Open Mtg.

Duration: 55min
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Open—R. Thonney, E. Wilson
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We love not having seen with or whose name is exhausted. Above all, glory, dominion and power, 291.
Turn to Psalm 119.
Psalm 119.
Verse 89.
Oh Lord.
Thy word is settled.
In heaven.
Isaiah chapter 40.
Verse six the voice said cry and he said, What shall I cry?
All flesh is grass.
And all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field.
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it.
Surely the people is grass, the grass wither it the flower.
Theta, but the word of our God shall stand.
Matthew, Chapter 24.
Verse 34.
Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass.
Till all these things be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Lenore, Scripture in Two Timothy, chapter 2.
Two Timothy, chapter 2.
Keep in mind the context. I want to read the first part of verse 19.
The context is of those who had erred and were teaching bad doctrine that the resurrection was already passed.
Verse 19 the first half nevertheless the foundation.
Of God standeth sure.
Having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his, and let everyone that name it the name of Christ.
Depart from iniquity. Mainly that first part of the verse that I wanted to focus on, brethren.
This foundation of God stands short.
It really is impressive to me as a travel brethren.
The progress of evil.
And the decadence that is evident everywhere recently over in Europe.
It is incredible the things you hear taking place.
In those countries, the turning away from God and all that has to do with God, the despising of it.
It probably is not to be surprised at Brethren, because we're getting close to the end.
And this world is getting ripe for the advent of Antichrist.
Probably someone who is alive in the world today, although it is clear from scripture, will not be revealed while we are here.
But what comes as such a tremendous comfort to my own soul?
Brethren and how we need to encourage ourselves in it and be built up in the holy, precious, living, abiding Word of God. Thank God His Word is settled in heaven. Nothing can ever change it. Man can rant and rave and say all they want against the God who loves them and sent His Son to die for them.
It changes nothing as to His eternal purposes and counsels.
His word is settled forever, settled in heaven.
The people is as grass as the voice that Isaiah was told to cry.
It is impressive how fickle.
People are and how they are waved back and forth like a field of grass by different winds.
Of doctrine.
The Word of our God shall stand forever. Isn't that a consolation to your heart and mind?
And then in Matthew for the Lord, Jesus is talking about events.
That must shortly come to pass, he says. Heaven and earth shall pass away.
But my word shall not pass away.
In this book, we have ground to stand on that is more solid than the ground your feet tread on every day.
Oh, how wonderful to know that we stand on something that is forever.
How we need to be encouraged in it. How we need to read the scriptures daily. Dear young brother and sister, Dear older brother and sister, are you reading this book on a daily basis? How important. It scares me when I see people.
Some of whom even profess to be Christians, but are not into the word.
And how they get blown away with different winds of darkness.
May the Lord help us, brethren we have in our hands.
A living book, the living, abiding word of God. What a treasure to have this in our hands, to be able to read it, to meditate on it, to be fed by it, to come together in public meetings, to be exhorted, to be edified, to be comforted through the pages of this book.
And I'd like to speak briefly this afternoon.
On two areas.
Where it seems to me that the enemy is making.
Determined attacks.
One area is something that God instituted right at the beginning.
Is the family.
The other area.
Is something that exists here in this world since the day.
Of Pentecost is called the Church or the Assembly. It is presented in different aspects in the Scriptures as the body of Christ, as the House of God.
But we have very definite principles in the Word of God, and if we're going to see things clearly, we need to see it in the light of Scripture.
Oh, I think this is so important for us in these days to be established in this. This is the only thing that will keep you solid in the day we live in. It's a day when everything is beginning to shake. And you know, everything that can be shaken will be shaken in the end. But there are those things that cannot be shaken.
Those things that rest on the precious Word of God.
And I was over in Spain just recently, went to visit a young family that has come over from Bolivia.
To get work in Spain.
Nice young brother and his wife and they have three small children.
That he told me how awful a shock it was for them to try to fit into the culture over there in Madrid, Spain. Madrid's a big city. How people despise the mention of God, how they speak so disrespectfully of God.
And it is a challenge to that dear young family to keep themselves.
In view of that apostasy, that turning away from God.
The Brethren United States and Canada.
Is on the heels of what is taking place in Europe.
And so we need to be challenged in our souls as to why.
We believe. Is there reason to believe? Is there reason to say the things that we do?
Is there scripture in this book that shows what we say to be true? Still remember as a young man coming back to live in Chicago, and I was only 18 when I came back to live in Chicago, and when I met up with some of the reactions of people in that city, I was not brought up in a big city.
How shaken I was when people laughed me straight in the face.
When I told them what I believed, it shook me. That's what my mom and my dad had taught me.
From my youth, that's what I believed.
And it sent me scrambling to be able to say that's not what I've been taught from my family.
That's what God says in His Word. And you know a young person, older ones too, I found that there is real reason to say the things that we do, but there is no firmness in us, in ourselves, but the stability is in the precious, living, abiding, never changing Word of God.
May the Lord help us to.
Settle our souls to rest our souls on what God says in his own precious word.
And I'd like to just briefly state things in connection with the family first of all.
That are well known. I'm not going to say anything that is new here this afternoon, but things that I think are so vitally important in connection with the marriage relationship. Let's go to the book of Ephesians, chapter 5.
Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 21.
Beginning this section, Paul says submitting yourselves 1 to another.
In the fear of God. Oh how important that we learn to fear.
I really believe that that is being lost with a lot of people.
Today people fear others, but they don't learn to fear God.
Do you shape up?
When the brethren are around, and when they're not around, you do other stuff.
You know what? You don't fear God. You fear the brethren.
And it's not the fear of the brethren that is the beginning of wisdom.
It's the fear of the Lord. You know that the Lord is observing every aspect of your life.
Every single aspect of your life. Just think of it as if the Lord who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, is standing right beside us at every moment, listening to every word that comes out of our mouths.
Who seen every action that we take at all times? Doesn't matter that nobody else may be seen what we do. Do you live in the fear of God? It says in the book of Proverbs. In connection with sexual sin. The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.
You and I know what it means to fear God.
Please don't fear me, I notice sometimes when I come around people act like they shape up.
It's really an insult.
You don't fear God. Don't fear me, please.
That's not wisdom at all.
But that happens. We live like that sometimes, brother.
Down in Bolivia.
The people, before they get saved, have a certain custom of chewing the coca leaf which the cocaine is extracted from.
And you'll often see them, the big cut in their cheek and their teeth are all green because they've been chewing that. It kills all pain and it kills all sense of tiredness. Kills all hunger, too.
People can work tremendously, but it does damage to their bodies. But that's a habit that they've formed, and it's a very.
Habit forming habit.
And when they get saved, thank God most of them give it up. But sometimes it happens that they don't give it up. Remember one time going down across the Alta Plano and here comes a brother on a bicycle?
He crosses my Jeep. I was going to my Jeep at a good pace and.
When I saw who it was I stamped on the brakes and stopped and jumped out and said yelled at him and and I noticed before he turned around to greet me he emptied his mouth of some green stuff.
I said I wish you wouldn't have done that for me. You're going to do it before the Lord, you might as well do it before me too. But why is it we act that way? Brethren, let's be frank, Before the Lord, do you act that way? Do you act right before your brethren? Maybe before your dad and mom, and yet you don't fear God?
I plead with you, one day you're going to be brought before the throne of God. All that is going to come out like an open book.
Learn to live in the fear of God. But it goes on to say here.
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church.
And he is the Savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be.
To their own husbands in everything.
What's addressed to the woman is submission.
Dear young sister and the Lord Jesus, maybe you're waiting for the Lord's provision of a husband in your life.
The Lord ever brings along such a person in His provision.
Remember what it says here? Submission.
Doesn't mean that the woman's inferior, but in question of authority, so that there will be order in family circles, it has to be understood.
Who's number one in responsibility?
In every area of life there is authority. And if you don't recognize authority?
The result will be anarchy.
And that's what it's coming to in many circles.
This has to be recognized. There is authority doesn't mean that the person in authority.
Is always right. No, but it says submissions.
Wives submit themselves to your own husbands.
As unto the Lord.
Then the major responsibility is verse 25.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.
The husband is a reflection of Christ.
The wife is a reflection of the church.
And in that picture, brethren, I have to confess.
My own failure.
Do I love as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it?
Oh, what a challenge to our hearts to think about it, to love in that way. And that's so important in today's world. You know what I hear increasingly from those who profess to be Christians? I don't love my wife any longer.
Happened down in Bolivia one time. I remember a family that was in trouble.
And the wife or the husband actually said those words.
In front of a visiting brother, one of the Bolivian brothers that was visiting and I.
Really appreciated the reply he gave, he said. Brother.
The scripture doesn't ask you if you love your wife anymore, it commands you to love her.
I thought that was exactly the point. If we understand the character of love that is here, that it speaks of, it's a love of sacrifice. It's not so much a love of feeling. Sure, there is that side of things, but it's not so much here. The agape love with which old man is to love his wife is a love of sacrifice, but it's a love of decision.
And it does not depend on the object.
It depends on the source. Why did God love this world as he did? Was it because there was something good that he saw in this world that he gave his son to die?
No, it was because God is love. That's all.
God loved because God is loved. Now that's the love that you and I are to love our wives.
Dear brother and the Lord Jesus, if you're married.
That's the love that Scripture talks about, I must say, when I was married, an older brother said to me one time, and he's a brother that has a happy home.
And I was quite surprised at first, but I thought it was probably the most useful piece of.
Of advice I got as a believer, young believer going into marriage.
He says there might be times when your wife does not appear very lovable. That's the time to take her in your arms and love her anyhow.
And it's exactly the love we're talking about. It's the foundation of that home circle. And if you find it difficult to love your wife, think of the Lord Jesus who loved the church and gave himself for it. When he stood before those chief priests and Pharisees, when they hit him in the face, when they came up and spit square in his blessed face.
When they crowned them with thorns, when they beat those thorns into his brow, did he ever say this is just too much abuse? I can't take this, I'm out of here. Never.
He went straight on. He loved all the way. That's the love you and I need to be challenged about loving our wives with. Dear brethren, please understand me. I'm not just merely.
Putting the finger in that direction at you. I'm putting it at my own heart. I know I need to be challenged as to this as well. But this year, principles, living, abiding principles of the word of God. They will stand you instead in times like we live in.
This book holds true even in 2002 when we're living.
Prove it, put it into effect. You're going to find that it is true. And so, husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church.
Chapter 6. Another set of relationships in the family circle.
Children and parents.
Children, obey your parents and the Lord, for this is right.
Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment, with promise that it may be well with thee.
And thou mayest live long on the earth.
Here's the responsibility laid on the children.
I suppose you could say in verse one it is while the children are under their parents roof.
It is important that they learn to obey. Obey your parents in the Lord. But what we have in verse two and three is something that always ought to characterize our relationship to our parents. Honor thy father and thy mother, which is the first commandment with promise. Yes, we may form our own households. We may not be directly under their control.
But honor. You want the blessing of God in your life. Honor.
Your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise.
Verse four And ye fathers, I understand this.
To mean mothers as well parents, you could say, provoke not your children to rot, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Oh, how important.
Our relationship as parents with our children. Dear brethren, I cannot say I have done very good on this verse.
But I think it is so increasingly important that we.
Put into.
Practice the precious principles that we find here, not to provoke our children to Iraq, but to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Two things.
Nurture is positive. Admonition is corrective.
And the nurturing comes first. Oh, how important.
Not just to be policemen that say no, no, no, no, but to be able to first of all nurture, give them the food that is necessary. Read the scriptures with your children.
Sometimes people down in South America, when I encourage them to read the scriptures with their children, say I don't know how to explain it. I say you don't have to explain it, just read it.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. It doesn't say hearing. Faith comes by the explanation of the word of God. It's by the hearing of the word of God. And I thank God for parents.
Far as I can remember as I look back, don't remember a day.
Where they neglected getting out this book and reading.
Some scriptures.
You know, it doesn't take a whole long collected getting out this book.
And reading some scriptures you know it doesn't take a whole long time to read.
A few scriptures.
And it's so important to get something from the precious Word of God on a daily basis.
Rather down in Bolivia, where I recently was.
I asked him how he's doing and he says, oh, not too bad. I said, are you reading the scriptures? He said frankly, I read maybe once a week.
I said what is wrong? Why don't you read daily?
And I said, sit down here. We had a few moments together, let's read a chapter. And I'm going to calculate on my watch just how long it takes to read that. And we read around. He read a couple verses and I read a couple of verses.
And I calculated on my watch and I said at the end, you know how much time we took to read that chapter?
It was 6 minutes, 6 minutes. Is that too much to do on a daily basis?
Who? I said I didn't realize you could read so much in so little time. They said let's stop and think. How much time do you take to eat breakfast?
Maybe 10 minutes. How about your lunch? Maybe 20 minutes or half an hour. How about supper? About the same. I say. A whole hour a day you spend.
To make sure you're well fed.
And you don't have time to open this book to feed your soul.
I ask you to make a decision on that matter. I hope he does. But it really is something how we can neglect what is so important. And I encourage parents to read the scriptures with their children, not so much, not so important to be able to explain them. If you understand them, you can explain them.
But if you don't understand, it's better to say I don't understand.
I think parents sometimes perhaps do damage by trying to explain something they don't understand instead of frankly admitting I don't understand this part.
At least let them hear the reading of the scriptures.
Then it speaks of the that's part of the nurturing, but it speaks of the admonition in just a word about this, because I think it is so important too. Scripture speaks in the book of Proverbs of the rod and of the application of the rod.
And I thank God I had a father.
When I was.
Bad. That let me feel the rod to the point at times I couldn't sit down for a good time afterwards.
It's important that a child learn that doing bad stuff hurts if they don't learn it from the parents.
They will learn it later from the authorities and if they don't learn it from the authorities.
They will learn it from the hand of God that doing evil hurts.
Story is told to me by a Bolivian brother of a young man who was raised by his mother. Evidently I don't know where the father was, but never corrected him, always gave him everything they wanted he wanted. She did.
He was caught finally stealing.
And put in prison, in prison since he was never corrected, never controlled.
He ended up killing a couple of the inmates and they sentenced him to death.
And when they took him out to execute him before a firing squad.
They said you have any last request before you're executed. Said I want to give a kiss to my mother.
So they brought his mother there.
Instead of kissing here.
He took his first and planted it in their face, says Mother. Because you didn't correct me.
I'm going to be executed today.
And they took him away and executed it.
But an awful thing it is not love not to correct.
A child. It is not love. He that loves his child chastens him, betimes, the scripture says. I know that the current of the world today is against this, even laying a finger on a child. It's not correct politically to speak this way, but it is the Word of God that will stand forever, and we must.
If our families are going to stand, go by what Scripture says, not by the currents of thought of thinking in this poor world.
So these are things in connection with the family. How important these principles.
I want to speak briefly about the church, the body of Christ, and the House of God. Just look at two scriptures to get this focus before us. Ephesians chapter one and verse.
22 and 23.
Speaking about the Lord Jesus and how the power of God raised him up. Verse 22 and hath put all things under his feet.
And gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him, that fillet All in all the church, which is his body. In other words, the Church is the body of Christ. I know these are things that are well known and understood, but brethren, they're a reality.
And it is such a blessed thing for me when I go from country to country and meet believers in different ways to.
Realize that this is a reality. It doesn't matter what.
Nationality, a person, is what social status he might have.
If they are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God baptizes those believers, unites them in one body to the Lord Jesus in heaven, and one to another. And we need to be encouraged to go on in view of this truth, not only with those that we meet together with, but when we meet believers in different circles, perhaps at work, perhaps at school.
To seek to be in help to them in the measure that we can.
I cannot go with a good conscience to their places of meeting, but in any measure I can, I can seek to be a help and a blessing to them. And that is a responsibility because this is a reality. The church, which is the body of Christ, it's one you know, the enemy has wreaked havoc in the public testimony as to the church.
And sometimes we use the expression the public testimony to the truth that the body of Christ is one is in ruins.
I don't think it is proper to say that the church is in ruins. It is the public testimony to the church that is in ruins.
Because, as presented in Scripture, we're the Lord. Jesus is the builder.
Nothing that is foreign to his mind and will enters there.
It is perfect in the sight of God, but when it comes to public testimony.
If we could bring a heathen from the jungles of New Guinea to the United States and say the Christians are one, and he'd walk around the city of Des Moines and see Christians meeting in one place and another place in another place and ask, you know, are you connected together? They would say no.
He would never get the idea that the church was one because the public testimony is in ruins.
But the truth remains that all believers are united together in one body in Christ, and we are to go on in view of that truth.
One more scripture in One Timothy chapter 3 where we have the church.
As the House of God.
Verse 20. Verse 15.
First Timothy 3:15.
If I tarry long, that thou mayst know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the House of God.
Which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth without controversy. Great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit scene of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory.
There we have the church as the House of God and when it's in connection with order.
And discipline. And there is an order in the House of God, the church, the House of God. And there is a discipline in the church, the House of God.
Then it is the truth of the church as the House of God. It's a question of our conduct here.
Our walking in order in view of that truth.
And what I'd like to say that even though the public testimony is in such ruin, still the truth of God remains. And what's what's so encouraging about Second Timothy chapter 2, where everything was likened to a great house, still the foundation of God stands. Sure. Oh brethren, what a consolation. The truth of God remains.
The church is the House of God, the pillar and ground of the truth. It's not the truth, the church, the truth. If the church is the pillar and support of the truth, where are the truth Is to be upheld, maintained? We are to go on in view of this.
I know sometimes when we look around we see so much failure and ruin.
And smallness of numbers, we wonder is this possible to go on in view of this?
Truth. Even now. I'm convinced it is possible to go on. Even now. Where do we express then that the body of Christ is one? It's in a public way, in the breaking of bread.
On the Lord's Table, the scripture speaks. It's only when mentioned once.
In the New Testament of the Lord's Table, it's the place where his authority is recognized. But there is a loaf.
And that low speaks of all God's people on the face of the earth.
And as that loaf is broken, as we hope to do tomorrow.
Morning and passed from one to another. Each one breaks off a piece and eats it partakes in that way, he expresses. I am a member in part of the body of Christ, of which there is only one in this whole world.
Oh dear brethren, this is the truth. This is the scripture. Just want to say to to our dear young people, still remember a brother in Oak Park years ago when I came there as a young person who was speaking about this truth of the Lord's table.
And he said to us young people says, I can't tell you where that place is. He says if it were anywhere else, if I believed it were anywhere else, I would not be here. But you can't go on what I say. You must go on what God's Word says.
And if you act on God's Word, God will guide you to the right place. And if you are guided by the Spirit of God and by the Word of God, and I am guided too, he said we will not be in two different places in our Christian testimony. That really was a help to me. And so I cannot either brother, sister, young brother and sister say this is the right place.
But I can say, as that brother said, if I believed it were anywhere else.
I would not be here.
But there is the right place. It is not for people to do everyone.
As it appears right in his own eyes.
It is simply to see the truth of what Scripture says.
Not reason about it, but to act on it in obedience. May the Lord help us brethren. I really believe we're down at the end. These are simple principles as to the truth of the Word of God, but we need to be challenged constantly about it.
They're real.
This is the truth that will stand forever.
To Psalm chapter 12 for a couple of verses.
Just want to connect a couple of things of what Bob has brought before us.
With these verses.
The 12Th Psalm.
Verse 6.
The words of the Lord are pure words.
As silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted.
Those words are pure.
And he's going to keep them and he's going to preserve them.
What a comforting thing.
I think it's in Jeremiah, it says. Woe to them that steal my words.
We live in a generation. We live in a day when men think that they can tamper with the word of God.
And they would excuse this and excuse that.
But we know that this word, as we've heard, is not going to pass away. A couple of things before we're done, I want you to turn over with me to First Step Timothy, Chapter 4.
First Timothy, chapter 4.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly.
Than the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons or devils.
Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created, to be received with Thanksgiving of them that believe and know the truth.
It would seem that what the apostle is saying here.
That these doctrines of demons encompasses two things, although it's not all of them, but it would encompass two things.
Forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats. Now why would the enemy?
Attack those two things.
First of all, as we've heard, marriage is a picture of Christ in the church, and you can be sure that that which pictures Christ in the church, the enemy is going to attack anything that would remind him of it.
Anything that he would see connected with that he would attack.
But marriage is honorable in all and the scandals that have come out recently in the Catholic Church.
And the different groups would prove that, wouldn't it?
Anyone who would say otherwise than what God has instituted?
It's really a doctrine of demons.
But there's another one here that's a little bit more obscure, and I think we have to dig a little bit more on this one. That's to find out why it is that the enemy.
Is against those you know who would who would take that which has been rightfully provided as the Creator.
Commanding to abstain from meats.
This is a little more subtle.
But the fact of the matter, I believe, is very simply this, that the reason why it's done is because the devil hates anything.
Anything that gives any credence to the death of Christ, I believe that's the thought here in connection with meat. In this way, meat sustains life, and so the death of Christ on Calvary is what sustains our life in Christ, and that's the reason why the enemy attacks this.
Strange thing, you know that we live in a day and age when there's so much vegetarian as well. If a person believes before the Lord, if that's what they'd like to do, then go ahead.
But The thing is, if you seek to make that something for somebody else to walk in, you're wrong.
Let's not lose sight of the fact, brethren, that we have those two things and the enemy is attacking them of every hand today.
There's two spheres that he has in his crosshairs, if I can put it that way. One is marriage and the other is the assembly.
He has both.
How are we going to persevere and continue on?
Well, I believe that we've heard this afternoon the importance of husbands loving wives, and of wives submitting to their husbands.
What a testimony that is children obedient to their parents. I can give you a little incident that I remember recently was told to me by a sister. She said that she was in one of the stores and.
She was going through the checkouts and of course, that's where they always stick the candy, you know, temptation to the kids.
And the kids were saying, oh mommy, mommy, I'd love to have some of that candy. No, dear, you can't have any because it's dinner time and it's going to spoil your appetite.
That's lovely. The kids accepted that. You know why? Because they were nurtured and trained.
In the admonition of the Lord's wonderful thing. Anyway, this dear mother went through the checkout with her kids. The kids accepted. That dear lady came up to her and she said, I've been observing what's been going on here. She said, I want to commend you. She said there are not many children today who would act like that. What a testimony, by the way, that opened the door for that sister to give her the gospel. See the importance of these things.
What a testimony you know marriages are to a world that knows nothing about it. Marriage today, folks, is just a contract.
That's OK if your marriage doesn't workout, there's always more fish in the pond. That's what they say.
It's a sad thing, isn't it? Sad commentary on the day in which we rebuts the truth.
And on the other hand, how deeply thankful we need to be for all at the hands of our benevolent Creator has provided for us.
Our brethren, you know in other lands that don't have very much.
We look at the abundance of these lands. You know how deeply thankful we need to be. By the way, in closing.
That's one of the marks of the apostate age in which we live, isn't it? Unthankfulness.
I want to say to you, dear children, to all of us, don't take God's blessings for granted.
We need to be deeply thankful for all that he has provided and especially the wonderful spiritual truths.
That he has laid down in his precious word. But a glorious thing to be brought up in a Christian home. My dear mom read the Bible to us every morning.
And every evening she was a woman of faith and she lived out what she believed and she shared it with us.
She used to say to us that this isn't the word of God. Don't read it.
But it is the Word of God, and so we do read it.
And if this book is so terrible with some men charge, why aren't more evil men reading it? Well, the reason is is because it's the living Word of God.
Purified like silver in a furnace. A Burke. Purified 7 times. Do we love this book?
Are we going to follow its precepts? Are we going to be people of the book? Are we going to follow our own ideas?
Going to be disaster if we do well. God help us in His grace and love to submit to the word of God.
To be obedient children, and then we're going to be happy and we're going to be fruitful and productive believers.
Let's just ask God's blessing. Blessed God our Father, thank you for the ministry.