Proverbs 8

Proverbs 8
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YP Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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Northern can come in.
As we are.
Thy name.
I'm turning all the water before I'm far whatever.
Oh my gracious.
I have seen her father.
And Father.
Take it all the time.
Shall we pray together?
Our blessed God and our Father. We thank you for the subtle Him that we have been singing together. We thank you for each one in this company. You can say I have been drawn after the Lord with cords of love. I know him as my personal Sager, and we ask thee that if there should be any who do not get Naldi, you might be brought to put their trust in me and this the day of Thy grace. But we pray especially for those who are young, that in the decisions that are made in life they might seek the wisdom of Thy precious Word, and have thyself before them as an object.
We do pray for thy health now in this meeting. Pray that what is sad might be for thy glory and for the blessing of each one present. We thank you and praise Thee, blessed God our Father, for the love has sent the one, the dearest object of thy heart down to redeem us. That's so great a cost and now cares for us in every step of the pathway. So we just look up and command the meeting to the asking Thy help and guidance. Thy worthy name, Lord Jesus, our Savior.
And I'd like to turn first of all the first Kings and the third chapter.
First Kings Chapter 3.
Verse 5.
Kennedy and the Lord appeared to Solomon, and agreed By night God said, Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said, Thou art showed unto thy servant David my father, great mercy, according as he walked before the untruth, and in righteousness, and in that brightness apart with thee. And I was kept for him this great kindness that I was giving him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day.
And now, O Lord my God, thou spade thy servant king instead of David my father. And I am but a little child, I know not how to go out or come in. And thy servant is in the midst of thy people, which thou has chosen a great people, which cannot be numbered for multitude, or counted for multitude. Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and evil.
Who is able to judge this thy great. So now I saw great a people. And the speech please the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.
Then in Isaiah Chapter 9.
There's sex.
Friend was a child is born unto us, a son is given.
And the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God.
The Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace, of the increase of his government and peace, There shall be no end upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth even forever the Zeal of the Lord of Hosts.
Will perform this.
No, there's one more I'd like to turn over to Proverbs, Chapter one.
The Proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel, To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity, to give subtlety to the simple, and to the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.
To understand the proverb and the interpretation.
The words of the lies and their dark sayings. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, that fools despise wisdom and instruction. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother. They shall be an ornament of grace unto thy hair and chains above thy neck. Thy son of sinners in Pisces consent thou not.
So I know this is addressed to the young people, but I was thinking of these verses that call show how when Solomon was going to come to the throne in Israel, he asked the Lord that he would give him wisdom. You know, the young people, you're growing up, you're entering a world that's full of all kinds of tangles.
Full of all kinds of questions. You have to make decisions every day, and how important it is that God hasn't left us.
To ourselves. He has left us just to say, well, I think this is the best thing to do, or I think that is the best thing to do. He's given us his word. He's given us instruction in his precious word as well. He's given us himself, himself. His name should be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
I remember reading a story about a girl and she was writing into a page in the newspaper where you can let me get your questions answered. And she was writing her question out and she got tired and she went off to bed and that's been on her desk half done. And her older sister who knew the Lord as their savior and found something of the resource she had of the Lord. She prayed, even saw this letter partly written out the question that was bothering her and how what was the best answer? What she should do under these circumstances?
And she just wrote across the letter. His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Well, I don't think the letter was ever sent, but she turned to one who more than the person who would answer her in the daily newspaper, because there was one who cared, one who cared so much for her soul, that the Lord Jesus came down in infinite love. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
But whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God loved this world. He wants the blessing of all, and we're going to see how He desires that blessing. And he wants to be the one who will be your counselor. Dear young people who will guide you in the pathway of life. And you won't have to look back with a lot of regrets in the path where He leads, because the path where he leads it says where ways are ways of pleasantness.
And all her paths are peace. I don't mean that there won't be trials. The Lord Jesus walked in the path to please his Father, and he had trials. But well, how precious to know that in his blessed pathway he found joy in doing the Father's will. Who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and set down at the right hand of the throne of God. His path was a man of sorrows. But another way it was a man of joy, because he was doing his Father's will. And so.
Thorough the sleeves that Solomon asked. That and dear young people, I want to ask you.
As you begin to face life and make a lot of decisions on your own, have you asked the Lord to guide you and direct you that your decisions might be made according to His mind and will?
We have a lot of instruction in his word. It is true. There are decisions that we don't have direct instruction in the word. We know that one time in the life of King David.
Asked the Lord about what he should do in a certain circumstance, and the Lord told him what he should do, and he did it. But there was another time that he he decided to ask the leaders of the people, the heads, and the Princess and everything, and they gave their advice. But that advice was contrary to the word of God, and he followed their advice, and he got into quite a problem too far, as when he asked the Lord, the Lord showed him and the Lord.
Blessed him when he followed the instruction that he had given him.
And so my burden for you, dear young people, is that you might find what a wonderful resource you have in the Lord and the provision that He has made for you in a tangled world like this, because things are getting more and more complicated. So then he shall run too, and knowledge run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. And there's definitely a great deal more knowledge in this world. You can press a button and find out almost anything about almost any subject, because man has.
Advanced so much as the Bible says.
That in the last day of knowledge would be increased, but it has made people any happier. Has it increased godliness? No. The world is still full violence and corruption and many broken hearts, and some of the broken hearts are in the highest positions of this world. But you know, the Lord Jesus wants to guide you. And I just like to say a little bit about these opening chapters of Proverbs, because it is very interesting that.
In our youth, God has provided our parents.
And if you'll notice carefully, Book of Proverbs is sometimes called heavenly wisdom for our earthly path.
I want you to notice this. Notice how the second chapter begins, my son.
If thou receive my words and hide my commandments from thee, from with thee, so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understand thee.
And then in the second chapter begins the same way, My son, those two words forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my statute, my commandments. The length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee, bind them about thy neck. Right then upon the tables outline heart, then going down.
The fifth verse trust in the Lord with all thine hearts.
And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. He not wise in thine own eyes, fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
Who is it that's giving this instruction? Notice each chapter up until the end of Chapter 7 begins in about the same way.
Now, that is, it's the father and the mother who are giving instruction to the children.
Bible says honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee. And that's not only in the Old Testament, but that is repeated in the very epistle that we've been taking up in our Bible readings. That epistle of has to deal with heavenly truth, that it tells us that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ. It's in that very, very book that it says.
The daughter, thy father and my mother, which is the first commandment with promise.
Sometimes you tell young people, I've never seen people, I've never seen boys and girls who didn't honor their parents, who really had the blessing of the Lord in their lives.
And it's very important. That's part of the wisdom of God that he's given to us in His word. And each one of these chapters you'll notice it begins with those words. My son. The 5th, 4th chapter, hear your children the instruction of a father. So father and mother seek together that God the instruction. And it's nice to see what parents says in this fifth verse. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine all understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy past. This is part of the instruction that the parents are giving to the children.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart from time to put trust in a friend. You have confidence in Him. You say that friend will never let me down. They let you down. They disappoint you, don't they? They don't fulfill all that trust that you put in them, and you feel very disappointed. But I want to tell you there's nobody loves you like your friends.
They seek your good. They seek for that you might be blessed, and that you might have the blessing of the Lord in your life. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Be not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall die right by path. He wants to direct our paths over and over again. We read through the Bible, and we see when godly kings turn to Lord in their times of trouble.
Maybe to be a great host, come against them and they felt absolutely powerless how to handle it at all. But when they turned to the Lord, how remarkably he came in, how he delivered them in a wonderful way, because God is still the same today. He's still able to do more than we could ask or think. You say to any question an older person who has sought to walk in the ways of the Lord, and he found the Lord faithful, They'll say yes.
He's been faithful often, but unfaithful have often failed. But he never has. He never has our faithful, unchangeable friend.
And then we come to the 4th chapter again. Hear ye children, The instruction of a father.
I give you a good doctrine, and forsake you not my law. For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved, in the sight of my mother taught me also on 7th of me, let by Sinai, then heart return, retain my words, keep my commandments, and live.
Then I'd like you to notice in that particular chapter in the 23rd verse, keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
Keep thy heart of all diligence. Mr. Darby's translation is Keep thy heart about everything that's guarded. You know, you guard your possessions, you guard your friends, You don't want to lose them and keep your own heart. Be careful. Our brother was talking about this morning when your heart goes out to be some famous star accomplishing something that makes you great in this world, but what they're all going to amount to in the end, it's all forgotten.
One great statesman said has a path of glory, but the grave, that was all he saw that all ended at the grave. But you know if you do 1 little thing, even giving a cup of cold water And what does I think more wonderful skill that I read in Malachi that God has a book of remembrance where he keeps a record of every thought upon his name. Sometimes as we travel a boat some of our friends they have a.
Book that we write our names in because we've enjoyed the visit in their home and we're happy to put our names down. Be thankful for their kind and loving hospitality.
But they don't know when we think about them. They no longer there, of course, but they don't know what they think about The dog knows when you think about it. And he has a book of remembrance, for he teaches in the times that you think about him. Keep thy heart with all diligence above everything, scarred of it, guarded for. Out of it are the issues of life we go after, the things that we love, no money we're going to go after. We have sport we're going to go after. We love friends we're going to go after.
Some people that have a lot of friends, you may be in a place.
How about for Isaac? She brought up in a place where he didn't have friends of his own age and he came to the marriage age and it was pretty difficult for him. But his father had made an arrangement and through the servant, the picture of the Holy Spirit of God, he went into a far country. He found a partner for him and the light of faith was preserved. God interested in your friends, your partner and flight guest. He's concerned about all those things that may not be handy right near.
Now keep thy heart with all diligence above everything that's guarded for. Out of it are the issues of life.
Then keep your models again in this 5th chapter thy son attended by wisdom, and bow down mine ear to my understanding that thou mayest regard is crashing thy lips may keep knowledge. In the 6th chapter begins very similar. My son shall be surety for thy friend, and thou hast stricken my hand with a stranger. Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth. Thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.
Do this, my son, and deliver thyself. When thou is come into the hand of a friend. Cohabil thyself. And make sure thy friend here's his father telling his son you make a mistake. And we all do make mistakes said, go and make it right. Don't just leave it. Go and make it right. And of course we need to make things right with the Lord if we confess our sins and faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And I say to you, if you've made a mistake, no, don't give up, the Lord still loves you.
There's a way back. It's his way. You know. Sometimes you have to humble yourself. Sometimes you have to be willing to concuss your mistake. You should. And the trespass offering the man had to. I wouldn't confess his mistake, but make amends for what he had done and also bring his offering to the Lord. We need to remember these things, fellow fathers instructing the child, giving him hell. And in the seventh verse, 7th chapter.
It's getting a little bit Boyer, boys, getting a little bit older and now he's getting friends of the opposite sex. And he has to be pretty careful, my son, keep my words and lay up thy commandments with thee. And there we have the father still instructing him and warning him pleasantness. Lonely, that God has provided this for us. And you can't be thankful enough if you have a Christian home, Father and mother who love the Lord.
Who seek your good more than anybody else on earth. They desire your happiness and your blessing, the desire that you should honor the Lord in your walking ways. Now we come to something a little different when we come to the 8th chapter. And you know, the Bible presents certain pictures to us. And I believe the picture that is presented here is the time has come that the boy or the girl is now going to leave home. Now they're not going to hear their father saying, well, that wouldn't be a very wise thing to do.
I wouldn't suggest you do that. That'll get you into a problem. Father's voice. Mother's voice is not there. But there is another voice. There is that one that we read about in Isaiah, Chapter 9. It says unto us, A child is born unto us, a son is given. His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. If I say, the little picture here changes.
The boy or the girl is leaving home now.
Without a hearing, father, say don't do that. That wouldn't be a very wise thing to do. Mother's not saying, I wouldn't suggest you do that. But does not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice? She standeth in the top of the high places, by the way, and the places of the past. She tries at the she crieth at the gates, at the entering of the city, at the coming in of the doors. I think you can easily see here this picture that's presented to us.
This is the child leaving home. He's going now. There's a lot of doors in front of him. Which door is he going to go in? Which one is he going to enter? And he can't say. Well, Dad, what do you think? He's not there, Dad, not there. But the Lord is there. The Lord is there and he cares. He numbers the very hairs of your hair. You haven't got another friend like him. A parent's love is wonderful. And I love our dear children. Not as much as the Lord loves them.
The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. He's prepared a home for me in glory.
He's willing to order all my steps and the pathway of life. There isn't anything in life that doesn't concern him. He's concerned about everything that you do. And so here is this young person in the way, in the places of the past, little past opening up now, Which path is he going to choose? Well, there's paths as to the employment you take up.
The Apostle Paul said let every man abide in the same calling. Where in these calls with God are you taking up something where you can really honor the Lord? I will tell you you're going to be happier. Dear young person, all your life, you settle in something where you can go to your desk in the morning and feel you don't have to worry about being Some questionable things come before you. Should I do this or that? You know there are jobs where?
You find it hard to fulfill them.
And still honor the Lord. And it's very important. As you stand and you make these decisions. What am I going to be? What am I going to follow in life Where you're standing? And wisdom is trying. Wisdom is trying. Listen to me. I know all about you. Don't know where that path leads. But I can tell you I know where it leads. So it says here unto you, old man, I call And my voice is to the sons of men. How are you? Simple understand wisdom, and ye fools be of an understanding heart.
Here for I will speak of excellence.
And the opening of my lips shall be right things, for my mouth shall speak truth, and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
All the words of thy mouth are in righteousness. There is nothing pro or perverse in them. We say they're very complicated, but listen to this ninth verse. They're all plain to him that understandeth and right to them that by knowledge cannot seem the Bible step as far as the world is concerned. Perhaps your counselors at school may want to push you into that thing, but it's something where you're going to find out later that it's going to be very hard to honor the Lord and give him a place that he should have in your life.
Isn't he worthy of first place? He died In order to win your heart of mine, he provided many mansions have ever got the glory. He's going to make us eternally happy. And so I did think of you dear young people.
The lesson to this voice of wisdom Never take a step and disobedience to the word of God, even the matter of unequal Yelp. The Bible says he not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. What communion hath light with darkness? What part of Eden? Believe us with an interol. How can you make a yoke with someone who doesn't love the Lord and try to walk in the path of life together? He has no hearts of the Lord. The Jew. Do you want to please the Lord because you're his?
We say he'll change. Well, you know, he's taking a great rest. Sometimes God does in his mercy.
I know of a particular person. And she married a boy that wasn't saved, and she humbled herself and the Lord into goodness, Thank him. And he became a good father to the family too. But then the Lord took him away.
And you wouldn't perhaps hardly believe this, but she said. Well, he saved my first husband. He'll do it again for me. And she went into a second on April the oak. As far as I know, she's still alive today. Her husband, His dad. As far as I know, he died without fright. What a sorrow, What a sorrow. It's true. God is gracious. He don't come in, but don't presume on his Braves. He may let you reap the fruit your own self will. So it goes on here, and it says here.
Thy wisdom. Dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witting inventions. Put an interesting verse, find out knowledge of what he inventions. You can get books to magazines that you can look by and they'll tell you about some of the new adventures and whether they're good or not. The consumers digest them. They'll tell you whether they are all right or not, but well, maybe sometimes they're pretty helpful. But you know, the Lord knows everything beforehand. He knows whether that move is going to be for the best or not.
He's the true consumer digest. Many, many people have gone in the path of self will and they found to their sorrow it didn't turn out the way they expected. But our God knows everything and his knowledge is unsearchable. There's nothing hid from the Lord. And so it says you find acknowledge the witty inventions. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride and arrogancy and the evil way and the forward mouth do I hate?
Counsel is mine and sound wisdom.
I am understanding. I like that little expression. I have strength. I have strength. Now I like to say just this Speaking of myself, I'd like to speak to my own experience. But one time Heather was something that I was asked to do where I work, and I didn't feel happy about doing it. It wasn't something that I felt that I could do honoring to the Lord and how to solve it in because I knew the one who had strength. I knew the one who was able. He controls the hearts of men.
And so King's heart is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water, eternity, whether so ever he will. So it says, I am understanding I have strength. Somebody might tell you, oh, this is a good path, but they don't have the strength to help you out when the problem comes. But the one who asked you to walk in the path of obedience, he had strength. He's able to do more than we ask or think. Rich is an honor with the a durable riches and righteousness.
My fruit is better than golden, much than fine gold in my.
Revenues on choice I lead in the way of righteousness and in the midst of the path of judgment.
But then He calls them that. Love me to inherit substance. Then I will fulfill their treasures. Now the Lord takes the place of the Creator here for the years, the 22nd verse. The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way before His works of old. I was set up from everlasting. From the beginning, however, the earth was when there were no deaths. I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water.
Before the mountains that were settled, before the hills was I brought forth, while the Yeti had not made.
The earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the earth. When He prepared the heavens, I was there. But He sat a compass on the faces of death when he established the clouds above, when he strengthened the fountains of the deep. And it's wonderful description of how this one, whose name is called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, He's the Creator. And when He made this world He was thinking of you. Isn't it a wonderful expression?
But when he made his delight through with the sons of men, his delights were with the sons of men. Now, it's often been said, could have made the world all one color couldn't pretty dull and all one color. Isn't there a tremendous variety of colors? We had different foods today.
Could have made our food taste all the same. Very often when you get drugs or anything, they taste all the same. They don't give you all a nice variety, but God gives you all these endless varieties. Why does He do this? Because he left not himself without witness that he did good, sending rain from heaven and fruitful seasons milling, killing men's hearts with food and gladness. God is good. He wants your gold thing and you're surrounded with 1000 reminders.
That he wants your blessing. He made this world which you live so beautiful and all these things that you can't enjoy richly. But man has followed by sin, and we see all the finest things in this world have been foiled by sin. But God has made it beautiful for the good of man. Are you going to refuse to listen to him? Are you going to go your own way? As in Isaiah 53? All we like, chief, have gone astray.
We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all, but bound us grapes. And he saw turned aside and do all those wrong things. Finally cut his beloved thumb in your heart and mind was no better than the crowd.
That cried away with Him, crucified Him, and yet He killed all of them. He still loves them. He's calling out the people for His name. If He has saved you, He has heavenly glory for you. But dear young people, He cares for your pathway through this world. He wants you to have a happy pathway with His blessing when you listen to the instruction that He gives you when you go by. That and the other meetings are rather have brought before us that He has shown ways that we can show our gratitude to Him.
As in.
Alone. Chapter 12, verse one. I have since you therefore, brethren, by the verses of God, that you present your body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable intelligence service. Somebody does a great deal for you. And did you ever say to them, well, please, I'd like to do something for you, if you just tell me something that I could do to show my gratitude for what you've done for me. And the Lord has done great things for us, and He tells us in His where there are ways that we can show our gratitude we can in choosing.
Our friends in life and choosing the job that we're going to follow. And choosing these group of Christians with whom were identified to hear a common expression that's convinced in the meeting. Go to the Church of your choice without a God has saved you, but now you just choose the way you want to go and worship him. It's not that right. He has a chart. When the disciples were going to keep that last Passover and the Lord was about to institute the feast of remembrance.
They didn't choose to play face, that Lord put her well down that we prepared. And so the Lord gave them specific instructions they might have settled. We can hardly expect to find a man bearing a picture of water. That's not the custom around here. But they did. They followed him to the house where he entered him, and when the power was coming, stopped in the 12 apostles with him. And he told him it was his desire to keep that Passover with them, and then to institute that supper of pressure.
Does this mean anything to you? Does it touch your heart? I carry dear young people, and we were older too. Thought of an interest in your life. He has more interest than anybody else in your life. He's provided your parents to help you. You can be thankful if you have Christian parents. Even if they're not Christians. They think you're happiness. They may not seek it in the right way, but even if they're not Preston, they feel sick. You're asking happiness and he seeks it in the right way.
And he's proved he's lost here. Have you saved your soul? Do you belong to him?
Have you ever asked him what he wants you to do about that job, about that schooling, about that friendship, about the group of Christians with whom you should associate? Is it just. Oh, well, I think it's nice group of young people there And I can go there for you saying, Lord, a couple of thou have. You do. Oh, dear young people, I want to encourage you. And I want to tell you too. Again, that thought has provided your parents, and I want to encourage you to honor your parents. This is a day of disobedience to parents. This is the day when.
Young people, because we're living in such a changing generation.
The yellow parents are outdated and don't understand. Well, it's true we're sort of a little bit behind the times in many things. But if I can say that we have parents too seek the blessing of our children and we know that there are paths that are marked out in God's word, says about David, David, he served his own generation by the will of God and so recall to serve in our own generation, the fathers and mothers.
Because I live in this generation. They're trying to help you. They understand a little bit of the generation that they live in, and they're trying to help you and encourage you. But above all, I want to say again for you put the Lord Jesus first. I want you just to think of what he did for you. I want you just to stop.
In your time and just say what did you do for me? You went to Calgary, died for me with all my friends and his own body on the tree. He prepared a home for me in the glory. He's the captain of my salvation, bringing me a glory. And he told me that even if I'm unfaithful, he he remained faithful. He cannot deny himself and those who are saved are eternally secure. Why? Because of the work that Christ accomplished on the cross of Calvary.
Reverse I just like to notice in the faith of Romans.
8th chapter of Romans.
Verse 38 and 39.
I am persuaded that neither death, nor light, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. For I speak about this on his considerable story that happened to us years ago. Quite a few years ago we were preaching on the street in the city of Ottawa, where I live, and young man came up to us who used to work for the.
And he said that I will believe it. I have something very interesting to tell you. He said I was in the services and they among the chaplains I worked for the chaplain, he said. And he said when a man is taken in that's very seriously wounded and brought into the hospital, we always have to ask him what church he belongs to so we get the right pastor for him. And he said, when this man was brought in, he said, he said, I asked him what church do you belong to? And he said I'm appalled, persuasion. And he said I never heard of that. He said I asked a couple of other fellows around, did they ever hear that group that was new to me. He said call persuasion. And he said that dear man, he was just getting away.
He said. He quoted these two lovely verses. I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principle, he's nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, no height nor death, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God. It isn't in Christ Jesus our Lord. But the thing I wanted to point out here was this very precious to me, that this is a very unusual thing in English. The sentence begins in the singular I am persuaded, but in the IT ends in the plural. Separate us from the love of God.
This is very interesting, isn't it? Here's a English we're taught if we begin a sentence in a singular, we should finish it in singular. We should finish it in plural. Why this change? Well, some Christians are persuaded of eternal security and some are not. But whether they're persuaded or not, it's true.
Further persuaded their mom. It's true. I am persuaded that nothing can separate us from the love of God but within Christ Jesus our Lord, what a wonderful salvation we have. That's all in Christ. What a wonderful savior we have. What a wonderful counselor And I just like to encourage dear young people, honor your parents.
Well, don't show any disrespect to them. If they think you're good and they're blessed, you're blessing. And above all, you have the best counselor.
That can be provided. And that is the one who inhabits eternity, who made this world in knows all about you, numbers the very hairs of your head, which no friend has ever done. He knows all about you, and will you trust him? For you ask him for counsel. The Lord is pleased, because Solomon, instead of just asking for riches and Wizards, he said that he might have wisdom, and the Lord is pleased with that. So you ask him, His name is wonderful, Counselor Almighty God.
The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Wonder if we could bring that little hymn and let him look in the in the appendix.
Modern. Not sure. Try 7676 Near bandit by and Jesus by, and no more this heart of mine. They'll seek its joy apart from Thee. The world is crucified to me, and I am Thy 76 in the appendix.
I love you all day.
Long cause I've gone back to heaven.
Our blessed God and our Father, thank you for Thy word, a lamp to our faith and the light to our path. We thank you all has given it to us, giving us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, because I'll cares for us in every detail of our lives. Now we think of the many dear young people here. We all see that I'll encourage them. Help them, Lord, in their decisions. They might speak thy mind and will, and walk that path without marked out in thy precious word. You know that thou art evil to direct us.
And all I ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. So we look to thee now, and pray for the remainder of the day.
It might be for lasting blessing to each one of our hearts, encouraging us as we wait for that moment. Lord Jesus, when all that we talked about and some about, there'll be a blessed, eternal reality in the Father's house. To give thee thanks, we ask these things in my precious name, Lord Jesus. Amen.
We have 10 minutes until the next meeting. At 3:00 is the open meeting.