Because there isn't any greater name. The name of Jesus giving him a name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. It says should bow.
That means he deserves that you and I bow our knees to him. He deserves it should bow.
Of things in heaven, of things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Every tongue should confess. I want to tell you, dear friends, that Jesus is worthy.
That your tongue shall confess him as Lord. Now I know.
That in other places in the Bible it says that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. I know that.
But I would like to present to you the worthiness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I want to tell you that he deserves that your knee should bow. He deserves that your tongue should confess. And it's a question in this portion of the word of God, of his worthiness, that you and I should bow and we should confess. He deserves it.
He merits that title, and he merits that allegiance.
Now it says to the glory of God the Father.
Now, didn't you remember when we were starting to talk together tonight that I said we had come short of the glory of God? Remember that?
And we have, haven't we?
None of us will deny it, but all if we bow our knees to Jesus Christ the Lord.
And if we confess him as Lord?
It's to the glory of God the Father and you and I who had come short of his glory now.
By submitting to Jesus as Lord.
We can actually glorify God.
Against whom we'd stand.
Ah, this is the salvation of the soul.
I was so happy last night when Tom Clement told me and told you that it was this verse in the Bible that brought salvation to him, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And shall believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. And Tom told us it was that verse that brought salvation to his soul.
Thank you Tom, for telling us about it. And now I would like to tell you, my friends, that it was that verse, that same verse that brought the assurance of God to my soul that I'm saved.
And I want to present that verse to you.
For the joy of your heart.
That if you'll confess tonight, Jesus as Lord.
And believe in your heart.
That God raised him from the dead. You'll be saved from your sins once and for all, and not only that, but it'll be the means where God by God can be glorified in your life and in your heart.
I'm so thankful that this man who stands before you, who has come so far short of the glory of God.
I'm so glad that by my confession to you tonight that Jesus Christ is Lord.
I am glorifying God.
Oh, do you wonder why I love to confess his name?
How by the grace of God confess his name until I have no breath left.
He deserves it for the glory of God and I say to each one here tonight.
Do you want the assurance of the salvation of God confess Jesus as Lord?
And bow your knees to him, and you'll have the salvation.
That means so much to Tom, and means so much to me, and means so much to other believers in this room, and means so much to God himself because it's the means by which God can be glorified in man.
Let's sing together #15.
Oh blessed gospel sound. Yet there is Rome.
O Blessed.
Is the world.
No one else will make all your Lord my name is God.
Oh, they are ready. Come.
Yeah, let's go.
Rise down. Great thing have done.
Yeah, that is wrong.
Our work is now completely for the 1St state.
Would you please would you please listen closely?
While I read that last stanza, God's house is filling fast.
Yet there is Rome.
Some guests will be the last.
Yet there's room.
Yes, soon Salvation's day from you will pass away.
Then grace will more will say.
Yet there's room. I hope nobody here tonight will say, you know.
When you end up in a lost eternity in the flames of hell.
You'll say, I wish I had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior.
At the Des Moines Conference in 1992. If I had done that, I would not be here tonight.
Some guests shall be the last.
I urge you with all that is within me, that you will bow your knees.
To the Lord Jesus Christ and confess him as Lord.
Tonight for if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart.
That God hath raised him from the dead, Thou shalt be saved.
Well, that's the greatest news anybody could ever tell to anyone else. Let's pray our Father. We thank thee for the God.