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Given unto me to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly. According as God has dealt to every man's measure of faith, Or as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and one and everyone matters, and another one having them gifts differing according to the gracious, different to us.
Whether prophecy? Let us prophecy according to the proportion of faith.
Or ministry, let us wait on our ministry, or even teach it on teaching. Or he that exhorted on exhortation. He that giveth, let him do it with simplicity. He that ruleth with diligence, He that showeth mercy with cheerfulness, Let love be without the simulation. Abhor that which is evil, Plead to that which is good. Be kindly affection to one toward another, one to another, with brotherly love and honor, preferring one another, not slothful in business, fervent in spirit.
Serving the Lord.
Rejoicing and hope, patient and tribulation continuing instant in prayer, distributing to the necessity of Saints given to hospitality. Bless them which persecute you. Bless them. Purse not. Rejoice with them that do. Rejoice and weep with them that we be of the same mind, one toward another. Might not things tie things that condescend to men of low estate? Be not wise in your own conceit.
Recommends to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men.
It could be possible, as much as I think you would peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place on your wrath. For it is written, Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore, if thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst, give him drink, for in so doing thou shalt he pulls the fire on his head.
He not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
May I suggest if we try to cover a little more ground?
And avoid as much as possible repetitions. If a brother has expressed a thought, let's not try to repeat it in just a few other words, you know, I think the Lord can give us help to discipline ourselves and expound the verses and cover.
More ground.
Although these first two verses.
Most certainly very important in this chapter. I believe if they're not in the good of these two verses, we can hardly be expected to be functioning properly.
As a body, these verses are of great importance, but I think we should make an effort to cover more ground.
We have some nice words this morning about thoughts.
Taking And that's where we're beginning here in the third verse, I say, through the grace given unto me to every man.
That is among you, not toothpick.
More highly than he ought to think.
But to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man, the measure of faith.
A verse to compare that to is in Second Corinthians chapter 10.
And these are expectations we're getting in this chapter.
And then Second Corinthians 10.
The greatest challenge in the Bible for me.
That I know of is the fifth verse.
Where it says casting down imaginations, the margin says reasonings.
And every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity.
Every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Let's just take that verse like it is and believe it and seek to act upon it.
Control our thoughts.
Paul personally says about well, let's read in Galatians 6.
What he says.
Has an exhortation along with what we have read.
Galatians 6.
Verse 3.
If a man think himself to be something.
When he is nothing, he deceives himself.
About himself, he says he's less than the least of All Saints.
And chief of sinners, we read this morning.
So Paul kind of smashed himself.
The flesh Provident? Nothing.
May we learn these things from the scriptures and be careful about our thoughts.
But come to the victory of the last verse of our chapter.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
There are good thoughts, there are wonderful thoughts of the Lord Jesus. So if we think soberly as the end of the third verse.
We're going to be thinking of that one.
It was always sober and serious.
As a man down here, no jesting with him.
Think soberly according as God had dealt to every man the measure of faith.
It's according to faith. So these are exhortations that you don't hardly have to explain, but to seek to go on in the joy of a positive life.
Laying down our lives for the brethren is another one. I believe our brethren here in Des Moines are doing that now.
That's first, John 316. We ought to lay down our lives with our brother.
Present our bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable to God, which is your intelligent service.
I suppose that think of himself shouldn't be there.
I don't suppose we should think of ourselves at all, should we?
Especially not in any high respect.
As you were mentioning, Clem, the apostle Paul also could say that in me, that is, in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. And if you could say that, how much more can we? So we're not to think of ourselves at all.
But we should think of Christ.
We have interesting.
Example of thinking soberly.
In the man that was in Luke 8 who had the demons legion of devils cast out of him.
In the verse 35 it says when they went out to see him, they found him.
Whom the devils were departed, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed.
And in his right mind they were afraid. That expression in his right mind, I think, is the same as we have here, to think soberly, think things.
As God sees them because God sees them in the proper way.
It has helped me to to see the the connection between verse two and verse three. Sometimes the question is asked, what is worldliness? And it is really what we have in verse three. It is thinking highly.
For it could be of ourselves, it could be of anything. But to like we have had read in 2nd Corinthians 10 and verse five, it's not bringing everything into subjection to the obedience of Christ.
It's making man something that's worldliness, it's independency of God. And so being conformed to this world is having high thoughts, whatever you want to think of having high thoughts of what man is.
But it's we're to have our minds renewed, not to think in that way, to think soberly. What are we, your brother?
In comparison with the eternal God revealed in the person of the Lord Jesus, come here into this world, who are any of the best of us? We can ever use that word best because we're all the same before the Lord. But I say, who are any of us in comparison to him? Absolutely.
No idea should ever enter our minds of having any rank and file when we when we think of him.
That glorious person of our Lord Jesus.
See God's thoughts about his thinking highly, but you say it's not necessarily thinking highly of ourselves, but I believe just thinking high thoughts as Christians in this world.
I thought should go beyond it, beyond the world, and so it's wrong for us to have high thoughts for ourselves in this world. And I was thinking of what we get in Genesis Chapter 11.
They it says they they said go to let us build us a city.
And a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. And let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord answered, W He came down to see the city, and the tower which the children of men had built it. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is 1. And they have all one language. And this they begin to do. Now nothing will be restrained from them which they haven't imagined to do. And so we know what He did. He confused their language. But.
That I was thinking of the thought there let us make us a name and that is not our position in this world as as believers in the Lord Jesus. We are a heavenly people and we're told in collections that that if we are risen with Christ. Let us seek those things which are above, not things which are on earth. So this thinking high thoughts is just that I believe, is it not just?
Being occupied with things that are earthly, making a name for ourselves down here.
My turn.
In view of the thought of soberness to Acts, I think there's a practical illustration which would help us to see why it's so vital that that character of soberness characterize each of us who belong to the Lord Jesus in Acts chapter 26.
We know this passage well. All is there before Festus and Agrippa, and he's bearing testimony of Christ to them. And he says this as he's speaking.
And of the resurrection in verse 24 and as he all thus spake for himself. That's Acts 26 verse 24 and as he thus spake for himself bestest said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself much learning that make thee mad. So he was ridiculing.
The apostle and seeking to gain say what he was saying, but notice what Paul says.
But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak forth the words of truth and soberness. The message that we have to carry into this world is not only the truth, it's a message of soberness. And if we ourselves, as the vessels who carry that message, are not going on in a sober way, it's very, very out of character with the message that we're to be delivering.
So it's vital for all of us. It doesn't mean that we're not happy, that we're not joyful, that we don't have real joy in the Lord. He says rejoice evermore. But there ought to be a dignity about each of us from the youngest and to the oldest of bearing and a dignity about the way that we walk through this world in a sober way, because the message we have to to give to this world is of truth and solvents.
In thinking soberly in the well known story of the one we call the prodigal down there in the Park Country, getting farther down and farther down.
And all of a sudden said when he was come to himself, now that's thinking sober thought before God, and what a change it made in him.
Verse 16 of our chapter itself is how we are to think, and we're not to think high thoughts.
Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.
There's something pretty positive come down rather than in our thinking.
Definitely connects this danger of having high thoughts in connection with whatever place we might have been given in the body.
But we ought to be careful that it be according.
As well as dealt to every man the measure of faith.
That is not impossible.
For any of us.
To come to see what the Lord has given us to do.
And then, in humility and dependence upon him, seek to do it.
For the blessing of others and for the glory of the Lord Jesus. We know that in First Corinthians chapter 12.
Paul by the Spirit is led to.
Classify gifts according to their spiritual importance.
That which is more needed amongst the Saints than the short gifts that they were paying so much attention to.
But here in these verses.
What Paul is emphasizing.
To be content to do what the Lord has given you to do, and don't go beyond that.
I think that is very helpful because we amongst those gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus.
Are very clear that the one man ministry is not of God and we very faithfully point that out.
Yet I do believe we at times abuse the liberty of the Spirit and trying to do something that the Lord hasn't called us to do. And we have to be faithful pointing these things out as we are faithful in pointing out.
The system that men have set up, but it is not impossible. I already stayed for anyone to know what the Lord wants him to do. And really, if you're doing what the Lord wants you to do, you're the most happy and comfortable in doing it. The problem that we face at times is that anyone that wants to serve the Lord, we expect him to give addresses to preach the gospel and.
Do everything.
You know be chief cook and bottle washer.
You know that is not what we learned from Scripture. You know the Lord in His wisdom has put us together.
So that we can function as a body.
And nobody is sufficient in himself.
We need each other.
To complement each other so that Fe.
Balanced way of truth presented and of the Lord's things to be carried on by different ones. So the exercise and I like to express that especially for the benefit of the young.
That it's not wrong for you to ask yourself, what does the Lord want me to do?
And how does he want me to carry on for him since I belong to him? I'm his property, I want to please him.
Well, you don't find that out by a voice from heaven telling you what to do.
But if you try to do something for the Lord, you will soon find out whether you're trying to do something that you are not qualified for.
And have the humility to admit it.
I was very much impressed when I came from Germany. There was an old brother there, very capable teacher.
And I very much appreciated being exposed to his teaching. They had a problem in that assembly and they wanted him to go and talk to the person that they had a problem with. And he said, I've tried that before and the Lord has shown me that that is not my service.
And He didn't do it. I respected that brother very much for it. So I think the Lord is patient with us when we attempt to do something that we are nearly not qualified to do. He will make it known to us. He will give us to see that this is something that He hasn't qualified us for. But there is something given to everyone. There is no such a thing if we going on spiritually with the Lord.
As a member that is dormant.
You know, or that is just inactive, you know, each one is to function as a member in the body of Christ and these verses here give us that. And that is what Paul is emphasizing. Do what he has qualified you to do. We cannot do anything anyway unless he gives us the gift or the talent and then the Spirit to use that gift, independence upon the law and then not to get occupied.
With our service, you know, or to get big headed.
You know not have I gotten but what I received to him, Writer said Grace has bestowed it since I have believed boasting excluded excluded price. I tried. I base I'm only a Sinner saved by grace. So the Lord is able to make it clear to each one of us what he wants us to do.
It's connected here with the grace of God.
He says, verse for three, for I say through the grace given unto me. And then he speaks about proper thoughts concerning service and thinking soberly, having presented ones body to the Lord is a reasonable intelligent sacrifice. Then he brings up the matter of the service that results from having done so, and so he brings out the fact that.
I say, through the grace given unto me.
And sober thoughts are going to give us, as Brother Heinz just mentioned, the right thoughts about the measure of the faith that's given and the work that one is going to do. And we see an example in the apostle Paul of what he says here about himself in First Corinthians chapter 15. Because there is a danger in failing to do the work God has given us to do, because we don't have right thoughts about it.
So he says in First Corinthians 15.
Verse 9, he's talking about those who saw the Lord Jesus and resurrection and the apostle Paul was one who had that wonderful privilege of seeing the Lord Jesus after his resurrection in a actually a very unique and special way. And so he says verse eight. And last of all, he was seen of me also as one born out of two time for I am the least of the apostles that I am not me to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God.
He speaks about this wonderful privilege he had, but immediately the truth touches his own heart and conscience and he says, but I'm the least he has right thoughts about himself with respect to it. But then he goes on in verse 10 to say, but by the grace of God, I am what I am, and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain. That's the danger, brethren, God has given to you and I something to do for himself.
But is that that work and the fittedness for that work, that grace of God that's been bestowed upon us? Is it possible that in your life it's in vain? That is, that if God has enabled you to do something by his grace, but you're not doing it?
In that sense, if Paul had been so fitted, but he didn't do what he was called of God to do, he would have made the grace of God be in vain with respect to the apostle Paul. But he says it wasn't in vain because I labored more abundantly.
Than they all he looked at himself individually, and he said, I'm the least of all the apostles. And yet that same sober understanding on his part, he could also say he labored more abundantly than every one of those apostles. If he hadn't had the sense of what he was before God, he would have been proud.
But he wasn't he thought properly about it. And so he says I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was in me. And so the honor went to God concerning the service of the apostle Paul. And now he's going in this chapter to give us a series of things that different examples of the way that God has fitted the body to work together and he would have each one have a sense that he's given them that by his grace.
And humility will be in it, as it was in the Apostle Paul, if it's a real sense in the soul that it comes.
And the source of it yet not I, but the grace of God.
These first three verses certainly give a good background to enter into the question of the truth of the one body. Things so important, the willingness to lay ourselves on the altar of sacrifice. Not thinking of our own interests, thinking of others good. How important that is in the midst of a society that we live in that is so self-centered. Thinking of their own interests first.
We need to keep that in its perspective, then to to renew our minds to think the things as God sees them in verse two, and not to have high thoughts in verse 3. Then we can operate properly in our position as members of the body of Christ. And it's so important, dear brethren, that the truth continues to remain. Isn't that tremendous in verse?
Five, it says. So we being many.
Are one body in Christ isn't that beautiful?
The public testimony is so divided and so much ruin to it, I sometimes say, because I remember I didn't understand what ruin meant as to the testimony. But if a heathen person would come from some other part of the earth to Des Moines, IA.
And ask where are the Christians in this city?
Why they would point to numerous different places in this city. Why? Because the public testimony is in ruins. But for as much as we have failed in showing that truth, the truth still remains. There is one body, and I think that's such a tremendous thing to get a hold of. The truth remains, brethren, there is one, but nothing can change that. And as God looks down in the city of Des Moines, as he looks down in this world.
All he recognizes is 1 body, but that's something that should exercise because in a physical body that performs rightly, there is no dormant member. Every member has their place and their function. And I think that's so important for each one of us to be exercised by about because doesn't mean that everyone's going to do the same thing, no.
But everyone should be exercised before the Lord to do what the Lord would have them to do.
I like the thought that a brother mentioned not too long ago.
When the Lord Jesus was at the marriage of King of Galilee, if Jesus was there.
And she said to the servants in relation to the Lord Jesus, whatsoever he says unto you, do it. And that's what should be our exercise. You're young people. I don't think it means that we should become interflexive and be thinking and analyzing what gift I may have. The Lord may in time show us, but it's not to be occupied with ourselves.
And thinking that it's been looking to the Lord Jesus.
As heads to be active in what he would have us to do, that is important. So there is no such thing as a as an assembly without gift. Every assembly is gifted, brethren.
Every member of the body is gifted.
Look over in Timothy chapter First Timothy chapter 4.
Because Timothy was a timid.
Person, evidently.
It seems by the exhortation he gets from the Apostle Paul.
But what he tells Timothy and I think these are things that we need to.
Listen to because they're written for our learning.
Say First Timothy chapter 4 and verse 14.
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the lane on of the hands of the Presbyterian.
He had a gift, Timothy did. He said don't neglect that gift, Timothy. You have the fellowship of those that were in oversight in it. Don't neglect that gift.
In Second Timothy, chapter one.
Verse 6.
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance, that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hand.
The apostle Paul had given his full fellowship to Timothy, too.
In the use of that gift, but there was a danger there that Timothy would neglect it that and he needed to stir it up. The Spanish translation of that verse 6 is that they'll wake up.
The gift of God that is in thee. It was dormant, perhaps, so we need to be stirred rather now, I'm convinced.
That most of the gift that Christ is given to his body is not being used properly.
And if we would be stirred to use whatever the Lord gives us.
What tremendous things God could do.
As we're looking at these scriptures that there's only men that are being talked about, but that isn't correct.
I'd like to point out that in the fifth verse it says so we being many.
Are one body in Christ and everyone members one of another, and that means every single child of God, man or woman. And if you look from verse 6 on down to the end of 15, you'll find many things that can be carried out by women.
Hospitality, rejoicing, blessing.
Hope all these things. Now some of them are for men only. We know that from Scripture. But that does not exclude the women. They're part of the body and they are helpful in their sphere, in prayer and all these things I just mentioned. So let's keep in mind that when we speak of the body of Christ, we speak of all Christians.
Wanted to point out that in the first epistle of Timothy.
He says neglect not, and maybe it can be applied this way. When things are going well, like we have it in the first epistle, somebody might say, well, brother so and so and brother so and so is there. I don't have to be exercised. Well, don't neglect the gift.
But then when things are like what we have in the second epistle, when things are.
In ruin.
Discouragement might come in stir up.
Stir up the gift.
Use what the Lord has given you for the Lord, even when there is ruin and we are in that situation. And isn't that wonderful, beloved, saying that we can function as a body and use that as the principle for our coming together, although not all members of the body of Christ.
In the community where we live, are willing to meet in that way. We still use that as the order.
For our meetings.
And function as a body.
Now I believe those of us who are older.
One of the challenges that is presented to us.
That we, with the Lord's help, can assist the younger ones to learn to fit in, not to be content to have an audience.
But to help the younger ones to develop and fit in so that they can learn to function as a member in the body of Christ.
These are all helpful, I hope Comments for our consideration, you know.
To say, for instance, that a young person cannot open the mouth in the assembly until he is 30 years old because the Lord Jesus started his ministry with 30 years.
That would be quenching the Spirit of God. Of course, it wouldn't be a commendable thing that a younger brother tries to take over, but he should not be discouraged.
Exercising His gift or to fit in to function as a member of the body of Christ. When we receive somebody into practical fellowship with us, you know that we can practice.
The truth of the body of Christ. With him we are not just saying you can come and break bread with us. No, we accept you as a member of the body of Christ. You don't become a member of brethren, you become or you come.
And fit in, hopefully as a member of the body of Christ, and as such you are received. So let's encourage development of younger ones.
To participate.
And the younger one shouldn't be afraid to say something if they have an exercise, but then if it is not quite correct.
Have the humility to accept correction, you know, just because somebody says something that isn't correct.
That in itself is not the worst thing that can happen. That might well be an occasion for learning, not for that person that makes a statement that isn't correct for the rest of us. So.
We are in a school, we're all growing hopefully and maturing so that we can be more useful for the Lords interest in this scene.
In our chapter here, verse six, we're getting a little bit slow again, so we look at verse 6.
And I was thinking it says having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy will let us prophecy according to the proportion of faith or and so on in ministry. And somebody has said what is a gift?
A very simple illustration that was given to me was a gift is an expression of an impression.
How do I appreciate Christ? Is He? Is he everything to me? Do I want to share this with others?
God can use that, but I was just noticing too. Or in the book of chapter 4 of Ephesians. We get their special gifts, don't we?
Ephesians chapter 4 and we can go over those special gifts to the whole Church of God, but then notice just dropping down to verse 15.
But speaking the truth, or holding the truth in love may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.
From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every gift supplier.
There's there's a gift that everyone has. There are special gifts to the assembly. That's true and God uses them and we bring he brings that out in the early part of this chapter. But also there is the gifts as it says here.
But which every joint supplier? I don't care how weak we are, how feeble we are. The figure, the little nail on your finger.
Means something to you and if you lose it, you find out. So it says here.
Where the body is fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, make it increase of the body according to the edifying of itself. In love there's the bond again, the love that brings us together. And so those gifts, I thought of this in connection with gift. There are special gifts, that's true.
But also, every child of God is our brother has already brought out, every child of God has a gift. God has given you a gift somewhere.
Her brother makes him the other night his prayers pray that we might not overextend ourselves. And I think that that is really the subject of this sixth verse is the not the existence of the gift, but the overextension of it. And so there's faith connected with it in Ephesians chapter 4. It is the individual that is the gift to the church.
And so if you, the person themselves, he gave some not gifts of apostleship, but he gave some apostles that the Lord has given you as an evangelist to the church then, and you don't feel that function, then you're missing as an individual. And in Corinthians, it's the gift that the manifestation of the Spirit that is pointed out. But here in this chapter, we have the measure of the gift. And so we see in the growth of the exercise of gift according to the proportion of faith.
That it may begin in a small way and the exercise of that gift and then it expands and it grows. And so you see, I don't want to point out an individual particularly, but our brother has a literature work all over the world, but it started as a young Christian going out in a quiet way.
Handing out tracks door to door and the proportion of the faith grows and so that God grows that. So if I try to imitate that and go and say, well brother, so and so is going to does that, I'm going to go and do that.
I'm not acting proportion to my faith, I'm acting in proportion to his. And so we see this with Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles and Philip.
That they got their apprenticeship in serving the Saints and waiting on tables in a difficult situation, perhaps. Maybe where things were not always.
Maybe things got a little bit abrasive, as we saw there, but they exercised their gift in that sphere in a practical way. But then as faith grew, we see that other gift was manifest there. It was used in a more public way. And so in connection with youth and in connection with these things, we see that the sphere enlarges.
But it should never be as her brother pray to overextended or to go beyond what God has given us. Because a person may know how to fly a Piper Cub, it doesn't mean he's going to get into a 747 and fly one of those. I mean, we understand that in a practical way, but in the exercise of gifts, it's that way as well, spiritual gifts.
I'd like to explain, if I could, the difference.
That might be in the measure of faith, as we have it in verse three, and the proportion of faith.
The measure of faith seems to have to do with the gift communicated.
Or according to the grace given to us in verse 6.
You know the grace has given us a measure of gift, but according to the proportion of faith.
That which we minister.
In bringing prophecy processing here is not so much for telling future events, but as we have it in First Corinthians 14, first telling.
Previously revealed truth and apply it to whatever situation arises and situation that we confront. But what is important is that we better be in the good of what we present.
That wouldn't be according to the proportion of faith. In other words, the danger is that I or anybody can preach something that they are not in the good of it by faith.
It's a intellectual thing. I haven't really laid hold of it. I'm not living in the good of it. Then I'm not ministering or I'm not prophesying according to the proportion of faith.
So that's very important, you know, and so thrilled realize, and this man is talking beyond what he's living in the good of, you know, and it does harm to souls instead of being edified by what is presented. I hope this commends itself. If anybody has another thought, please express it. But to me, that is the way it's suggested to me. The measure of faith is what has been communicated.
And then the proportion of faith is what I'm in the good of personally.
What the Lord was explaining in the end of.
Matthew 13 when he had put forth those seven parables.
And then he questions those who were listening.
Have you understood all these things, verse 51?
What did they say?
Yay, Lord.
Now he tells them something which I think fits what we're being taught right now. Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe.
You can read and write too.
Which is instructed under the Kingdom of Heaven. That's what he'd just been telling them.
Is like unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things in old. We get this truth in from the Bible, and store it up, and are ready to use it when the Lord gives address, and he does supply the gift. I might say that in Romans.
We don't find the church until you get to the last chapter.
It's individual and the gifts are from God. That makes us easy to look at them without analyzing them too much.
So I think it's very profitable to get down past the fact that there is one body. They didn't have to be told they were one body at the beginning of the axe.
And they hadn't been told that, far as I know, until you get to this chapter here, then the fullest full thing is developed in the later epistles to the assemblies, where we need them very, very much. But here.
It's the gospel.
Romans is the gospel of God.
And being formed through belief, we are saved personally and we are in the church, and we find that out too. But now it's God.
These diverse gifts, and according to the proportion of faith, were to take them up and minister, give it to somebody else and to go on in teaching and so on.
Now the thing to be careful about is.
That we would take, definitely.
Maybe the three gifts that are left over there in Ephesians 4 that have been referred to.
The first two are the apostles and prophets.
We have the apostles and prophets in this book, but the other three we have evangelists, pastors and teachers, and we recognize those gifts. Not everybody has all of them. And the one who was called an evangelist?
Philip had been preaching the Gospel a long time before he was called an evangelist.
So we don't wait till we get the ability to preach the gospel and say, I'm an evangelist, I can preach. No, we we get the gift from God and we use it according to the portion of faith that he's put in us. Are we stored up?
That's something of the sense in the seventh verse where he says ministry, let us wait on our ministering. It's really a little clearer to use the expression or ministry, let us be occupied in ministering for he that teacheth lest be occupied in teaching. It's an exhortation to be occupied with that which the Lord has given for the sake of the body and the service to it. It isn't sort of sitting and waiting for something to happen. That isn't really the sense here in the it's an exhortation to do.
To be occupied in that thing which the Lord has given. That's why, as it were, Timothy was in danger of, perhaps by his timidness has already been said not fulfilling that which the grace of God had given to him. And so he gives it to us. Brethren, if the Lord is or sister, the Lord has given you a particular word for the body, be occupied in doing it. Don't be occupied in doing something that the Lord has given to somebody else.
The Lord Himself directs everyone of us, and if we're all doing what He has given us to do, then He will see that everything works out for the collective necessity of the body.
Like to say in connection with prophecy that it's a person 1St Corinthians 14. That clearly tells us what prophecy is, and I think it's helpful.
It says in verse three, he that prophesied speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation.
And comfort, in other words, it's taking up the Scriptures and speaking according to a need that is discerned in the people. And that's the sense of prophecy, to have a sense in our souls that there's a need here for a certain kind of ministry. It may be teaching, which is edification. It may be that they know the Scriptures.
But what they need is exhortation.
Or perhaps it has come need of comfort strengthening. And so it's a, it's a sense of discerning what the need is and speaking the word of God accordingly. I remember a brother in South America that was getting involved in politics.
And I think it sincerely was that he didn't understand the position that we occupy as believers.
And so instead of just straight out exhorting him not to get into those circles.
Why a brother took up the question of our heavenly calling, that we're called to heavenly things and that we're ambassadors in the name of Christ. And then it was just a brief word at the end saying this. What is the reason why brother that we don't get involved in politics any side. It took its effect and he left that that is because the brother that spoke to him discern the need and spoke accordingly. I think that's important.
Is not here used the way we usually use the word ministry?
At a service, that's how Mr. Darby renders it, I believe, pays far too much emphasis on preaching and not enough on service. And there are many ways in which.
Saints can serve the Saints.
In a quiet way, and that is very much needed. And I believe that is what is meant in verse 7. An exhortation at times, I believe carries the thought of encouragement.
Not bawling people out, you know. This connected with the thought of encouraging the same and then ruling.
Unfortunately, in the King James, that word is used over and over again, and a better word is leading.
Those who leave, and there are those who leave and even.
The answer to local assembly.
Usually when we speak of those who lead, we think of oversight in the Local Assembly, but in.
Acts Chapter 15.
People are spoken of leading men among the brethren, and also in Hebrews 13. Remember your leaders, those who have spoken the word of God. They might have had local responsibility, but their, their.
Their their leadership is connected with.
The truth that they had brought before the Saints, and by bringing the truth before the Saints, they were leading them in the path of righteousness. I would suggest that ruling or leading here is more in that larger sense, not so much the local assembly. And we can be thankful for those who have in the past ministered the word of God among us.
And have.
Left the same to walk in the path of truth.
And they should do it diligently.
You know, not just haphazardly, diligently, and then those who show mercy.
With cheerfulness, you know, Do it happily, not crunchingly.
Teach us more.
A life less ways, the holy Lamb of God.
And six. And Ruda in my grave has always redeemed my blood.