SW's-so Wonderful, etc.

Children—N. Hiebert
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Are you loved and his own like the stars of some ***** his right, proud, adoring.
His crown.
Now, one from the girls, yes #40 oh, that's a good one.
Now who knows the Is there anybody here who doesn't know that song? If I see any hands, there'll be trouble. No hands. Good. Now who knows the actions?
For those that can't hear you do all right. Would you come up here with me? Somebody else? Do you want to come up here with me? And you show us how we do it. And we're going to make sure that if there's anybody here that can't hear, they're going to be able to see what you're doing. Anybody else want to come up here? Who else knows this?
Nobody else. You too. OK, Come on up to 3-4. Who's coming up? You come up with me. You show me how to do it when we get to the court you want to come to?
No, I need, I need a girl up here too. We guys feel. Ah, finally, you're a lifesaver, OK?
Get that ten of the way and then we'll start all right.
Everybody now and that's really singing Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me so little ones to him belong. They are weak, but he is strong. Yes, Jesus loves.
Yes, she loves loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me. He who died heavens get to open wide. He will wash away my sins. Let a little child come in. Yes.
Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me so I'm bad and he wait to make me glad, wait to hold me in his arm. Keeps me safe from every arm, OK?
Yes, Jesus, everybody loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me, loves me still when I'm very weak, and I'll from his shining home on high.
Watch me where I live. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. Last verse Jesus loved me. He will stay close beside me.
All the way.
If I trust him, should I die, he will Take Me Home on high. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so. Now we're going to sing that chorus again, Except we're not going to sing it.
We're just going to do the actions, all right? I'll get started with the words Nobody sings, Yes.
Now that's what it sounds like. Thank you very much. That's what it sounds like. That's a paradox. That's what it sounds like if you can't hear anything.
But you know it's good for everybody. Jesus loves me, He loves you.
And he wants you each one. Now we've got to have another one from the boys.
And I want one from the boys sitting over here, yes.
OK, 48, we're going to sing 48 and 48 is the wise man all right? The wise man built his house with a rock. All right. The wise man built his house upon the rock. The wise man built his house upon the rock. The wise man built his house upon the rocks. And the rings came tumbling down. The rains came down, and the floods came up. The rains came down and the floods came up.
The rain came down and the floods came up, and the house upon the rocks stood firm.
The foolish man built his house upon the sand. The foolish man built his house upon the sand. The foolish man built his house upon the sand. And the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down, and the floods came up. The rains came down, and the floods came up. The rain came down, and the floods came up. And the house upon the sand fell flat.
So build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ. So build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ. So build your place on the Lord Jesus Christ. And the blessed things will come down. The blessings will come down as the prayers go up. The blessings will come down as the prayers go up. The blessings will come down as the prayers go up. So build your life on the Lord.
We got mixed up on some of the words. We better get together on this next time, but I was noticing there's a young fellow sitting in the 2nd row.
That knew the actions much better than I did. His name is Ed and he was really giving us some good action. I should have invited you to come up and help us, but we'll let you buy this time, Ed. Now one from the girls.
You got another one girl here. We've had you up here, so we're going to try someone else.
Just checking.
42 All right, Do we know 42 always Sure do.
Anybody here at 7 years of age?
OK, anybody here 17. Both hands are not going to go up too quickly 27.
70 My hand ate up. OK, let's see now round #42.
A little child of seven, or even 3 or 4.
May enter into heaven.
Through the right state open door.
For when my heart fails.
On Christ that's gone up God.
Is then the soul receiveth salvation through his life?
All right, another one from the boy. This time we're getting.
Which one did you want? Number number six? Yeah, that's on the Backpage, isn't it? 6? All right, let's.
Let's see.
Oh, it's such a lovely song. Let's just sing one verse, of course, OK.
This is a really good one. Number six. God in mercy sent his Son to a world by sin undone. Jesus Christ was crucified, was forcing her Jesus aside all the glory.
All the grace shining in.
The Savior space telling sinners.
From above.
God is light and God.
Is love now another one? This one from a girl? Did you have one you like to sing?
All right, Jesus loves me. I knew we'd get someone to say that again.
We're going to sing the 2 verses of Jesus Loves Me. You want to do this thing again? Would you like to do that again?
We're going to sing in the chorus. Here's what we're going to do. See. Listen carefully now when we sing in the chorus.
We're going to think, yes, Jesus loves and we're going to be real quiet when it comes to me, but we'll all point to ourselves.
Not to the one next to you, but to yourself. Can you remember that we're going to go first verse, chorus, second verse chorus. Remember, no means all right, let's try it. Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible. Help me so.
Let go once to him. Be long. They are weak, but he is strong. Yes, Jesus loves.
Yes, Jesus loves.
Yes, Jesus loves the Bible tells me so. Somebody forgot. Jesus loves me, he who died.
Heavens get to open wide. He will wash away my things. Let a little child come in, Yes, Jesus loves.
Yes, Jesus loves.
Yes, Jesus loves the Bible, tells soul. Really good. Oh, you know how to follow orders. Great.
You must have some wonderful parents that taught you how to do things right.
And not to disobey. Oh, that's wonderful to have a mom and dad like that. Well, I think we're tired, but we're going to pray now. OK, let's all close your eyes and ask the Lord Jesus to bless this little time together. Lord Jesus.
On will I put this on the board? And that one is number. Where is that one door #43 Now is there anybody here that knows the actions to that one?
Nobody. Come on. You've been to Sunday school. You had all the access of that one, don't you? One door, Only one.
Well, we'll swing it through and I'm going to put this up and when I turn around, let's see if you know the actions, OK?
One door and only one, and yet, besides their turf inside and outside, on which side are you?
One door and only once and yet it's time for two. I'm on the inside. On which side are you? Did I see some actions here? Let's do it again. One door and only once and yet it's signs are two, inside and outside. On which side are you?
One door and only one, and yet besides there two. I'm on the and side. On which side are you?
Now we have a very special privilege in this great, wonderful country of the United States and in Canada, where I come from, to be able to do this, open the Bible and to read from it. And I want to turn to the Gospel of John.
And you go to the first book in the New Testament and make a right turn. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, there you are, John. And then you go four more steps to the right and you're in the 4th chapter. All right, John chapter 4. And then we'll take another four steps down and we get to the fourth verse and it says and he, Jesus.
Must go through Samaria. Must needs go through Samaria. Oh, isn't that wonderful to know that Jesus?
Is going from place to place and he's here with us today and he loves boys and girls. And I'm so glad for that verse that says to urge the children to come to him. And so this morning, I hope that it didn't take much urging for mom and dad to get you out of bed and have your breakfast to get dressed and all this kind of thing that you do in the morning and come to Sunday school. So good to see all of you here and the older children too to come to Sunday school. And so Jesus had to come to the city for a reason. We'll find out what that reason is.
It said he must go, and then in the fifth verse we read then cometh he to the city of Samaria.
Which is called Sychar near to the parser of ground that Jacob gave to his son.
Have you heard of a city called Sychar? Anybody here? Sure you have. I just said it. You've heard it.
Sycar city of Sikar, it tells us where he went. So you've heard it. He went to the city of Saikar. He didn't need a map. He was Jesus was completely dependent upon God, his Father as he walked in this world. You know, many years ago, a number of years ago, I had the opportunity to walk in that some of those places, one of them, sorry, one of them was.
Jerusalem. But you know, I was disappointed. I was disappointed because.
This doesn't look like the real thing. I saw people with their hands out and cups out to collect money. Jesus didn't ask anything of anybody except to come. So he came to the city of Saikart.
And then we read in the sixth verse two, it mentions that he went.
To a well. Who knows what a well is? What's a well?
I'm going to need a mic. Is this the one here?
I don't want to take this thing off, so we want to hear you what did.
A little hole? No, no, it's all right. Your voice sounds beautiful. A little hole in this work in the ground. And what's in that hole? Water. Yeah. You hope so. You hope so. Someone else don't have water. So we find that there was a well and it had a name.
It was made by a man a few thousand years before. If I say exactly, some brother is going to come up to me and say that wasn't quite right. Not 2000 or three thousand 3004. We'll say a couple of 1000. Is that all right? We, we won't be too exact on that.
The fact of the matter is this man was very important and he left a well and Jesus came to that well. And I imagine it was like this table and there was the hole there. And I imagine Jesus just sat down like this inside of that well and it tells us there.
That he was tired, says the Bible, says weary.
Tired, like some of us. My good friend over here, Doug was so tired he couldn't come to a meeting today. That is tired. That's real tired. We'll talk to him about that more, won't we? Anyway, tired is the word. He was wearied and he sat on that well, and it tells us the time. Six hours, six hours. Well, everything that the Lord does is exact.
The place, the condition, how he felt, the place, the time, everything was exact. So then we read a little further in the seventh verse, something interesting happened.
Something is there cometh a woman, A woman all by herself.
To draw water. Now what does that mean to draw water?
We have some funny words. I was preaching a gospel meeting some time ago and one of my grandchildren was sitting in this gospel meeting in Pine Grove, Ontario and I was talking about Paul on the road to Damascus and that he fell to the ground and he was a broken man. My little 3 year old granddaughter said to her, Mummy, mummy, that's silly, broken man.
She's right. We have some words that are hard to understand, but it says drawing water. So I got one of the men here. Oh, you're going to see something here. I better go. I guess I can put it out.
Pretty good, but they water all right now, drawing water. When I used to live in a farm that's many years ago, we had something like this. And there was a well and it was not terribly deep, but it was deep enough. And we have to go way down, way down in the water. And then we wiggle the bare bucket around so it would fall over inside. And then we'd scoop up the water and we'd bring it up to the top and then we'd have water, water to drink. Those days the water was a little better than it is now.
There was nothing, no chemicals in it. Well, there were chemicals, but what I mean is no man.
Added chemicals to it. So there was a bucket and there was a rope on it. So she came to draw water and I don't think she had a bucket. I think she probably had a big jug. A big jug. That's what these ladies used to carry on their shoulders or on their head. They carried a big jug. OK, let's let's go a little further now.
There cometh verse seven, a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, Give me a drink.
You like a drink of water? Do you like water? Do you like water? You like pop? No, you don't like pop. You like water. What do you think? Well, you pop or water, what would you like?
Tell everybody, what would you like? I knew it. Bubblies they call it. My little grandson calls it Bubblies. He likes, he likes pop, but he's starting to like milk a little better now. And I think it's because it's it's more macho to drink milk. So anyway, water, give me a drink now. It tells us that he was alone because his disciples had gone away.
They'd gone away. Oh, it was alone. Oh, I hope your mommies and daddies are all here.
Nice to have them with us. You know, we don't want to be alone. Jesus wants the mummies and the daddies and the grandmas and the grandpas and the and so on and so forth. And he wants the boys and girls. So there they were. Jesus was there alone and he had an appointment with that woman and Jesus was right on time. How many of you and most of you were on time for Sunday school this morning?
Good to be on time. I've been married 39 years and I still say that it's good to be on time. Oh wow, we're late. My wife sometimes says people don't expect you to be in time for dinner when they invite you. They say we vote 15 minutes or half an hour late. That's not the way I was brought up. You want to be on time, and so you're here this morning on time. The Lord Jesus Christ came just in time.
We're sinners and Jesus came into this world a little baby and he was not wanted.
Was born in a barn where there were cattle. The stable. It tells us where they feed the cattle. I grew up on a farm. I know what a stables like. I know what a barn smells like. Don't like it? That's why I'm not a farmer. I don't like farming. Sorry, guys. There are farmers out here. Do you like farming? Your daddy? Farmer. No. Good. OK. I like him too. Is your daddy a farmer? No, he's your daddy. Farmer. Whose daddy's a farmer? Yours. What?
Is there nobody here inside of daddy for a farmer?
Anybody here raise your hand if your daddy's a farmer?
Good, he's a friend of mine too. Ah, there we are. All right, so we got farmers too.
Jesus was born in a barn. Nobody wanted that little baby. Here's a little baby here.
Can you imagine not wanting that little baby picking up in your arms and cuddling it? I've got 16 grandchildren. I've done a lot of cuddling. Yeah, Jesus was a baby, but he was still God, did you know that?
Norm, how do you answer? How do you figure that he's a man? And God, I don't know. I believe it. I believe the because the Bible says that's the case. But there was a reason why he did that. He had an appointment with those who were sinners, those who were bad.
And here was a lady that came. Now Jesus came and he did all kinds of wonderful things.
Now let me ask a question of one of you. Do I dare take that again without dropping it?
Came into this world and.
He did good.
Is that why we love Jesus? Because of all the good he did? What do you think?
I don't know, that's a very good answer.
Jesus came into this world.
He came to save. Was that because he did all kinds of good things?
No. What's your answer? Yes or no? Yes.
Your first answer was the right answer. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that to you. You were right. Jesus did not come into the world to save because of all the good he did. He came because.
He was God and he had never sinned. He couldn't send, and he did all kinds of goods. So your second answer is right too. And when he did all these wonderful things.
Man did not want him, they took him.
They slapped him on the face, they spit in his face, they pulled the hair from his face, they beat him with a rod, they put crown of thorns and they put her on his head and they drove it into his head. They did all kinds of things to him. Now, another question I'm going to ask and I think I'll take this lady over here.
Did all those things that man do to him, did that make you want Jesus?
No, no, no, that isn't what took our sins away. It makes me very, very sad that I was one of the gang that did all these things and so was each one in this room because the Bible says.
All had sinned, all our sinners, all our bad.
So they took Jesus.
And they nailed them to the cross.
On Calvary's Hill, they put them on this cross.
And suddenly it got very dark.
And for three hours it was so dark that nobody could see anything around them.
And you know what happened in those three dark hours on the cross? Jesus.
Became the sacrifice. What does that mean? He took my punishment for all the bad that I did.
And the bad that you did, if you come to him and he took them on the cross and God punished his son for three hours. And I can't tell you how severe that punishment was, was. I don't think we'll ever know the measurement of that suffering. But Jesus was on that cross.
And when that was finished, it says, we hear the words of Jesus. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
You know why. For me Jesus died. For me he died for sinners.
So when he was on the cross, he said when all was done, he said it is finished. He bowed his head and he died. And he said it with a loud voice like Bob Tony's voice, a big loud voice. There was no mistaking that there was strength there. He gave up his light. Man did not kill him, but man is guilty in wanting to kill the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, let's get on with it.
Soldier came.
Folk, the spirit aside, and blood and water came out. Jesus was taken off that cross of Calvary.
And some of those two rich men, they came and they put them in a tomb.
And then he rose from the tomb. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start yet. He rose from the tomb.
And then?
We find later on he went to heaven, but before he went he said I'm going to come again.
I'm going to take all those who love me, who have accepted me.
Who accepted me as Savior? Now let's read a little further.
Then said the woman of Samaria, verse 9, How is it that thou being a Jew, asks drink of me? This lady couldn't quite understand this. The Jews and the Samaritans wouldn't talk to each other. Have you ever heard of anything so awful?
Have you ever heard anything like that? What do you think? Have you ever heard of anything like that? People won't talk to each other. You have? Oh, I want to ask who it is. It's not good, is it? These Jews and the Samaritans wouldn't talk to one another. But Jesus said something very wonderful to her. He said several things to her, but first of all, it says he asked for a drink.
He asked for a drink.
Would you like a drink? Would you like a drink? No.
You like a drink?
Would you like a drink?
You like a drink?
Does that mean yes, you want a drink, you're going to get a drink.
All right, here's a drink. Now it says on this bottle.
Pure drinking water. Pure drinking water.
Oh, those two things on the cross would have loved a drink of water and they couldn't get it. Jesus wanted a drink of water because he was tired. My throat is sticky and I'd like to have a drink of water, but I had to talk a little longer, not too much longer. I can't drink water right now. But then there's something else happened here.
Verse 11, the woman said of him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw water from the well, nothing to get the water of the well. You don't have a bucket, you don't have a rope, you don't have a jug, you don't have anything to get the water.
Well, let's go on verse.
11 It also says the well is deep.
The well is deep, and you know something, boys and girls, I don't recommend you get close to a well. Those wells are deep sometimes and they're dangerous.
But you know, there's something that's a lot more dangerous than that, and that is for you to come to Sunday school.
Time after time, Sunday after Sunday, you hear the stories from the Bible. You sing those lovely songs. Jesus loves me this. I know all those nice songs.
And you still haven't had a drink.
Well, you know, when we came out to this conference, we went South and we went WA little bit South and we went W well, we were looking at this and my wife and I said there's psycho as well. SW SW and we thought there must be a lot of SWS in that chapter. There was the Samaritan woman.
There was the sinful woman.
There was the savior of the world.
And there was the satisfying water. So we have the Samaritan woman who was a sinful woman. She met the Savior of the world and found satisfying water. Is that water good? Sure, the water was good, but.
Let's read, find out what that satisfying water was. The woman hadn't let her pot down yet, so she must have gotten something else. And so some of you didn't want to drink of water. So sorry. Is that what Jesus said? Oh no, he says come, come, come. I want you to come. Let's read in the.
Let's see what verse.
Verse 12 Art thou greater than our Father?
Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it, and his children and his cattle.
Jesus said unto her, Whosoever, anybody.
Who drinks of this water shall thirst again? You think you're going to have to have another drink of water?
Sure you are sure you are you going to have to have another drink of water. But Jesus said that the water that he had would be so wonderful. It says verse 13. Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst again. But the water that I shall give him shall be to him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. And today we want you, boys and girls.
To have that water so that you.
Won't thirst again.
It's not this kind of water. That's pure water. No, it's not this kind of water. Jesus wants to give you something much better than that.
Notice that Southwest on there? Hey, what's that Southwest?
Sweet snacks, they water WS. We've got some more. Let's go on.
Well, she took that saving that water and it says she.
He was a saved witness. See what happened here was that she said, give me this water.
Give it to me. You want to take it, You want it, take it. I don't want you boys and girls.
To wait another minute, I want you to understand that Jesus wants you.
Not later, but right now. And you say, well how can I do that?
Now this is not complicated.
You have to tell Jesus do something. Sometimes you say you don't have to do anything, but you do have to do something. You have to admit that you are bad. You're centered. The Bible calls bad centered. You have to admit that. Tell God that you're bad.
And to wash that all away.
A number of years ago, my oldest boy was visiting my father-in-law, Mr. Tom Dear, whom some of you might have known. Tom Dear.
He gave my father-in-law a little slip of paper. I've told you the story before, but please, if you've heard it, don't interrupt a little slip of paper. And on that paper was written. I want Jesus to wash all the black away.
Oh that my father-in-law was so thrilled to see that put it in his pocket. Few days later he took a suit to the dry cleaners, forgot about the slip in his pocket and he when he went to pick up the slip, what happened?
What did you say?
OK, let's hear what you have to say. It turned all black. Turned all black. What do you think happened?
He doesn't know. OK, What do you think? It got wet. Got wet. I think you're right. That's what else happened. You won't guess.
I don't know. OK, that's twice. Yeah, one more time.
That piece of paper with a note on it was stuck to the lapel of the suit.
With a pin and hand it back to you.
Yay, that's great. There was a witness there, wasn't it? That dry cleaner saw that and he didn't have the heart to throw it out. He pinned it on Tom Deer's lapel. So there was a witness.
Now let's read a little further here.
Keep forgetting where we are.
Verse 15 The woman says unto him, Sir, give me this water.
That I thirst not, neither come hit her to draw. Jesus saith unto her goal call.
And come, those three good words, aren't they? We won't read those words in between. Let's just take those 3 words.
And you'll pardon me for doing my own translation here for a bit. OK, go. Oh, she went. My son put a note to his grandfather. Grandfather put it in his pocket. The dry cleaner put it on the lapel. And I've still got the load at home. There was a witness there. Go, tell and come. She did that. She went. She told and she came.
Now you come.
And you'll be going.
But are you going to go without Jesus?
Mom and dad are going to be at this meeting in about half an hour or so, and we're going to do something very special in this room.
It's only for Christians that you can observe and you're going to see something very interesting. Those of us are Christians, and I am. We're going to eat of a broken loaf and drink of a poured out cup and we're going to remember Jesus and what he did on the cross.
I know you'd like to do that, but some of you may not be ready. Why would you want to love Jesus and remember Him if you don't know Him?
And how can you know him?
It tells us here in the 25th verse, the woman saith unto him, I know that.
Messiah comes, which is called Christ. When he has come, he will tell us all things. He's come. Jesus has come. We don't have to wait any longer. There are people out there today say, oh, you know, he's going to come. He's been here, He's been here. He's in my heart and he's in the heart of many of these people sitting here. And I hope he's in your heart. Now, you've heard this before, children. We have a Sunday school back home.
Getting another story I told before.
But it's so special to me. There's a little guy by the name of Royce, and he was saved one day in Sunday school and he came up the stairs and I met him and he said, guess what? Guess what? I'm happy. I said what, The Angels are going to have a party for me at night. He got the message party. Oh, sad to say, some of these children know what parties are all about. Sad parties. But he was looking forward to a very special party, the Angels.
We're going to have a party for all that was so special, he said it in his own words.
The angels are going to have a party for me. Our time is just about gone, you know, but we're not finished here yet. So she became a spiritual worshiper. Now what's your answer going to be?
You say, oh, so S wonderful W Is that what you're going to say? It is wonderful. Or are you going to say So what?
So what?
You wouldn't say that, would You wouldn't say that about Jesus. If he says I want you to come, you wouldn't say So what?
It's important to accept the Lord Jesus as Savior, and it's so wonderful.
Would you like to accept Jesus as your savior? You can do it where you are. You don't have to come and talk to me, although that would be wonderful. Talk to your mom, your dad, or somebody that you know and they could tell you how to be saved because they don't want you to wait because Jesus may come.
I want to tell you one story.
You know, there's a lot of people that have gone to Jesus recently, in the last couple of months.
One father that I knew very well, his name was Peter. He had a boy.
William, or rather Philip, William and Douglas and Jesus took.
This father home to be with him, and those three boys have no daddy.
But you know, there's a lot of people that are.
Helping him, but there's no substitute for a daddy.
But the Lord Jesus, if he is in your heart, you can count on him to be your dad.
He wants to be your savior, first of all. He can be your dad. And I want a little story. You know, I think Don and Grace Rule had this story, so I'm not going to say it exactly the way it did in the messages many years ago. It's called Spider-Man. What's Spider-Man? What's a Spider-Man? Anybody can tell me what's Spider-Man? I hope I don't get. I'll turn this off if I don't like the answer. What's Spider-Man?
Don't know. What do you think? Don't know?
Oh come on, I want to go to the roll here.
I'll have to come over here. What's Spider-Man? What is it? A spider? Well, OK, that's an answer. Well, you know, many years ago, there was a man, they called him the Spider-Man. And this man used to climb up the straight walls of a building. And he seemed to be able to almost scale the wall without any effort. And he was going up the side of this building, and he went up to about 10th floor. That's about 100 feet, maybe a little more. And here he was. He was climbing up slowly and slowly he stopped.
He stopped. They were everybody's gasping, wondering what's happening. And he reached way up there for something to get ahold of and he grabbed it and he fell. He fell 100 feet to the ground.
And he died. What do you think they had found in his hand when they opened it? Who knows?
What do they find in his hand?
Not sure.
Yeah, right here we found in his hand.
Money. No, no, that's a good answer.
No good answer though.
A stick? No. Our time is gone. I have to tell you one more.
You're very close. A spider web. He reached out and he grabbed a spider web. It wouldn't hold him and he went down and he died. Boys and girls, life is very brief. When I was younger, my little 10 year old brother went to be with the Lord. He died and we put him away in the grave. But you know, he said.
Before he died, I'm going home just like that, going home. And so many have gone to be with Jesus. And if you and I could have a little peek into heaven to see what they're doing, we understand.
You know, Paul, he was up there and he couldn't even describe it. The words just weren't there to describe it. Now you want to be saved. You want to be saved.
Think about.
S&W Think about Sikers. Well, think about the Samaritan woman. Think about the simple woman who met the Savior of the world, found the satisfying water, became saved, witnessed spiritual worship. Now your answer.
So wonderful or so wild.
Don't want you to leave without really thinking about this question carefully. Do you belong to Jesus? Let's pray. Lord Jesus, we are so happy for all these children here.