Open Mtg.

Duration: 1hr 2min
Open—R. Mackewich, K. Harman
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Acts chapter 10 in the middle of verse 33.
Now, therefore.
Are we all here?
Present before God.
To hear the all things.
That are commanded thee of God.
Like to just read that little hymn 13 appendix that was saying for a certain line.
I like to speak.
For the young people.
Fix an age 21 and under.
What it says here in #13 in the appendix.
Child of God.
By Christ, salvation, rise, or sin, and fear and care, joy to find in every station something still to do or bear. How many of you really believe?
With the Lord, Jesus has something for you to do.
Like to start by creating Romans 12?
This is the first verse again.
I want each one of us.
To be honest.
Present verse one.
I beseech you therefore, brethren.
By the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is a reasonable service.
I would wonder.
And I would like everyone in this room who is 21 and under.
To raise your hand.
If you have any idea.
But these first 2 rating meetings were about.
One hand.
Two meetings about presenting our bodies.
A living sacrifice.
Not only two hands.
From those 21 and under.
Have an idea?
Of these, two radio medians were about.
These words I beseech you rather.
To me, they present a loving heart.
An earnest, seeking heart.
For the Brethren to offer themselves a living sacrifice.
I would like to ask when another question, dear young people.
What have you been doing?
During these two meetings.
Has it all been over your head?
Or perhaps.
The expectation we need is to awake now that's sleepless.
To have our ears opened to what is being presented to us.
It was brought out with regards to our body, it's the mercies of God. With regards to unwind, it's the grace of God.
But when your rights to the Saints in Corinth, he says, the love of Christ constrains us.
That we thus judge that if one died, for all they which live.
Like to start out perhaps by this expression. I beseech you therefore, brethren.
Those of you 21 and younger, younger.
How you really say? Do you really know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?
God wants to do something with you in your life. He's done everything for you already, it's been quoted. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. We were singing about how He's going to take these worthless names of ours and yet He wants you so He can use you to be a blessing to His people.
And the little hymn that we were singing every station of your life, There's children here.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. There's teenagers. Children, obey your parents and the Lord, for this is right.
There are married couples, children, obey your parents in the Lord.
For this is right. No matter what age we become, there's this obedience.
And then I wonder, have we bowed so that part of love for salvation first?
Are you saved?
We really know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Time is short.
Life would best. It's very brief, we sing.
But I want to perhaps stress this first expression. I beseech you, therefore, young people.
Last year in Montreal, the conference, there was a brother in tears for the young people for the gospel because he didn't know if the young people were saved or not.
There are many in this room who have a burden for your young people. We see you come to these meetings, we see you grow physically, but we don't see much of A spark for the Lords things.
They don't see much of an effort to even want to be exercised about. Why?
You're at the meetings.
I beseech you.
I'd like to try, perhaps, if we could have the Spirit of God lovingly beseech us.
You really love the brethren. Each one members of the body of Christ has been brought before us. All could say to the Romans, I beseech you.
As if the Spirit of God would stand up here and he would beseech you to.
Do this.
Why? Because he wants to use you.
Not gracious, he wants to use you every joint and marrow heart supplies.
But you know, those in Corinth were in such a state of soul that there wasn't even one who had discernment. And it says let them that at least esteemed in the assembly.
I wonder if there's one in this room, perhaps, who feels that way. I understand what they say, I understand what they're bringing before me, but I feel like I'm a nobody or a man. I feel I'm insignificant.
I don't really feel my brother loves me. I don't feel they really care about me.
And yet God wants you to offer yourself.
A living sacrifice.
The Lord Jesus offered himself for you. He shed his precious blood.
Wash your sins away. And now he would simply say to you that you present your bodies.
The living sacrifice.
That's your brother's body. Not your sister's, but your own.
Your own.
Mention was made of worldliness. What is worldliness?
I have a poem I'd like to read. I didn't bring it just to read it today because I didn't feel I was really going to be here.
But I've had it in my Bible for over a year.
But I like to read it.
In every station.
There's something for us to do. You may have heard this poem.
But it speaks to the heart, it speaks to the reality of what we've been bringing about or speaking about this morning, this afternoon.
If Jesus.
Came to your house.
If Jesus came to your house.
If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two, if he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you do.
Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest, and all the food you'd serve to him would be the very best.
And you would keep assuring him you're glad to have him there, but serving him in your home is joy.
Beyond compare.
But when you saw him coming, would you meet him at the door with arms outstretched and welcomed to your heavenly visitor?
But would you have to change your clothes before you let him in, or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they've been? Would you turn off the radio and hoped he hadn't heard and wished you hadn't uttered that last loud, hasty word? Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out? Could you let Jesus walk right in, or would you rush about? And I wonder if the Savior spent a day or two with you?
But you go right on doing the things you always do. But you keep right on saying the things you always say.
Would life for you continue as it does from day-to-day? Would your family conversation keep up its usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace? Would you sing the songs you always sing and read the books you read?
And let him know the things in which your mind and spirit feed.
Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you plan to go, or would you maybe change your plans for justice a day or so? Would you be glad to have him meet your very closest friends, or would you hope that they stay away until his visit ends? Would you be glad to have him stay forever ongoing, or would you sigh with great relief when he at last was gone? It might be interesting to know the things that you would do.
If Jesus came in person to spend.
Some time with you.
And over the First Samuel 21.
First Samuel 21.
Verse 10.
And David arose and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Akash, king of God, from the servants of Akish, said unto him, It's not this David the king of the land.
Did they not sing one to another of him and dances, saying Saul has slain his thousands? David is 10,000 David laid up these words in his heart, was so afraid of a Kish, the king of God, and he changed his behavior before them.
Feigned himself mad in their hands, and scribbled on the doors of the gate. And let us spill fall down upon his beard, when said a kish under his servants. Lo, ye see, the man is mad. Wherefore then have you brought him to me? Have I needed Mad Men? That she have brought this fellow to play the Mad Men in my presence? Shall this fellow come into my house?
Aren't you graphic? Graciously glad that the Lord doesn't treat us like that.
When we change our behavior in front of the people we work at, when we be change, we change our behavior because visitors come to see us.
King said. David's not coming into my presence.
And yet we constantly do it, do we not? We change our behavior in front of our friends.
The Lord Jesus doesn't kick us out of his house. He wants us to draw near.
He wants us to be exercised about these things. He wants us to realize that the love of Christ does indeed constrain us.
We're speaking about our body.
Soul or mind? The Thessalonians. Paul writes to them, and his desire was that they would be preserved.
Spirit, soul and body.
What are we going to feed each one of these?
Entities that we have, what is our mind feeding on? Set your mind on things about what's above Christ. Who is our life? What are we going to set our hearts affection on?
The love of Christ.
How about our bodies?
Having it lost pure water.
When my burden this afternoon is for the young people.
I have six of them myself.
And I know the exercises that they go through, some of them at least.
I'm sure you're no different than they are.
But we need to start off with the engrafted word which is able to save your soul.
So again, we're just going to simply ask the presence of God.
Are you the Lord's?
You know if you are, you have within you.
A heavenly visitor.
The Spirit of God.
And he's going to take the things of Christ and make them good to you.
And I'm sure you've heard that many times.
And yet I wonder if you've practically take the Word of God and read it.
Read it and read it.
Two boys brought up in the same home.
One reads his Bible and the other one doesn't.
Which one is going to enter into these things?
LeBron, his ages Bible, he has a desire. Where does that desire come from? He has a life that wants to please the Lord Jesus and each one in this room has that life partakers of the divine nature. You have a life within you that needs and wants to grow up into Christ and spiritual things.
So we're going to turn to Isaiah 26.
We're going to ask ourselves a few questions.
Reference to our home.
Isaiah 26 and 9:00.
Might read verse 8. Yay. In the way of thy judgments, the Lord have we waited for thee.
Sometimes the judgments of the Lord.
Are according to his will.
And during those judgments in our lives.
It's an exercise for us to.
See if they are indeed.
Good. Acceptable.
Positionally before God they are. But do we ourselves when we go through the trial and we go through the difficulty?
Do I see God's will as good?
Arguably rebel against it. Why me Lord? Why me all the time?
If I've come to that realization practically that it's good.
I can accept it. I can accept it from a father who loves me and cares for me.
And then I can rest in the fact that it's perfect and he has allowed it for blasphemy.
I believe there's a positional aspect of it and also a practical aspect of it.
But sometimes going through the judgment, we have to wait. We don't see any way out, We don't see any results. And so we wait. We wait and we wait.
Scripture says you have need of patience, but as you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise. It's hard to wait.
What is the next part of it say?
The desire of our soul during the trial, during the temptation, whatever it might be that's going to come into your life, to your young people.
What is your desire?
What is your desire at these meetings?
To learn more about the Savior. To learn more about my Savior.
To grow closer to him and to the brother. What is your desire during the trial during the difficulty?
When he says the desire of our souls to thy name.
To his name, but names that.
The name of Jesus.
When you throw another question out for you 21 and under.
You don't have to raise your hand, but exercise your heart. How many of you are at the Lord's Table?
How many are you at that place where you can respond? Truly, the desire of your soul is to His name.
We're two or three are gathered together in my name. They're mine in the midst of them. Seven divine principles found in that verse.
But are you there?
What is your desire?
Everyone of us who have children, our desire for you is the Lord's blessing.
That you would be preserved and test as you grow up.
You know, and some of the inner city big cities like Detroit, there's a joke that goes, what are you going to be if you grow up?
Not when, but if there's such fear of even children even being allowed to live in some inner cities.
What you want to be, What you want to do with your life, your young people, are you constantly? Am I constantly changing my behavior in front of others? Instead of seeking to present the steadfastness of Christ, instead of presenting the love of the Savior, we change. Why? Because of the fear of mine.
Then it says, The desire of our soul is to thy name.
And to the remembrance of the.
There's a brother here that I haven't seen.
20 years maybe.
Song joy to my heart.
When I was a young fella, he made a great spiritual impact in my life.
There was somebody who reached out to me along with his brothers, and I responded to that.
The Lord Jesus is reaching out to you, and we want you to respond to that. Reaching out. And as He reaches out, you look at His hand. You ever notice that your name is engraving in the palm of His hand the marks of love? He wants to put His arm around you.
I died for you. I was made sin for you. I shed my precious blood for you. I've raised you, seated you in heavenly places. I've done all this for you.
And he simply says, as it were, why won't you live for me?
Why won't you live for me?
You're not going to live for the Lord. Something else, it's come in to your heart. What is it?
Exercise each one of our own hearts. Why is it that we have to be besought, to be sieged to be able to do this? It should be a natural response of our heart to want to live, to please the Lord Jesus. And yet in this little poem about our homes, so much of it we have to confess is true.
Where do we live or where do we offer ourselves as this sacrifice? Simply in the meeting room or at the conference here? Do we come to the meetings here and change our behavior? And we're totally different when we go home.
There's adjusted school.
Oh, it's a 24 hour thing, isn't it? It's a 24 hour thing. And you know what? Your young people, you see right through us, don't you, as parents.
You see right through us, you see our failure, you see what we have done wrong and the mistakes we've made. And perhaps you're saying, well, that's not for me.
Don't let our failure, our mistake, hinder you.
From offering yourself.
So that the Lord Jesus can use you in a manner has been mentioned.
There in second Timothy for the masters use he wants to use you in a marvelous he wants to use you some of you growing up perhaps playing sports usually well when I was anyhow there was seven or eight of us in a line 121212 and if you're the last one and you don't have a counterpart, you're left out.
And sometimes there's always one or two people who are always left out because nobody wants them on their team. They're just not very good. And yet that goes down deep into that person. And he realizes these guys don't love me. These guys don't care about me.
Yet that's what God don't doesn't want you to feel. He wants you to feel that you are part of the body. He wants you to feel that you're part of the local assembly. He wants you to feel that when you walk through the meeting room door at home. Oh, there's brother so and so. I'm certain glad that he's there.
So he says here.
We have waited for Thee. The desire of our soul is to Thy name, to the remembrance of Thee.
We have 3 or mind or soul or body. There are three things we can build on. The silver, the gold and the precious stones, comparing those with the mind, the body and the soul and the body. The goal of course, is the person of Christ himself. Saturate our minds with him again, reading the Word of God.
The silver, of course, is the death of Christ.
So we have the person of Christ for the mind, the death of Christ for our heart, the love of Christ.
Touching my heart that he would die for me, shed his blood. And of course we have the precious stones, you and I.
Built up.
What amazes me. But again, I guess it shouldn't.
21 and under.
And only two of you raised your hand.
You know the rating meetings aren't simply the discourse between laboring brother.
We're to listen, we're to take in, We're to hear.
Brother made a remark that was quite striking about someone perhaps standing up who isn't qualified to do so. And sometimes we take the attitude, well, I don't have to listen to what has been said because I don't believe he's qualified. But you know, it's the word of God. It's quick and powerful, sharpening 2 edged sword.
What is your desire, young people?
After this meeting is over, are you going to change your behavior?
You go back home. Am I going to change my behavior? It's easy to do. It certainly is.
Fear of man brings the snare. How about the fear of God? Why is there not a fear of the Lord among us like there has been in the past?
Why is it as, rather than mentioning worldliness, Luke Warden is coming in among us? The way we dress, the way we talk in the Assembly, things that were not heard of 20 years ago, commonplace among us today?
Rather than weeping because of the departure from past years, Riaz, all that's come in our hearts. It's up here in her head, but it doesn't touch her heart. I believe it's true. It's the love of Christ, not our love for him, but his love is going to touch our hearts.
Really want to live and please him. But in order for that to happen, dear young people, there has to be.
In you.
The Spirit of God, you have to have that new nature. You have to have that holy one.
Why is it wrong to smoke cigarettes other than it strives your lungs? You have a heavenly guest in dwelling in our body, the Spirit of God.
Now, if you really believe that in a physical sense, we take in, he's living in our body.
And you've seen people smoke and they start coughing. What do you think he must be doing? If we can apply it in this feeble sense, we're poisoning him with all the stuff that we take in our bodies. And yet we say.
The Spirit of God dwells within.
Indeed, it's going to offer our bodies when we don't even take care of them physically.
These are exercises, are they not? Why is it, dear young people, you do not have an exercise? Why is it are you like a tumbling weed that just blows in the wind, toss through and fro with every wind of doctrine?
Why is it that the families and young people have to go to the camp to get ministry on certain things?
Why is it that we're afraid to stand up and speak the words of truth and Verity? Why do we gloss over things?
What has happened to us?
I believe in verse eight and the way of thy judgments. The Lord have we waited. We haven't waited. We've run before the Lord. We've gotten ahead of ourselves.
We spiritualize everything instead of practically applying it to her own lives and to her own hearts. He wants to use you. He wants to use me. Not perhaps in the way that I think, but He wants to use you for the blessing of others. We are speaking about laying our lives down for our brethren.
Something we can do, would you do? It doesn't have to be a physical death.
But if a brother needs a ride to a conference and it's going to be too much of an inconvenience on you because you can't talk about things, you might want to talk yet you bring this brother with you to the conference. Are you not lying down your lives for the breath? Are you not emptying yourself and doing something for your brother so he has the privilege of being here for our sister? Do you ever go out of your way to visit somebody in the hospital?
You ever go out of your way, just say hello, How are you?
There was a sister know, many of you know, Miriam Hayhoe when I was youngster, she always made a habit of coming up to me and said, shake my hand, I'm glad you're here.
I'm glad you're here and that always impressed me to realize.
Somebody really cares that you're here.
Even now I get that feeling, my brother little, every time I see him, I just thank God for him and he has that same response. I'm so glad to see you and you know it's real. That's what I like trying to impress upon us this one more afternoon. Let's be real, brother. Let's be real with one with another. We really care about you, we really love you. We really want you to go on for the Lord. The desire of our soul is to Thy name. What is your desire?
To the remembrance of the.
The Lord carries. Tomorrow we're going to have center table, a loaf top. Are you going to be there? Are you going to partake of that which the Lord desired? Says I desire to eat this with you before I suffer?
He's going to go into death, and yet he desired to have this feast of remembrance.
So you and I can have this privilege to simply respond. Let's do in remembrance of me.
Touch my heart too, Brother Bob was saying how the dear brother in Columbia wants somebody to come down there and present the truth.
We come to our meetings and.
Half the brethren aren't even there at the rating meeting in the prayer meeting, yet these, dear brother, want somebody to come to present the truth of God.
We had our own local assemblies. We don't even bother going to the prayer meeting herself for the reading meeting.
May the Lord warm our hearts.
Now the comment was made about we can't present it to others, we haven't taken it in ourselves.
Don't want to say this in a sense to offend anybody.
With these three brethren that take part in the meeting here.
Brother Brancen Cannon, Tony, you think they are with the Ark overnight just like that?
No, it's a daily, daily, daily going on for the Lord. You sit in your chair now as a teenager, 15 or 19, when you're 60 years old.
You haven't done anything for the Lord. Don't expect to sit and start doing violas, Joshua chosen.
Why was he so faithful?
There, when they went into the lab, says he was Moses, his minister.
Are you content simply to be nothing behind the scenes going on for the Lord waiting that time?
And yet Scripture says, by their fruits he shall know them.
Verse nine with my soul have.
I desired thee in the night. We're living in the night of this world, your young people.
Terrible darkness.
Again, the desire here was now for the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
His glory, His work, this person.
What is your desire? What is mine? So Lord Jesus would come to my house.
How would I react?
He's here.
He's here this afternoon, he's here in the prayer meeting, he's here in the reading meeting.
Are we going to change our behavior?
If he was really sitting here.
With fact.
Our conversation.
I asked one person what he thought about the reading meeting. Boring. That's another one way over my head. Why is this, Dear young people, why is this?
Honest with me, please tell me. You go to school, you take calculations, you take trigonometry, you take computers, you take all kinds of classes, German, all these various things.
And here the Word of God is open before you, and all of its simplicity, given out by faithful brethren who loves you and desire that you would go on for the Lord, desire for the families that they would hold fast.
If you don't understand.
The simplicity that's in Christ.
What's happening to us, brother?
They had their call from Colombia stir us up.
Lord puts it on, somebody starts to go down there. Praise the Lord. Let's ask the Lord to stir up some brother in here.
Give us words that would indeed stir us up. If you want to learn more to go on faithfulness and obedience.
He's soon coming to take us home. We won't have any opportunity to live for him up there.
It's down here where we can do that. It's down here where we can show whom we belong to.
But again, in the way of our judgments, O Lord.
Sometimes those are quite hard, sometimes those are quite difficult. And what we we break under it, we get discouraged, we get downtaps.
You know what it is to be discouraged? Your young people.
Some of you perhaps even discouraged. Now you come to these conferences many times. Perhaps you're a girl and no brother takes an interest in you. Perhaps you're a boy and no girl is interested in you. And So what do you do instead of waiting? Waiting in the way of the judgments of the Lord?
You run ahead and somebody out in the world shows you a measure of kindness, and you find yourself in an unequal yoke because you simply wouldn't wait.
But if you're in a waiting situation right now, if it's a job, if it's a home, it's whatever it might be, wait. What are you going to do while you're waiting?
The desire of our soul is to thy name.
The person of Christ for the remembrance of thee, the death of Christ. So during these trials and difficulties that seem to throw us for loops, we can rest upon the person of Christ. It's not just a phrase, dear young people is a living man in the glory. It's a man in the glory with nail printed his hands, who wants to draw dear to you and be precious to you.
And then you have the death of Christ.
His glorious work.
Seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Well, I trust that each one of us would be exercised about these things.
The days are getting darker.
Getting darker, but as they get darker, let's wait upon the Lord. Let's have the desire of our soul be the person of Christ, the death of Christ, and having His coming ever before us.
The Lord carries these three brethren here are going to be gone. The Lord is going to take him home.
Who's going to carry on the work? Who's going to do it well? I have confidence that the Lord will raise those up.
But how about you? You. Are you seeking to be a help in your local assembly?
In the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee? May it be true, brethren. May we not run before the Lord. May we simply wait and bring that waiting. Be occupied with the person of Christ and the death of Christ and all that we've been brought into. There was a brother, and the Lord took him home in Bermuda. His name is Mansfield Virgil.
He said, you know, it's nice to read this book rather, but it's very important that you obey it.
It's very important that you're bad. He always made one comment after he stood up to read in the meetings. Would always say, may the Lord bless the reading of his precious word.
Total time we we have remaining, I'd like to like us to turn to a few verses and.
The first one is in Ephesians chapter one.
Patience, Chapter one, verse 3.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us.
With all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, according as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him. In love, having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved, and then to Colossians.
Chapter 3.
Verse one.
If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth, for your dead and your life is hid with Christ in God, when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, and shall ye also appear with Him in glory.
Turn back to Isaiah.
Chapter 40.
Verse 31.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as Eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk in that faint.
Now try and quickly tie these verses together.
In my thoughts.
You know, we read in Ephesians that we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.
That's why we are not earthly brethren.
That's why we are heavenly people.
We're not just the heavenly people because we have been saved on here for heaven, that's true. But we have been chosen before the foundation of the world to be a heavenly people.
And we're only spending time down here now in view of that time when we will be with Christ.
You know, crime is only peculiar to this time that we are spending here on earth.
And time, shall we say, God has given us this time that we might be able to to.
Walk through the scene pleasing to him and be prepared for that raining time with him.
We haven't been chosen for this world.
Were chosen.
In Christ, just to pass through this world as a kind of a, shall we say, as a detour to the Father's house, because his desire was that we might, that he might have a bride for his Son.
A companion for his son, he made the world and the world in order.
For his good pleasure, but it was not complete until he had a companion for his son.
We are the complement. The Church is the complement of Christ.
Does each one who sits here with his bride, with his wife, She is his compliment.
And so it's a wonderful thing to get a picture of.
Of where we have been formed for.
Our brothers bringing, being, bringing before us these, these the reminder of these things that we have in Christ.
And they should touch our hearts.
And you know, I believe that as we, as we look more and more from God's point of view and see what he had in mind from before the foundation of the world, it would preserve us from getting caught up in this world.
Would it not?
I'm reminded of a little story that I read recently, and maybe you've heard it before, but it's so impressed.
This thought upon me.
And that's why I read the verse in Isaiah 40. It was to do with an eagle.
And a farmer had been plowing in his field and he came across an injured eagle, and he picked this eagle up and he took it back to his farm.
And he nursed it back to health again.
And of course, it couldn't fly right away. So what did it do? It it made friends with the chicken?
And it began to to feed with the chickens, began to walk around the barnyard with them and scratch in for its food. It even began to cook like the chickens.
This beautiful bird.
And this this went on and the bird didn't seem to want to leave.
And so a friend of the farmer came over and he he saw this, he said That is a tragedy.
An absolute tragedy. That bird is not meant for the barnyard.
That bird has been formed to soar in the heavens.
And so he took this beautiful bird by this time healed and could fly, but preferred to scratch in the barnyard and clocked like the chickens.
So he took it and and he he went to a big fence post and he climbed up on this fence post with the bird and he threw it and the bird just flopped away like that and bang landed on the ground and continued to scratch with the chickens.
Well, this he thought, this is no good. So he took that bird again and he, he took it up to the top of the barn. He thought, I'll just get a little more height. So he took him up there and he heed them off to the barn, off the roof of the barn. And he flopped and flopped and flopped and flopped and banged. He landed in the hay in the straw rather. And he just lay there and looked around and started making himself comfortable in the straw, picking away at the straw.
Doesn't seem to make any difference. He had spent too much time clawing in the ground.
Feeding with the chickens.
And his big beautiful columns were all full of mud and and so forth and and it wasn't where he belonged.
And so he took, he went home and he just lost slight sleep over this and he took that the next day he went and got that bird and he said, I'm going to take it to the mountains. And he took it up to a mountain and and he got to the edge of a Cliff and he took that bird and he looked him in the face like this. And he says you belong into soar this. You don't belong in the barnyard scrabbling with the chickens.
God has made you to soar in the heavens and you know the eagle is the only bird that has a double lens in his eye and with that he can soar right into the sunshine.
Without being blinded. And that's why when he's when he's fleeing.
He can flee from his enemies because he can fly right into the sun and the other birds can't.
And you know, he took that bird and he got, he got on the edge of the Cliff and he, he, as he, when he finished looking at him, he said, no, go and threw him out in and the, the bird just kind of flopped his wings. And then he caught an updraft and he faced his head towards the sun. And away he went where he belonged into the heavens with his face upon the sun.
You see what I mean?
I think sometime.
I, I believe it was mentioned in the in the meetings that, that about what we are feeding upon, be careful what we fill our minds with. Be careful we're not scratching with the chickens and scrabbing around in the barnyard, feeding on the things of the earth because God formed us for the heavens.
He wants us to mount up with wings as Eagles and fly towards the sun.
Because that's where we belong.
But you know, we spend so much time.
With the things of the earth and being occupied with the things of the earth. And you know, I believe the more we realize that we that we have been formed for heaven.
The more we'll keep our eyes on the sun, SON.
And will fly towards him.
But that was a beautiful thought to me to have. Here was this beautiful bird.
Down there, where he didn't belong, you and I, as Saints of God, do we spend our time.
In the barnyard.
Is that where our mind is? Set your mind on things above, not on things.
Remember that He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world.
For His glory, He doesn't want to suspend our time getting occupied with earthly things and filling our minds and our lives with things that are not necessary.
I say this to my own self. It's so easy, as her brother was saying, to go back home and put on a different garment.
And maybe we do it without even realizing.
But let's remember where we came from, what we have been made for.
Remember the story about the eagle?
We're Beautiful Creatures, brother.
We've been made for heaven.
We've been made to soar towards your son.
Let's not scratch in the barnyard.