Open Mtg.

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Open—H. Brinkmann, E. Tonn
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Gracious, loving father.
We are grateful to be to be in the pathway of faith and service.
Translated us from the Kingdom of darkness, the Kingdom of light, your son, and made a suitable subject to be partakers of the Saints, anyway.
Here we are. You of mine owns.
Desiring to hear my voice or my precious word.
We feel very much as the household 20 years ago. Here we are in thy questions to hear words, man, it doesn't leave. So do God to reckless our Father, hear the Holy Spirit Liberty in order that we may wait upon things, in order to be instructed in Thy ways to walk according to Thy desires while we're left in the sea.
An aggressive move and the glorious appearing of our blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And so we will just bite our time here until at home and when we hear him say your lies, my love, my fair one, and come away. So as we sit quiet in that precious Rex, I call it by the spirit and order that we may know that we are hearing that which would be beneficial to our soul. Everyone in the room may receive a portion, but we know the desired desire to bless and give you advice and ask yourself and blessing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To the Gospel of Luke.
We read in chapter 12 verse 34.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
In the readings we have brought, have had been brought before us the truth that we are a heavenly people, that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
And we have, I believe, some wonderful instructions in the Gospel of Luke that help us to understand what is to be our proper attitude, even as the things connected with this light material thing.
And warnings are given.
And that is of special significance when we realize that in Christianity.
As we have said, we have heavenly blessings. All of our blessings that we have as Christians are outside of this world.
There are mercies that we enjoy and appreciate in connection with this life in this world.
For which we are thankful.
Be ye thankful, the Scripture says.
And that is not only to be thankful for the spiritual blessings that we have in Christ in heavenly places, but also for the mercies that he provides for us from day-to-day.
You know, we do not realize beloved Saints of God. How many of God's people have to live in other lands?
You know the luxuries and comforts that we have. It would be good if all of us would be able someday to have a short visit amongst some of the poorest of the poor in this world. We would be that much more grateful and thankful for what we have indeed favored land. But there is a danger.
And the danger is that we set out hard on the things.
And in Luke chapter 12 we have in verse 13.
One of the companies said to him to the Lord Jesus, Master, speak to my brother, that he devised the inheritance with me. And he said unto him, And who made me a judge or divider over you? He said unto them, Take heed and beware of covetousness, For a man's life consisted not in the abundance of the things which he possesses, and he speaks a parable unto them, saying.
The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully.
That he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to be stole my fruit.
And he said, this will I do. I will pull down my barn and feel greater.
Built, Greyhound. And there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. I will say to you, my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods. Lay up for many years. Take down east, eat, drink, and be married. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then who shall those things be which thou hast provided?
So is he that layeth up treasure for himself.
And not rich towards God.
You know.
The Lord refuses to settle this matter. Not that he needs to imply by this that we as Christians do not have the responsibility to try in such matters when difficulties arise among God's people. First Corinthians 6 very plainly tells us that if we refuse.
And I'm not willing to set up door to at least to settle such disputes that there isn't a spiritual one among you. But the Lord here discerned something in this man that requested this that he deals with and that is covered chess nurse.
You know, and that is a danger for all of us, that we want things for ourselves.
And the law deals with that faithfully, and he gives this parable of this man who had so much, and he was only thinking of himself.
There's nothing wrong in laying things up.
As people say for a rainy day.
Many times Saints are foolish in the way, in the way they handle things that the Lord entrusts to them. And then when they get old, they have nothing. They have it all blown, you know, and the scripture even says that the parents lay up for the children and not the children for the parents.
But the problem with this rich man was he was only thinking of himself.
And that is what the Lord deals with and wants to exercise our consciences about.
How do we look at that which the Lord entrusts to us in a material way?
All for myself.
Why that's a danger.
And the Lord removes him from this world.
It isn't true that when people are characterized by selfishness and covetousness.
They also tend to be very poor when it comes to spiritual wealth.
You know, that's what the Lord says here. So is he that layeth up, treasures, treasure for himself and is not brave towards God, my grandpa told me.
Once that the brother was visiting in my hometown, a labourer, and in those days they had a good custom that they didn't just preach and give addresses.
They would visit from house to house like the apartheid forces in Acts Chapter 20.
Visiting some house to house and this one brother local brother that accompanied the laborer to go to a house.
On the way, he said. We're coming to a house now of a rich man who is poor.
You know, get a lot of these worlds good. But he was poor spiritually. And then they came to another house and the brother said, now we're coming to a House of a poor brother, but he's rich. You see the danger is beloved, where is our heart? There's nothing wrong in having sex and it's a lot of money. That is a root of every kind of evil. And the question is, how do we look at these possessions?
Grandpa also told me that.
He told the Saints, and that was before cars were available for people. He said if the Lord wanted to, he could make us all right through town with six horses in front of our body. But he said we might also drive away from the Lord with six horses. You know, these are the dangers. Do we set our hearts on that on these material things?
Or do we use them in a way that would meet with the Lord approval?
And this rich man was foolish. He didn't bring God into his thoughts at all. He didn't look at what?
The Lord gave him.
In this way that he had to handle it. In view of how does the Lord look at my handling these things that I had myself, I, myself and I, again and again.
It's the thought that so often times.
Comes up and is manifest.
Even I'm afraid amongst God's people the danger is there. Our hearts are the same before we are saved or after we are saved. If the grace of God does not bring a different attitude and change in our hearts, we will manifest the same thing. Well later on in this chapter, the verses before the verse that I read where your treasure is to shall your heart be false souls.
And we are concerned that the law deals with in this chapter as to food and clothing and things like that. We don't know very much about these kinds of things in this part of the world. But you certainly see that there are problems in other places. If you go to India and you see the kids running around with raggedy clothes, we wouldn't even use them for dusting our homes.
You know, and you're frustrated.
Because you don't have the things that you would help all of these people try to help your own brothers and sisters. Not that we don't have the responsibility at times to do good unto all men, but there are so many.
In great needs that we cannot help.
But these things tend to be used by the enemy when needs arise to show Occupy our minds that we can hardly concentrate on spiritual faith. I know what it is like and what it was like after World War 2, when we had little food and little clothing. You know, my brother, oldest brother was 17, I was 15. We had outgrown everything and there was hardly anything available during the war and then shortly after the war.
You know, I know what it is like and how these things tend to occupy your mind, and the enemy brings it before your soul, and it robs you of time with the Lord, and to be over this thing of the Lord. But.
Seek ye rather the Kingdom of God.
And all these things shall be added unto you. You know, we ought not to make all our efforts to go out in that direction. Material needs to be met, and we ought to be on guard against that. See the Kingdom of God. Seek the things of God, the other gospel says in his righteousness, and these things shall be added unto you. And then the Lord uses this beautiful phrase, little flock.
I believe.
You can understand that phrase when we consider that the Lord had come to his earthly people and they as a whole really rejected him. But there were those who did accept it, and they followed the Lord Jesus. They were very few when you looked at the nation as a whole. And so the Lord says little flock, We like to think of God's people today.
As a little buck, the hymn book we're using is called Little Flock Hymn Book. Those who put their title on that hymn book must have realized. In a certain sense, we are in a similar position as the disciples of the Lord Jesus during his day when we think of the vast number in Christendom and then see how few are willing to really meet in the name of the Lord Jesus, meet around him. But don't worry.
You see the Lord Jesus.
Is the Shepherd and he takes care of us.
And even if there are difficult times that we go.
To face death even.
With us know the story has been told that the servant of the Lord, fleeing from the east at the end of World War Two, died of starvation in a refugee camp. But the beautiful testimony that was given by those who were near him was how he was in the enjoyment of the Lord Jesus. In the midst of such a severe trial, not all God people have been.
Always delivered.
You know Daniel and his friends were delivered, but you read in Hebrew Chapter 11 and you find.
They did not all experience deliverance, but the Shepherd is with us, just like he was with those three friends in the fiery furnace, you know, And what a comfort that is.
That thou art with me. Psalm 23.
But then the Lord says.
Self that ye have.
Does it mean that you and I should sell everything that we have and don't have anything in a bank account or?
I don't think so. A brother here among us has said sell out to the Lord. I think that's the idea. Sell out to the law. Develop a proper attitude as to the things that the Lord entrusts you with, and then use it for others. Hold what you have with an open hand. That is true Christianity.
Not selfishness lay up treasures in heaven.
We had that verse quoted already where Moth and Rust cannot corrupt.
You know, how do we layout treasures in heaven? Someone has said send it up ahead. You know that which you give to those in need, you won't lose. You know the Lord will have an accounting up there of all that is done for him and even for those in need. Not only God, people, of course, especially of those of the household of faith, but you got unto all men, but especially of those of the household of faith, you have a neighbor in need.
And you're able to help him.
Don't you have the responsibility to help them?
Lay up treasures in heaven.
So your pleasure is that your heart?
There will be. Also, don't set your heart on things and young people.
And I grew up. I hardly ever had a ride in a car before I came to America. One time I remember as a little boy, I had to ride in a car.
And so when you're growing up, then you are 16. At least in Wisconsin, you have to be 16 before you can drive. And then you might even have your own car.
I'm sure I would have been thrilled if I would have had a car at the age of 16. I never wanted a bicycle because I saw the danger.
I made a lot of lakes for people that lost their lakes on bicycles, motorcycles today.
But the danger is that you put your heart or set your heart on their heart, that it becomes an idol, you know, What about a house?
What about a girlfriend and a boyfriend? You know, the danger is that it's so occupies our minds that it interferes with being occupied with the Lord Jesus and the things we have in here.
You know, I'm afraid sometimes you might even say I want this nice big house so that I can show hospitality to the Saints.
But is it really that what prompts you to want that big house?
I trust.
The Lord will keep us from setting our heart on things.
Now turn.
To chapter 16.
We have there in the beginning of the chapter.
The unjust? Sure.
Who was going to be removed from his stewardship, But he still was.
Was in that position at this time, knowing.
What's going to happen to him?
So he called everyone of his Lords, debtors unto him, and said unto the first How much forst thou unto my Lord? And he said, 100 measures of oil. He said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write. 50 Then send he to another, And how much for it thou? And he said in 100 measures of me a week. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write 4 score.
And the Lord commanded.
The unjust to her because he had done wisely, For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of life. I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness, that when it fails, it should read.
He may they may receive you into everlasting habitation. He that is faithful and that which is leaves is faithful also in much, And he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in March. If, therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous Mammon, who will commit to you your trust, the true riches, and if he has not been faithful in that which is another man?
Who shall give you that which is your own so?
You might say that unjust steward did not be righteously with his master's goods in reducing the debt. The Lord uses this to bring a point across that we use that which is entrusted to us as to us.
In view of what is to come, not for selfish present advantage, that's what he is bringing across. And really you and I, everyone of us, are in the position of stewards.
And that which is entrusted to us.
In a material way is not ours.
That is not ours. That belongs to the law.
That's the proper attitude.
And we have to use that which he has entrusted to us in a way that we too will be commended by the law.
He that is faithful in that which is least.
It's faithful also in March.
You know, even in the Church, in the Assembly.
Those who are entrusted with the.
Deaconess service, to meet the material needs among the same ought to be such that have proven in their own individual life faithfulness and sound judgment, because if they don't do that in their own personal life, neither will they do it with things that pertain to the assembly and administering funds.
That come in the collection amongst the Saints.
But to be faithful in material things is faithful in belief.
And if we're faithful in that which is these, we will also prove faithful in debt.
Which is much.
And the unrighteous mammoth you know it isn't that money in itself is unrighteous, but the way that many times is used by the enemy and even the way we handle things.
You know, it's a wonderful thing to see the generosity of the Saints when Neat arrives amongst God's people, how they're willing to help.
And assist those people generally. But it begins, doesn't it, with the individual being faithful in these things. I know that we don't get ministry on this kind of a thing very often, and the Lord's servants are hesitant.
To even take upset the subject because they might well be.
Plot that as if they want to, if they want to help themselves, you know, and to improve their own economical situation. But beloved, every one of us is responsible how we handle things.
That are entrusted to us. And I trust the Lord will use some of these thoughts that I have expressed this afternoon to exercise us in these greater ways about faithfulness. In these things there are many needs among God to be solved, and not only in Africa, in India and South America.
Even in.
Be given to the Lord by every Jew in Christianity.
We're not under the law, we will not.
Press that we have to give 10% because there might be some who are so poor and have such little income that they would find it difficult to give 10%, but those who are able to give more, should they not give more.
As we have prospered that says we should lay aside. As we have prospered and it has been said, and it's worth repeating, it is not so much how much we give, but how much do we keep for ourselves.
You know, we can't take anything of this earth's foot along.
When we go home to be with the Lord. But like he said earlier, we can't send it out ahead and the Lord will reward faithfulness not only in the way we.
Conduct ourselves in connection with the truth of God, truth of the Church, and so on and so forth. Also how we conduct ourselves, the practical matters, and we might not have much.
But remember what the Lord took notice of that widow.
Who put the mind in there? She gave all that she had, you know, And so it's not a question of.
How much we gain? How much do we keep for ourselves? Do we have selfish motives and attitudes in our lives? Young people? You can develop these attitudes as young people, maybe you get.
An allowance from your parents? I never got any allowance. My parents didn't have enough to give me an allowance. But if you do get an allowance, wouldn't it be nice if you would be exercised even there to set some of it aside and give it to the Lord?
You know, I think that's a nice exercise, even as young people to develop proper editors. You know, we don't want to be selfish creatures thinking only of ourselves. And if the Lord has our hearts, and if we really lay hold of what we had before us in the reading meeting our spiritual wealth and that which we have in Christ, the things of earth will have little esteem.
In our eyes and we will reach out more and more for the spiritual things.
And he.
Which is which are ours will be more important to us?
I would like to read.
3 verses from the 4th chapter of Ephesians.
Also call.
Taking up the.
Practical consequence.
Of those things that we have had before us, particularly in his first chapter in Ephesians, in which the Apostle.
Continues in the second chapter, third chapter to bring out that wonderful.
Trove of the assembly.
And then it should.
Strike a response in our hearts.
There have been times when those who have sought to be of help in establishing the truth as to what we are in Christ and what.
Wonderful privileges have been given us in the truth of.
What we sometimes call the doctrinal portions of Pauline epistles.
And we hear sometimes that you don't get any practical ministry.
I recall a few years ago that at Lawrenceville we had the first chapter of Ephesians and we heard some criticism of that sort.
And the Lord gave me this thought and the reading meeting.
If the truth.
That is given to us.
In the so-called our final portions of the epistles does not form the thoughts and affections of our heart.
To take up the practical exhortations is to bring the Saints of God under law again, and it becomes only a religious duty.
So the question as we have been reminded just now as to.
Those things that pass through our hands of the heart.
But here in.
Chapter 4. The Apostle.
Says in verse one I therefore the prisoner of the Lord.
You seek you, that you walk worthy of the vocation. Where was your call?
I brought my parallel translation here because I really believe the thing that the apostle is bringing before us as he walked worthy of the calling with which we have been called.
With all loneliness and meekness and long-suffering forebearing one another in love.
And every deep unity of spirit in the bond of peace.
The personal pronoun that the apostle uses is emphatic.
We've had mention of some of the failures of the apostle at Jerusalem.
But I believe this first statement here.
We can leave whatever personal failure might have resulted in his being in prison with the Lord.
And view his incarceration as he views it.
He is a prisoner not of the Romans, the prisoner of the Lord.
And the service of Christ.
He says.
My name on He's a prisoner of Christ Jesus.
That one who was here? Jesus. That way we think of him when the name of Jesus.
Is mentioned in the epistles particularly, and the one who now has been exalted at God's right hand, the Christ. He made him both Lord and Christ when he raised him from the dead, and so he views himself as being where he is because of the service.
Of the rejected one following objective Christ is going to result in.
Difficulties, But we can take those difficulties as He does here as a prisoner of the Lord, and He exhorts us.
I looked up this word one time about exhorting. Having been in the public schools for 27 years, I know a little bit about the.
Tech Rally.
We had one every week during the football season, of course, and the exhortation thought is to encourage and to spur on in the pathway of faith.
And so we have an exhortation to walk worthy of the calling we saw in Ephesians 1. Something of Our Calling. But there are several verses that came to mind as I meditate upon this, that specifically referred to Our Calling.
In Romans chapter one.
The apostle says we are called Saints. That is Saints by calling.
When we think of the people of God as Saints.
We have to consider a life of holiness.
It says in Second Corinthians Chapter 7 and verse one.
Based on the wonderful promises of two Corinthians, 617 through the end of God being a father to us, and our being his sons and daughters, and the practical enjoyment of the fatherhood and children relationship, because of obedience to His Word, therefore having purified ourselves from every pollution of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness.
In the sight of God.
So when we think of Our Calling as Saints or being Saints by calling, we have to consider.
I walk upon this before God.
We had in the readings particularly the marvelous position into which we've been brought, and we also have something as to the eternal counsels of God in the future when the Lord Jesus Christ is going to reign His universal Lord.
Wonderful portion to be associated to that blessed man when he comes to take his Kingdom in this world.
So in connection with this we have wholeness.
He comes his house.
Because of what we have been made to be, and because of the information that God has given us concerning our own position and the position of things in this world, the relative position of things in this world, Peter says Knowing these things, what manner of men should be, being all manner of holy conversation that is our life as Saints of God should be a light of police. You're exhausted because our Father is holy in the God Who.
Called us as holy, we should be holy. Well, that's Saints by calling.
Also later on in the epistle here that we have been called out of darkness.
Into his marvelous light. So to walk worthy of the calling out of darkness. Into light means that we walk in the light. He that walks in darkness, the Lord says, stumbled because He knows not where they're going.
One of the most wonderful aspects of being the Lord is being in the light.
If we walk in the lake, John's official tells us as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth from all sin. This is where we walk. We are in the light.
And we are there by virtue of the cleansing of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that brings us into company with all of those who are cleansed in the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ and who walked according to the lake. We are set to be children of lake, no longer children of darkness. We were darkness.
But now we are light in the Lord, he said. Walk as children of light.
So another aspect of The Walking, according to the calling, is we walk as children of light. Paul says to the Philippians that we are to hold forth the word of light in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation holding forth the word of life shining as lights in the world.
One other remark made.
Of us as believers is that we are Epistles of Christ.
Known and read of all men.
Someone has said that all the only Bible some individuals read is what they read in the life of the children of God.
We don't have to decide to be epistles. We are epistles of Christ, not carved on Stony tables, but on the fleshly tables of heart.
Known in red of all men. What do you see? What do other seeds in me, what do they see in you? We have to decide not to be epistles. We have to be decide what kind of epistles we're going to be walking according to the location where we have been called. That's where we walk. And walking according to the light is how we walk in that place.
Another aspect of the calling.
It says in Hebrews chapter.
12 No chapter 3 verse one, that we are wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling.
Holy brethren, the takers of a heaven calling.
And this agrees with what we have had in the reading meetings concerning our being a heavenly company.
It is so vastly important.
For us to realize and in some measure make good in our own souls.
And we are heavenly company.
Holy Bremon partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest.
Of our profession, Jesus.
Again, that presents him before us as he walks down here.
I read that in Mr. Garvey's translation because the truth as it is in Jesus is what we learn as we occupy our hearts with him.
We've heard about following in his steps. That's the truth that we see demonstrated in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Warn of us cardinal principles that constitutes the Church's failure, and we work correctly reminded, I believe, that we do not have the Church and responsibility and the Epistle of Ephesians, but we certainly have a heavenly character of the Church. Set forward, we have our.
Resurrection with the Lord Jesus Christ being raised up together and seated together with him in the heavenlies. We have that aspect to one of the cardinal errors that has resulted in the Church's failure.
Our failure to walk as heavenly citizens.
To portray to this world.
Something other than?
A heavenly character, the Lord Jesus Christ said. Ye are not of this world, even as I am not of the world.
What does that tell us?
It tells us what the Apostle Paul makes good to us in the third of Philippians, that our citizenship is from heaven.
We mentioned, I think, in the readings that when they referred to the Lord Jesus before Pilate, My Kingdom is not from. Hence the source of his Kingdom is not this world. The source of our life is not from this world. Ye are not of the world even as I am not of the world. So why are we here?
As the Father has sent me into the world, Even so have I sent you. Here we are, the apostle Paul tells us.
Where in Christ Jesus we are a new creation.
Old things are passed away.
You had done with that life that we lived as Gentiles.
Fulfilling the desires of the flesh from the mind, doing those things that.
In the darkness of which we are ashamed.
All things are passed away. All things are.
Become new. All things are gone.
We had that in the readings that God initiated and God.
Consummated our heavenly blessing. It had its origin in the Godhead before the foundation of the world.
First chapter of Titus.
It says all the servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, that is, faith that has the Lord Jesus Christ as its object. The faith of God's elect is the faith that puts its trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We were elected according to the fore knowledge of God and separated by the Holy Spirit to the obedience and sprinklings of love, the Lord Jesus Christ. So according to this speech that we have that God has given.
And the acknowledgment of the truth which is after godliness.
In the hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, promised before the world began, there you have it. In him are all the promises of God gave, and Amen.
They have their origin in the Lord Jesus Christ and they have their consummation in Him.
That in everything he might have the 1St place, that is everything he might have the 1St place. Respect what our brother was mentioning.
If he is indeed, if he has indeed the first place in our life, we'll be like the Thessalonians. They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us. And these matters of practical things that God is allowing to come through our hands will take care of himself and even.
So we are not only new creatures in Christ Jesus and old things passed away.
All things have become new. We are members of the new creation. Now. In resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ communicated His divine and resurrected labor. This is eternal life that is in Him, promised before the world's foundation.
Made good to us, and so we are ambassadors for Christ.
An ambassador from another country that gets himself involved in the affairs of this country.
With very quickly be recalled, we are here to represent.
Heaven, Our citizenship is there, our head is there, our hope is there. It is. Our home is there, and we are soon to be there. So here we are.
Exhorted, encouraged.
Urged along the pathway to walk, worthy of the calling with which we have been called.
And it is with Long. Well, first of all, it is lulling into meekness.
Walking as he walked, we had in one of the reading meetings, recalled He, that said he abideth in himself or the walk also as he walked.
I am making lowly in heart, take my yoke upon you and learn of me and I, meek and Louis. So we are encouraged and admonished and urged along the pathway of faith and service, to be in loneliness and meekness, and with long-suffering and forbearing one another in love. We now have the capacity to love.
Either is begotten of God, loveth him that is also begotten. We partake of the nature a divine nature by the promises of God we have received. We are partakers of the divine nature that delivers us from the corruption that is in the world through our natural hearts of lust, and gives us capacity to enjoy and love those who are also the Lord. Shall we come. We walk in love and with and we in love serve.
One another to seek your help along the way, and that results in our collective testimony, which I had no intention to go into because of the time. And that is that there is one body and we are enjoying. We are encouraged to use diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace. We are urged to give expression to the one body of Christ, and we are urged to do so in the uniting bond of peace.
We are told and official to the Romans to pursue that which makes.
For peace. So we have a calling. We're called from heaven to heaven. We're called to an eye for holiness.
And so we are encouraged by the Spirit of God in these few short verses.
Go on and pass away.
Representing the Lord Jesus Christ who is called as unto himself in a way that is befitting to him, shall we just pray to God.
Gracious, loving father.
We are grateful to thee.
That when we were, like the prodigal, a long way off.
Thou just have compassion.
And all, what a reception we have had.
Taken into favor in that beloved 1.
And so we have now been encouraged not only in the practical.
Stewardship of that which passes through our hands, but in a small each one of our small measures to be able to give expression to the holiness, it becomes our house to the heavenly character that belongs to us as heavenly citizens.
And so we just pray to make it good in our souls. We pray for those in authority over us and thank thee for the precious privilege of liberty to come together. In this way you pray for the gospel of thy grace soon to go out in this room if we're left here. We pray for the clear message it went forth last night and some who may not be thine who heard. So we just committed to be our God. And we do. Give me thanks. Praise thee and precious and word the name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Next meeting will be addressed in 15 minutes.
Refreshments outside.
Back to our kids.