Our Security.

A SERVANT of the Lord had just finished his evening service. He was standing at the head of the stairs, saying, “Good-night” to his congregation as they wended their way homeward. Presently, he saw coming towards him a blind man leaning heavily on the arm of a friend. Anxious for the man’s safety, he called out in a friendly voice, “Aren’t you afraid of falling?” and he says he will never forget the blind man’s reply. Pointing to the friend on whom he leaned he said, “I shall fall when he falls.”
What a beautiful illustration of faith! For our salvation depends entirely on the Lord Jesus Christ, upon His Word, His Worth, His Work. It is the value God puts on His precious blood that secures our pardon. God was so perfectly satisfied with the work of His beloved Son at Calvary that He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His own right hand in glory. There our Substitute is today, crowned with all honor, power and majesty, so that each of us, too, may say like the blind man, “When He falls, I shall—never before!”
Let us thank Him afresh for having accomplished an “eternal redemption” for us, for giving to us an “eternal salvation.”
E. R. M.